public void Initialize__PopulatesPresenters() { var test = new ProcessActionPresenter(AnAction.Build(), x => new[] {_fakeProcessor.Object}); test.Initialize(); Assert.NotEmpty(test.Screens); }
public void Initialize__PopulatesPresenters() { var test = new ProcessActionPresenter(AnAction.Build(), x => new[] { _fakeProcessor.Object }); test.Initialize(); Assert.NotEmpty(test.Screens); }
public void DisplayName__ReturnsActionTitle() { const string titleOfTheAction = "Title of the action"; var test = new ProcessActionPresenter(AnAction.Called(titleOfTheAction).Build(), x => new[] {_fakeProcessor.Object}); Assert.Equal(titleOfTheAction, test.DisplayName); }
public void DisplayName__ReturnsActionTitle() { const string titleOfTheAction = "Title of the action"; var test = new ProcessActionPresenter(AnAction.Called(titleOfTheAction).Build(), x => new[] { _fakeProcessor.Object }); Assert.Equal(titleOfTheAction, test.DisplayName); }
public void DisplayName_WhenSet_SetsActionTitle() { Mock<IAction> mockAction = AnAction.Mock(); var test = new ProcessActionPresenter(mockAction.Object, x => new[] {_fakeProcessor.Object}); const string newTitle = "New title"; test.DisplayName = newTitle; mockAction.VerifySet(x => x.Title = newTitle); }
public void DisplayName_WhenActionTitleChanges_RaisesPropertyChanged() { const string titleOfTheAction = "Title of the action"; Mock<IAction> stubAction = AnAction.Called(titleOfTheAction).Mock(); var test = new ProcessActionPresenter(stubAction.Object, x => new[] {_fakeProcessor.Object}); test.AssertThatChangeNotificationIsRaisedBy(x => x.DisplayName). When(() => stubAction.Raise(x => x.PropertyChanged += null, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Title"))); }
public void DisplayName_WhenActionTitleChanges_RaisesPropertyChanged() { const string titleOfTheAction = "Title of the action"; Mock <IAction> stubAction = AnAction.Called(titleOfTheAction).Mock(); var test = new ProcessActionPresenter(stubAction.Object, x => new[] { _fakeProcessor.Object }); test.AssertThatChangeNotificationIsRaisedBy(x => x.DisplayName). When(() => stubAction.Raise(x => x.PropertyChanged += null, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Title"))); }
public void DisplayName_WhenSet_SetsActionTitle() { Mock <IAction> mockAction = AnAction.Mock(); var test = new ProcessActionPresenter(mockAction.Object, x => new[] { _fakeProcessor.Object }); const string newTitle = "New title"; test.DisplayName = newTitle; mockAction.VerifySet(x => x.Title = newTitle); }
public void Apply__AppliesCurrentPresenter() { IAction action = AnAction.Build(); var mockCommand = new Mock<ICommand>(); _fakeProcessor.Setup(x => x.ApplyCommand).Returns(mockCommand.Object); var test = new ProcessActionPresenter(action, x => new[] {_fakeProcessor.Object}); test.Initialize(); test.Apply(); mockCommand.Verify(x => x.Execute(action)); }
public void Apply__AppliesCurrentPresenter() { IAction action = AnAction.Build(); var mockCommand = new Mock <ICommand>(); _fakeProcessor.Setup(x => x.ApplyCommand).Returns(mockCommand.Object); var test = new ProcessActionPresenter(action, x => new[] { _fakeProcessor.Object }); test.Initialize(); test.Apply(); mockCommand.Verify(x => x.Execute(action)); }