コード例 #1
ファイル: TestAll.cs プロジェクト: drwiner/GDPOPS
        public static void TestBenchmarks()
            var domainNames = new List <string>()
                "arth", "batman"

            foreach (var dn in domainNames)
                var testDomainDirectory = Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Benchmarks\" + dn + @"\domain.pddl";
                var testDomain          = Parser.GetDomain(Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Benchmarks\" + dn + @"\domain.pddl", PlanType.PlanSpace);
                var testProblem         = Parser.GetProblem(Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Benchmarks\" + dn + @"\prob01.pddl");

                ProblemFreezer PF = new ProblemFreezer(dn, testDomainDirectory, testDomain, testProblem);

                var directory = @"D:\Documents\Frostbow\Benchmarks\Results\";
                var cutoff    = 6000f;
                var k         = 1;

                var initPlan = PlanSpacePlanner.CreateInitialPlan(PF);

                RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new ADstar(), new E0(new AddReuseHeuristic()), k, cutoff, directory, 0);
                RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new ADstar(), new E1(new AddReuseHeuristic()), k, cutoff, directory, 0);
                RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new ADstar(), new E2(new AddReuseHeuristic()), k, cutoff, directory, 0);
                RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new ADstar(), new E3(new AddReuseHeuristic()), k, cutoff, directory, 0);
                //RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new DFS(), new Nada(new ZeroHeuristic()), k, cutoff, directory, 0);
                RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new BFS(), new Nada(new ZeroHeuristic()), k, cutoff, directory, 0);
コード例 #2
        public static void RunProblem(string directory, string domainName, string domainDirectory, Domain domain, Problem problem, float cutoff, int HTN_level, Dictionary <Composite, List <Decomposition> > CompositeMethods)
            // Reset Cached Items

            var PF = new ProblemFreezer(domainName, domainDirectory, domain, problem);


            Console.WriteLine("Detecting Statics");

            var initPlan = PlanSpacePlanner.CreateInitialPlan(PF);

            // Removing irrelevant actions
            Console.WriteLine("Removing Irrelevant Actions");
            var staticInitial = initPlan.Initial.Predicates.Where(state => GroundActionFactory.Statics.Contains(state));

            // Every action that has No preconditions which are both static and not in staticInitial
            var possibleActions = GroundActionFactory.GroundActions.Where(action => !action.Preconditions.Any(pre => GroundActionFactory.Statics.Contains(pre) && !staticInitial.Contains(pre)));

            GroundActionFactory.GroundActions = possibleActions.ToList();
            GroundActionFactory.GroundLibrary = possibleActions.ToDictionary(item => item.ID, item => item);

            // Composing HTNs
            Console.WriteLine("Composing HTNs");
            Composite.ComposeHTNs(HTN_level, CompositeMethods);

            // Caching Causal Maps
            Console.WriteLine("Caching Causal Maps");
            CacheMaps.CacheGoalLinks(GroundActionFactory.GroundActions, initPlan.Goal.Predicates);

            // Cache Heuristic Costs (dynamic programming)
            Console.WriteLine("Caching Heuristic Costs");

            // Redo to gaurantee accuracy (needs refactoring)
            initPlan = PlanSpacePlanner.CreateInitialPlan(PF);

            var probNum = Int32.Parse(problem.Name);

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Running Problem {0}", probNum));

            RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new ADstar(false), new E0(new AddReuseHeuristic(), true), cutoff, directory, probNum);

            //RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new ADstar(true), new E0(new AddReuseHeuristic()), cutoff, directory, probNum);
            //RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new ADstar(true), new E1(new AddReuseHeuristic()), cutoff, directory, probNum);
            //RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new ADstar(true), new E2(new AddReuseHeuristic()), cutoff, directory, probNum);
            //RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new ADstar(true), new E3(new AddReuseHeuristic()), cutoff, directory, probNum);
            //RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new BFS(false), new Nada(new ZeroHeuristic()), cutoff, directory, probNum);

            // RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new BFS(true), new Nada(new ZeroHeuristic()), cutoff, directory, probNum);
コード例 #3
        public static ProblemFreezer ReadDomainAndProblem(bool serializeIt, int whichProblem)
            var domainName      = "blocks";
            var domainDirectory = Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Benchmarks\" + domainName + @"\domain.pddl";
            var domain          = Parser.GetDomain(Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Benchmarks\" + domainName + @"\domain.pddl", PlanType.PlanSpace);
            var problem         = Parser.GetProblem(Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Benchmarks\" + domainName + @"\prob0" + whichProblem.ToString() + @".pddl");

            var PF = new ProblemFreezer(domainName, domainDirectory, domain, problem);

            if (serializeIt)