/// <summary> /// 导入题目(不存在时返回null) /// </summary> /// <param name="request">Http请求</param> /// <param name="fileType">文件类型</param> /// <param name="uploadType">上传方式</param> /// <param name="content">文件内容</param> /// <param name="file">上传文件</param> /// <returns>题目数据是否插入成功集合(全部失败时为null)</returns> public static IMethodResult AdminImportProblem(HttpRequestBase request, String fileType, String uploadType, String content, HttpPostedFileBase file) { if (!AdminManager.HasPermission(PermissionType.SuperAdministrator)) { throw new NoPermissionException(); } if (!String.Equals("1", fileType)) { return(MethodResult.FailedAndLog("File type is INVALID!")); } if (String.Equals("1", uploadType))//从文件上传 { if (file == null) { return(MethodResult.FailedAndLog("No file was uploaded!")); } StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file.InputStream); content = sr.ReadToEnd(); } //转换题库模型 List <ProblemEntity> problems = null; List <Byte[]> datas = null; List <Dictionary <String, Byte[]> > images = null; Dictionary <String, Byte[]> imagefiles = new Dictionary <String, Byte[]>(); if (!ProblemImport.TryImportFreeProblemSet(content, out problems, out datas, out images)) { return(MethodResult.FailedAndLog("File content is INVALID!")); } if (problems == null || problems.Count == 0) { return(MethodResult.FailedAndLog("No problem was imported!")); } //处理题目及图片路径 for (Int32 i = 0; i < problems.Count; i++) { problems[i].IsHide = true; problems[i].LastDate = DateTime.Now; if (images[i] == null) { continue; } String uploadRoot = ConfigurationManager.UploadDirectoryUrl; foreach (KeyValuePair <String, Byte[]> pair in images[i]) { if (pair.Value == null || !pair.Key.Contains(".")) { continue; } String oldUrl = pair.Key; String fileNewName = MD5Encrypt.EncryptToHexString(oldUrl + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssffff"), true) + pair.Key.Substring(pair.Key.LastIndexOf('.')); String newUrl = uploadRoot + fileNewName; problems[i].Description = problems[i].Description.Replace(oldUrl, newUrl); problems[i].Input = problems[i].Input.Replace(oldUrl, newUrl); problems[i].Output = problems[i].Output.Replace(oldUrl, newUrl); problems[i].Hint = problems[i].Hint.Replace(oldUrl, newUrl); imagefiles[fileNewName] = pair.Value; } } //将题目插入到数据库 List <Int32> pids = ProblemRepository.Instance.InsertEntities(problems); if (pids == null || pids.Count == 0) { return(MethodResult.FailedAndLog("Failed to import problem!")); } //保存题目数据 Dictionary <Int32, Boolean> dataadded = new Dictionary <Int32, Boolean>(); for (Int32 i = 0; i < pids.Count; i++) { if (pids[i] < 0) { continue; } try { if (datas[i] != null) { IMethodResult ret = ProblemDataManager.InternalAdminSaveProblemData(pids[i], datas[i]); if (!ret.IsSuccess) { return(ret); } dataadded[pids[i]] = true; } } catch { dataadded[pids[i]] = false; } ProblemCache.IncreaseProblemSetCountCache(); //更新缓存 ProblemCache.IncreaseProblemIDMaxCache(); //更新缓存 ProblemCache.RemoveProblemSetCache(GetProblemPageIndex(pids[i])); //删除缓存 } //保存题目图片 foreach (KeyValuePair <String, Byte[]> pair in imagefiles) { try { UploadsManager.InternalAdminSaveUploadFile(pair.Value, pair.Key); } catch { } } return(MethodResult.SuccessAndLog <Dictionary <Int32, Boolean> >(dataadded, "Admin import problem, id = {0}", String.Join(",", pids))); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条题目 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity">题目实体</param> /// <returns>是否成功增加</returns> public static IMethodResult AdminInsertProblem(ProblemEntity entity) { if (!AdminManager.HasPermission(PermissionType.ProblemManage)) { throw new NoPermissionException(); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Title)) { return(MethodResult.FailedAndLog("Problem title cannot be NULL!")); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Description)) { return(MethodResult.FailedAndLog("Problem description cannot be NULL!")); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Input)) { return(MethodResult.FailedAndLog("Problem input cannot be NULL!")); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Output)) { return(MethodResult.FailedAndLog("Problem output cannot be NULL!")); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.SampleInput)) { return(MethodResult.FailedAndLog("Problem sample input cannot be NULL!")); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.SampleOutput)) { return(MethodResult.FailedAndLog("Problem sample output cannot be NULL!")); } if (entity.TimeLimit <= 0) { return(MethodResult.FailedAndLog("Time limit must not be less or equal than zero!")); } if (entity.MemoryLimit <= 0) { return(MethodResult.FailedAndLog("Memory limit must not be less or equal than zero!")); } entity.IsHide = true; entity.LastDate = DateTime.Now; Boolean success = ProblemRepository.Instance.InsertEntity(entity) > 0; if (!success) { return(MethodResult.FailedAndLog("No problem was added!")); } ProblemCache.IncreaseProblemSetCountCache(); //更新缓存 ProblemCache.IncreaseProblemIDMaxCache(); //更新缓存 ProblemCache.RemoveProblemSetCache(GetProblemPageIndex(entity.ProblemID)); //删除缓存 return(MethodResult.SuccessAndLog("Admin add problem, title = {0}", entity.Title)); }