コード例 #1
 private void UpdateParent()
     //load any parent:
     //l-s-r-p -> l-s-r
     //l-s-r   -> l-s
     //l-r     -> l
     //l-s     -> l
     //l       -> no parent
     if (Region.IsSet() && Script.IsSet() && PrivateUse.IsSet())
         Parent = GetParentLanguageTag($"{Language}-{Script}-{Region}");
     else if (Region.IsSet() && Script.IsSet())
         Parent = GetParentLanguageTag($"{Language}-{Script}");
     else if (Script.IsSet() || Region.IsSet())
         Parent = GetParentLanguageTag(Language);
         Parent = default;
コード例 #2
 private void UpdateCultureInfo()
     try {
         if (PrivateUse.IsSet())
             CultureInfo = new CultureInfo(OriginalLanguageTag.Replace($"-x-{PrivateUse}", string.Empty));
             CultureInfo = new CultureInfo(OriginalLanguageTag);
     catch (ArgumentException) { }
コード例 #3
        // Operations
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs 'language matching' between lang described by this (A)
        /// and language decibed by i_rhs (B). Essentially, returns an assessment of
        /// how well a speaker of A will understand B.
        /// The key points are as follows:
        ///   · The Script is almost as relevant as the language itself; that is, if
        ///     you speak a language but do not understand the script, you cannot
        ///     read that language. Thus a mismatch in Script should score low.
        ///   · The Region is less relevant than Script to understanding of language.
        ///     The one exception to this is where the Region has traditionally been
        ///     used to also indicate the Script. E.g.
        ///         zh-CH -> Chinese (Simplified)  i.e. zh-Hans
        ///         zh-TW -> Chinese (Traditional) i.e. zh-Hant
        ///     In these cases we normalize all legacy langtags to their new values
        ///     before matching. E.g. zh-CH is normalized to zh-Hans.
        /// «LX113»
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="i_rhs"></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns a score on to what extent the two languages match. The value ranges from
        /// 100 (exact match) down to 0 (fundamental language tag mismatch), with values
        /// in between which may be used to compare quality of a match, larger the value
        /// meaning better quality.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Matching values:
        ///                                              RHS
        /// this                    lang    lang+script     lang+region     lang+script+region
        /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// lang                |   A       D               C               D
        /// lang+script         |   D       A               D               B
        /// lang+region         |   C       D               A               D
        /// lang+script+region  |   D       B               D               A
        /// NB: For the purposes of the logic above, lang incorporates Language + PrivateUse subtags.
        /// A. Exact match (100)
        ///     All three subtags match.
        /// B. Unbalanced Region Mismatch (99) [zh, zh-HK] [zh-Hans, zh-Hans-HK]
        ///     Language and Script match;
        ///     one side has Region set while the other doesn't.
        ///     Here there is the possibility that due to defaults Region matches.
        /// C. Balanced Region Mismatch (98) [zh-IK, zh-HK] [zh-Hans-IK, zh-Hans-HK]
        ///     Language and Script match;
        ///     both sides have Region set but to different values.
        ///     Here there is NO possibility that Region matches.
        /// D. Unbalanced Script Mismatch (97) [zh-HK, zh-Hant-HK]
        ///     Language matches, Region may match;
        ///     one side has Script set while the other doesn't.
        ///     Here there is the possibility that due to defaults Script matches.
        /// E. Balanced Script Mismatch (96)
        ///     Language matches, Region may match;
        ///     both sides have Script set but to different values.
        ///     Here there is NO possibility that Script matches.
        /// F. Language Mismatch (0)
        ///     Language doesn't match.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <seealso href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/jj673578.aspx"/>
        public int Match(LanguageTag i_rhs, MatchGrade matchGrade = MatchGrade.LanguageMatch)
            if (i_rhs == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("i_rhs");
            // Either langtag being null fails the match.
            if (!Language.IsSet() || !i_rhs.Language.IsSet())
            // Init.
            bool[] L = { 0 == string.Compare(Language, i_rhs.Language, true), Language.IsSet(), i_rhs.Language.IsSet() };
            bool[] S = { 0 == string.Compare(Script, i_rhs.Script, true), Script.IsSet(), i_rhs.Script.IsSet() };
            bool[] R = { 0 == string.Compare(Region, i_rhs.Region, true), Region.IsSet(), i_rhs.Region.IsSet() };
            bool[] P = { 0 == string.Compare(PrivateUse, i_rhs.PrivateUse, true), PrivateUse.IsSet(), i_rhs.PrivateUse.IsSet() };
            // Language incorporates Language + PrivateUse subtags for our logic here.
            L[0] = L[0] && P[0];
            L[1] = L[1] || P[1];
            L[2] = L[2] || P[2];
            // Logic.
            int score = 100;

            // F.
            if (!L[0])
            // A.
            if (S[0] && R[0] && P[0])
            if (matchGrade != MatchGrade.ExactMatch)
                // B.
                if (S[0] && !R[0] && R[1] != R[2])
                if (matchGrade != MatchGrade.DefaultRegion)
                    // C.
                    if (S[0] && !R[0] && R[1] == R[2])
                    if (matchGrade != MatchGrade.ScriptMatch)
                        // D.
                        if (!S[0] && S[1] != S[2])
                        // E.
                        if (!S[0] && S[1] == S[2])
                    //DebugHelpers.WriteLine("LanguageTag.Match -- fallen through: {0}, {1}", ToString(), i_rhs.ToString());
            // F.
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new instance based on a language tag string.
        /// If successful, then the Language property is set to a valid language subtag.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="langtag">
        /// Supports a subset of BCP 47 language tag spec corresponding to the Windows
        /// support for language names, namely the following subtags:
        ///     language (mandatory, 2 alphachars)
        ///     script   (optional, 4 alphachars)
        ///     region   (optional, 2 alphachars | 3 decdigits)
        ///     privateuse (optional, 4+ alphanumericchars)
        /// Example tags supported:
        ///     "en"               [language]
        ///     "en-US"            [language + region]
        ///     "zh"               [language]
        ///     "zh-HK"            [language + region]
        ///     "zh-123"           [language + region]
        ///     "zh-Hant"          [language + script]
        ///     "zh-Hant-HK"       [language + script + region]
        ///     "en-GB-x-ACMECorp" [language + region + privateuse]
        /// </param>
        /// <seealso href="http://www.microsoft.com/resources/msdn/goglobal/default.mspx"/>
        public LanguageTag(string langtag)
            m_langtag = langtag.Trim();
            // Normalize certain langtags:
            // «LX113» http://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/#script
            for (int i = 0; i < NormalizedLangTags.GetLength(0); ++i)
                if (0 == string.Compare(m_langtag, NormalizedLangTags[i, 0], true))
                    m_langtag = NormalizedLangTags[i, 1];
            m_langtagLC = m_langtag.ToLowerInvariant();
            // Parse the langtag.
            Match match = s_regex_parseLangtag.Match(m_langtag);

            if (match.Success &&
                match.Groups.Count == 5)
                Language   = match.Groups[1].Value;
                Script     = match.Groups[2].Value;
                Region     = match.Groups[3].Value;
                PrivateUse = match.Groups[4].Value;
            // Load any parent:
            //   l-s-r-p -> l-s-r
            //   l-s-r   -> l-s
            //   l-r     -> l
            //   l-s     -> l
            //   l       -> no parent
            if (Region.IsSet() && Script.IsSet() && PrivateUse.IsSet())
                m_parent = GetCachedInstance(string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", Language, Script, Region));
            else if (Region.IsSet() && Script.IsSet())
                m_parent = GetCachedInstance(string.Format("{0}-{1}", Language, Script));
            else if (Script.IsSet() || Region.IsSet())
                m_parent = GetCachedInstance(Language);
                m_parent = null;
            GlobalKey = string.Format("po:{0}", m_langtag).ToLowerInvariant();
            try {
                if (PrivateUse.IsSet())
                {   // Strip out the private use subtag to allow CultureInfo to be set, based on the rest of the language tag
                    CultureInfo = new CultureInfo(langtag.Replace("-x-" + PrivateUse, string.Empty));
                    CultureInfo = new CultureInfo(langtag);
            catch (System.ArgumentException) {}
            NativeNameTitleCase = CultureInfo != null?CultureInfo.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(CultureInfo.NativeName) : "m_langtag";

            //Debug.Assert(ToString() == langtag);