コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Custom implementation of PrivateBuildingAI.BuildingUpgraded that takes into account that our levels can be upgraded OR downgraded; for use when current building level is below the set prefb leve.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buildingAI">Building AI instance</param>
        /// <param name="buildingID">Building instance ID</param>
        /// <param name="data">Building data record</param>
        private static void CustomBuildingUpgraded(PrivateBuildingAI buildingAI, ushort buildingID, ref Building data)
            buildingAI.CalculateWorkplaceCount((ItemClass.Level)data.m_level, new Randomizer(buildingID), data.Width, data.Length, out int level, out int level2, out int level3, out int level4);
            buildingAI.AdjustWorkplaceCount(buildingID, ref data, ref level, ref level2, ref level3, ref level4);
            int workCount  = level + level2 + level3 + level4;
            int homeCount  = buildingAI.CalculateHomeCount((ItemClass.Level)data.m_level, new Randomizer(buildingID), data.Width, data.Length);
            int visitCount = buildingAI.CalculateVisitplaceCount((ItemClass.Level)data.m_level, new Randomizer(buildingID), data.Width, data.Length);

            ReversePatches.EnsureCitizenUnits(buildingAI, buildingID, ref data, homeCount, workCount, visitCount, 0);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Prefix to force settings reset on load (if enabled) for RICO buildings (resetting to current settings).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="__instance">Original object instance reference</param>
        /// <param name="buildingID">Building instance ID</param>
        /// <param name="data">Building data</param>
        /// <param name="version">Version</param>
        private static bool Prefix(PrivateBuildingAI __instance, ushort buildingID, ref Building data, uint version)
            // Don't do anything if the flag isn't set.
            if (!ModSettings.resetOnLoad)
                // Carry on to original method.

            // Check to see if we've preloaded a local settings file.
            if (Loading.localRicoDef != null)
                // Step through each definition from the local settings file, looking for a match.
                foreach (RICOBuilding building in Loading.localRicoDef.Buildings)
                    if (building.ricoEnabled && __instance.m_info.name == building.name)
                        // m_level is one less than building.level.
                        byte newLevel = (byte)(building.level - 1);

                        if (data.m_level != newLevel)
                            Debugging.Message("found building '" + building.name + "' with level " + (data.m_level + 1) + ", overriding to level " + building.level);
                            data.m_level = newLevel;

                        // Basic game code processing to continue initialisation.
                        __instance.CalculateWorkplaceCount((ItemClass.Level)data.m_level, new Randomizer(buildingID), data.Width, data.Length, out int level, out int level2, out int level3, out int level4);
                        __instance.AdjustWorkplaceCount(buildingID, ref data, ref level, ref level2, ref level3, ref level4);

                        int workCount       = level + level2 + level3 + level4;
                        int targetHomeCount = 0;

                        // Update visitor count.
                        int visitCount = __instance.CalculateVisitplaceCount((ItemClass.Level)data.m_level, new Randomizer(buildingID), data.Width, data.Length);

                        // Check to see if rsidential building homecounts differ from settings.
                        if (building.service == "residential")
                            int currentHomeCount = 0;

                            // Count currently applied citizen units (households).
                            if (data.m_citizenUnits != 0)
                                // At least one household here; get the first.
                                CitizenUnit citizenUnit = Singleton <CitizenManager> .instance.m_units.m_buffer[data.m_citizenUnits];
                                currentHomeCount = 1;

                                // Step through all applied citizen units (linked via m_nextUnit), counting as we go,
                                while (citizenUnit.m_nextUnit != 0)
                                    citizenUnit = Singleton <CitizenManager> .instance.m_units.m_buffer[citizenUnit.m_nextUnit];

                            // Determine target household count.
                            targetHomeCount = __instance.CalculateHomeCount((ItemClass.Level)data.m_level, new Randomizer(buildingID), data.Width, data.Length);

                            // If target household count is lower than the current household count, we need to perform a forced reset.
                            // The reverse case, targets greater than current, will be caught with the base-case call to EnsureCitizenUnits below.
                            if (targetHomeCount < currentHomeCount)
                                Debugging.Message("found Residential prefab " + building.name + " with target homecount " + targetHomeCount + " and citizen units " + currentHomeCount + "; forcing homecount reset");
                                RealisticCitizenUnits.EnsureCitizenUnits(ref __instance, buildingID, ref data, targetHomeCount, workCount, visitCount, 0);

                        // Update citizen units to match new totals.
                        EnsureCitizenUnitsRev(__instance, buildingID, ref data, targetHomeCount, workCount, visitCount, 0);

                        // Clear any problems (so we don't have any residual issues from changing service types, for example (new) residential buildings showing 'not enough goods'.
                        // Any 'genuine' problems will be quickly reapplied by the game.
                        data.m_problems = 0;

                        // We've set things up here for Ploppable RICO - don't fall through to game code.

            // If we've hit this point, then no Ploppable RICO setup has occured - fall through to game code.