protected override IEnumerable <Toil> MakeNewToils() { this.FailOnDestroyedOrNull(iPrisoner); this.FailOnDestroyedOrNull(iSacrificeBuilding); this.FailOnAggroMentalState(iPrisoner); yield return(Toils_Goto.GotoThing(iPrisoner, PathEndMode.OnCell)); yield return(Toils_Haul.StartCarryThing(iPrisoner, true, false)); yield return(Toils_Goto.GotoThing(iSacrificeBuilding, SacrificeSpot.InteractionCell)); yield return(Toils_Reserve.Release(iPrisoner)); var doSacrificePrisoner = new Toil { socialMode = RandomSocialMode.Off, }; doSacrificePrisoner.initAction = () => { Sacrificer.carryTracker.TryDropCarriedThing(SacrificeSpot.InteractionCell, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, out var thing, null);; }; doSacrificePrisoner.AddFailCondition(() => Prisoner.Dead); doSacrificePrisoner.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Never; doSacrificePrisoner.AddPreTickAction(() => { --TicksLeft; if (TicksLeft <= 0) { ReadyForNextToil(); } }); yield return(doSacrificePrisoner.WithProgressBar(iPawn, () => (TicksMax - (float)TicksLeft) / TicksMax)); var afterSacrificePrisoner = new Toil { defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Instant, initAction = () => { var heartBpr = Prisoner.RaceProps.body.AllParts.Find(bpr => bpr.def.defName == "Heart"); var dInfo = new DamageInfo(Defs.HeartExtraction, 99999f, armorPenetration: 999f, hitPart: heartBpr); Prisoner.Kill(dInfo); ThoughtUtility.GiveThoughtsForPawnExecuted(Prisoner, Sacrificer, PawnExecutionKind.GenericBrutal); // Apply negative relations modifier. if (pawn.Faction != null && Prisoner.Faction != null) { Faction playerFaction = pawn.Faction; Faction prisonerFaction = Prisoner.Faction; string reason = "GoodwillChangedReason_RemovedBodyPart".Translate(heartBpr.Label); GlobalTargetInfo?LookTargets = pawn; playerFaction.TryAffectGoodwillWith(prisonerFaction, -25); } // Apply thoughts to pawns. foreach (var mapPawn in Map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsAndPrisoners) { if (mapPawn.IsPrisoner) { mapPawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(Defs.SacrificedFear); } else if (mapPawn.IsColonist && (mapPawn.IsRevia() || mapPawn.IsSkarnite())) { mapPawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(Defs.SacrificedPositive); } else if (mapPawn.IsColonist && !(mapPawn.IsCannibal() || mapPawn.IsPsychopath() || mapPawn.IsBloodlust())) { mapPawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(Defs.SacrificedNegative); } } // Spawn the product, or handle one of the other effects. // Find a good spot to spawn the product. IntVec3 spawnPos = CellFinder.FindNoWipeSpawnLocNear( Prisoner.Position, Map, Defs.Bloodstone, Rot4.Random, 6, pos => { return ((pos.x < Prisoner.Position.x - 1 || pos.x > Prisoner.Position.x + 1) && // F**k you Tynan. Learn your coordinates! (pos.z < Prisoner.Position.z - 1 || pos.z > Prisoner.Position.z + 1)); }); if (Map.GameConditionManager.ConditionIsActive(Defs.Eclipse)) { var missingParts =; if (missingParts.Count > 0) { var missing = missingParts.RandomElement();; var maxHp = missing.Part.def.GetMaxHealth(pawn); var injuryHediff =, missing.Part, new DamageInfo(DamageDefOf.Rotting, 1.0f, 10000.00f)); var permHediffComp = injuryHediff.TryGetComp <HediffComp_GetsPermanent>(); injuryHediff.Severity = maxHp / 2.0f; permHediffComp.IsPermanent = true; } else { var thing = GenSpawn.Spawn(Defs.Bloodstone, spawnPos, Map); thing.stackCount += 2; } } else if (Map.GameConditionManager.ConditionIsActive(Defs.SolarFlare)) { var permInjuries = => h.IsPermanent() && !(h is Hediff_MissingPart)).ToList(); if (permInjuries.Count > 0) { var randomInjury = permInjuries.RandomElement(); randomInjury.Severity -= randomInjury.Part.depth == BodyPartDepth.Inside ? 2.0f : 4.0f; } else { var thing = GenSpawn.Spawn(Defs.Bloodstone, spawnPos, Map); thing.stackCount += 1; } } else { var thing = GenSpawn.Spawn(Defs.Bloodstone, spawnPos, Map); } var bloodthirst = Sacrificer.needs.TryGetNeed <BloodthirstNeed>(); if (bloodthirst != null) { bloodthirst.CurLevel += 0.80f * Prisoner.BodySize; } TaleRecorder.RecordTale(Defs.TaleSacrificed, new[] { Sacrificer, Prisoner }); // Find a good spot to move the prisoner corpse. IntVec3 movePos = CellFinder.FindNoWipeSpawnLocNear( Prisoner.Position, Map, Prisoner.Corpse.def, Rot4.Random, 6, pos => { return ((pos.x < Prisoner.Position.x - 1 || pos.x > Prisoner.Position.x + 1) && // F**k you Tynan. Learn your coordinates! (pos.z < Prisoner.Position.z - 1 || pos.z > Prisoner.Position.z + 1)); }); Prisoner.Corpse.Position = movePos; } }; yield return(afterSacrificePrisoner); }