コード例 #1
        public override void Printing_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
            base.Printing_PrintPage(sender, e);

            string name  = Printing.GetFullName(firstName, middleName, lastName, extension);
            string first = "To whom it may concern," + Printing.LineSpace +
                           Printing.Indention + "This certification is issued to " + Printing.GetFullName(firstName, middleName, lastName, extension) + ", of legal age, Filipino and a residing at " + Printing.IfControlEmpty(Address) + ", per TD No." + Printing.IfControlEmpty(tdNoField) + " in support of " + Printing.HisOrHer(SexOption.Text) + " application for " + Printing.IfControlEmpty(specField) + " permit with the Local Government Unit (LGU) Kalibo." + Printing.LineSpace +
                           Printing.Indention + "Issued this " + IssuedOn.customFormat() + " at Barangay Poblacion, Kalibo, Aklan.";

            e.Graphics.DrawString(first, Printing.font, Brushes.Black, rect);
            DrawDebugRecs(rect, e);
            Printing.DrawSpecimenSignature(e, Printing.GetName(firstName, middleName, lastName, extension));
            Printing.DrawCap(e, o.captName);
コード例 #2
        public override void Printing_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
            e.Graphics.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.Certificate_Template, Point.Empty);
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(e.PageBounds.Width / 3 - 30, e.PageBounds.Height / 3 - 10, 550, 380);

            string name  = Printing.GetFullName(firstName, middleName, lastName, ext);
            string first = "To whom it may concern:" + Printing.LineSpace +
                           Printing.Indention + "This is to certify that " + Printing.MrOrMrs(sex.Text) + " " + name + " of legal age, " + cStatus.Text + ", Filipino, has been a resident of " + Address.Text + " belongs to an  indigent family in this Barangay." + Printing.LineSpace +
                           Printing.Indention + "This certification is issued upon the request of " + sex.HisHer() + " " + Relation.Text + " " + reqSex.MrMs() + " " + By.Text + " in support to " + Printing.HisOrHer(reqSex.Text) + " claim for the Burial Assistance from the " + FromThe.Text + ", in behalf of their immediate family members." + Printing.LineSpace +
                           Printing.Indention + "Issued this " + IssuedOn.customFormat() + " Barangay Poblacion, Kalibo, Aklan.";

            e.Graphics.DrawString(first, Printing.font, Brushes.Black, rect);
            DrawDebugRecs(rect, e);

            Printing.DrawCapSb(e, o.captName, officerOption.Text.ToUpper());
コード例 #3
        public override void Printing_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
            base.Printing_PrintPage(sender, e);

            string name  = Printing.GetFullName(firstName, middleName, lastName, ext);
            string _name = Printing.GetName(firstName, middleName, lastName, ext);

            string first = "To whom it may concern:" + Printing.LineSpace +
                           Printing.Indention + "This is to certify that as per record of this Barangay " + name + ", " + age.PrintAge() + ", " + civilStatusOption.Text + ", Filipino has been a resident of " + Address.Text + (isIndigent.Checked ? ", belongs to an indigent family." : ".") + (yearsOfStay.Value > 0 ? " " + sexOption.HeShe(true) + "'s been stayin at Barangay Poblacion for " + yearsOfStay.Value + " years." : "") + Printing.LineSpace +
                           Printing.Indention + "This is to certify further that " + name + " died last " + DeathDate.Value.ToString("MMMM dd,yyyy") + " at " + deathPlace.Text + "." + Printing.LineSpace +
                           Printing.Indention + "This certification is issued upon the request of " + Printing.HisOrHer(sexOption.Text) + " " + Relation.Text + " " + By.Text + " for " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(purpose.Text)? "whatever legal purpose it may serve " + reqSexOption.HimHer():purpose.Text) + "." + Printing.LineSpace +
                           Printing.Indention + "Issued this " + IssuedOn.customFormat() + " Barangay Poblacion, Kalibo, Aklan.";

            e.Graphics.DrawString(first, Printing.font, Brushes.Black, rect);
            DrawDebugRecs(rect, e);

            Printing.DrawCapSb(e, o.captName, officerOption.Text);
            Printing.DrawSpecimenSignature(e, _name);