コード例 #1
ファイル: PrtCap_Builder.cs プロジェクト: ZeroInfinite/wpf
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the array index of a standard PrintCapabilities feature
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>non-negative index if matching feature found, otherwise -1</returns>
 /// <exception>none</exception>
 private static int LookupFeatureIndex(string featureName, bool isSubFeature)
     // The mapper returns int-value of the feature's enum, which is what we use
     // as the feature array index.
                isSubFeature ? PrintSchemaTags.Keywords.SubFeatureMapTable :
コード例 #2
ファイル: PrtCap_Builder.cs プロジェクト: ZeroInfinite/wpf
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the array index of a standard PrintCapabilities parameter-def
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>non-negative index if matching parameter-def found, otherwise -1</returns>
        /// <exception>none</exception>
        private static int LookupParameterIndex(string paramName, out bool isLocalParam)
            isLocalParam = false;

            int index = PrintSchemaMapper.SchemaNameToEnumValueWithMap(

            if (index < 0)
                // We didn't find a match to a global parameter. Now try the local parameters.
                index = PrintSchemaMapper.SchemaNameToEnumValueWithMap(

                // If a match is found, we know it must be a local param
                if (index >= 0)
                    isLocalParam = true;

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the reader cursor to the next Print Schema Framework element at the given depth.
        /// (The element could be Feature, ParameterDefinition, Option, ScoredProperty or Property)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depth">client-requested traversing depth</param>
        /// <param name="typeFilterFlags">flags to indicate client interested node types</param>
        /// <returns>True if next Framework element is ready to read.
        /// False if no more Framework element at the given depth.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="XmlException">XML is not well-formed.</exception>
        public bool MoveToNextSchemaElement(int depth, PrintSchemaNodeTypes typeFilterFlags)
            bool foundElement = false;

            while (!foundElement && _xmlReader.Read())
                // Read() throws XmlException if error occurred while parsing the XML.

                // If we hit an end-element tag at higher depth, we know there are no more
                // Framework elements at the client-requested depth.
                if ((_xmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) &&
                    (_xmlReader.Depth < depth))

                // Stop at the next XML start element at the client-requested depth
                // and in the standard Framework element namespace.
                if ((_xmlReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) ||
                    (_xmlReader.Depth != depth) ||
                    (_xmlReader.NamespaceURI != PrintSchemaNamespaces.Framework))

                // Find a candidate, so reset internal states to be ready for its parsing.

                foundElement = true;

                _currentElementDepth   = depth;
                _currentElementIsEmpty = _xmlReader.IsEmptyElement;

                // Map element name to Schema node type
                int enumValue = PrintSchemaMapper.SchemaNameToEnumValueWithMap(

                if (enumValue > 0)
                    _currentElementNodeType = (PrintSchemaNodeTypes)enumValue;
                    #if _DEBUG
                    Trace.WriteLine("-Warning- skip unknown element '" + _xmlReader.LocalName +
                                    "' at line " + _xmlReader.LineNumber + ", position " +

                    foundElement = false;

                if (foundElement)
                    // Check whether or not the found element type is what client is interested in.
                    // If not, we will skip this element.
                    if ((CurrentElementNodeType & typeFilterFlags) == 0)
                        #if _DEBUG
                        Trace.WriteLine("-Warning- skip not-wanted element '" + _xmlReader.LocalName +
                                        "' at line " + _xmlReader.LineNumber + ", position " +

                        foundElement = false;

                if (foundElement)
                    // The element is what the client wants.
                    if (CurrentElementNodeType != PrintSchemaNodeTypes.Value)
                        // Element other than <Value> should have the "name" XML attribute.
                        // Reader will verify the "name" XML attribute has a QName value that
                        // is in our standard Keyword namespace.
                        string QName = _xmlReader.GetAttribute(PrintSchemaTags.Framework.NameAttr,

                        // Only <Option> element is allowed not to have the "name" XML attribute
                        if (QName == null)
                            if (CurrentElementNodeType != PrintSchemaNodeTypes.Option)
                                #if _DEBUG
                                Trace.WriteLine("-Warning- skip element " + CurrentElementNodeType +
                                                " at line " + _xmlReader.LineNumber + ", position " +
                                                _xmlReader.LinePosition + " due to missing 'name' XML attribute");

                                foundElement = false;
                            string URI       = XmlReaderQName.GetURI(_xmlReader, QName);
                            string localName = XmlReaderQName.GetLocalName(QName);

                            if (URI == PrintSchemaNamespaces.Framework)
                                _currentElementPSFNameAttrValue = localName;
                            else if (URI == PrintSchemaNamespaces.StandardKeywordSet)
                                _currentElementNameAttrValue = localName;
                                // If QName value is not in standard PSF or PSK namespace,
                                // then skip this Schema element.
                                #if _DEBUG
                                Trace.WriteLine("-Warning- skip element " + CurrentElementNodeType +
                                                " at line " + _xmlReader.LineNumber + ", position " +
                                                _xmlReader.LinePosition +
                                                " due to non-PSF/PSK 'name' XML attribute value: " + QName);

                                foundElement = false;
                        // For <Value> element, we need to get its element text value.
                        // If this function tells client the <Value> element is found, it guarantees
                        // that the <Value> element text value is non-empty.

                        // Needs to handle xsi:type verification
                        // ReadElementString() returns empty string if the element is empty
                        // (<item></item> or <item/>), and it could throws XmlException.
                        _currentElementTextValue = _xmlReader.ReadElementString();

                        // Our schema requires that <Value> element should always have non-empty value.
                        if ((_currentElementTextValue == null) || (_currentElementTextValue.Length == 0))
                            #if _DEBUG
                            Trace.WriteLine("-Warning- skip element " + CurrentElementNodeType +
                                            " at line " + _xmlReader.LineNumber + ", position " +
                                            _xmlReader.LinePosition + " since it has empty element text");

                            _currentElementTextValue = null;
                            foundElement             = false;
