コード例 #1
        public PricingResults PriceResults(IOption option, Dictionary <string, decimal> priceMarket, DateTime dateDebut, IDataFeedProvider dataFeedProvider)
            Pricer pricer = new Pricer();
            int    length = priceMarket.Count;

            double[] spot = new double[length];
            for (int i = 0; i < spot.Length; i++)
                spot[i] = (double)priceMarket.ElementAt(i).Value;
            if (option is VanillaCall)
                VanillaCall    optionVanilla = (VanillaCall)option;
                PricingResults priceDelta    = pricer.PriceCall(optionVanilla, dateDebut, dataFeedProvider.NumberOfDaysPerYear, spot[0], volatilite);
                BasketOption optionBasket = (BasketOption)option;
                double[]     volatilities = new double[optionBasket.Weights.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < optionBasket.Weights.Length; i++)
                    volatilities[i] = volatilite;
                PricingResults priceDelta = pricer.PriceBasket(optionBasket, dateDebut, dataFeedProvider.NumberOfDaysPerYear, spot, volatilities, matrixCorrelation);
コード例 #2
        public List <Portefeuille> getPortefeuillesCouverture(List <DataFeed> listDataFeed, List <PricingResults> ListePricingResult)
            List <Portefeuille>          listePortefeuille = new List <Portefeuille>();
            IEnumerator <PricingResults> enumPR            = ListePricingResult.GetEnumerator();
            int ind = 0;

            if (listDataFeed.Count < oObservation)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Il y a moins de données que nécessaire à l'estimation.");

            while (ind < oObservation)
            IEnumerator <DataFeed> enumLDF = listDataFeed.GetEnumerator();
            bool           estDebut        = true;
            double         valeur          = 0;
            double         ancienneValeur  = 0;
            PricingResults ancienPR        = null;
            DataFeed       ancienDF        = null;
            string         sousJacent      = oShares[0].Id;

            int waitForRebalancing = oRebalancement;

            double[] currentDelta = new double[oShares.Length];
            while (enumPR.MoveNext() && enumLDF.MoveNext())
                PricingResults pr = (PricingResults)enumPR.Current;
                DataFeed       df = (DataFeed)enumLDF.Current;
                if (estDebut)
                    //calcul de PI0
                    valeur       = (double)pr.Price;
                    estDebut     = false;
                    currentDelta = pr.Deltas;
                    if (waitForRebalancing == 0)
                        valeur             = produitScalaire(currentDelta, df.PriceList) + (ancienneValeur - produitScalaire(currentDelta, ancienDF.PriceList)) * Math.Exp(tauxSR / businessDays);
                        waitForRebalancing = oRebalancement;
                        currentDelta       = ancienPR.Deltas;
                        valeur = produitScalaire(currentDelta, df.PriceList) + (ancienneValeur - produitScalaire(currentDelta, ancienDF.PriceList)) * Math.Exp(tauxSR / businessDays);
                ancienPR       = pr;
                ancienDF       = df;
                ancienneValeur = valeur;
                Portefeuille port = new Portefeuille(df.Date, valeur);
コード例 #3
        public List <PricingResults> pricingUntilMaturity(List <DataFeed> listDataFeed)
            if (oName.Equals(null) || oShares.Equals(null) || oMaturity == null || oStrike.Equals(null) || listDataFeed.Count == 0)
                throw new NullReferenceException();  // TODO pls check if correct
            List <PricingResults> listPrix = new List <PricingResults>();
            List <DataFeed>       listdf   = new List <DataFeed>(listDataFeed);

            //This line wad added.
            oSpot = new double[oShares.Length];
            BasketOption bask_o = new BasketOption(oName, oShares, oWeights, oMaturity, oStrike);

            while (listdf.Count > oObservation)
                for (int myShare = 0; myShare < oShares.Length; myShare++)
                    oSpot[myShare] = (double)listdf[oObservation].PriceList[oShares[myShare].Id];
                PricingResults pr = basketPricer.PriceBasket(bask_o, listdf[oObservation].Date, businessDays, oSpot, oVolatility, matriceCorr);
                if (listPrix.Count > 0)
                    var prev = listPrix.Last();
                    if (Math.Abs(prev.Price - pr.Price) > 3.5)
                        var i = 0;

コード例 #4
        public void Actual(DataTestCase testCase)

            var            pricingCfg      = new PricingConfiguration(testCase.GreekTypes);
            var            pricer          = new Pricer();
            PricingResults expectedResults = null;
            var            actualResults   = pricer.Results(testCase.Option, pricingCfg);
            var            error           = string.Empty;

                using (StreamReader file = File.OpenText(@"C:\Users\AHMED\source\repos\ConsoleApp1\ResultPricing.text"))
                    JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                    expectedResults = (PricingResults)serializer.Deserialize(file, typeof(PricingResults));
            catch (Exception e)
                Assert.Fail(error = string.Format("Not Deserialize result: {0}", e.Message));

            if (actualResults.CompareResult(expectedResults))
                Assert.Pass("No regression detected");
                // save ecart
                Assert.Fail("regression detected");
コード例 #5
        public Balancement(IDataFeedProvider dataFeedProvider, IOption option, DateTime dateTmpDebut, int plageEstimation, int periodeRebalancement)
            var dateDebut = new DateTime(dateTmpDebut.Year, dateTmpDebut.Month, dateTmpDebut.Day);
            var priceList = dataFeedProvider.GetDataFeed(option, dateDebut);

            payoff      = payOffaMaturite(option, priceList);
            pricer      = new Pricer();
            hedge       = new List <decimal>();
            priceOption = new List <double>();
            dates       = new List <DateTime>();
            Dictionary <string, double> compo = new Dictionary <string, double> {

            volatilite        = Estimateur.Volatilite(priceList, plageEstimation, dateDebut.AddDays(plageEstimation), option, dataFeedProvider);
            matrixCorrelation = Estimateur.getCorrMatrix(priceList, plageEstimation, dateDebut.AddDays(plageEstimation));

            PricingResults priceDelta = PriceResults(option, priceList[0].PriceList, dateDebut, dataFeedProvider);
            int            i          = 0;

            foreach (string id in option.UnderlyingShareIds)
                compo[id] = priceDelta.Deltas[i];
                i        += 1;
            DateTime oldBalancement = dateDebut;

            portfolio = new Portfolio(Convert.ToDecimal(priceDelta.Price), compo, priceList[0].PriceList);

            foreach (DataFeed priceAsset_t in priceList.Skip(1))
                if (DayCount.CountBusinessDays(oldBalancement, priceAsset_t.Date) >= periodeRebalancement || priceAsset_t == priceList.Last())
                    priceDelta = PriceResults(option, priceAsset_t.PriceList, dateDebut, dataFeedProvider);
                    portfolio.UpdatePortfolioValue(priceAsset_t, dataFeedProvider.NumberOfDaysPerYear, oldBalancement);
                    i = 0;
                    foreach (string id in option.UnderlyingShareIds)
                        compo[id] = priceDelta.Deltas[i];
                        i        += 1;
                    oldBalancement = priceAsset_t.Date;
コード例 #6
 public static bool CompareResult(this PricingResults actual, PricingResults expected)
     if ((expected.Mtm == actual.Mtm) && actual.Results.CompareGreek(expected.Results))
コード例 #7
        public override CompletePricingResults getPricingResults(List <DataFeed> pricingData)
            double[,] underlyingSpots = ConvertDecimalArray.listDataFeedToDoubleArray(pricingData);
            double[]               volatility             = StatComputing.volatilitiesComputing(underlyingSpots);
            Pricer                 pricer                 = new Pricer();
            double                 spot                   = underlyingSpots[underlyingSpots.GetLength(0) - 1, 0];
            PricingResults         pricingResults         = pricer.Price((VanillaCall)opt, pricingData.Last().Date, 365, spot, volatility.First());
            CompletePricingResults completePricingResults = new CompletePricingResults(pricingResults, new double[] { spot });

コード例 #8
        public void TestMethod1()
            BasketPricingModel bpm = new BasketPricingModel();

            bpm.oMaturity = new DateTime(2015, 8, 20);
            bpm.oName     = "test";
            Share share = new Share("ACCOR SA", "AC FP     ");

            bpm.oShares    = new Share[1];
            bpm.oShares[0] = share;
            bpm.oStrike    = 45.5;
            DataGestion     dg   = new DataGestion();
            DateTime        date = new DateTime(2013, 8, 21);
            List <DataFeed> ldf  = dg.getListDataField(date, bpm.oMaturity, bpm.oShares);
            PricingResults  pR   = bpm.getPayOff(ldf);

コード例 #9
        public override CompletePricingResults getPricingResults(List <DataFeed> pricingData)
            double[,] underlyingSpots     = ConvertDecimalArray.listDataFeedToDoubleArray(pricingData);
            double[,] myCorrelationMatrix = StatComputing.correlationMatrix(underlyingSpots);
            double[] volatility = StatComputing.volatilitiesComputing(underlyingSpots);
            Pricer   pricer     = new Pricer();
            int      nShares    = underlyingSpots.GetLength(1);

            double[] spots = new double[nShares];
            for (int i = 0; i < nShares; i++)
                spots[i] = underlyingSpots[nShares - 1, i];
            PricingResults         pricingResults         = pricer.Price((BasketOption)opt, pricingData.Last().Date, 365, spots, volatility, myCorrelationMatrix);;
            CompletePricingResults completePricingResults = new CompletePricingResults(pricingResults, spots);

コード例 #10
        public Balancement(DataFeed data)
            DateTime    dateDebut = DateTime.Now;
            VanillaCall option    = new VanillaCall("Vanilla Call", new Share("VanillaShare", "1"), new DateTime(2019, 12, 04), 8);
            var         priceList = dataFeedProvider.GetDataFeed(option, dateDebut);

            //Je pense en fait que la fonction Pricer c'est la fonction doit être un fonction qui renvoit pricedelta et du
            //coup c'est la bas qu'on differencie les baskets des vanilles
            pricer = new Pricer();
            PricingResults priceDelta         = pricer.PriceCall(option, dateDebut, dataFeedProvider.NumberOfDaysPerYear, Convert.ToDouble(priceList[0].PriceList[option.UnderlyingShareIds[1]]), 0.25);
            Dictionary <string, double> compo = new Dictionary <string, double> {
            int i = 1;

            foreach (string id in option.UnderlyingShareIds)
                compo[id] = priceDelta.Deltas[i];
                i        += 1;
            // Le premier argument de portefeuille doit être le prix de l'option en 0;
            //Le deuxième la compo
            //le troisième le prix des actifs en 0
            List <decimal> priceOption = new List <decimal> {
            Portfolio portfolio = new Portfolio(priceOption, compo, priceList[0].PriceList);

            //Traitement des données

            foreach (DataFeed priceAsset_t in priceList.Skip(1))
                priceDelta = pricer.PriceCall(option, dateDebut, dataFeedProvider.NumberOfDaysPerYear, Convert.ToDouble(priceAsset_t.PriceList[option.UnderlyingShareIds[1]]), 0.25);
                foreach (string id in option.UnderlyingShareIds)
                    compo[id] = priceDelta.Deltas[i];
                    i        += 1;
                portfolio.UpdatePortfolioValue(priceAsset_t, dataFeedProvider.NumberOfDaysPerYear, periodeRebalancement);
コード例 #11
ファイル: TestVaniliaCall.cs プロジェクト: rougeni/Option.NET
        public void TestMethod1()
            VanillaCallPricingModel vcpm = new VanillaCallPricingModel();

            vcpm.oMaturity = new DateTime(2015, 8, 20);
            vcpm.oName     = "test";
            Share share = new Share("ACCOR SA", "AC FP     ");

            vcpm.oShares    = new Share[1];
            vcpm.oShares[0] = share;
            vcpm.oStrike    = 45.5;
            vcpm.oSpot      = new double[1];
            vcpm.oSpot[0]   = 48;
            DataGestion     dg   = new DataGestion();
            DateTime        date = new DateTime(2013, 8, 20);
            List <DataFeed> ldf  = dg.getListDataField(date, vcpm.oMaturity, vcpm.oShares);
            PricingResults  pR   = vcpm.getPayOff(ldf);

コード例 #12
ファイル: PortfolioTest.cs プロジェクト: mounirq/projectNET
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            int      strike     = 9;
            double   volatility = 0.4;
            DateTime maturity   = new DateTime(2019, 09, 04);
            DateTime beginDate  = new DateTime(2018, 09, 04);
            int      totalDays  = DayCount.CountBusinessDays(beginDate, maturity);

            Share[] share = { new Share("Sfr", "1254798") };
            if (share.Length == 1)
                VanillaCall callOption = new VanillaCall("Vanille", share[0], maturity, strike);

                /* Simulated data feeds : */
                SimulatedDataFeedProvider simulator = new SimulatedDataFeedProvider();
                List <DataFeed>           dataFeeds = simulator.GetDataFeed(callOption, beginDate);
                int numberOfDaysPerYear             = simulator.NumberOfDaysPerYear;

                /* Portfolio initialisation : */
                Portfolio portfolio = new Portfolio();
                portfolio.PortfolioComposition = new Dictionary <String, double>();

                Pricer pricer = new Pricer();

                double         spot           = (double)dataFeeds[0].PriceList[share[0].Id];
                PricingResults pricingResults = pricer.PriceCall(callOption, beginDate, totalDays, spot, volatility);
                double         callPrice      = pricingResults.Price;
                portfolio.FirstPortfolioValue   = callPrice;
                portfolio.CurrentPortfolioValue = callPrice;
                portfolio.CurrentDate           = beginDate;
                double previousDelta = pricingResults.Deltas[0];

                portfolio.PortfolioComposition.Add(share[0].Id, previousDelta);

                double   payoff         = 0;
                double[] optionValue    = new Double[totalDays];
                double[] portfolioValue = new Double[totalDays];
                optionValue[0]    = callPrice;
                portfolioValue[0] = portfolio.CurrentPortfolioValue;

                int indexArrays = 1;
                /* Skip the first day : because it's already initialized*/
                foreach (DataFeed data in dataFeeds.Skip(1))
                    if (data != dataFeeds.Last())
                        portfolio.updateValue(spot, data, pricer, callOption, volatility, numberOfDaysPerYear);
                        spot = updateSpot(data, share[0]);

                        double pricing = getPricingResult(data, callOption, pricer, volatility, numberOfDaysPerYear);

                        /* Fill arrays of optionValue and portfolioValue */

                        optionValue[indexArrays]    = pricing;
                        portfolioValue[indexArrays] = portfolio.CurrentPortfolioValue;

                        Console.WriteLine("Valeur option = " + optionValue[indexArrays]);
                        Console.WriteLine("Valeur portefeuille = " + portfolioValue[indexArrays]);

                    /* For the last day : */
                        portfolio.CurrentDate = data.Date;
                        payoff = callOption.GetPayoff(data.PriceList);

                /* Partie traçage de courbes */
                using (System.IO.StreamWriter file =
                           new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:\Users\ensimag\Desktop\WriteLines.txt"))
                    for (int index = 0; index < totalDays; index++)
                        // If the line doesn't contain the word 'Second', write the line to the file.

                //double valuePortfolio = (portfolio.currentPortfolioValue - payoff) / portfolio.firstPortfolioValue;
                //Console.WriteLine("Valeur = " + valuePortfolio);

                Portfolio portefolioTest      = new Portfolio();
                double    finalportfolioValue = portfolio.updatePortfolio(pricer, callOption, dataFeeds, numberOfDaysPerYear, share[0], totalDays, volatility, beginDate);

                Console.WriteLine("Valeur = " + finalportfolioValue);
コード例 #13
        public double PortfolioValue(BasketOption optionBasket, Share[] sharesBasket, int totalDays, double[] volatility, double[,] correlationMatrix, DateTime beginDate)
            this.basket = optionBasket;
            SimulatedDataFeedProvider simulator        = new SimulatedDataFeedProvider();
            List <DataFeed>           simulationBasket = simulator.GetDataFeed(optionBasket, beginDate);
            int numberDaysPerYear = simulator.NumberOfDaysPerYear;

            int size = sharesBasket.Length;                                 // Number of Shares

            double[] spotsPrev = new double[size];                          // Array that will stock the spots values of the last rebalancing
            spotsPrev = fillSpots(simulationBasket[0], sharesBasket, size); // We initialize the array with the spots of the first day of analysis

            /* Calculation of the option price and the initial composition of the portfolio */
            Pricer         pricer        = new Pricer();
            PricingResults pricesResults = pricer.PriceBasket(optionBasket, beginDate, numberDaysPerYear, spotsPrev, volatility, correlationMatrix);
            double         priceBasket   = pricesResults.Price;

            double[] deltaPrev = new double[size];
            deltaPrev = pricesResults.Deltas;
            double cashRiskFreePrev = priceBasket - dotArrays(deltaPrev, spotsPrev, size);

            this.portfolioValue  = priceBasket;
            this.basketPriceInit = priceBasket;

            int index = 0;

            double[] delta             = new double[size];
            double[] spots             = new double[size];
            double   cashRiskFree      = 0;
            double   variationCashRisk = 0;
            double   freeRate          = 0;
            double   cashRisk          = 0;
            DateTime today;

            double[] optionValue    = new double[totalDays];
            double[] portfolioValue = new double[totalDays];
            double   payoff         = 0;

            /* Arrays used for the plot */
            optionValue[0]    = pricesResults.Price;
            portfolioValue[0] = this.portfolioValue;

            foreach (DataFeed data in simulationBasket)
                if (index != 0 && index != totalDays)
                    cashRisk          = 0;
                    variationCashRisk = 0;
                    today             = data.Date;

                    /* Update spots */
                    spots = fillSpots(data, sharesBasket, size);

                    /* Update priceResults */
                    pricesResults = pricer.PriceBasket(optionBasket, today, numberDaysPerYear, spots, volatility, correlationMatrix);

                    /* Update deltas */
                    delta = pricesResults.Deltas;

                    /* Update cashRisk */
                    cashRisk = dotArrays(delta, spots, size);

                    variationCashRisk = dotArrays(minusArrays(deltaPrev, delta, size), spots, size);
                    freeRate          = RiskFreeRateProvider.GetRiskFreeRateAccruedValue(1 / numberDaysPerYear);

                    /* Update cashRiskFree */
                    cashRiskFree = variationCashRisk + cashRiskFreePrev * freeRate;

                    /* Update portfolioValue */
                    this.portfolioValue = cashRiskFree + cashRisk;

                    /* Memorize the delta and the cashRiskFree calculated for the next balancing */
                    deltaPrev        = delta;
                    cashRiskFreePrev = cashRiskFree;

                    optionValue[index]    = pricesResults.Price;
                    portfolioValue[index] = this.portfolioValue;
                else if (index == totalDays)
                    payoff = optionBasket.GetPayoff(data.PriceList);


            /* Partie traçage de courbes */
            using (System.IO.StreamWriter file =
                       new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:\Users\ensimag\Desktop\PortfolioBasketOption.txt"))
                for (int i = 0; i < totalDays; i++)
                    // If the line doesn't contain the word 'Second', write the line to the file.

            return((this.portfolioValue - payoff) / this.basketPriceInit);
コード例 #14
        // Création et initialisation du portefeuille de couverture de l'option
        public HedgingPortfolio createPortfolio(Option option, PricingResults pricingResults, List<DataFeed> dataFeedList, DateTime date)
            System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, double> sharesQuantities = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, double>();

            double[] shareSpots = Utilities.shareSpots(dataFeedList, date);
            double portfolioSharesValue = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < pricingResults.Deltas.Length; i++)
                sharesQuantities.Add(option.UnderlyingShareIds[i], pricingResults.Deltas[i]);
                portfolioSharesValue += pricingResults.Deltas[i] * shareSpots[i];
            double riskFreeRateInvestment = pricingResults.Price - portfolioSharesValue;
            HedgingPortfolio portfolio = new HedgingPortfolio(sharesQuantities, riskFreeRateInvestment);
            return portfolio;
コード例 #15
 public CompletePricingResults(PricingResults res, double[] spots)
     Deltas = res.Deltas;
     Price  = res.Price;
     Spots  = spots;