public ActionResult GetPaymentMethods() { int id = 0; Int32.TryParse(Request.Form["productId"], out id); Product product = db.Products.First(m => m.ID == (id)); if (product != null) { PriceSetting ps = new PriceSetting(product.PriceSettingId); string locale = Request.Form["language"] + "-" + Request.Form["country"]; ps.LOCALE = locale; PaymentMethodResponse paymentObject = ps.ListPaymentMethods(); if (paymentObject.RESPONSE.ContainsKey("error")) { return(Json(new { success = false, message = "Error" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { List <Hashtable> paymentMethods = paymentObject.PaymentMethods(); return(PartialView("_PaymentMethodButtons", paymentMethods)); } } else { return(Json(new { success = false, message = "Error" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult GetPaymentMethods() { int id = 0; Int32.TryParse(Request.Form["productId"], out id); Product product = db.Products.First(m => m.ID == (id)); if (product != null) { PriceSetting ps = new PriceSetting(product.PriceSettingId); string locale = Request.Form["language"] + "-" + Request.Form["country"]; ps.LOCALE = locale; PaymentMethodResponse paymentObject = ps.ListPaymentMethods(); if (paymentObject.RESPONSE.ContainsKey("error")) { return Json(new { success = false, message = "Error" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } else { List<Hashtable> paymentMethods = paymentObject.PaymentMethods(); return PartialView("_PaymentMethodButtons", paymentMethods); } } else { return Json(new { success = false, message = "Error" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
protected void SetUp() { expectedHash = new Hashtable(); ps = Substitute.For <PriceSetting>(111, "thekey"); ps.PAYALOGUE_ID = 111; ps.LOCALE = "nl-NL"; ps.PAYMENT_METHOD_ID = 2; }
protected void SetUp() { expectedHash = new Hashtable(); ps = Substitute.For<PriceSetting>(111, "thekey"); ps.PAYALOGUE_ID = 111; ps.LOCALE = "nl-NL"; ps.PAYMENT_METHOD_ID = 2; }
/// <summary> /// 商品排行 /// </summary> /// <param name="nameKeyword">关键字</param> /// <param name="categoryId">类别id</param> /// <param name="sortBy">排序</param> /// <param name="maxPrice">某个区间的最大价格</param> /// <param name="minPrice">某个区间的最小价格</param> /// <param name="pageSize">每页多少条</param> /// <param name="pageIndex">第几页</param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult Rank(string nameKeyword = null, long?categoryId = null, SortBy_PointGift sortBy = SortBy_PointGift.Sales_Desc, int maxPrice = 0, int minPrice = 0, int pageSize = 20, int pageIndex = 1) { //获取用户配置的价格区间 Dictionary <int, int> price = PriceSetting.Get(); ViewData["price"] = price; pageResourceManager.InsertTitlePart("商品排行"); //获取类别 IEnumerable <Category> childCategories = null; if (categoryId.HasValue && categoryId.Value > 0) { var category = categoryService.Get(categoryId.Value); if (category != null) { if (category.ChildCount > 0) { childCategories = category.Children; } else//若是叶子节点,则取同辈分类 { if (category.Parent != null) { childCategories = category.Parent.Children; } } List <Category> allParentCategories = new List <Category>(); //递归获取所有父级类别,若不是叶子节点,则包含其自身 RecursiveGetAllParentCategories(category.ChildCount > 0 ? category : category.Parent, ref allParentCategories); ViewData["allParentCategories"] = allParentCategories; ViewData["currentCategory"] = category; } } if (childCategories == null) { childCategories = categoryService.GetRootCategories(TenantTypeIds.Instance().PointGift()); } ViewData["childCategories"] = childCategories; PagingDataSet <PointGift> gifts = pointMallService.GetGifts(nameKeyword, categoryId, sortBy, maxPrice, minPrice, pageSize, pageIndex); return(View(gifts)); }
public ActionResult Reporting() { NameValueCollection parameters = Request.QueryString; //check if all required params are there if (AllValuesPresent(parameters)) { int priceSettingId = Convert.ToInt32(parameters["price_setting_id"]); int paymentId = Convert.ToInt32(parameters["payment_id"]); int purchaseId = Convert.ToInt32(parameters["purchase_id"]); Purchase purchase = db.Purchases.Find(purchaseId); if (purchase != null && (purchase.ZaypayPaymentId == paymentId)) { Product product = purchase.Product; if (product.PriceSettingId == priceSettingId) { // get the key from the xml file PriceSetting ps = new PriceSetting(product.PriceSettingId); PaymentResponse response = ps.ShowPayment(purchase.ZaypayPaymentId); string status = response.Status(); if (status == parameters["status"]) { purchase.NeedPolling = SetNeedPollingValue(ref response); purchase.Status = status; db.SaveChanges(); } } } else { logEntry.Message = "Reporting Method in Products Controller ---- Values are missing --- the request had following query string :: " + parameters; Logger.Write(logEntry); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("zayapy payment id is MiSSING"); } } return Content("*ok*"); }
public ActionResult Reporting() { NameValueCollection parameters = Request.QueryString; //check if all required params are there if (AllValuesPresent(ref parameters)) { int priceSettingId = 0; int paymentId = 0; int purchaseId = 0; int payalogueId = 0; Int32.TryParse(parameters["price_setting_id"], out priceSettingId); Int32.TryParse(parameters["payment_id"], out paymentId); Int32.TryParse(parameters["purchase_id"], out purchaseId); Int32.TryParse(parameters["payalogue_id"], out payalogueId); Purchase purchase = db.Purchases.Find(purchaseId); if (purchase != null && (purchase.ZaypayPaymentId == paymentId)) { Product product = purchase.Product; if (product.PriceSettingId == priceSettingId && product.PayalogueId == payalogueId) { PriceSetting ps = new PriceSetting(product.PriceSettingId); PaymentResponse response = ps.ShowPayment(purchase.ZaypayPaymentId); string status = response.Status(); if (status == parameters["status"]) { purchase.Status = status; db.SaveChanges(); } } } } else { LogEntry("Reporting Method in Purchase Controller ---- Values are missing --- the request had following query string :: " + parameters); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("VAL NOT PRESENT"); } return(Content("*ok*")); }
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection) { try { var price = new PriceSetting(); price.generalparcelID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["GeneralParcel"]); price.perunitprice = Convert.ToDecimal(Request.Form["PerUnitPrice"]); price.AskedPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(Request.Form["AskedPrice"]); price.ParcelNo = db.GeneralInfoParcels.Where(m => m.Id == price.generalparcelID).FirstOrDefault().ParcelNo; db.PriceSetting.Add(price); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } catch (Exception e) { TempData["error"] = "Price Setting Already Exits"; return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } }
public ViewResult Details(int id = 0) { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("IN DETAIS WITH ID------------------: " + id); Purchase purchase = db.Purchases.Find(id); if (purchase != null && purchase.SessionId == HttpContext.Session.SessionID) { PriceSetting ps = new PriceSetting(purchase.Product.PriceSettingId); PaymentResponse payment = ps.ShowPayment(purchase.ZaypayPaymentId); string status = payment.Status(); int paymentMethodId = payment.PaymentMethodId(); Hashtable instructions = payment.Instructions(); ViewData.Add("instructions", instructions["long-instructions"]); ViewData.Add("status", status); ViewData.Add("payment_method_id", paymentMethodId); ViewData.Add("verification_needed", payment.VerificationNeeded()); ViewData.Add("verification_tries_left", payment.VerificationTriesLeft()); ViewData.Add("payment_id", purchase.ZaypayPaymentId); return View(purchase); } else { throw new HttpException(404, "Sorry, Resource not available"); } }
public ActionResult Create(int productId = 0) { //Product product = db.Products.First(m => m.ID == productId); Product product = db.Products.Find(productId); if (product != null) { try { PriceSetting ps = new PriceSetting(product.PriceSettingId); //check if locale is supported string userIp = GetUserIP(); string locale = ""; string[] locales = "en-".Split('-'); ListLocalesResponse localesList = ps.ListLocales(); //if we have correct user ip if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userIp)) { LocalForIPResponse localeResponse = ps.LocaleForIP(userIp); locale = localeResponse.Locale(); ps.LOCALE = locale; locales = locale.Split('-'); if (localesList.CountrySupported(locales[1])) { List<Hashtable> paymentMethods = ps.ListPaymentMethods().PaymentMethods(); ViewData.Add("paymentMethods", paymentMethods); } } else { ViewData["ipIsNull"] = true; } var countriesHash = (List<Hashtable>)localesList.Countries(); var languagesHash = (List<Hashtable>)localesList.Languages(); List<SelectListItem> countriesList = GetCountries(ref countriesHash); countriesList = countriesList.OrderBy(x => x.Text).ToList(); List<SelectListItem> languagesList = GetLanguages(ref languagesHash); languagesList = languagesList.OrderBy(x => x.Text).ToList(); ViewData.Add("countries", new SelectList(countriesList, "Value", "Text", locales[1])); ViewData.Add("languages", new SelectList(languagesList, "Value", "Text", locales[0])); if (TempData["error"] != null) ViewData["error"] = TempData["error"]; return View(product); } catch (Exception e) { string mesg = GetExceptionMessage(e); if (mesg == "") throw e; else { LogEntry(e.Message); ViewData["error"] = mesg; return View("../products/index", db.Products.ToList()); } } } else { throw new HttpException(404, "Sorry, Resource not available"); } }
public ActionResult GetStatus() { int id = 0; Int32.TryParse(Request.Form["purchaseId"], out id); Purchase purchase = db.Purchases.Find(id); if (PurchaseIsCorrect(ref purchase)) { if (purchase.Status == "prepared" || (purchase.Status == "in_progress" && purchase.NeedPolling == 0)) { return Json(new { status = purchase.Status }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } else { if (purchase.NeedPolling == 1) { PriceSetting ps = new PriceSetting(purchase.Product.PriceSettingId); PaymentResponse payment = ps.ShowPayment(purchase.ZaypayPaymentId); ViewData.Add("instructions", ((Hashtable)payment.Instructions())["long-instructions"]); ViewData.Add("verification_needed", payment.VerificationNeeded()); ViewData.Add("verification_tries_left", payment.VerificationTriesLeft()); return PartialView("_PaymentScreen", purchase); } return PartialView("_PaymentScreen", purchase); } } else { return Json(new { success = false, message = "Error" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection form) { int productId = 0; int paymentMethodId = 0; Int32.TryParse(form["productId"], out productId); Product product = db.Products.Find(productId); if (product != null) { if (Int32.TryParse(form["paymentMethod"], out paymentMethodId) && form["languagesList"] != null && form["countriesList"] != null) { Purchase purchase = null; try { PriceSetting ps = new PriceSetting(product.PriceSettingId); string locale = form["languagesList"] + "-" + form["countriesList"]; ps.LOCALE = locale; ps.PAYMENT_METHOD_ID = paymentMethodId; ps.PAYALOGUE_ID = product.PayalogueId; purchase = CreatePurchase(product); NameValueCollection options = new NameValueCollection(); options.Add("purchase_id", purchase.ID.ToString()); PaymentResponse payment = ps.CreatePayment(options); purchase.Update(payment); db.SaveChanges(); return Redirect("" + payment.PayalogueUrl()); } catch (Exception e) { string mesg = GetExceptionMessage(e); if (purchase != null) RemovePurchase(ref purchase); if (mesg == "") throw e; else { LogEntry(e.Message); TempData["error"] = mesg; return RedirectToAction("Create", new { productId = product.ID }); } } } else { TempData["error"] = "Language , Country or Payment Method is not selected properly"; return RedirectToAction("Create", new { productId = product.ID }); } } else { throw new HttpException(404, "Sorry, Resource Not Found"); } //return RedirectToAction("Details",new { id = purchase.ID}); }
public ActionResult Reporting() { NameValueCollection parameters = Request.QueryString; //check if all required params are there if (AllValuesPresent(ref parameters)) { int priceSettingId = 0; int paymentId = 0; int purchaseId = 0; int payalogueId = 0; Int32.TryParse(parameters["price_setting_id"], out priceSettingId); Int32.TryParse(parameters["payment_id"], out paymentId); Int32.TryParse(parameters["purchase_id"], out purchaseId); Int32.TryParse(parameters["payalogue_id"], out payalogueId); Purchase purchase = db.Purchases.Find(purchaseId); if (purchase != null && (purchase.ZaypayPaymentId == paymentId)) { Product product = purchase.Product; if (product.PriceSettingId == priceSettingId && product.PayalogueId == payalogueId) { PriceSetting ps = new PriceSetting(product.PriceSettingId); PaymentResponse response = ps.ShowPayment(purchase.ZaypayPaymentId); string status = response.Status(); if (status == parameters["status"]) { purchase.Status = status; db.SaveChanges(); } } } } else { LogEntry("Reporting Method in Purchase Controller ---- Values are missing --- the request had following query string :: " + parameters); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("VAL NOT PRESENT"); } return Content("*ok*"); }
public static void SetScaleCalculationNote(this CalculationModel model, PriceSetting priceSetting, int starItemtOrderID) { //price scale id start by 1 for (int i = 1; i <= model.GeneralSetting.PriceScale.Scale; i++) { int iOrder = starItemtOrderID; CalculationNoteModel oItem = new CalculationNoteModel() { ID = i, CalculationItems = new List <CalculationItemModel>(), //CalculationMarginItems = new List<CalculationItemModel>() }; model.CalculationNotes.Add(oItem); //group4 iOrder += 1; oItem.CalculationItems.Add(new CalculationItemModel() { Sign = "+", Description = "Gewinnaufschlag", Tag = "GA", Currency = new CurrencyModel() { Currency = "CHF" }, BaseCalculationGroupRows = new List <int>() { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, Group = 4, ItemOrder = iOrder, Convert = model.GeneralSetting.Convert.Mode == "E" ? new ConvertModel() { Unit = "EE" } : null }); iOrder += 1; oItem.CalculationItems.Add(new CalculationItemModel() { Sign = "=", Description = "Barverkaufspreis", Tag = "VK(bar)", Currency = new CurrencyModel() { Currency = "CHF" }, Group = 4, IsSummary = true, SummaryGroups = new List <int>() { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }, CostCalculatonGroup = new CostCalculatonGroupModel() { BaseCalculationGroupRows = new List <int>() { 5 }, SummaryGroups = new List <int> { 5 }, }, ItemOrder = iOrder, Convert = model.GeneralSetting.Convert.Mode == "E" ? new ConvertModel() { Unit = "EE" } : null }); //group5 iOrder += 1; oItem.CalculationItems.Add(new CalculationItemModel() { Sign = "+", Description = "Kundenskonto", AmountPercent = priceSetting.CashDiscount, Tag = "SKT", Currency = new CurrencyModel() { Currency = "CHF" }, BaseCalculationGroupRows = new List <int>() { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }, Group = 5, ItemOrder = iOrder, Convert = model.GeneralSetting.Convert.Mode == "E" ? new ConvertModel() { Unit = "EE" } : null, EditedField = "P" }); iOrder += 1; oItem.CalculationItems.Add(new CalculationItemModel() { Sign = "+", Description = "Verhandlungsspielraum", AmountPercent = priceSetting.SalesBonus, Tag = "PV", Currency = new CurrencyModel() { Currency = "CHF" }, BaseCalculationGroupRows = new List <int>() { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }, Group = 5, ItemOrder = iOrder, Convert = model.GeneralSetting.Convert.Mode == "E" ? new ConvertModel() { Unit = "EE" } : null, EditedField = "P" }); iOrder += 1; oItem.CalculationItems.Add(new CalculationItemModel() { Sign = "=", Description = "Zielverkaufspreis", Tag = "VK(ziel)", Currency = new CurrencyModel() { Currency = "CHF" }, Group = 5, IsSummary = true, SummaryGroups = new List <int>() { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, CostCalculatonGroup = new CostCalculatonGroupModel() { BaseCalculationGroupRows = new List <int>() { 6 }, SummaryGroups = new List <int> { 6 }, }, ItemOrder = iOrder, Convert = model.GeneralSetting.Convert.Mode == "E" ? new ConvertModel() { Unit = "EE" } : null }); //group6 iOrder += 1; oItem.CalculationItems.Add(new CalculationItemModel() { Sign = "+", Description = "Kundenrabatt", AmountPercent = priceSetting.CustomerDiscount, Tag = "RBT", Currency = new CurrencyModel() { Currency = "CHF" }, BaseCalculationGroupRows = new List <int>() { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, Group = 6, ItemOrder = iOrder, Convert = model.GeneralSetting.Convert.Mode == "E" ? new ConvertModel() { Unit = "EE" } : null, EditedField = "P" }); iOrder += 1; oItem.CalculationItems.Add(new CalculationItemModel() { Sign = "=", Description = "Nettoverkaufspreis", Tag = "VK(liste)", Currency = new CurrencyModel() { Currency = "CHF" }, Group = 6, IsSummary = true, SummaryGroups = new List <int>() { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, CostCalculatonGroup = new CostCalculatonGroupModel() { BaseCalculationGroupRows = new List <int>() { 7 }, SummaryGroups = new List <int> { 7 }, }, ItemOrder = iOrder, Convert = model.GeneralSetting.Convert.Mode == "E" ? new ConvertModel() { Unit = "EE" } : null }); //group7 iOrder += 1; oItem.CalculationItems.Add(new CalculationItemModel() { Sign = "+", Description = "Mehrwertsteuer", AmountPercent = priceSetting.VatTaxes, Tag = "MWST", Currency = new CurrencyModel() { Currency = "CHF" }, BaseCalculationGroupRows = new List <int>() { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, Group = 7, ItemOrder = iOrder, Convert = model.GeneralSetting.Convert.Mode == "E" ? new ConvertModel() { Unit = "EE" } : null, EditedField = "P" }); iOrder += 1; oItem.CalculationItems.Add(new CalculationItemModel() { Sign = "=", Description = "Bruttoverkaufspreis", Tag = "VK(brutto)", Currency = new CurrencyModel() { Currency = "CHF" }, Group = 7, IsSummary = true, SummaryGroups = new List <int>() { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }, ItemOrder = iOrder, Convert = model.GeneralSetting.Convert.Mode == "E" ? new ConvertModel() { Unit = "EE" } : null }); } }
public ActionResult Reporting() { NameValueCollection parameters = Request.QueryString; int priceSettingId = 0; int paymentId = 0; int productId = 0; int payalogueId = 0; Int32.TryParse(parameters["price_setting_id"], out priceSettingId); Int32.TryParse(parameters["payment_id"], out paymentId); Int32.TryParse(parameters["product_id"], out productId); Int32.TryParse(parameters["payalogue_id"], out payalogueId); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("params are " + parameters); if (AllValuesPresent(ref parameters)) { Product product = db.Products.Find(productId); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("all val present"); if (product != null && product.PriceSettingId == priceSettingId && product.PayalogueId == payalogueId) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("prod is god, and ps id is good an payaid is good"); try { PriceSetting ps = new PriceSetting(product.PriceSettingId); PaymentResponse payment = ps.ShowPayment(paymentId); string status = payment.Status(); if (status == parameters["status"]) { Purchase purchase = db.Purchases.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ZaypayPaymentId == paymentId); if (purchase == null) { purchase = new Purchase(paymentId, product); db.Purchases.Add(purchase); } else purchase.Update(status); db.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogEntry(ex.Message); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Some exception ocured"); } } } return Content("*ok*"); }
public ActionResult SubmitVerificationCode() { int id = 0; Int32.TryParse(Request.Form["purchaseId"], out id); int code = 0; Int32.TryParse(Request.Form["code"], out code); Purchase purchase = db.Purchases.Find(id); if (purchase != null && purchase.SessionId == HttpContext.Session.SessionID) { if (code != 0) { try { PriceSetting ps = new PriceSetting(purchase.Product.PriceSettingId); PaymentResponse payment = ps.VerificationCode(purchase.ZaypayPaymentId, Request.Form["code"]); purchase.Status = payment.Status(); SetViewData(ref payment); return PartialView("_PaymentScreen", purchase); } catch (Exception e) { LogEntry(e.Message); return Json(new { success = false, redirect = false, message = "Oops!! Some error occured" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } } else { return Json(new { success = false, redirect = false, message = "Code cannot be empty and it cannot contian string literals" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } } else { return Json(new { success = false, redirect = true, message = "You are not authorized. Redirecting ...." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
public ActionResult GetPaymentMethods() { int id = 0; Int32.TryParse(Request.Form["productId"], out id); Product product = db.Products.First(m => m.ID == (id)); if (product != null) { try { PriceSetting ps = new PriceSetting(product.PriceSettingId); string locale = Request.Form["language"] + "-" + Request.Form["country"]; ps.LOCALE = locale; PaymentMethodResponse paymentObject = ps.ListPaymentMethods(); List<Hashtable> paymentMethods = paymentObject.PaymentMethods(); return PartialView("_PaymentMethodButtons", paymentMethods); } catch (Exception ex) { LogEntry(ex.Message); return Json(new { success = false, message = "Some error occured while retrieving the payment methods , try again !!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } } else { return Json(new { success = false, message = "You are not authorized to make this call" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
public ActionResult Create(int productId = 0) { //Product product = db.Products.First(m => m.ID == productId); Product product = db.Products.Find(productId); if (product != null) { try { PriceSetting ps = new PriceSetting(product.PriceSettingId); //check if locale is supported string userIp = GetUserIP(); string locale = ""; string[] locales = "en-".Split('-'); ListLocalesResponse localesList = ps.ListLocales(); //if we have correct user ip if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userIp)) { LocalForIPResponse localeResponse = ps.LocaleForIP(userIp); locale = localeResponse.Locale(); ps.LOCALE = locale; locales = locale.Split('-'); if (localesList.CountrySupported(locales[1])) { List <Hashtable> paymentMethods = ps.ListPaymentMethods().PaymentMethods(); ViewData.Add("paymentMethods", paymentMethods); } } else { ViewData["ipIsNull"] = true; } var countriesHash = (List <Hashtable>)localesList.Countries(); var languagesHash = (List <Hashtable>)localesList.Languages(); List <SelectListItem> countriesList = GetCountries(ref countriesHash); countriesList = countriesList.OrderBy(x => x.Text).ToList(); List <SelectListItem> languagesList = GetLanguages(ref languagesHash); languagesList = languagesList.OrderBy(x => x.Text).ToList(); ViewData.Add("countries", new SelectList(countriesList, "Value", "Text", locales[1])); ViewData.Add("languages", new SelectList(languagesList, "Value", "Text", locales[0])); if (TempData["error"] != null) { ViewData["error"] = TempData["error"]; } return(View(product)); } catch (Exception e) { string mesg = GetExceptionMessage(e); if (mesg == "") { throw e; } else { LogEntry(e.Message); ViewData["error"] = mesg; return(View("../products/index", db.Products.ToList())); } } } else { throw new HttpException(404, "Sorry, Resource not available"); } }
public ActionResult Create(int productId = 0) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("exception is :oolllaaaaa " ); Product product = db.Products.Find(productId); if (product != null) { try { //Exception ex2 = new Exception("this is the first exception"); //throw ex2; PriceSetting ps = new PriceSetting(product.PriceSettingId); string userIp = GetUserIP(); string locale = ""; string[] locales; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userIp)) { LocalForIPResponse localeResponse = ps.LocaleForIP(userIp); locale = localeResponse.Locale(); ps.LOCALE = locale; locales = locale.Split('-'); try { List<Hashtable> paymentMethods = ps.ListPaymentMethods().PaymentMethods(); ViewData.Add("paymentMethods", paymentMethods); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } else { ViewData["ipIsNull"] = true; locales = "en-".Split('-'); } ListLocalesResponse localesList = ps.ListLocales(); List<SelectListItem> countriesList = null; List<SelectListItem> languagesList = null; GetSelectList(ref localesList, ref countriesList, true); GetSelectList(ref localesList, ref languagesList, false); ViewData.Add("countries", new SelectList(countriesList, "Value", "Text", locales[1])); ViewData.Add("languages", new SelectList(languagesList, "Value", "Text", locales[0])); if (TempData["error"] != null) ViewData["error"] = TempData["error"]; return View(product); } catch (Exception e) { string mesg = GetExceptionMessage(e); if (mesg == "") throw e; else { LogEntry(e.Message); ViewData["error"] = mesg; return View("../products/index", db.Products.ToList()); } } } else { throw new HttpException(404, "Sorry, Resource not available"); } }
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection form) { int productId = 0; int paymentMethodId = 0; Int32.TryParse(form["productId"], out productId); Product product = db.Products.Find(productId); if (product != null) { if (Int32.TryParse(form["paymentMethod"], out paymentMethodId) && form["languagesList"] != null && form["countriesList"] != null) { Purchase purchase = null; try { PriceSetting ps = new PriceSetting(product.PriceSettingId); string locale = form["languagesList"] + "-" + form["countriesList"]; ps.LOCALE = locale; ps.PAYMENT_METHOD_ID = paymentMethodId; ps.PAYALOGUE_ID = product.PayalogueId; purchase = CreatePurchase(product); NameValueCollection options = new NameValueCollection(); options.Add("purchase_id", purchase.ID.ToString()); PaymentResponse payment = ps.CreatePayment(options); purchase.Update(payment); db.SaveChanges(); return(Redirect("" + payment.PayalogueUrl())); } catch (Exception e) { string mesg = GetExceptionMessage(e); if (purchase != null) { RemovePurchase(ref purchase); } if (mesg == "") { throw e; } else { LogEntry(e.Message); TempData["error"] = mesg; return(RedirectToAction("Create", new { productId = product.ID })); } } } else { TempData["error"] = "Language , Country or Payment Method is not selected properly"; return(RedirectToAction("Create", new { productId = product.ID })); } } else { throw new HttpException(404, "Sorry, Resource Not Found"); } //return RedirectToAction("Details",new { id = purchase.ID}); }