/// <summary> /// Gets the item price model. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <param name="lowestPrice">The lowest price.</param> /// <param name="tags">Additional tags for promotion evaluation</param> /// <returns>price model</returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">item</exception> public PriceModel GetItemPriceModel(Item item, Price lowestPrice, Hashtable tags) { if (item == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("item"); } if (lowestPrice == null) { return new PriceModel(); } var price = lowestPrice.Sale ?? lowestPrice.List; var discount = _client.GetItemDiscountPrice(item, lowestPrice, tags); var priceModel = CreatePriceModel(price, price - discount, UserHelper.CustomerSession.Currency); priceModel.ItemId = item.ItemId; //If has any variations /* performance too slow with this method, need to store value on indexing instead if (CatalogHelper.CatalogClient.GetItemRelations(item.ItemId).Any()) { priceModel.PriceTitle = "Starting from:".Localize(); } * */ return priceModel; }
public OriginQuotation(Instrument instrument, DataRow originQuotation) { this.modifyState = ModifyState.Unchanged; this.instrument = instrument; this.timestamp = (DateTime)originQuotation["Timestamp"]; if (originQuotation["Ask"] != DBNull.Value) { this.ask = Price.CreateInstance((string)originQuotation["Ask"], instrument.NumeratorUnit, instrument.Denominator); } if (originQuotation["Bid"] != DBNull.Value) { this.bid = Price.CreateInstance((string)originQuotation["Bid"], instrument.NumeratorUnit, instrument.Denominator); } if (originQuotation["High"] != DBNull.Value) { this.high = Price.CreateInstance((string)originQuotation["High"], instrument.NumeratorUnit, instrument.Denominator); } if (originQuotation["Low"] != DBNull.Value) { this.low = Price.CreateInstance((string)originQuotation["Low"], instrument.NumeratorUnit, instrument.Denominator); } if (originQuotation.Table.Columns.Contains("Volume") && originQuotation["Volume"] != DBNull.Value) { this.volume = (string)originQuotation["Volume"]; } if (originQuotation.Table.Columns.Contains("TotalVolume") && originQuotation["TotalVolume"] != DBNull.Value) { this.totalVolume = (string)originQuotation["TotalVolume"]; } this.origin = instrument.CalculateOrigin(this.ask, this.bid, false); }
public OriginQuotation(Instrument instrument, CollectorQuotation cq) { this.modifyState = ModifyState.Added; this.instrument = instrument; this.timestamp = cq.Timestamp; this.ask = Price.CreateInstance(cq.Ask, instrument.NumeratorUnit, instrument.Denominator); this.bid = Price.CreateInstance(cq.Bid, instrument.NumeratorUnit, instrument.Denominator); this.high = Price.CreateInstance(cq.High, instrument.NumeratorUnit, instrument.Denominator); this.low = Price.CreateInstance(cq.Low, instrument.NumeratorUnit, instrument.Denominator); this.volume = cq.Volume; this.totalVolume = cq.TotalVolume; this.origin = instrument.CalculateOrigin(this.ask, this.bid, instrument.OriginQReceived != null); //Special handle, it's not so strict //NOTE: Has problem for session clear ! if (this.origin == null && instrument.OriginQReceived != null) { if (this.ask == null) this.ask = this.instrument.OriginQReceived.ask; if (this.bid == null) this.bid = this.instrument.OriginQReceived.bid; this.origin = instrument.CalculateOrigin(this.ask, this.bid, false); } this.FilterErrorHighLow(instrument, false); }
public void fromApp(QuickFix.Message message, SessionID sessionID) { // receiving messages Symbol sym = new Symbol(); message.getField(sym); Tick k = new TickImpl(sym.getValue()); { // bid BidPx bp = new BidPx(); BidSize bs = new BidSize(); k.bid = (decimal)bp.getValue(); k.bs = (int)message.getField(bs).getValue(); } { // ask OfferPx op = new OfferPx(); OfferSize os = new OfferSize(); k.ask = (decimal)op.getValue(); k.os = (int)message.getField(os).getValue(); } { // last Price price = new Price(); message.getField(price); k.trade = (decimal)price.getValue(); } tl.newTick(k); //ClOrdID clOrdID = new ClOrdID(); //message.getField(clOrdID); }
public static CaptureResponse CaptureAction(OffAmazonPaymentsServicePropertyCollection propertiesCollection, IOffAmazonPaymentsService service, string amazonAuthorizationId, string orderAmount, string orderReferenceId, int indicator, string providerId, string creditAmountString) { //initiate the capture request CaptureRequest captureRequest = new CaptureRequest(); captureRequest.SellerId = propertiesCollection.MerchantID; captureRequest.AmazonAuthorizationId = amazonAuthorizationId; Price price = new Price(); price.Amount = orderAmount; price.CurrencyCode = propertiesCollection.CurrencyCode; captureRequest.CaptureAmount = price; captureRequest.CaptureReferenceId = orderReferenceId.Replace('-', 'c') + "captureRef" + indicator.ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(providerId) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(creditAmountString)) { ProviderCredit providerCredit = new ProviderCredit(); providerCredit.ProviderId= providerId; Price creditAmount = new Price(); creditAmount.Amount = creditAmountString; creditAmount.CurrencyCode = propertiesCollection.CurrencyCode; providerCredit.CreditAmount= creditAmount; ProviderCreditList providerCreditList = new ProviderCreditList(); providerCreditList.member = new List<ProviderCredit>(); providerCreditList.member.Add(providerCredit); captureRequest.ProviderCreditList = providerCreditList; } return CaptureSample.InvokeCapture(service, captureRequest); }
public HtmlString AddPrice(List<Price> oldPrices, Price newPrice) { List<Price> result = new List<Price>(); DateTime endingDatePrevious = newPrice.StartingDate.AddDays(-1); if (oldPrices != null) { if (oldPrices.All(price => !price.EndingDate.HasValue || newPrice.StartingDate > price.EndingDate.Value)) { Price currentPrice = oldPrices.FirstOrDefault(price => !price.EndingDate.HasValue); if (currentPrice != null) { currentPrice.EndingDate = endingDatePrevious; } } else { Price currentPrice = oldPrices.FirstOrDefault(price => price.EndingDate > newPrice.StartingDate); DateTime? oldEndingDate = currentPrice.EndingDate; currentPrice.EndingDate = endingDatePrevious; if (newPrice.EndingDate.HasValue && oldEndingDate > newPrice.EndingDate.Value) { result.Add(new Price() { Article = currentPrice.Article, BasePrice = currentPrice.BasePrice, StartingDate = newPrice.EndingDate.Value.AddDays(1), EndingDate = oldEndingDate }); } } result.AddRange(oldPrices); } result.Add(newPrice); return result.ToHtmlJson(); }
public static Price Decode(IByteReader stream) { Price decodedPrice = new Price(); decodedPrice.N = Int32.Decode(stream); decodedPrice.D = Int32.Decode(stream); return decodedPrice; }
public void TestAddition() { var testPrice1 = new Price(100, CurrencyCode.USD); var testPrice2 = new Price(100, CurrencyCode.RUB); var testPrice3 = new Price(102.674, CurrencyCode.USD); Assert.AreEqual(testPrice1 + testPrice2, testPrice3); }
public static Product ToViewModel(this DataContracts.Product product, Price price) { var productViewModel = new Product(); if (product.EditorialReviews != null) { var editorialReview = product.EditorialReviews.FirstOrDefault(er => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(er.ReviewType) && er.ReviewType.Equals("quickreview", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (editorialReview != null) { productViewModel.Description = editorialReview.Content; } } if (product.PrimaryImage != null) { productViewModel.FeaturedImage = product.PrimaryImage.ToViewModel(); } productViewModel.Id = product.Id; productViewModel.Price = price; productViewModel.Sku = product.Code; if (product.Seo != null) { var seo = product.Seo.FirstOrDefault(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Keyword)); if (seo != null) { productViewModel.Slug = seo.Keyword; } } productViewModel.Title = product.Name; return productViewModel; }
public frmNewMember() { InitializeComponent(); price = new Price(); members = new Member(); cards = new Cards(); cardUsage = new CardUsage(); }
internal Order( Price price, OrderState state, Uid market, Uid contract, Side side) { Price = price; State = state; Market = market; Contract = contract; Side = side; }
public Stock GetFristCol(string data) { List<Price> prices = new List<Price>(); List<DataItem> items = new List<DataItem>(); string firstCol = string.Empty; List<string> lines = data.Split('\n').ToList<string>(); for (int i = 2; i < lines.Count; i++) { string line = lines[i]; List<string> numStrs = line.Split(' ').ToList<string>(); if (numStrs.Count < 5) continue; DataItem item = new DataItem(); Price price = new Price(); price.content = new string[4]; for (int numI = 0; numI < numStrs.Count; numI++) { if (numI == 0) item.content = numStrs[numI]; if (numI > 0 && numI < 5) { price.content[numI-1] = numStrs[numI]; if (numI == 3) { price.content[numI-1] = numStrs[numI+1]; } if (numI == 4) { price.content[numI - 1] = numStrs[numI-1]; } } // if (numI > 0 && numI < 4) //price.content += ","; } items.Add(item); prices.Add(price); } Stock stock = new Stock(); stock.price = new Price[prices.Count]; for (int itemI = 0; itemI < items.Count; itemI++) { stock.data += items[itemI].content; if (itemI != items.Count - 1) stock.data += ","; } for (int priceI = 0; priceI < prices.Count; priceI++) { stock.price[priceI] = prices[priceI]; // += "[" + prices[priceI].content + "]"; //if (priceI != prices.Count - 2) // stock.price += ";"; } // stock.data = "[" + stock.data + "]"; // stock.price = "[" + stock.price + "]"; return stock; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Price = Recruit.GetPrice(TroopType.Nobleman); int heroCount = this.Village.Heroes.Count + 1; this.Price = new Price(this.Price.Name, 0, this.Price.Wood * heroCount, this.Price.Clay * heroCount, this.Price.Iron * heroCount, this.Price.Population); }
public static Price ToViewModel(this DataContracts.Price price) { var priceModel = new Price(); priceModel.PricelistId = price.PricelistId; priceModel.Original = price.List; priceModel.ProductId = price.ProductId; priceModel.Sale = price.Sale; return priceModel; }
public NavPosition(InstrumentSize Size, Price ClosingPriceUsed, Decimal ExchangeRateUsed, IPriceDetail ClosingPriceRecord, IExRate ExchangeRateRecord) { this.Size = Size; this.ClosingPriceUsed = ClosingPriceUsed; this.ExchangeRateUsed = ExchangeRateUsed; this.ClosingPriceRecord = ClosingPriceRecord; this.ExchangeRateRecord = ExchangeRateRecord; setCurrentValue(); setCurrentBaseValue(); }
public bool AddPrice(Price price) { bool canAddPrice = IsUniquePrice(price); if (canAddPrice) { ticketsDataSet.Price.AddPriceRow(price.Value); provider.UpdateAllData(); return true; } return false; }
public InvoiceLine() { CreditedQuantity = new InvoicedQuantity(); InvoicedQuantity = new InvoicedQuantity(); DebitedQuantity = new InvoicedQuantity(); LineExtensionAmount = new PayableAmount(); PricingReference = new PricingReference(); AllowanceCharge = new AllowanceCharge(); TaxTotals = new List<TaxTotal>(); Item = new Item(); Price = new Price(); }
public QuotePolicyDetail(Instrument instrument, XmlNode quotePolicy) { this.id = XmlConvert.ToGuid(quotePolicy.Attributes["QuotePolicyID"].Value); this.priceType = (PriceType)XmlConvert.ToByte(quotePolicy.Attributes["PriceType"].Value); this.autoAdjustPoints = XmlConvert.ToInt32(quotePolicy.Attributes["AutoAdjustPoints"].Value); this.spreadPoints = XmlConvert.ToInt32(quotePolicy.Attributes["SpreadPoints"].Value); this.isOriginHiLo = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(quotePolicy.Attributes["IsOriginHiLo"].Value); this.overrideHigh = null; this.overrideLow = null; this.SetCrossRef(instrument); }
public QuotePolicyDetail(Instrument instrument, DataRow quotePolicy) { this.id = (Guid)quotePolicy["QuotePolicyID"]; this.priceType = (PriceType)(byte)quotePolicy["PriceType"]; this.autoAdjustPoints = (int)quotePolicy["AutoAdjustPoints"]; this.spreadPoints = (int)quotePolicy["SpreadPoints"]; this.isOriginHiLo = (bool)quotePolicy["IsOriginHiLo"]; this.overrideHigh = null; this.overrideLow = null; this.SetCrossRef(instrument); }
public void TestPriceGoEqual() { var price = new Price() { AskPx = 1, BidPx = 1 }; price.AskPx = 1; price.BidPx = 1; var b = new PriceCellBackgroundConverter().Convert(new[] { (object)price.AskPx, (object)price.AskPxOld }, null, null, null); Assert.AreEqual("#FFFFFFFF", b.ToString()); }
public PriceModel(Price price) : this() { if (price != null) { Price = price; } else { Price = default(Price); } }
public frmCashier() { InitializeComponent(); startPh = 1300; startPv = 900; price = new Price(); tPrices = price.GetPrices(); cards = new Cards(); members = new Member(); cardUsage = new CardUsage(); tCardUsage = new tCardUsage(); InitListView(true); }
public void AddItemToShop() { Item item = new Item("ID0001", "Cestitka 1"); Shop shop = new Shop("trgovina 1"); Price price = new Price(4, 3.2) {ItemId = item.UniqueId, ShopId = shop.Id}; ShopItem shopItem = new ShopItem {ItemId = item.UniqueId, ShopId = shop.Id, PriceId = price.Id}; Assert.IsNotNull(shopItem, "Items not added to shop!"); shopItem.SetNumberOfItems(3); Assert.AreEqual(3, shopItem.NumberOfItems, "ShopItem missmatch!"); Overview overview = new Overview(); overview.AddShopItem(shopItem); Overview temp = overview; }
public bool DeletePrice(Price price) { bool canDeletePrice = IsUsedPrice(price); if (canDeletePrice) { Tr_Tick_DBDataSet.PriceRow row = ticketsDataSet.Price.FindBypprice_id(price.ID); row.Delete(); //ticketsDataSet.Price.RemovePriceRow(row); provider.UpdateAllData(); return true; } return false; }
public bool AddPrice(Common.Price price) { bool canAddPrice = IsUniquePrice(price); if (canAddPrice) { Price priceToAdd = new Price(); priceToAdd.price_name = price.Value; dataBase.Price.Add(priceToAdd); dataBase.SaveChanges(); return true; } return false; }
public AirMatrixFlightMeta() { _airLine = new Airline(); _zeroStopPrice = new Price(); _oneStopPrice = new Price(); _moreThanTwoStopPrice = new Price(); _lowFareSelectPrice = new Price(); _zeroStopFlightList = new List<Component>(); _oneStopFlightList = new List<Component>(); _moreThanTwoStopFlightList = new List<Component>(); _needHide = false; }
public static Price GetCurrentPrice() { String sql = "SELECT * FROM [Price] WHERE InUse=@InUse"; DataTable table = Database.GetData(sql, "@InUse","1"); Price price = new Price(); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { int.TryParse(table.Rows[0]["priceID"].ToString(), out price.priceID); int.TryParse(table.Rows[0]["fastPrice"].ToString(), out price.fastPrice); int.TryParse(table.Rows[0]["lunPrice"].ToString(), out price.lunPrice); int.TryParse(table.Rows[0]["dinPrice"].ToString(), out price.dinPrice); } return price; }
public void CompareTo_same_by_current_price() { var lhs = new Price() { Symbol = "GOOG", CurrentPrice = (decimal)123.45, PreviousPrice = 0 }; var rhs = new Price(); rhs.Symbol = "MSFT"; rhs.CurrentPrice = (decimal)123.45; rhs.PreviousPrice = (decimal)999; var expected = 0; var actual = rhs.CompareTo(lhs, PriceComparisonType.CurrentPrice); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public static AuthorizeOnBillingAgreementResponse AuthorizeOnBillingAgreement(OffAmazonPaymentsServicePropertyCollection propertiesCollection, IOffAmazonPaymentsService service, string billingAgreementId, String authAmount, int indicator, bool captureNow) { AuthorizeOnBillingAgreementRequest request = new AuthorizeOnBillingAgreementRequest(); request.AmazonBillingAgreementId = billingAgreementId; request.SellerId = propertiesCollection.MerchantID; Price price = new Price(); price.Amount = authAmount; price.CurrencyCode = propertiesCollection.CurrencyCode; request.AuthorizationAmount = price; request.CaptureNow = captureNow; request.AuthorizationReferenceId = billingAgreementId.Replace('-', 'a') + "authRef" + indicator.ToString(); return InvokeAuthorizeOnBillingAgreement(service, request); }
public DividendHistory(DividendTypes dividendType, ISecurityInstrument instrument, DateTime exDividendDate, DateTime settlementDate, Price unitPrice, decimal scripRatio) : this(instrument) { if (dividendType == DividendTypes.Cash && (unitPrice == null || unitPrice.IsZero)) throw new ApplicationException("The unit price can not be null for cash dividend"); else if (dividendType == DividendTypes.Scrip && scripRatio == 0M) throw new ApplicationException("The scrip ratio can not be 0 for scrip dividend"); this.DividendType = dividendType; this.ExDividendDate = exDividendDate; this.SettlementDate = settlementDate; this.UnitPrice = unitPrice; this.ScripRatio = scripRatio; }
public override string ToString() { return($"{Id}, {Name}, {Price.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}, {Category.Name}, {Category.Tier}"); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public void ModifyOrder(Order order, Quantity modifiedQuantity, Price modifiedPrice) { this.CalledMethods.Add(nameof(this.ModifyOrder)); this.ReceivedObjects.Add((order, modifiedQuantity, modifiedPrice)); }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to add the game, returns errors if there are any. /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns Constants.AddGameErrors enum, depicting what error occured, if any.</returns> public Constants.AddGameErrors AddGame() { // Checks if any of the variables are either null or empty, and returns with an error if they are. if (Name.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(Constants.AddGameErrors.NameInvalid); } else if (Categories.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(Constants.AddGameErrors.CategoriesInvalid); } else if (Price.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(Constants.AddGameErrors.PriceInvalid); } else if (Description.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(Constants.AddGameErrors.DescriptionInvalid); } // Parses the price string to a float. float _price = float.Parse(Price, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Creates a list of categories, and splits the Categories string into it. List <String> _categories = new List <string>(); _categories = Categories.Split(",").ToList(); List <CarrouselItem> _carrouselItems = new List <CarrouselItem>(); // Creates and adds CarrouselItems to the list above, depending on what type of CarrouselItem it is. foreach (StorageFile file in CarrouselImages) { _carrouselItems.Add(new CarrouselItem(Constants.CarrouselItemType.Image, file.Path)); } foreach (StorageFile file in CarrouselVideos) { _carrouselItems.Add(new CarrouselItem(Constants.CarrouselItemType.Video, file.Path)); } foreach (ListviewString item in CarrouselYoutubeVids) { _carrouselItems.Add(new CarrouselItem(Constants.CarrouselItemType.YoutubeVideo, item.Value)); } // Checks the price, and returns an error depending on whether or not it is valid. if (_price.ToString().Length == 0 || _price < 1 || _price > 1000) { return(Constants.AddGameErrors.PriceInvalid); } // Creates a new game with all the information. Game newGame = new Game(AccountHandler.Account, ThumbnailImagePath, Name, _price, 0, Description, "", _categories, _carrouselItems, _releaseDate); // Checks if the identifier for the game is identical to any game already in the list. Return with error if it does. foreach (Game game in _gameList.StoreGameCollection) { if (game.Identifier == newGame.Identifier) { return(Constants.AddGameErrors.GameExists); } } // Adds the newly created game to the gamelist. _gameList.AddGame(newGame); // Returns with no errors. return(Constants.AddGameErrors.NoError); }
public void ConfirmPrice(Price validUnitPrice) { this.UnitPrice = validUnitPrice; }
public void AddTick(Price price) { AddTick(price.Time, price.Ask, price.Bid); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { return(PriceDate.Month.GetHashCode() + PriceDate.Day.GetHashCode() + PriceDate.Year.GetHashCode() * 13 + Price.GetHashCode() * 7 + Index.GetHashCode()); } }
private void btnSaveMenu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MenuBusinessLogic menuBusinessLogic = new MenuBusinessLogic(); PriceBusinessLogic priceBusinessLogic = new PriceBusinessLogic(); Model.Menu menu = new Model.Menu(); menu.MenuID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (txbMenuName.Text.Trim() != "") { menu.MenuName = txbMenuName.Text.Trim(); if (menuBusinessLogic.GetMenuByName(menu.MenuName) != null) { MessageBox.Show("该菜品已存在,不能重复添加!"); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show("菜品名称不能为空!"); return; } if (txbUint.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("菜品单价不能为空!"); return; } else { menu.Unit = txbUint.Text.Trim(); } double Quote = 0; if (!double.TryParse(txbQuote.Text.Trim(), out Quote)) { MessageBox.Show("报价处请输入数字!"); return; } menu.MenuQuote = Quote; double Rate = 1.0; if (!double.TryParse(txbRate.Text.Trim(), out Rate)) { MessageBox.Show("请输入优惠率!"); return; } menu.MenuRate = Rate; menu.MenuPrice = Quote * Rate; menu.InputDate = DateTime.Now; Price price = new Price(); price.PriceID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); price.MenuID = menu.MenuID; price.Quote = Quote; price.Rate = Rate; price.Price1 = Quote * Rate; price.InputDate = Convert.ToDateTime(menu.InputDate); if (menuBusinessLogic.AddMenu(menu) && priceBusinessLogic.AddPrice(price)) { MessageBox.Show("添加成功!"); txbMenuName.Clear(); txbUint.Clear(); txbQuote.Clear(); txbRate.Clear(); loadMenu(); } else { MessageBox.Show("添加失败!"); } }
public void AddTick(Price price) { AddTick(price.Time.ToUniversalTime(), price.Ask, price.Bid); }
public Tick(Price price, int row, bool isHistory) : base(price, isHistory) { Row = row; }
public void isValidForCreation_givenNegativePrice_thenNotValidForCreation() { Assert.False(new ItemValidator().IsValidForCreation(ItemTestBuilder.AnItem().WithPrice(Price.Create(new decimal(-1))).Build())); }
private static async Task NotifyOfPriceReduction(Item item, decimal currentPrice, Price prevPrice) { log.LogInformation($"Informing {item.SubscribersEmails.Length} user(s) about price decrease of {item.Name}."); try { await emailSender.SendEmailAboutPriceDecreaseAsync(item, currentPrice, prevPrice.ItemPrice); } catch (Exception ex) { log.LogError($"Can't send Emails to subscribers: {ex.Message}"); } }
public override void Display(int orderTotal) { Console.WriteLine("Slider #" + orderTotal + ": " + Name + " - topped with " + Cheese + " cheese and " + Toppings + "! $" + Price.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); }
public int CompareTo(FlightPrice other) => Price.CompareTo(other.Price);
public string GetDisplayBook() { return(ISBN + " " + Author + " " + Title + " " + Price.ToString()); }
protected string FormatPrice(Price price) => formatter.Format(price);
public override string PriceTag() { return(Name + " $ " + Price.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " (Manufacture date: " + ManufactureDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ")"); }
public override String PriceTag() { return($"{Name},$ {Price.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}, {ManufactureDate.ToString("dd/MM/YYYY")}"); }
public string SearchQuery() { return(Id + "/" + Name + "/" + Category + "/" + Description + "/" + Quantity.SearchQuery() + "/" + Price.SearchQuery() + "/" + Detail.SearchQuery()); }
public Row(string amount, string price, Price priceR) { Amount = amount ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(amount), "amount cannot be null"); Price = price ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(price), "price cannot be null"); PriceR = priceR ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(priceR), "priceR cannot be null"); }
public async Task <Price> GetPrice(string pair) { string supportedCur; try { supportedCur = await GetSupprtedCurrency(pair); } catch { supportedCur = null; } supportedCur = await GetSupprtedCurrency(pair); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(supportedCur)) { return(null); } var first = pair.Substring(0, pair.Length - supportedCur.Length); var currency = await _coinGeckoRepository.GetCurrency(first); if (currency == null) { return(null); } var oPrice = new List <CoinGeckoMarketCurrency>(); using (var client = new HttpClient()) using (var requets = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, $"{_coinGeckoOptions.APIUri}coins/markets?ids={currency.Id}&vs_currency={supportedCur}")) { using (var response = await client.SendAsync(requets, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead)) { if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { oPrice = await _httpResponseService.DeserializeJsonFromStream <List <CoinGeckoMarketCurrency> >(response); } else { var content = await _httpResponseService.StreamToStringAsync(await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()); throw new ApiException(message: content) { StatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode, Content = content }; } } } var price = new Price() { Change = oPrice.FirstOrDefault().PriceChangePercentage24H.ToString(), High = oPrice.FirstOrDefault().High24H.ToString(), Last = oPrice.FirstOrDefault().CurrentPrice.ToString(), Low = oPrice.FirstOrDefault().Low24H.ToString(), ATH = oPrice.FirstOrDefault().Ath.ToString() }; return(price); }
} //its the house of create the flavor and made the final product public string ToFixedLengthString() { return($"{string.Format("{0,-20}", Name)}|{string.Format("{0,-20}", Flavor)}|" + $"{Volum.ToString("00000000;-00000000")}|{Price.ToString("00000000;-00000000")}|" + $"{string.Format("{0,-20}", Made)}"); }
public string ToStringDetailed() { return(string.Format("General -\t Id: {0}, Name: {1}, Category: {2}, Description: {3}\n{4}\n{5}\n{6}", Id, Name, Category, Description, Quantity.ToStringDetailed(), Price.ToStringDetailed(), Detail.ToStringDetailed())); }
public override string PriceTag() { string tag = Name + "(used) $ " + Price.ToString("F2") + " (Manufacture date: " + ManufactureDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ")"; return(tag); }
public override string ToString() { return(string.Format("'{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', {4}, {5}, {6}", Id, Name, Description, Category, Quantity.ToString(), Price.ToString(), Detail.ToString())); }
public static List <Property> ReadPricingData(OperationsJsonLogger <PricePushResult> logger) { List <Property> properties = null; IFormatProvider culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", true); int propertCodeIndex = 0; int seasonStartIndex = 0; int seasonEndIndex = 0; int minLosStartIndex = 0; int dateStampIndex = 0; int priceRowIndex = 7; try { //var lines = File.ReadAllLines(Config.I.AirBnbPricingPushFile); var lines = WriteSafeReadAllLines(Config.I.PricingPushFile); if (lines.Length > 0) { properties = new List <Property>(); } for (int index = 0; index < lines.Length; index++) { // Getting the list of properties. if (index == propertCodeIndex) { string[] propertyArray = lines[index].Split(','); int propertyCellIndex = Array.IndexOf(propertyArray, PricingPushCsv.PropertyCode); int propertyCodesIndex = propertyCellIndex + 1; while (propertyCodesIndex < propertyArray.Length) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyArray[propertyCodesIndex])) { Property property = new Property(propertyArray[propertyCodesIndex], propertyCodesIndex); properties.Add(property); } propertyCodesIndex++; } } // Better than checking whether the index is greater than 1 would be to check if its greater than or equal to 0 // The whole purpose is to check whether the line exists or not. // Getting the stream line home names. if (Array.IndexOf(lines[index].Split(','), PricingPushCsv.StreamLineHomeName) >= 0) { string[] streamLineHomeNames = lines[index].Split(','); foreach (Property property in properties) { property.StreamLineHomeName = streamLineHomeNames[property.PropertyIndex].Trim(); } } // Parsing and reading the stream line home id's if (Array.IndexOf(lines[index].Split(','), PricingPushCsv.StreamLineHomeId) >= 0) { string[] streamLineHomeIds = lines[index].Split(','); foreach (Property property in properties) { property.StreamLineHomeId = streamLineHomeIds[property.PropertyIndex].Trim(); } } //Getting the airbnb accounts. if (Array.IndexOf(lines[index].Split(','), PricingPushCsv.AirbnbAccount) >= 0) { string[] airBnbAccountNames = lines[index].Split(','); foreach (Property property in properties) { //property.AirbnbAccount = airBnbAccountNames[property.PropertyIndex].Trim(); property.LoginAccount.Email = airBnbAccountNames[property.PropertyIndex].Trim(); } } //Getting the airbnb passswords. if (Array.IndexOf(lines[index].Split(','), PricingPushCsv.AirbnbPassword) >= 0) { string[] airBnbAccountPasswords = lines[index].Split(','); foreach (Property property in properties) { property.LoginAccount.Password = airBnbAccountPasswords[property.PropertyIndex].Trim(); } } //Getting the ProxyIP for the accounts. if (Array.IndexOf(lines[index].Split(','), PricingPushCsv.ProxyIp) >= 0) { string[] proxyIps = lines[index].Split(','); foreach (Property property in properties) { property.LoginAccount.ProxyAddress = new List <string> { proxyIps[property.PropertyIndex].Trim() }; //property.ProxyIP = proxyIps[property.PropertyIndex].Trim(); } } //Getting the Airbnb title for the properties. if (Array.IndexOf(lines[index].Split(','), PricingPushCsv.AirbnbTitle) >= 0) { string[] airBnbTitles = lines[index].Split(','); foreach (Property property in properties) { property.AirbnbTitle = airBnbTitles[property.PropertyIndex].Trim(); } } if (Array.IndexOf(lines[index].Split(','), PricingPushCsv.AirbnbListingId) >= 0) { string[] airBnbListingIds = lines[index].Split(','); foreach (Property property in properties) { property.AirbnbId = airBnbListingIds[property.PropertyIndex].Trim(); } } //Getting the price index for the properties. if (Array.IndexOf(lines[index].Split(','), PricingPushCsv.DateStamp) >= 0) { string[] propertyPriceHeadings = lines[index].Split(','); seasonStartIndex = Array.IndexOf(propertyPriceHeadings, PricingPushCsv.SeasonStartDate); seasonEndIndex = Array.IndexOf(propertyPriceHeadings, PricingPushCsv.SeasonEndDate); dateStampIndex = Array.IndexOf(propertyPriceHeadings, PricingPushCsv.DateStamp); minLosStartIndex = Array.IndexOf(propertyPriceHeadings, PricingPushCsv.MinimumLOS); priceRowIndex = index + 1; } // Getting and populating the object with prices. if (index >= priceRowIndex) { string[] prices = lines[index].Split(','); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prices[0])) { continue; } try { string dayPrice = string.Empty; foreach (Property property in properties) { Price propertyPrice = new Price(); propertyPrice.SeasonStartDate = DateTime.Parse(prices[seasonStartIndex].Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); propertyPrice.SeasonEndDate = DateTime.Parse(prices[seasonEndIndex].Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); dayPrice = prices[property.PropertyIndex].Trim(new char[] { '$' }); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dayPrice)) { propertyPrice.PropertyPrice = Convert.ToDouble(dayPrice); //Convert.ToDouble(prices[property.PropertyIndex].Trim(new char[] { '$' })); } propertyPrice.MinimumLos = Convert.ToInt32(prices[minLosStartIndex].Trim()); propertyPrice.DateStamp = DateTime.Parse(prices[dateStampIndex].Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); property.Prices.Add(propertyPrice); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Log(new PricePushResult(Channel.Common, PricePushLogArea.ParsingCSV, PricingPushLogType.Error, ex.Message + ", Season Start Date :" + prices[seasonStartIndex].Trim() + ", Season End Date :" + prices[seasonEndIndex].Trim())); } } } return(properties); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { logger.Log(new PricePushResult(Channel.Common, PricePushLogArea.CSVFileNotFound, PricingPushLogType.Error, ex.Message)); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Log(new PricePushResult(Channel.Common, PricePushLogArea.ParsingCSV, PricingPushLogType.Error, ex.Message)); } return(properties); }
public override string ToString() { string lcString = ""; //Serial.ToString() + "\t" + ModelName + "\t\t" + Gears.ToString() + "\t"; if (Type == 'U') { lcString = lcString + "Used"; } else { lcString = lcString + "New"; } lcString = lcString + "\t" + ModelName.PadRight(40 - ModelName.Length) + "\t" + Gears + "\t $" + Price.ToString(); return(lcString); }
public IActionResult Index([FromQuery] int id) { Price = _unitOfWork.Price.Get(1); return(View(Price)); }
/// <summary> /// создает представление машины в виде строки /// </summary> /// <returns>Строка, представляющая машину</returns> public override string ToString() { return(Model + "_" + Description + "_" + ID.ToString() + "_" + Price.ToString() + "_" + Image + "_" + IsConfirned.ToString() + "_" + IsSold.ToString() + "_" + Owner); }
public Rate(Price price, bool isHistory) : this(price.Time, price.Ask, price.Bid, isHistory) { }
protected override int HashCode() { return(Key.GetHashCode() ^ ArtikleCode.GetHashCode() ^ ColorCode.GetHashCode() ^ Description.GetHashCode() ^ Price.GetHashCode() ^ DiscountPrice.GetHashCode() ^ DeliveredIn.GetHashCode() ^ Q1.GetHashCode() ^ Size.GetHashCode() ^ Color.GetHashCode()); }