private static void RedirectStandardError(object sendingProcess, DataReceivedEventArgs outLine) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outLine?.Data)) { return; } var info = outLine.Data.ToLower(); bool output = false; ConsoleColor outputColor = ConsoleColor.White; foreach (var s in DisplayKeywords) { if (info.Contains(s)) { output = true; outputColor = ConsoleColor.Green; break; } } foreach (var s in ShareFoundKeywords) { if (info.Contains(s)) { _solutionsFound++; outputColor = ConsoleColor.Green; break; } } foreach (var s in RejectedShareKeywords) { if (info.Contains(s)) { _rejectedSolutions++; outputColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; break; } } foreach (var s in ErrorKeywords) { if (info.Contains(s)) { PrettyConsole.WriteLine(outLine.Data, ConsoleColor.Red); Log.Error(outLine.Data); KillMiner(); return; } } if (VerboseOutput || output) { PrettyConsole.WriteLine(outLine.Data, outputColor); } UpdateAverageHashRate(outLine.Data); }
public static void GracefulShutdownMiner(Process minerProcess, Process commandLineProcess) { if (minerProcess == null) { return; } PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"Freezing Miner Process ({minerProcess.Id})", ConsoleColor.Magenta); try { SuspendProcess(minerProcess.Id); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"Miner Process Has Exited: {minerProcess.HasExited}"); } finally { Thread.Sleep(5000); } KillProcess(minerProcess); KillProcess(commandLineProcess); }
private static void VerifyProcesses() { LoopStart: if (!_running || _paused) { return; } if (_minerProcess != null && (_minerProcess.HasExited || !_minerProcess.Responding)) { PrettyConsole.WriteLine( $"{MinerExe}.exe is not running or not responding. Attempting to restart...", ConsoleColor.Yellow); KillMiner(); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (_minerProcess == null && !_paused) { PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"Starting {MinerExe}.exe now.", ConsoleColor.Yellow); //Start a new cmd window so that it doesn't intercept ctrl+c in windows 7 and crash drivers during a process kill string commandLine = $"/K START /B {MinerLocation} {MinerCommandLineParameters}"; ProcessStartInfo pInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", commandLine) { UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, //RedirectStandardInput = true //Todo: Redirect standard input for miners that accept key commands }; _commandLineProcess = Process.Start(pInfo); if (_commandLineProcess != null) { //Note: Redirecting Standard Output/Error will only work if the mining sub process flushes console buffers, some miners (eg: xmr-stak) provide a flag to force console buffer flushing _commandLineProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true; _commandLineProcess.OutputDataReceived += RedirectStandardOutput; _commandLineProcess.ErrorDataReceived += RedirectStandardError; _commandLineProcess.BeginOutputReadLine(); _commandLineProcess.BeginErrorReadLine(); } Thread.Sleep(5000); Console.Out.Flush(); _minerProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName(MinerExe).FirstOrDefault(); goto LoopStart; } }
private static void SetActiveMiner(MinerConfig newMinerConfig) { _currentMiningConfig = newMinerConfig; PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"Starting {_currentMiningConfig.Name} - {_currentMiningConfig.ExeLocation} {_currentMiningConfig.CommandLineParameters}"); KillMiner(); var match = WalletRegex.Match(newMinerConfig.CommandLineParameters); _walletPrefix = match.Groups[1].Value; _wallet = match.Groups[2].Value; //_workerName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups[3].Value.Trim()) ? string.Empty : $"{match.Groups[4].Value}"; }
private static bool ConsoleEventCallback(int eventType) { if (eventType == (int)NativeMethods.CtrlTypes.CtrlCloseEvent || eventType == (int)NativeMethods.CtrlTypes.CtrlCEvent || eventType == (int)NativeMethods.CtrlTypes.CtrlLogoffEvent || eventType == (int)NativeMethods.CtrlTypes.CtrlShutdownEvent || eventType == (int)NativeMethods.CtrlTypes.CtrlBreakEvent) { PrettyConsole.WriteLine("Gracefully exiting...", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Exit(); } return(true); }
public static void KillProcess(Process process) { if (process == null || process.HasExited) { return; } try { PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"Killing Process {process.ProcessName} [{process.Id}].", ConsoleColor.Magenta); process.Kill(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); } Thread.Sleep(1000); }
public static void KillProcess(string processName) { Process[] processes = Process.GetProcesses().Where(p => p.Id != Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id&& p.ProcessName.ToLower() == processName.ToLower() && !p.HasExited).ToArray(); foreach (var p in processes) { try { PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"Killing Process {p.ProcessName} [{p.Id}].", ConsoleColor.Magenta); p.Kill(); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); } } Thread.Sleep(1000); }
private static void UpdateMonitoringSockets(List <Gpu> gpus, List <Cpu> cpus, decimal averageHashrate, ConsoleColor hashrateColor) { //Update Monitoring Sockets var s = new Schedule { TotalMinutesInSchedule = MinutesInRotation, CurrentMinute = _miningMinute, ScheduledConfigs = ScheduledConfigs }; //Verify we are still connected to the Monitoring Socket Handshake(); foreach (var channel in _channels) { var r = new MiningRig { Channels = new List <string> { channel.Name }, Address = channel.ShowWalletAddress ? $"{_walletPrefix}{_wallet}" : string.Empty, Name = channel.ShowRigName ? RigName : FingerPrint.Value.Substring(0, 10), SecureHardwareId = FingerPrint.Value, Cpus = cpus, Gpus = gpus, Stats = new List <Stats> { new Stats { Code = _paused ? "_Paused" : (_currentMiningConfig?.CurrencyCode ?? "_Paused"), Color = hashrateColor.ToString(), Rate = averageHashrate, Units = _units } }, Completed = _solutionsFound, Failed = _rejectedSolutions, Paused = _paused, Schedule = channel.ShowSchedule ? s : null, Pool = channel.ShowMiningPool ? MiningPool : string.Empty, IsTrustedChannel = channel.IsTrustedChannel, CustomCommands = ServerCommand.CustomCommands }; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(r); try { _monitoringSocket.Emit("pulse", json); } catch (Exception ex) { PrettyConsole.WriteLine("Unable to connect to monitoring socket, attempting to reconnect..."); try { ConnectToMonitoringSocket(); _monitoringSocket.Emit("pulse", json); } catch (Exception ex2) { Log.Warning(ex); Log.Warning(ex2); } } } }
static void Main() { Initialize(); #region Error Mode //Prevent error dialog popups, this prevents the miner sub process from hanging by a windows error popup during a crash NativeMethods.SetErrorMode(NativeMethods.ErrorModes.SemFailcriticalerrors | NativeMethods.ErrorModes.SemNogpfaulterrorbox); #endregion #region Console Hooks //Hook Console to catch Close Event Handler = ConsoleEventCallback; NativeMethods.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(Handler, true); Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = true; _running = false; PrettyConsole.WriteLine("Gracefully exiting...", ConsoleColor.Magenta); }; #endregion Startup: try { ConnectToMonitoringSocket(); //Every minute the miner is running, it updates this file with how many minutes it has mined % MinutesInRotation var text = ""; try { text = File.ReadAllText(MiningMinuteFile); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warning(ex); } if (!int.TryParse(text, out _miningMinute)) { Log.Warning($"Unable to read Mining Minute, defaulting to 0. Text received from {MiningMinuteFile}: {text}"); } int currentMinute = -1; var freshStart = new List <string> { "XzonControlPanel" }; foreach (MinerConfig miner in _miners) { var exeName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(miner.ExeLocation); if (!freshStart.Contains(exeName)) { freshStart.Add(exeName); } } foreach (var p in freshStart) { ProcessHelper.KillProcess(p); } Thread.Sleep(1000); PrettyConsole.Write("Max Allowed GPU Temperature is "); PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"{MaxTemp}°c", ConsoleColor.Red); PrettyConsole.WriteLine(); Log.Warning("Miner Has Started"); //Main Loop while (_running) { Temperature.Refresh(); #region Scheduling if (DateTime.Now.Hour * 60 + DateTime.Now.Minute != currentMinute && !_paused) { //Minute changed, increment _miningMinute = (_miningMinute + 1) % MinutesInRotation; UpdateMiningMinute(_miningMinute); currentMinute = DateTime.Now.Hour * 60 + DateTime.Now.Minute; PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"Current Minute: {_miningMinute}", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); //Check if it is time to use the next miner config in the schedule MinerConfig newMinerConfig = _miners[0]; foreach (MinerConfig miner in _miners) { if (miner.StartMinute <= _miningMinute) { newMinerConfig = miner; } else { PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"Will start {miner.Name} at minute {miner.StartMinute}", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); } } if (!newMinerConfig.Equals(_currentMiningConfig)) { SetActiveMiner(newMinerConfig); } } #endregion VerifyProcesses(); if (!_running) { break; } if (_paused) { Log.Informational("Miner is paused"); //If reboot after paused X minutes is set, reboot after X minutes if (RebootAfterPausedXMinutes > 0 && _pausedTime != null) { if (DateTime.Now > _pausedTime.Value.AddMinutes(RebootAfterPausedXMinutes)) { Log.Warning("Rebooting Machine"); Process.Start("shutdown.exe", "-r -t 30"); _running = false; } else { Log.Informational($"Rebooting machine in {_pausedTime.Value.AddMinutes(RebootAfterPausedXMinutes).Subtract(DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds} seconds", true); PrettyConsole.Write("Rebooting machine in "); PrettyConsole.Write($"{_pausedTime.Value.AddMinutes(RebootAfterPausedXMinutes).Subtract(DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds}", ConsoleColor.Yellow); PrettyConsole.WriteLine(" seconds"); } } } List <Gpu> gpus = new List <Gpu>(); List <Cpu> cpus = new List <Cpu>(); if (Temperature.GpuTemperatures == null) { Log.Warning("Unable to read GPU Temperatures, killing miner"); Pause(); KillMiner(); continue; } foreach (var temp in Temperature.CpuTemperatures) { PrettyConsole.Write($"{temp.InstanceName} ({temp.InstanceId}): "); PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"{temp.CurrentValue}°c", ConsoleColor.Cyan); cpus.Add(new Cpu { Color = "Cyan", Id = temp.InstanceId, Name = temp.InstanceName, Temp = (int)temp.CurrentValue }); } foreach (var temp in Temperature.GpuTemperatures) { PrettyConsole.Write($"{temp.InstanceName} ({temp.InstanceId}): "); var outputColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; if (temp.CurrentValue >= MaxTemp) { outputColor = ConsoleColor.Red; PrettyConsole.Write($"{temp.CurrentValue}", outputColor); PrettyConsole.Write(@"°c"); } else if (temp.CurrentValue >= WarningTemp) { outputColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; PrettyConsole.Write($"{temp.CurrentValue}", outputColor); PrettyConsole.Write(@"°c"); } else if (Math.Abs(temp.CurrentValue) < 1) { //Check if GPU went offline, if it did its reported temperature is 0, check for <1 because floating point numbers doing their thing outputColor = ConsoleColor.Red; PrettyConsole.Write($"{temp.CurrentValue}", outputColor); PrettyConsole.Write(@"°c"); Log.Error($"GPU {temp.InstanceName} ({temp.InstanceId}) Went Offline."); KillMiner(); Pause(); } else { PrettyConsole.Write($"{temp.CurrentValue}", outputColor); PrettyConsole.Write(@"°c"); } decimal gpuHr = -1; try { int gpuId; if (int.TryParse(temp.InstanceId.Substring(temp.InstanceId.LastIndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1), out gpuId)) { lock (RecentGpuHashrates) { if (RecentGpuHashrates.ContainsKey(gpuId) && RecentGpuHashrates[gpuId].Count > 0) { gpuHr = decimal.Round(RecentGpuHashrates[gpuId].Average(), 2); PrettyConsole.Write($" ({gpuHr} {_units}/s)", ConsoleColor.Gray); } } } } catch (Exception) { //Do nothing } finally { PrettyConsole.WriteLine(); } gpus.Add(new Gpu { Color = outputColor.ToString(), Name = temp.InstanceName, Id = temp.InstanceId, Temp = (int)temp.CurrentValue, Rate = gpuHr }); if (temp.CurrentValue > MaxTemp) { Log.Error($"Killing miner, GPU Temperature is {temp.CurrentValue}°c but the max is set for {MaxTemp}°c"); //Hard shut down //Exit(1); //Soft shut down KillMiner(); Pause(); } } //Check average hash rate decimal averageHashrate = 0; ConsoleColor hashrateColor = ConsoleColor.Red; if (RecentHashrates.Count > 0) { Queue <decimal> localQueue = new Queue <decimal>(RecentHashrates); averageHashrate = decimal.Round(localQueue.Average(), 3); hashrateColor = ConsoleColor.Green; if (averageHashrate < _currentMiningConfig.HashrateError) { hashrateColor = ConsoleColor.Red; if (localQueue.Count == TotalReadingsToAverage) { var error = $"Average Hashrate {averageHashrate} dropped below configured error rate ({_currentMiningConfig.HashrateError}). Killing miner."; Log.Error(error); KillMiner(); } } else if (averageHashrate < _currentMiningConfig.HashrateWarning) { hashrateColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; if (localQueue.Count == TotalReadingsToAverage) { Log.Warning($"Average Hashrate {averageHashrate} dropped below configured warning rate {_currentMiningConfig.HashrateWarning}."); } } if (localQueue.Count > 0) { PrettyConsole.Write(@"Current Average Hashrate: "); PrettyConsole.Write($"{averageHashrate} {_units}/s", hashrateColor); PrettyConsole.WriteLine(); } PrettyConsole.Write(@"Solutions Found: "); PrettyConsole.Write($"{_solutionsFound}", _solutionsFound > 0 ? ConsoleColor.Green : ConsoleColor.Yellow); if (_rejectedSolutions > 0) { PrettyConsole.Write(@". Rejected: "); PrettyConsole.Write($"{_rejectedSolutions}", ConsoleColor.Red); } PrettyConsole.WriteLine(@"."); } UpdateMonitoringSockets(gpus, cpus, averageHashrate, hashrateColor); //foreach (var config in _miners) //{ // PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"({config.Wallet}){WalletHelper.GetWalletBalance(config.CurrencyCode, config.Wallet)}", ConsoleColor.DarkGreen); //} Thread.Sleep(10000); if (File.Exists("stop.txt")) { File.Delete("stop.txt"); _running = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); if (_running) { Log.Warning(ex); Log.Informational("Attempting to restart from the beginning..."); goto Startup; } } KillMiner(); Exit(); }
/* * private static void Debug() * { * decimal currentMinute = .1M; * Random rng = new Random(); * int mode = rng.Next(2); * //0 = bad * //1 = okay * //2 = good * List<Gpu> gpus = new List<Gpu>(); * var gpu = new Gpu * { * Color = mode == 0 ? "Red" : mode == 1 ? "Yellow" : "Cyan", * Id = "/nvidia/gpu/0", * Name = "GTX970", * Temp = mode == 0 ? rng.Next(65, 70) : mode == 1 ? rng.Next(60, 65) : rng.Next(55, 60) * }; * gpus.Add(gpu); * * var gpu2 = new Gpu * { * Color = mode == 0 ? "Red" : mode == 1 ? "Yellow" : "Cyan", * Id = "/nvidia/gpu/1", * Name = "GTX960", * Temp = mode == 0 ? rng.Next(65, 70) : mode == 1 ? rng.Next(60, 65) : rng.Next(55, 60) * }; * gpus.Add(gpu2); * * for (;;) * { * var r = new MiningRig * { * WalletPrefix = "0x", * Wallet = "1337", * Name = "theRig", * Gpus = gpus, * Hr = mode == 0 ? rng.Next(40, 50) : mode == 1 ? rng.Next(100, 110) : rng.Next(115, 120), * Units = "MH", * HrColor = mode == 0 ? "Red" : mode == 1 ? "Yellow" : "Cyan", * SolutionsFound = rng.Next(1337), * SolutionsRejected = rng.Next(10), * Paused = false, * ActiveCurrency = "ETH", * Channels = new List<string> { "xzon" }, * MiningPool = "", * WorkerName = "the_beast", * Schedule = new Schedule { * CurrentMinute = (int)decimal.Floor(currentMinute), * ScheduledConfigs = new List<ScheduledConfig> * { * new ScheduledConfig() * { * MinerCommandLine = "ethminer.exe -a test -o test", * Name = "Ethereum", * StartTime = 0 * } * }, * TotalMinutesInSchedule = 1440 * } * }; * * var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(r); * * try * { * MonitoringSocket.Emit("pulse", json); * Console.WriteLine("pulse"); * } * catch (Exception) { } * * * * r = new MiningRig * { * WalletPrefix = "", * Wallet = "", * Name = "1234ABCD", * Gpus = gpus, * Hr = mode == 0 ? rng.Next(40, 50) : mode == 1 ? rng.Next(100, 110) : rng.Next(115, 120), * Units = "MH", * HrColor = mode == 0 ? "Red" : mode == 1 ? "Yellow" : "Cyan", * SolutionsFound = rng.Next(1337), * SolutionsRejected = rng.Next(10), * Paused = false, * ActiveCurrency = "ETH", * Channels = new List<string> { "xzon_public" }, * MiningPool = "", * WorkerName = "", * Schedule = null * }; * * json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(r); * * try * { * MonitoringSocket.Emit("pulse", json); * Console.WriteLine("pulse"); * } * catch (Exception) { } * * * * System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); * } * }*/ private static void ConnectToMonitoringSocket() { _monitoringSocket?.Disconnect(); _monitoringSocket?.Close(); //Open socket to Monitoring Server IO.Options options = new IO.Options { AutoConnect = true, Reconnection = true, //ReconnectionAttempts = 5, //ReconnectionDelay = 5, //Timeout = 20, //This causes the socket to never open for some reason Secure = true, ForceNew = true, //Multiplex = true, IgnoreServerCertificateValidation = true, ForceJsonp = true }; _monitoringSocket = IO.Socket(MonitoringServer, options); _monitoringSocket.On(Socket.EVENT_ERROR, () => { Log.Warning("Error encountered with Monitoring Socket"); _monitoringSocket.Disconnect(); }); _monitoringSocket.On(Socket.EVENT_DISCONNECT, () => { PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"Disconnected from {MonitoringServer} Monitoring Server"); }); _monitoringSocket.On(Socket.EVENT_CONNECT, () => { PrettyConsole.WriteLine("Connected to Monitoring Socket", ConsoleColor.Green); foreach (var channel in _channels) { var cr = new Credentials { ChannelName = channel.Name, Password = channel.Password, IsRig = true, IsTrustedChannel = channel.IsTrustedChannel, Version = $"Xzon{Version}" }; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cr); PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"Joining channel {channel.Name}", ConsoleColor.Green); PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"\tTrusted Channel: {channel.IsTrustedChannel}", channel.IsTrustedChannel ? ConsoleColor.Green : ConsoleColor.Yellow); PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"\tShow Rig Name: {channel.ShowRigName}"); PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"\tShow Wallet Address: {channel.ShowWalletAddress}"); PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"\tShow Mining Pool: {channel.ShowMiningPool}"); PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"\tShow Schedule: {channel.ShowSchedule}"); _monitoringSocket.Emit("auth", json); Thread.Sleep(100); } _lastHandshake = DateTime.Now; }); _monitoringSocket.On("executeCommand", (data) => { PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"Command Requested: {data}", ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta); ProcessSocketCommand(data.ToString()); }); _monitoringSocket.On("authFailed", (data) => { PrettyConsole.Write($"Authentication to channel {data}: "); PrettyConsole.WriteLine("FAILED", ConsoleColor.Red); }); _monitoringSocket.On("authSuccess", (data) => { PrettyConsole.Write($"Authentication to channel {data}: "); PrettyConsole.WriteLine("SUCCESS", ConsoleColor.Green); }); _monitoringSocket.On("handshake", (data) => { _lastHandshake = DateTime.Now; //Log.Informational("Handshake Successful"); }); }
static void Initialize() { ChannelsSection channelConfigSection = null; try { channelConfigSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("ChannelsSection") as ChannelsSection; if (channelConfigSection == null) { throw new Exception("Configuration Error"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); Log.Warning("XzonControlPanel.exe.config file is malformed. Please fix it or run the Configuration Tool to generate a valid config."); PrettyConsole.WriteLine("Press [ENTER] to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); Environment.Exit(0); } _channels = channelConfigSection.Channels; MinersSection minerConfigSection = null; try { minerConfigSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("MinersSection") as MinersSection; if (minerConfigSection == null) { throw new Exception("Configuration Error"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); Log.Warning("XzonControlPanel.exe.config file is malformed. Please fix it or run the Configuration Tool to generate a valid config."); PrettyConsole.WriteLine("Press [ENTER] to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); Environment.Exit(0); } _miners = minerConfigSection.Miners; PrettyConsole.WriteLine("==========================="); PrettyConsole.WriteLine("Detected Configured Miners:"); PrettyConsole.WriteLine("==========================="); decimal total = 0; List <string> purge = new List <string>(); foreach (MinerConfig item in _miners) { if (item.Ratio == 0) { purge.Add(item.Name); } total += item.Ratio; } purge.ForEach(s => _miners.Remove(s)); decimal scale = 100 / total; int startMinute = 0; foreach (MinerConfig item in _miners) { item.TrueRatio = item.Ratio * scale; item.StartMinute = startMinute; PrettyConsole.Write($"{item.Name} "); PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"({decimal.Round(item.TrueRatio, 2)}%)", ConsoleColor.Green); PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"\tStarts at minute {item.StartMinute}"); PrettyConsole.WriteLine($"\t{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item.ExeLocation)} {item.CommandLineParameters}"); PrettyConsole.WriteLine("---------------------------"); startMinute += (int)decimal.Floor(item.TrueRatio / 100 * MinutesInRotation); } Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var miner in _miners) { if (miner.Ratio == 0) { continue; } var match = WalletRegex.Match(miner.CommandLineParameters); if (match.Groups.Count >= 2) { miner.Wallet = $"{match.Groups[1].Value}{match.Groups[2].Value}"; } ScheduledConfigs.Add(new ScheduledConfig { Name = miner.Name, MinerCommandLine = Path.GetFileName(miner.ExeLocation) + miner.CommandLineParameters, StartTime = miner.StartMinute }); } if (!File.Exists(MiningMinuteFile)) { File.WriteAllText(MiningMinuteFile, "-1"); } HandleAutoStartup(); _paused = !("StartMinerOnStartup".FromConfig().ToBool() ?? false); }