/// <summary>
        /// Runs the code example.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="service">An authenticated AdExchangeBuyerService</param>
        public override void Run(AdExchangeBuyerService service)
            long accountId = long.Parse("INSERT ACCOUNT ID HERE");
            string configName = "INSERT CONFIG NAME HERE";
            PretargetingConfig.DimensionsData dimensions = new PretargetingConfig.DimensionsData
                Width = int.Parse("INSERT WIDTH HERE"),
                Height = int.Parse("INSERT HEIGHT HERE")
            bool active = bool.Parse("INSERT TRUE OR FALSE HERE");

            PretargetingConfig config = new PretargetingConfig
                ConfigName = configName,
                CreativeType = new[] { "PRETARGETING_CREATIVE_TYPE_HTML" },
                Dimensions = new[] { dimensions },
                IsActive = active

            PretargetingConfig responseConfig = service.PretargetingConfig.
                Insert(config, accountId).Execute();

            Console.WriteLine("Inserted new pretargeting config:");
            Console.WriteLine("Config Name: {0}", responseConfig.ConfigName);
            Console.WriteLine("Config Id: {0}", responseConfig.ConfigId);
            Console.WriteLine("Is active: {0}", responseConfig.IsActive);
            Console.WriteLine("Creative Type: {0}", responseConfig.CreativeType);
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the code example.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="service">An authenticated AdExchangeBuyerService</param>
        public override void Run(AdExchangeBuyerService service)
            long   accountId  = long.Parse("INSERT ACCOUNT ID HERE");
            string configName = "INSERT CONFIG NAME HERE";

            PretargetingConfig.DimensionsData dimensions = new PretargetingConfig.DimensionsData
                Width  = int.Parse("INSERT WIDTH HERE"),
                Height = int.Parse("INSERT HEIGHT HERE")
            bool active = bool.Parse("INSERT TRUE OR FALSE HERE");

            PretargetingConfig config = new PretargetingConfig
                ConfigName   = configName,
                CreativeType = new[] { "PRETARGETING_CREATIVE_TYPE_HTML" },
                Dimensions   = new[] { dimensions },
                IsActive     = active

            PretargetingConfig responseConfig = service.PretargetingConfig.
                                                Insert(config, accountId).Execute();

            Console.WriteLine("Inserted new pretargeting config:");
            Console.WriteLine("Config Name: {0}", responseConfig.ConfigName);
            Console.WriteLine("Config Id: {0}", responseConfig.ConfigId);
            Console.WriteLine("Is active: {0}", responseConfig.IsActive);
            Console.WriteLine("Creative Type: {0}", responseConfig.CreativeType);