private void BindDistrictOfficers(string position) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DBconnection obj = new DBconnection(); if (position == "All") { obj.SetCommandQry = "SELECT * FROM [View_DistPositionHeldMembers] where district_no='3141' and years='2016 - 2017' order by Name"; } else { obj.SetCommandQry = "SELECT * FROM [View_DistPositionHeldMembers] where district_no='3141' and years='2016 - 2017' and avenue='" + position + "' order by Name"; } dt = obj.ExecuteTable(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { PresidentGrid.Visible = true; PresidentGrid.DataSourceID = string.Empty; PresidentGrid.DataSource = dt; PresidentGrid.Rebind(); } else { PresidentGrid.Visible = false; } }
private void BindPresident() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DBconnection obj = new DBconnection(); obj.SetCommandQry = "select * from View_BodMembers where district_no='3141' and designation='President' and year='2016 - 2017' and MemType='Active' order by Name"; dt = obj.ExecuteTable(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { PresidentGrid.Visible = true; PresidentGrid.DataSourceID = string.Empty; PresidentGrid.DataSource = dt; PresidentGrid.Rebind(); } else { PresidentGrid.Visible = false; } }