コード例 #1
ファイル: RecognizerApi.cs プロジェクト: JanKleprlik/Yoti
        /// <summary>
        /// Recognize song in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="songToRecognize">Preprocessed data of the song to be recognized.</param>
        /// <returns>Recognition result containting info about recognized song and process of recognizing. Song null and empty SongAccuracies on failure.</returns>
        public async Task <RecognitionResult> RecognizeSong(PreprocessedSongData songToRecognize)
            string result;

                result = await PostAsync(
                    baseUrl + "/recognition/recognizesong",
                    JsonSerializer.Serialize(songToRecognize, serializerOptions),
            catch (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException e)
                //result is null when there is no connection
                result = null;

            if (result != null)
                return(JsonSerializer.Deserialize <RecognitionResult>(result, serializerOptions));

            return(new RecognitionResult {
                Song = null, SongAccuracies = new List <System.Tuple <uint, double> >()
コード例 #2
ファイル: RecognizerApi.cs プロジェクト: JanKleprlik/Yoti
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload new song to the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="songToUpload">Preprocessed song data to be uploaded.</param>
        /// <returns>Uploaded song. Null on failure.</returns>
        public async Task <Song> UploadSong(PreprocessedSongData songToUpload)
            string result;

                result = await PostAsync(
                    baseUrl + "/recognition/addnewsong",
                    JsonSerializer.Serialize(songToUpload, serializerOptions),
            catch (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException e)
                //result is null when there is no connection
                result = null;

            if (result != null)
                return(JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Song>(result, serializerOptions));

コード例 #3
        public ActionResult <Song> AddNewSong(PreprocessedSongData songToUpload)
            Song newSong = new Song {
                Author = songToUpload.Author, Name = songToUpload.Name, Lyrics = songToUpload.Lyrics, BPM = songToUpload.BPM

            // Creaty empty SearchData data structure that will be saved into the database
            Dictionary <uint, List <ulong> > searchData = new Dictionary <uint, List <ulong> >();

            // Save song metadata

            // Get Id manually so we can use it at fingerprint creation
            int maxId = _context.Songs.Max(song => song.SongId);

            _logger.LogInformation("Addding TFPs to database");
            // Conversion of maxId from int to uint is safe because SongId is always positive and smaller than max value of int
            _recognizer.AddFingerprintToDatabase(songToUpload.Fingerprint, Convert.ToUInt32(maxId), searchData);

            // Update data in database
            AddSearchDataToDB(searchData, newSong.BPM);

            // Return added song
            return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetSong), new { id = newSong.Id }, newSong));
コード例 #4
        public async Task <ActionResult <RecognitionResult> > RecognizeSong(PreprocessedSongData songToUpload)
            _logger.LogDebug("Getting correct searchdata");
            Dictionary <uint, List <ulong> > searchData = GetSearchDataByBPM(songToUpload.BPM);

            // recognize song
            _logger.LogDebug("Recognizing song");
            var recognitionResult = _recognizer.RecognizeSong(songToUpload.Fingerprint, searchData, songToUpload.TFPCount);

            // parse recognition result
            uint?songId = recognitionResult.Item1;
            List <Tuple <uint, double> > songAccuracies = recognitionResult.Item2;

            //find accuracy of recognition result song
            double maxAccuracy = GetSongAccuracy(songId, songAccuracies);

            // song was not found in chosen BPM sector
            if (songId == null)
                _logger.LogDebug("Song not found by BPM");
                // Iterate through all other BPM (from 60 to 180) and try to find
                // identify the song
                for (int potentialBPM = 60; potentialBPM < 180; potentialBPM += 5)
                    //dont search in BPM that was already searched through
                    if (potentialBPM == songToUpload.BPM)

                    //get SearchData by bpm
                    searchData = GetSearchDataByBPM(potentialBPM);
                    var potentialRecognitionResult = _recognizer.RecognizeSong(songToUpload.Fingerprint, searchData, songToUpload.TFPCount);

                    uint?  potentialSongId = potentialRecognitionResult.Item1;
                    double accuracy        = GetSongAccuracy(potentialSongId, potentialRecognitionResult.Item2);

                    // If result is not null and accuracy is higher than current max
                    // remember the id and new max accuracy and accuracies of other songs
                    if (potentialSongId != null && accuracy > maxAccuracy)
                        _logger.LogDebug($"New potential song id found: {potentialSongId} with proba: {accuracy} in BPM: {potentialBPM}");
                        songId         = potentialSongId;                  //remember songId
                        maxAccuracy    = accuracy;                         //remember max accuracy
                        songAccuracies = potentialRecognitionResult.Item2; //remember accuracies of other song in BPM batch

            if (songId == null)
                return(new RecognitionResult
                    Song = null,
                    SongAccuracies = songAccuracies,
                return(new RecognitionResult
                    // Conversion of songId from uint to int is safe, because ids are smaller than max value of int
                    // also songId is checked to not be null
                    Song = await _context.Songs.FindAsync((int)songId),
                    SongAccuracies = songAccuracies,
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// C# side processing of uploaded or recorded audio data when recognizing song.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e">Instance with audio data and process status information.</param>
        private async void OnSongToRecognizeEvent(object sender, string fileAsDataUrl, bool isDone)
            //remove EventHandler in case this is the last iteration
            WasmSongEvent -= OnSongToRecognizeEvent;
            // Audio data is fully uploaded from javascript to C#, now recognize the song
            if (isDone)
                // Update UI
                IsRecording     = false;
                IsUploading     = false;
                IsRecognizing   = true;
                InformationText = "Looking for a match ...";

                    // Convert audio data from Base64 string to byteArray
                    //string base64Data = Regex.Match(stringBuilder.ToString(), @"data:((audio)|(application))/(?<type>.+?),(?<data>.+)").Groups["data"].Value;
                    byte[] binData = Convert.FromBase64String(stringBuilder.ToString());                     //this is the data I want byte[]

                    // Convert byte array to wav format
                    uploadedSong = new WavFormat(binData);
                    if (!IsSupported(uploadedSong))
                        //release resources
                        uploadedSong = null;

                // catch error that caused by faulty binData
                // ArgumentException at WavFormat(binData)
                // NullReferenceException at Regex.Match().Groups[]-Value
                catch (Exception ex)
                    InformationText = "Error occured, please try again.";
                    IsRecognizing   = false;

                //Debug print recorded audio properties
                this.Log().LogDebug("[DEBUG] Channels: " + uploadedSong.Channels);
                this.Log().LogDebug("[DEBUG] SampleRate: " + uploadedSong.SampleRate);
                this.Log().LogDebug("[DEBUG] NumOfData: " + uploadedSong.NumOfDataSamples);
                this.Log().LogDebug("[DEBUG] ActualNumOfData: " + uploadedSong.Data.Length);

                //Name, Author and Lyrics is not important for recognition call
                PreprocessedSongData songWavFormat = PreprocessSongData(uploadedSong);
                RecognitionResult    result        = await recognizerApi.RecognizeSong(songWavFormat);

                // Update UI
                await WriteRecognitionResults(result);

                IsRecognizing = false;

                //repeat this event until e.isDone == true;
                WasmSongEvent += OnSongToRecognizeEvent;