コード例 #1
    protected override void waitEvent()
        double timestamp = 0;
        bool   success   = false;

        shouldFinishAtNextFall = false;

        bool ok;

        int countForSavingTempTable = 0;

            if (simulated)
                ok = true;
                ok = cp.Read_event(out timestamp, out platformState);

            //if chronopic signal is Ok and state has changed
            if (ok && (
                    (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.ON && loggedState == States.OFF) ||
                    (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF && loggedState == States.ON)) &&
                !cancel && !finish)
                if (simulated)
                    timestamp = simulatedTimeLast * 1000;                     //conversion to milliseconds
                LogB.Information(Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString).ToString());

                string equal = "";

                //while no finished time or jumps, continue recording events
                if (!success)
                    //don't record the time until the first event
                    if (firstRjValue)
                        firstRjValue = false;

                        //but start timer

                        feedbackMessage         = "";
                        needShowFeedbackMessage = true;
                        //reactive jump has not finished... record the next jump
                        LogB.Information(string.Format("tcCount: {0}, tvCount: {1}", tcCount, tvCount));
                        if (tcCount == tvCount)
                            lastTc = timestamp / 1000.0;

                            if (tcCount > 0)
                                equal = "=";
                            tcString = tcString + equal + lastTc.ToString();

                            updateTimerCountWithChronopicData(tcString, tvString);

                            tcCount = tcCount + 1;
                            //tcCount > tvCount
                            lastTv = timestamp / 1000.0;

                            if (tvCount > 0)
                                equal = "=";
                            tvString = tvString + equal + lastTv.ToString();

                            updateTimerCountWithChronopicData(tcString, tvString);
                            tvCount = tvCount + 1;

                            //update event progressbar
                            updateProgressBar = new UpdateProgressBar(
                                true,                                         //isEvent
                                jumpsLimited,                                 //if jumpsLimited: do fraction; if time limited: do pulse
                            needUpdateEventProgressBar = true;

                            //update graph
                            PrepareEventGraphJumpReactiveObject = new PrepareEventGraphJumpReactive(lastTv, lastTc, tvString, tcString);
                            needUpdateGraphType = eventType.JUMPREACTIVE;
                            needUpdateGraph     = true;

                            //put button_finish as sensitive when first jump is done (there's something recordable)
                            if (tvCount == 1)
                                needSensitiveButtonFinish = true;

                            //save temp table if needed
                            if (countForSavingTempTable == timesForSavingRepetitive)
                                writeRj(true);                                 //tempTable
                                countForSavingTempTable = 0;

                //if we finish by time, and allowFinishAfterTime == true, when time passed, if the jumper is jumping
                //if flags the shouldFinishAtNextFall that will finish when he arrives to the platform
                if (shouldFinishAtNextFall && platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.ON && loggedState == States.OFF)
                    finish = true;

                //check if reactive jump should finish
                if (jumpsLimited)
                    if (limitAsDouble != -1)
                        if (Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tvString, false) >= limitAsDouble)
                            jumpPhase = jumpPhases.PLATFORM_END;

                            writeRj(false);                             //tempTable
                            success = true;

                            //update event progressbar
                            updateProgressBar = new UpdateProgressBar(
                                true,                                         //isEvent
                                true,                                         //percentageMode
                            needUpdateEventProgressBar = true;

                            //update graph
                            PrepareEventGraphJumpReactiveObject = new PrepareEventGraphJumpReactive(lastTv, lastTc, tvString, tcString);
                            needUpdateGraphType = eventType.JUMPREACTIVE;
                            needUpdateGraph     = true;

                if (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF)
                    loggedState = States.OFF;
                    loggedState = States.ON;
        } while (!success && !cancel && !finish);

        if (finish)
            //write only if there's a jump at minimum
            if (Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tcString, false) >= 1 && Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tvString, false) >= 1)
                jumpPhase = jumpPhases.PLATFORM_END;

                writeRj(false);                 //tempTable

                totallyFinished = true;
                //cancel a jump if clicked finish before any events done
                cancel = true;
        //if(cancel || finish)
        if (cancel)
            //event will be raised, and managed in chronojump.cs

            totallyCancelled = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: jump.cs プロジェクト: dineshkummarc/chronojump
    protected void writeRj(bool tempTable)
        int jumps;
        string limitString = "";
        string description = "";

        //if user clicked in finish earlier
        //or toggled with shouldFinishAtNextTime
        if(finish) {
            //if user clicked finish and last event was tc, probably there are more TCs than TFs
            //if last event was tc, it has no sense, it should be deleted
            tcString = Util.DeleteLastTcIfNeeded(tcString, tvString);

            //when we mark that jump should finish by time, chronopic thread is probably capturing data
            //check if it captured more than date limit, and if it has done, delete last(s) jump(s)
            //also have in mind that allowFinishAfterTime exist
            bool deletedEvent = false;
            if( ! jumpsLimited && limitAsDouble != -1) {
                bool eventPassed = Util.EventPassedFromMaxTime(tcString, tvString, limitAsDouble, allowFinishAfterTime);
                while(eventPassed) {
                    tcString = Util.DeleteLastSubEvent(tcString);
                    tvString = Util.DeleteLastSubEvent(tvString);
                    Log.WriteLine("Deleted one event out of time");
                    eventPassed = Util.EventPassedFromMaxTime(tcString, tvString, limitAsDouble, allowFinishAfterTime);
                    deletedEvent = true;
            if(deletedEvent) {
                //update graph if a event was deleted
                PrepareEventGraphJumpReactiveObject = new PrepareEventGraphJumpReactive(Util.GetLast(tvString), Util.GetLast(tcString), tvString, tcString);
                needUpdateGraphType = eventType.JUMPREACTIVE;
                needUpdateGraph = true;

                //try to fix this:
                            updateProgressBar= new UpdateProgressBar (
                                    true, //isEvent
                                    jumpsLimited, //if jumpsLimited: do fraction; if time limited: do pulse
                                     Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tvString, false)
                            needUpdateEventProgressBar = true;
                //and this:
                            updateTimerCountWithChronopicData(tcString, tvString);


            jumps = Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tvString, false);

            if(jumpsLimited) {
                limitString = jumps.ToString() + "J";
            } else {
                limitString = Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString) + "T";
                limited = limitString; //define limited because it's checked in treeviewJump, and possibly it's not the initial defined time (specially when allowFinishRjAfterTime is true)
                //leave the initial selected time into description/comments:
                description = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Initially selected {0} seconds"), limitAsDouble.ToString());
        } else {
            if(jumpsLimited) {
                limitString = limitAsDouble.ToString() + "J";
                jumps = (int) limitAsDouble;
            } else {
                //if time finished and the last event was tc, probably there are more TCs than TFs
                //if last event was tc, it has no sense, it should be deleted
                //this is not aplicable in tempTable
                if(! tempTable)
                    tcString = Util.DeleteLastTcIfNeeded(tcString, tvString);

                //limitString = limitAsDouble.ToString() + "T";
                limitString = Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString) + "T";
                limited = limitString; //define limited because it's checked in treeviewJump, and possibly it's not the initial defined time (specially when allowFinishRjAfterTime is true)

                //leave the initial selected time into description/comments:
                description = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Initially selected {0} seconds"), limitAsDouble.ToString());

                string [] myStringFull = tcString.Split(new char[] {'='});
                jumps = myStringFull.Length;

        if(type == Constants.RunAnalysisName) {
            //double speed = (fall /10) / Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString);

         *		Josep Ma Padullés test
            string tcStringWithoutFirst = Util.DeleteFirstSubEvent(tcString);
            string tvStringWithoutFirst = Util.DeleteFirstSubEvent(tvString);

            double averagePlatformTimes = ( Util.GetAverage(tcStringWithoutFirst) + Util.GetAverage(tvStringWithoutFirst) ) / 2;
            double freq = 1 / averagePlatformTimes;

            double range = speed / freq;

            //don't put "=" because can appear problems in different parts of the code
            description =
                Catalog.GetString ("AVG speed") + "->" + Util.TrimDecimals(speed.ToString(), pDN) + "m/s, " +
                Catalog.GetString ("AVG frequencies") + "->" + Util.TrimDecimals(freq.ToString(), pDN) + "Hz, " +
                Catalog.GetString ("AVG range") + "->" + Util.TrimDecimals(range.ToString(), pDN) + "m.";

            SqliteJumpRj.Insert(false, Constants.TempJumpRjTable, "NULL", personID, sessionID,
                    type, Util.GetMax(tvString), Util.GetMax(tcString),
                    fall, weight, description,
                    Util.GetAverage(tvString), Util.GetAverage(tcString),
                    tvString, tcString,
                    jumps, Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString), limitString, angleString, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated)
        else {
            uniqueID = SqliteJumpRj.Insert(false, Constants.JumpRjTable, "NULL", personID, sessionID,
                    type, Util.GetMax(tvString), Util.GetMax(tcString),
                    fall, weight, description,
                    Util.GetAverage(tvString), Util.GetAverage(tcString),
                    tvString, tcString,
                    jumps, Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString), limitString, angleString, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated)

            //define the created object
            eventDone = new JumpRj(uniqueID, personID, sessionID, type, tvString, tcString, fall, weight, description, jumps, Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString), limitString, angleString, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated));

            //event will be raised, and managed in chronojump.cs
            string myStringPush =
                //Catalog.GetString("Last jump: ") +
                personName + " " +
                type + " (" + limitString + ") " +
                " " + Catalog.GetString("AVG TF") + ": " + Util.TrimDecimals( Util.GetAverage (tvString).ToString(), pDN ) +
                " " + Catalog.GetString("AVG TC") + ": " + Util.TrimDecimals( Util.GetAverage (tcString).ToString(), pDN ) ;
                feedbackMessage = Catalog.GetString(Constants.SimulatedMessage);
                feedbackMessage = "";
            needShowFeedbackMessage = true;

            //event will be raised, and managed in chronojump.cs

            needEndEvent = true; //used for hiding some buttons on eventWindow, and also for updateTimeProgressBar here
コード例 #3
    protected void writeRj(bool tempTable)
        int    jumps;
        string limitString = "";
        string description = "";

        //if user clicked in finish earlier
        //or toggled with shouldFinishAtNextTime
        if (finish)
            //if user clicked finish and last event was tc, probably there are more TCs than TFs
            //if last event was tc, it has no sense, it should be deleted
            tcString = Util.DeleteLastTcIfNeeded(tcString, tvString);

            //when we mark that jump should finish by time, chronopic thread is probably capturing data
            //check if it captured more than date limit, and if it has done, delete last(s) jump(s)
            //also have in mind that allowFinishAfterTime exist
            bool deletedEvent = false;
            if (!jumpsLimited && limitAsDouble != -1)
                bool eventPassed = Util.EventPassedFromMaxTime(tcString, tvString, limitAsDouble, allowFinishAfterTime);
                while (eventPassed)
                    tcString = Util.DeleteLastSubEvent(tcString);
                    tvString = Util.DeleteLastSubEvent(tvString);
                    LogB.Information("Deleted one event out of time");
                    eventPassed  = Util.EventPassedFromMaxTime(tcString, tvString, limitAsDouble, allowFinishAfterTime);
                    deletedEvent = true;
            if (deletedEvent)
                //update graph if a event was deleted
                PrepareEventGraphJumpReactiveObject = new PrepareEventGraphJumpReactive(Util.GetLast(tvString), Util.GetLast(tcString), tvString, tcString);
                needUpdateGraphType = eventType.JUMPREACTIVE;
                needUpdateGraph     = true;

                //try to fix this:
                updateProgressBar = new UpdateProgressBar(
                    true,                                                     //isEvent
                    jumpsLimited,                                             //if jumpsLimited: do fraction; if time limited: do pulse
                    Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tvString, false)
                needUpdateEventProgressBar = true;
                //and this:
                updateTimerCountWithChronopicData(tcString, tvString);

            jumps = Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tvString, false);

            if (jumpsLimited)
                limitString = jumps.ToString() + "J";
                limitString = Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString) + "T";
                limited     = limitString;             //define limited because it's checked in treeviewJump, and possibly it's not the initial defined time (specially when allowFinishRjAfterTime is true)
                //leave the initial selected time into description/comments:
                description = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Initially selected {0} seconds"), limitAsDouble.ToString());
            if (jumpsLimited)
                limitString = limitAsDouble.ToString() + "J";
                jumps       = (int)limitAsDouble;
                //if time finished and the last event was tc, probably there are more TCs than TFs
                //if last event was tc, it has no sense, it should be deleted
                //this is not aplicable in tempTable
                if (!tempTable)
                    tcString = Util.DeleteLastTcIfNeeded(tcString, tvString);

                //limitString = limitAsDouble.ToString() + "T";
                limitString = Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString) + "T";
                limited     = limitString;             //define limited because it's checked in treeviewJump, and possibly it's not the initial defined time (specially when allowFinishRjAfterTime is true)

                //leave the initial selected time into description/comments:
                description = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Initially selected {0} seconds"), limitAsDouble.ToString());

                string [] myStringFull = tcString.Split(new char[] { '=' });
                jumps = myStringFull.Length;

        if (type == Constants.RunAnalysisName)
            //double speed = (fall /10) / Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString);

             *		Josep Ma Padullés test
             *              string tcStringWithoutFirst = Util.DeleteFirstSubEvent(tcString);
             *              string tvStringWithoutFirst = Util.DeleteFirstSubEvent(tvString);
             *              double averagePlatformTimes = ( Util.GetAverage(tcStringWithoutFirst) + Util.GetAverage(tvStringWithoutFirst) ) / 2;
             *              double freq = 1 / averagePlatformTimes;
             *              //amplitud
             *              double range = speed / freq;
             *              //don't put "=" because can appear problems in different parts of the code
             *              description =
             *                      Catalog.GetString ("AVG speed") + "->" + Util.TrimDecimals(speed.ToString(), pDN) + "m/s, " +
             *                      Catalog.GetString ("AVG frequencies") + "->" + Util.TrimDecimals(freq.ToString(), pDN) + "Hz, " +
             *                      Catalog.GetString ("AVG range") + "->" + Util.TrimDecimals(range.ToString(), pDN) + "m.";

        if (tempTable)
            SqliteJumpRj.Insert(false, Constants.TempJumpRjTable, "NULL", personID, sessionID,
                                type, Util.GetMax(tvString), Util.GetMax(tcString),
                                fall, weight, description,
                                Util.GetAverage(tvString), Util.GetAverage(tcString),
                                tvString, tcString,
                                jumps, Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString), limitString, angleString, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated)
            uniqueID = SqliteJumpRj.Insert(false, Constants.JumpRjTable, "NULL", personID, sessionID,
                                           type, Util.GetMax(tvString), Util.GetMax(tcString),
                                           fall, weight, description,
                                           Util.GetAverage(tvString), Util.GetAverage(tcString),
                                           tvString, tcString,
                                           jumps, Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString), limitString, angleString, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated)

            //define the created object
            eventDone = new JumpRj(uniqueID, personID, sessionID, type, tvString, tcString, fall, weight, description, jumps, Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString), limitString, angleString, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated));

            //event will be raised, and managed in chronojump.cs

             * string myStringPush =
             *      //Catalog.GetString("Last jump: ") +
             *      personName + " " +
             *      type + " (" + limitString + ") " +
             *      " " + Catalog.GetString("AVG TF") + ": " + Util.TrimDecimals( Util.GetAverage (tvString).ToString(), pDN ) +
             *      " " + Catalog.GetString("AVG TC") + ": " + Util.TrimDecimals( Util.GetAverage (tcString).ToString(), pDN ) ;
            if (simulated)
                feedbackMessage = Catalog.GetString(Constants.SimulatedMessage);
                feedbackMessage = "";
            needShowFeedbackMessage = true;

            //event will be raised, and managed in chronojump.cs

            needEndEvent = true;             //used for hiding some buttons on eventWindow, and also for updateTimeProgressBar here
コード例 #4
ファイル: jump.cs プロジェクト: dineshkummarc/chronojump
    protected override void waitEvent()
        double timestamp = 0;
        bool success = false;

        shouldFinishAtNextFall = false;

        bool ok;

        int countForSavingTempTable = 0;

        do {
                ok = true;
                ok = cp.Read_event(out timestamp, out platformState);

            //if chronopic signal is Ok and state has changed
            if (ok && (
                    (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.ON && loggedState == States.OFF) ||
                    (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF && loggedState == States.ON) )
                        && !cancel && !finish) {

                    timestamp = simulatedTimeLast * 1000; //conversion to milliseconds

                Log.Write(Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString).ToString());

                string equal = "";

                //while no finished time or jumps, continue recording events
                if ( ! success) {
                    //don't record the time until the first event
                    if (firstRjValue) {
                        firstRjValue = false;

                        //but start timer

                        feedbackMessage = "";
                        needShowFeedbackMessage = true;
                    } else {
                        //reactive jump has not finished... record the next jump
                        Log.WriteLine(string.Format("tcCount: {0}, tvCount: {1}", tcCount, tvCount));
                        if ( tcCount == tvCount )
                            lastTc = timestamp/1000.0;

                            if(tcCount > 0) { equal = "="; }
                            tcString = tcString + equal + lastTc.ToString();

                            updateTimerCountWithChronopicData(tcString, tvString);

                            tcCount = tcCount + 1;
                        } else {
                            //tcCount > tvCount
                            lastTv = timestamp/1000.0;

                            if(tvCount > 0) { equal = "="; }
                            tvString = tvString + equal + lastTv.ToString();

                            updateTimerCountWithChronopicData(tcString, tvString);
                            tvCount = tvCount + 1;

                            //update event progressbar
                            updateProgressBar= new UpdateProgressBar (
                                    true, //isEvent
                                    jumpsLimited, //if jumpsLimited: do fraction; if time limited: do pulse
                            needUpdateEventProgressBar = true;

                            //update graph
                            PrepareEventGraphJumpReactiveObject = new PrepareEventGraphJumpReactive(lastTv, lastTc, tvString, tcString);
                            needUpdateGraphType = eventType.JUMPREACTIVE;
                            needUpdateGraph = true;

                            //put button_finish as sensitive when first jump is done (there's something recordable)
                            if(tvCount == 1)
                                needSensitiveButtonFinish = true;

                            //save temp table if needed
                            countForSavingTempTable ++;
                            if(countForSavingTempTable == timesForSavingRepetitive) {
                                writeRj(true); //tempTable
                                countForSavingTempTable = 0;


                //if we finish by time, and allowFinishAfterTime == true, when time passed, if the jumper is jumping
                //if flags the shouldFinishAtNextFall that will finish when he arrives to the platform
                if(shouldFinishAtNextFall && platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.ON && loggedState == States.OFF)
                    finish = true;

                //check if reactive jump should finish
                if (jumpsLimited) {
                    if(limitAsDouble != -1) {
                        if(Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tvString, false) >= limitAsDouble)
                            writeRj(false); //tempTable
                            success = true;

                            //update event progressbar
                            updateProgressBar= new UpdateProgressBar (
                                    true, //isEvent
                                    true, //percentageMode
                            needUpdateEventProgressBar = true;

                            //update graph
                            PrepareEventGraphJumpReactiveObject = new PrepareEventGraphJumpReactive(lastTv, lastTc, tvString, tcString);
                            needUpdateGraphType = eventType.JUMPREACTIVE;
                            needUpdateGraph = true;
                else {
                    //limited by time, if passed it, write
                    if(success) {
                        //write only if there's a jump at minimum
                        if(Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tcString, false) >= 1 && Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tvString, false) >= 1) {
                            writeRj(false); //tempTable
                        } else {
                            //cancel a jump if clicked finish before any events done
                            cancel = true;

                EndingConditionsJumpRj conditions = new EndingConditionsJumpRj();
                if(! conditionsOk(tv,tc)) {
                    finish = true;
                    posar MARCA de que les conditions no estan be i després mostrar quines

                if(platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF)
                    loggedState = States.OFF;
                    loggedState = States.ON;

        } while ( ! success && ! cancel && ! finish );

        if (finish) {
            //write only if there's a jump at minimum
            if(Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tcString, false) >= 1 && Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tvString, false) >= 1) {
                writeRj(false); //tempTable

                totallyFinished = true;
            } else {
                //cancel a jump if clicked finish before any events done
                cancel = true;
        //if(cancel || finish) {
        if(cancel) {
            //event will be raised, and managed in chronojump.cs

            totallyCancelled = true;