public virtual async Task LeaderboardAsync(LeaderboardSortMode mode = LeaderboardSortMode.points) { using (var db = new Database()) { //Retrieve players in the current guild from database var users = db.Players.AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.GuildId == Context.Guild.Id); //Order players by score and then split them into groups of 20 for pagination IEnumerable <Player>[] userGroups; switch (mode) { case LeaderboardSortMode.point: userGroups = users.OrderByDescending(x => x.Points).SplitList(20).ToArray(); break; case LeaderboardSortMode.wins: userGroups = users.OrderByDescending(x => x.Wins).SplitList(20).ToArray(); break; case LeaderboardSortMode.losses: userGroups = users.OrderByDescending(x => x.Losses).SplitList(20).ToArray(); break; case LeaderboardSortMode.wlr: userGroups = users.OrderByDescending(x => x.Losses == 0 ? x.Wins : (double)x.Wins / x.Losses).SplitList(20).ToArray(); break; case userGroups = users.ToList().OrderByDescending(x => x.Games).SplitList(20).ToArray(); break; default: return; } if (userGroups.Length == 0) { await SimpleEmbedAsync("There are no registered users in this server yet.", Color.Blue); return; } //Convert the groups into formatted pages for the response message var pages = GetPages(userGroups, mode); if (!Premium.IsPremium(Context.Guild.Id)) { pages = pages.Take(1).ToList(); pages.Add(new ReactivePage { Description = $"In order to access a complete leaderboard, consider joining ELO premium at {Premium.PremiumConfig.AltLink}, patrons must also be members of the ELO server at: {Premium.PremiumConfig.ServerInvite}" }); } //Construct a paginated message with each of the leaderboard pages var callback = new ReactivePager(pages).ToCallBack(); callback.Precondition = async(x, y) => y.UserId == Context.User.Id; await PagedReplyAsync(callback.WithDefaultPagerCallbacks().WithJump()); } }
public virtual async Task ShowLobbyLeaderboardAsync(ISocketMessageChannel channel = null) { if (channel == null) { channel = Context.Channel; } if (!PremiumService.IsPremium(Context.Guild.Id)) { await SimpleEmbedAsync($"This is a premium only command. " + $"In order to get premium must become an ELO premium subscriber at {PremiumService.PremiumConfig.AltLink} join the server " + $"{PremiumService.PremiumConfig.ServerInvite} to recieve your role and then run the `claimpremium` command in your server."); return; } using (var db = new Database()) { var lobby = db.GetLobby(channel); if (lobby == null) { await SimpleEmbedAndDeleteAsync("Channel is not a lobby.", Color.Red); return; } var updates = db.ScoreUpdates.AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.ChannelId == channel.Id).ToArray().GroupBy(x => x.UserId); var infos = new Dictionary <ulong, int>(); foreach (var group in updates) { infos[group.Key] = group.Sum(x => x.ModifyAmount); } var groups = infos.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).SplitList(20).ToArray(); int index = 1; var pages = new List <ReactivePage>(); foreach (var group in groups) { var playerGroup = group.ToArray(); var lines = group.Select(x => $"{index++}: {MentionUtils.MentionUser(x.Key)} - `{x.Value}`").ToArray(); //index += lines.Length; var page = new ReactivePage(); page.Color = Color.Blue; page.Title = $"{channel.Name} - Leaderboard"; page.Description = string.Join("\n", lines); pages.Add(page); } await PagedReplyAsync(new ReactivePager { Pages = pages }.ToCallBack().WithDefaultPagerCallbacks().WithJump()); } }