コード例 #1
        public void UpdateCarsPositions(NetIncomingMessage msg)
            int carCount = msg.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < carCount; i++)
                int carID       = msg.ReadInt32();
                int prefabIndex = msg.ReadInt32();

                Vector3 pos = new Vector3();
                pos.x = msg.ReadFloat();
                pos.y = msg.ReadFloat();
                pos.z = msg.ReadFloat();

                Quaternion rot2 = new Quaternion();
                rot2.x = msg.ReadFloat();
                rot2.y = msg.ReadFloat();
                rot2.z = msg.ReadFloat();
                rot2.w = msg.ReadFloat();

                if (!m_fakeCarsCurrentPool.ContainsKey(carID) && m_fakeCarsPoolAvailable.Count > 0)
                    var obj = m_fakeCarsPoolAvailable[0];
                    m_fakeCarsCurrentPool.Add(carID, obj);

                    obj.GameObject.GetComponent <VehicleNetworkView>().ResertState();
                    obj.GameObject.GetComponent <VehicleNetworkView>().m_id = carID;
                    var prefab = PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .GetPrefab((uint)prefabIndex);

                    obj.GameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh       = prefab.m_mesh;
                    obj.GameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = prefab.m_material;
                if (m_fakeCarsCurrentPool.ContainsKey(carID))
                    m_fakeCarsCurrentPool[carID].GameObject.GetComponent <VehicleNetworkView>().OnNetworkData(msg.ReceiveTime, pos, rot2);
コード例 #2
        public override void Awake()
            concretePrefab = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Metro Track Ground");

            concretePrefabNoBar = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Metro Track Ground NoBar");

            concreteTwoLaneOneWayPrefab = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Metro Track Ground Two-Lane One-Way");

            concreteTwoLaneOneWayPrefabNoBar = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Metro Track Ground Two-Lane One-Way NoBar");

            concreteLargePrefab = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Metro Track Ground Large");

            concreteLargePrefabNoBar = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Metro Track Ground Large NoBar");

            concreteSmallPrefab = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Metro Track Ground Small");

            concreteSmallPrefabNoBar = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Metro Track Ground Small NoBar");

            concreteSmallTwoWayPrefab = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Metro Track Ground Small Two-Way");

            concreteSmallTwoWayPrefabNoBar = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Metro Track Ground Small Two-Way NoBar");

            steelPrefab = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Steel Metro Track Ground");

            steelPrefabNoBar = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Steel Metro Track Ground NoBar");

            steelTwoLaneOneWayPrefab = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Steel Metro Track Ground Two-Lane One-Way");

            steelTwoLaneOneWayPrefabNoBar = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Steel Metro Track Ground Two-Lane One-Way NoBar");

            steelSmallPrefab = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Steel Metro Track Ground Small");

            steelSmallPrefabNoBar = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Steel Metro Track Ground Small NoBar");

            steelSmallTwoWayPrefab = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Steel Metro Track Ground Small Two-Way");

            steelSmallTwoWayPrefabNoBar = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Steel Metro Track Ground Small Two-Way NoBar");

            steelLargePrefab = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Steel Metro Track Ground Large");

            steelLargePrefabNoBar = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Steel Metro Track Ground Large NoBar");
コード例 #3
        private void HandleCreateNode(NodeCreateCommand command)
            NetInfo info = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .GetPrefab(command.InfoIndex);

            ushort node = command.NodeId;

            // Don't allow this node id to be taken (=CreateItem at the creator)
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.RemoveUnused(node);

            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_position         = command.Position;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_flags            = NetNode.Flags.Created;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].Info               = info;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_buildIndex       = Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance.m_currentBuildIndex;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_building         = 0;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_lane             = 0u;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_nextLaneNode     = 0;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_nextBuildingNode = 0;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_nextGridNode     = 0;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_laneOffset       = 0;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_elevation        = 0;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_heightOffset     = 0;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_problems         = Notification.Problem.None;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_transportLine    = 0;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_connectCount     = 0;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_maxWaitTime      = 0;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_coverage         = 0;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_tempCounter      = 0;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_finalCounter     = 0;
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].m_targetCitizens   = 0;

            info.m_netAI.CreateNode(node, ref Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node]);
            _initializeNode.Invoke(Singleton <NetManager> .instance, new object[] { node, Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node] });

            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.UpdateNode(node);

            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.UpdateNodeColors(node);

            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[node].UpdateBounds(node);
            Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodeCount = ((int)Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.ItemCount()) - 1;

            Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance.m_currentBuildIndex++;
コード例 #4
         * In here I'm changing the prefabs to have my classes. This way, every time the game instantiates
         * a prefab that I've changed, that object will run my code.
         * The prefabs aren't available at the moment of creation of this class, that's why I keep trying to
         * run it on update. I want to make sure I make the switch as soon as they exist to prevent the game
         * from instantianting objects without my code.
        private bool TryReplacePrefabs()
            Logger.LogInfo("Queueing prefabs for loading...");

            Singleton <LoadingManager> .instance.QueueLoadingAction(ActionWrapper(() =>
                    Logger.LogInfo("Options: " + TrafficMod.Options);

                    if ((TrafficMod.Options & OptionsManager.ModOptions.RoadCustomizerTool) == OptionsManager.ModOptions.RoadCustomizerTool)
                        AddTool <RoadCustomizerTool>(ToolsModifierControl.toolController);

                    if ((TrafficMod.Options & OptionsManager.ModOptions.UseRealisticSpeeds) == OptionsManager.ModOptions.UseRealisticSpeeds)
                        for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <CitizenInfo> .LoadedCount(); i++)
                            CitizenInfo cit = PrefabCollection <CitizenInfo> .GetLoaded(i);
                            cit.m_walkSpeed *= 0.25f;


                catch (KeyNotFoundException knf)
                    Logger.LogInfo("Error initializing a prefab: " + knf.Message + "\n" + knf.StackTrace + "\n");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.LogInfo("Unexpected " + e.GetType().Name + " initializing prefabs: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace + "\n");

            Logger.LogInfo("Prefabs queued for loading.");

コード例 #5
        public static void ChangeLoadedRoadColor()
            for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .LoadedCount(); i++)
                NetInfo asset = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .GetLoaded(i);

                if (Utils.IsCSUR(asset))
                    Utils.SetColor(asset, roadColor);
                else if (OptionUI.changeAllRoadColor)
                    if (asset != null && asset.m_netAI is RoadAI)
                        //Debug.Log("Process color change for " + asset.name.ToString());
                        Utils.SetColor(asset, roadColor);
コード例 #6
        private static void SetPillarFeature(NetInfo netInfo, string pillarName, PillarType type,
                                             Dictionary <NetInfo, BuildingInfo> userModePillars)
            if (pillarName == null)

            BuildingInfo pillar = null;

            if (pillarName != NoneValue)
                pillar = PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .FindLoaded(pillarName);

            // save previous set pillar
            userModePillars[netInfo] = PillarCustomizer.instance.GetActivePillar(netInfo, type);

            PillarCustomizer.instance.SetPillar(netInfo, type, pillar);
コード例 #7
        //based on CitizenManager#RefreshGroupCitizens()
        private static FastList <ushort> RefreshAnimals()
            var animals = new FastList <ushort>();
            var num1    = PrefabCollection <CitizenInfo> .PrefabCount();

            for (var index = 0; index < num1; ++index)
                var prefab = PrefabCollection <CitizenInfo> .GetPrefab((uint)index);

                if (prefab == null)
                if (prefab.m_citizenAI.IsAnimal())
コード例 #8
        private static string GetElevationName(string rawNetInfo, int elevationType)
            switch (elevationType)
            case 1:
                return(AssetEditorRoadUtils.TryGetElevated(PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded(rawNetInfo)).name);

            case 2:
                return(AssetEditorRoadUtils.TryGetBridge(PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded(rawNetInfo)).name);

            case 3:
                return(AssetEditorRoadUtils.TryGetSlope(PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded(rawNetInfo)).name);

            case 4:
                return(AssetEditorRoadUtils.TryGetTunnel(PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded(rawNetInfo)).name);

                return("");   // make it return error maybe?
コード例 #9
        public static List <PropInfo> GetAvailableStreetLights()
            var streetLights = new List <PropInfo>();

            var prefabCount = PrefabCollection <PropInfo> .LoadedCount();

            for (uint prefabIndex = 0; prefabIndex < prefabCount; prefabIndex++)
                var prefab = PrefabCollection <PropInfo> .GetLoaded(prefabIndex);

                if (IsStreetLightProp(prefab))

            streetLights.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.GetUncheckedLocalizedTitle(), b.GetUncheckedLocalizedTitle(), StringComparison.Ordinal));

コード例 #10
        private List <PropInfo> GetAvailableCatenaries(CatenaryType type)
            var catenaries = new List <PropInfo>();

            var prefabCount = PrefabCollection <PropInfo> .LoadedCount();

            for (uint prefabIndex = 0; prefabIndex < prefabCount; prefabIndex++)
                var prefab = PrefabCollection <PropInfo> .GetLoaded(prefabIndex);

                if (IsCatenaryProp(prefab, type) && CatenaryUtils.IsCatenaryPropVisibeInUI(prefab))

            catenaries.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.GetUncheckedLocalizedTitle(), b.GetUncheckedLocalizedTitle(), StringComparison.Ordinal));

コード例 #11
        public static VehicleInfo GetVehicleInfo(ref Randomizer randomizer, ItemClass m_class, ushort lineID, string prefabName)
            PrefabData prefabData = Array.Find(VehiclePrefabs.instance.GetPrefabs(m_class.m_service, m_class.m_subService, m_class.m_level),
                                               item => item.ObjectName == prefabName);

            if (prefabData != null)
                return(PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .GetPrefab((uint)prefabData.PrefabDataIndex));
            Utils.LogWarning((object)("Unknown prefab: " + prefabName));
            VehicleManager instance = Singleton <VehicleManager> .instance;


            int service    = (int)m_class.m_service;
            int subService = (int)m_class.m_subService;
            int level      = (int)m_class.m_level;

            return(instance.GetRandomVehicleInfo(ref randomizer, (ItemClass.Service)service, (ItemClass.SubService)subService, (ItemClass.Level)level));
コード例 #12
ファイル: UsedAssets.cs プロジェクト: JCCZ01/Loading2.0
        /// <summary>
        /// BuildingInfos require more effort because the NotUsedGuide/UnlockMilestone stuff gets into way.
        /// </summary>
        void LookupSimulationBuildings(HashSet <string> packages, HashSet <string> assets)
                Building[] buffer = BuildingManager.instance.m_buildings.m_buffer;
                int        n      = buffer.Length;

                for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
                    if (buffer[i].m_flags != Building.Flags.None)
                        Add(PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .PrefabName(buffer[i].m_infoIndex), packages, assets);
            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// generates unique name by adding prefix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="excludeCurrent">
        /// set to true when renaming
        /// set to false when cloning.
        /// </param>
        public static string GetUniqueNetInfoName(string name, bool excludeCurrent = false)
            string strippedName = PackageHelper.StripName(name);

            if (excludeCurrent && strippedName == name)
            string finalName = strippedName;

            for (int i = 0; PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .LoadedExists(finalName); i++)
                finalName = $"instance{i}." + strippedName;
                if (i > 1000)
                    throw new Exception("Infinite loop");
コード例 #14
        public RoadMaker2(OSM.OSMInterface osm)
            this.osm  = osm;
            this.rand = new Randomizer(0u);

            var roadTypes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(RoadTypes));

            for (var i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .PrefabCount(); i += 1)
                var pp = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .GetPrefab((uint)i);

                if (pp != null)
                    if (roadTypes.Contains(pp.name.Replace(" ", "")))
                        netInfos.Add((RoadTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(RoadTypes), pp.name.Replace(" ", "")), pp);
コード例 #15
        public override void HandleOnClient(NodeCommand command)
            Extensions.NodeAndSegmentExtension._NetSegmentLocked = true;
            lock (Extensions.NodeAndSegmentExtension._netSegment)
                NetInfo netinfo = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .GetPrefab(command.InfoIndex);

                lock (Extensions.NodeAndSegmentExtension.NodeIDDictionary)
                    lock (Extensions.NodeAndSegmentExtension.VectorDictionary)
                        Singleton <NetManager> .instance.CreateNode(out ushort node, ref Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance.m_randomizer, netinfo, command.Position, Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance.m_currentBuildIndex);

                        Extensions.NodeAndSegmentExtension.NodeIDDictionary.Add((ushort)command.NodeID, node); //Adds the NodeID recived and the NodeID generated on NodeCreation.
                        Extensions.NodeAndSegmentExtension.VectorDictionary.Add(command.Position, node);
            Extensions.NodeAndSegmentExtension._NetSegmentLocked = false;
コード例 #16
        private void RunOnPrefabs <TPrefab, TAI>(Action <TAI> runner) where TPrefab : PrefabInfo where TAI : PrefabAI
            if (runner == null)

            var prefabCount = PrefabCollection <TPrefab> .PrefabCount();

            for (uint i = 0; i < prefabCount; i++)
                var prefab = PrefabCollection <TPrefab> .GetPrefab(i);

                var ai = prefab.GetAI();
                if (ai is TAI)
                    runner(ai as TAI);
コード例 #17
        public override void Start()
            name                      = "PRT_NetList";
            padding                   = new RectOffset(4, 4, 4, 0);
            size                      = new Vector2(450 - 8 * 2, 200);
            autoLayoutPadding         = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 4);
            autoFitChildrenVertically = true;
            autoLayout                = true;
            autoLayoutDirection       = LayoutDirection.Vertical;
            backgroundSprite          = "GenericPanel";
            color                     = Color.black;

            m_items = new List <UINetTypeItem>();

            m_currentTool = AddUIComponent <UINetTypeItem>();
            m_currentTool.isCurrentItem = true;
            m_currentTool.OnAddCallback = () =>
                DebugUtils.Log("Adding item to list");

                // get sum of current offsets
                float prevOffset = 0;
                if (list.Count() > 0)
                    prevOffset = list.Last().offset;

                NetInfo netInfo = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded(m_currentTool.netInfo.name);

                DebugUtils.Log($"{m_currentTool.netInfo} halfWidth: {m_currentTool.netInfo.m_halfWidth}");
                NetTypeItem item = new NetTypeItem(netInfo, prevOffset + netInfo.m_halfWidth * 2);



            m_space      = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>();
            m_space.size = new Vector2(1, 1);
コード例 #18
        public void updateCapacity(float targetValue)
            try {
                DormitoryMod seniorCitizenCenterMod = DormitoryMod.getInstance();
                if (seniorCitizenCenterMod == null || seniorCitizenCenterMod.getDormitoryInitializer() == null)
                    Logger.logInfo(Logger.LOG_OPTIONS, "OptionsManager.updateCapacity -- Skipping capacity update because a game is not loaded yet");

                DormitoryInitializer dormitoryInitializer = DormitoryMod.getInstance().getDormitoryInitializer();
                if (dormitoryInitializer.getLoadedLevel() != DormitoryInitializer.LOADED_LEVEL_GAME)
                    Logger.logInfo(Logger.LOG_OPTIONS, "OptionsManager.updateCapacity -- Skipping capacity update because a game is not loaded yet");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Logger.logError(Logger.LOG_OPTIONS, "OptionsManager.updateCapacity -- Skipping capacity update because a game is not loaded yet -- Exception: {0}", e.Message);

            Logger.logInfo(Logger.LOG_OPTIONS, "OptionsManager.updateCapacity -- Updating capacity with modifier: {0}", targetValue);
            for (uint index = 0; PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .LoadedCount() > index; ++index)
                BuildingInfo buildingInfo = PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .GetLoaded(index);

                if (buildingInfo != null && buildingInfo.m_buildingAI is DormitoryAi)

            BuildingManager buildingManager = Singleton <BuildingManager> .instance;

            for (ushort i = 0; i < buildingManager.m_buildings.m_buffer.Length; i++)
                if (buildingManager.m_buildings.m_buffer[i].Info != null && buildingManager.m_buildings.m_buffer[i].Info.m_buildingAI != null && buildingManager.m_buildings.m_buffer[i].Info.m_buildingAI is DormitoryAi)
                    ((DormitoryAi)buildingManager.m_buildings.m_buffer[i].Info.m_buildingAI).validateCapacity(i, ref buildingManager.m_buildings.m_buffer[i], true);
コード例 #19
        public override void InitializePrefab()

            this.m_constructionCost = 2000;
            this.m_maintenanceCost  = 250;

                NetInfo zonablePath = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Zonable Pedestrian Pavement");

                if (zonablePath == null)
                    throw new KeyNotFoundException("Can't find Zonable Pedestrian Pavement in PrefabCollection.");
                ZonablePedestrianPathAI zonablePathAI = zonablePath.GetComponent <ZonablePedestrianPathAI>();
                if (zonablePathAI == null)
                    throw new KeyNotFoundException("Zonable Pedestrian Pavement prefab does not have a ZonablePedestrianPathAI.");
                zonablePathAI.m_elevatedInfo = this.m_info;
                zonablePathAI.m_bridgeInfo   = this.m_info;

                GameObject pillarPrefab = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <GameObject>().Where(g => g.name == "Pedestrian Elevated Pillar").FirstOrDefault();
                if (pillarPrefab == null)
                    throw new KeyNotFoundException("Can't find Pedestrian Elevated Pillar.");
                this.m_bridgePillarInfo = pillarPrefab.GetComponent <BuildingInfo>();

                Debug.Log("Traffic++: " + name + " initialized.");
            catch (KeyNotFoundException knf)
                Debug.Log("Traffic++: Error initializing Zonable Pedestrian Bridge AI: " + knf.Message + "\n");
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Log("Traffic++: Unexpected " + e.GetType().Name + " initializing Zonable Pedestrian Bridge AI: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace + "\n");
コード例 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the current RICO settings to file and then applies them live in-game.
        /// </summary>
        private void SaveAndApply()
            // Find current prefab instance.
            BuildingData currentBuildingData = Loading.xmlManager.prefabHash[currentSelection.prefab];

            // Delete existing building button, if any.
            if (currentBuildingData.buildingButton != null)

            // Save first.

            // If we're converting a residential building to something else, then we first should clear out all households.
            if (currentBuildingData.prefab.GetService() == ItemClass.Service.Residential && !IsCurrentResidential())
                // removeAll argument to true to remove all households.
                UpdateHouseholds(currentBuildingData.prefab.name, removeAll: true);

            // Get the currently applied RICO settings (local, author, mod).
            RICOBuilding currentData = CurrentRICOSetting();

            if (currentData != null)
                // Convert the 'live' prefab (instance in PrefabCollection) and update household count and builidng level for all current instances.
                Loading.convertPrefabs.ConvertPrefab(currentData, PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .FindLoaded(currentBuildingData.prefab.name));
                UpdateHouseholds(currentBuildingData.prefab.name, currentData.level);

                // Create new building button.
                PloppableTool.Instance.AddBuildingButton(currentBuildingData, CurrentUICategory());
                Debugging.Message("no current RICO settings to apply to prefab " + currentBuildingData);

            // Force an update of all panels with current values.
コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Unlocks all road types and all intersections
        /// </summary>
        public void Unlock()
            // Normal road types, easy.
            for (int index = 0; index < PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .LoadedCount(); ++index)
                NetInfo loaded = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .GetLoaded((uint)index);

                if (loaded == null || loaded.m_class == null || loaded.m_class.name == null)

                if (UnlockClass(loaded.m_class))
                    loaded.m_UnlockMilestone = null;

            // Intersections.
            for (int index = 0; index < PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .LoadedCount(); ++index)
                BuildingInfo loaded = PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .GetLoaded((uint)index);

                if (loaded == null || loaded.m_class == null || loaded.m_class.name == null)

                if (UnlockClass(loaded.m_class))
                    loaded.m_UnlockMilestone = null;

                    var intersectionAI = loaded.m_buildingAI as IntersectionAI;
                    if (intersectionAI != null)
                        // The cached milestone here is generally the "highest" road type used.
                        Base.SetPrivateVariable <MilestoneInfo>(intersectionAI, "m_cachedUnlockMilestone", null);
コード例 #22
        public static void SortPrefabs()
            foreach (ModConfig.SortRule sortRule in ModConfig.prefabRules)
                PrefabInfo prefab = null;
                switch (sortRule.Type)
                case "Network":
                    prefab = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded(sortRule.Name);


                case "Building":
                    prefab = PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .FindLoaded(sortRule.Name);


                case "Transport":
                    prefab = PrefabCollection <TransportInfo> .FindLoaded(sortRule.Name);


                case "Tree":
                    prefab = PrefabCollection <TreeInfo> .FindLoaded(sortRule.Name);


                case "Prop":
                    prefab = PrefabCollection <PropInfo> .FindLoaded(sortRule.Name);


                if (prefab != null)
                    prefab.m_UIPriority = sortRule.Priority;
コード例 #23
        public void Load()
            GameObject newRoad = GameObject.Instantiate <GameObject>(PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded(baseNetwork).gameObject);

            if (newRoad == null)
                Debug.Log("newRoad is null");
            newRoad.name = name;
            NetInfo ni = newRoad.GetComponent <NetInfo>();

            ni.m_prefabInitialized = false;
            ni.m_netAI             = null;
            typeof(NetInfo).GetField("m_UICategory", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(ni, category);

            Locale locale = (Locale)typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(SingletonLite <LocaleManager> .instance);

            locale.AddLocalizedString(new Locale.Key()
                m_Identifier = "NET_TITLE", m_Key = name
            }, title);
            locale.AddLocalizedString(new Locale.Key()
                m_Identifier = "NET_DESC", m_Key = name
            }, description);

            MethodInfo initMethod = typeof(NetCollection).GetMethod("InitializePrefabs", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

            Singleton <LoadingManager> .instance.QueueLoadingAction((IEnumerator)initMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] {
                new[] { ni },
                new string[] { }

            Singleton <LoadingManager> .instance.QueueLoadingAction(inCoroutine(() =>
                PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .BindPrefabs();
                GameObject.Find(category + "Panel").GetComponent <GeneratedScrollPanel>().RefreshPanel();
コード例 #24
        /* The extraInfo is a prefab which user has selected in the roads menu and does not have to be in the list (It might not be one-way road)
         * In that case we add it temporatily to the list */
        private void UpdateListWithPrefab(NetInfo extraInfo)
            bool freeCursor = UIWindow2.instance?.toolOnUI is FreeCursorTool;

            if (m_lastToolInfo != null && !IsEligible(m_lastToolInfo, freeCursor))
                m_dictionary.Remove(new StringWithLaneCount(m_lastToolInfo, " [S]"));

            if (extraInfo != null && !IsEligible(extraInfo, freeCursor))
                m_dictionary.Add(new StringWithLaneCount(extraInfo, " [S]"), extraInfo);

            // This should never happen, but I will leave there. Some NetInfos could have been missing from the list due to name duplicity, but that was
            // solved in the Populate() method
            if (extraInfo != null && IsEligible(extraInfo, freeCursor) && !m_netInfos.Contains(extraInfo))
                m_dictionary.Add(new StringWithLaneCount(extraInfo, " [E]"), extraInfo);

            items      = m_dictionary.Keys.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();
            m_netInfos = m_dictionary.Values.ToArray();

            if (extraInfo != null)
                int i = Array.IndexOf(m_netInfos, extraInfo);
                selectedIndex = i >= -1 ? i : selectedIndex;
                /* Set strandard oneway as default */
                int i = Array.IndexOf(m_netInfos, PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Oneway Road"));
                if (i > -1 && i < m_netInfos.Length)
                    selectedIndex = i;

            //Debug.Log($"Loaded {items.Length} netinfos.");
コード例 #25
        private static void SetupTunnelPrefab(NetInfo prefab)
            var trainStationTrack = FindOriginalPrefab("Train Station Track");

            prefab.m_class = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ItemClass>();
            prefab.m_class.m_subService = ItemClass.SubService.PublicTransportTrain;
            prefab.m_class.m_service    = ItemClass.Service.PublicTransport;
            prefab.m_class.m_layer      = ItemClass.Layer.MetroTunnels | ItemClass.Layer.Default;
            prefab.m_canCollide         = false;

            var metroAI = prefab.GetComponent <MetroTrackAI>();

            var trackAI = prefab.gameObject.AddComponent <UndergroundTrainStationTrackAI>();

            trackAI.m_transportInfo = PrefabCollection <TransportInfo> .FindLoaded("Train");

            prefab.m_netAI = trackAI;
            trackAI.m_createPassMilestone = trainStationTrack.GetComponent <TrainTrackAI>().m_createPassMilestone;
            trackAI.m_info = prefab;

            var field = typeof(PrefabInfo).GetField("m_UICategory", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

            field.SetValue(prefab, field.GetValue(trainStationTrack));

            prefab.m_averageVehicleLaneSpeed = trainStationTrack.m_averageVehicleLaneSpeed;
            prefab.m_vehicleTypes            = VehicleInfo.VehicleType.Train;
            prefab.m_buildHeight             = 0;

            foreach (var lane in prefab.m_lanes)
                if (lane.m_vehicleType == VehicleInfo.VehicleType.None)
                    lane.m_stopType = VehicleInfo.VehicleType.Train;
                    lane.m_vehicleType = VehicleInfo.VehicleType.Train;
コード例 #26
        public static bool LoadTextures()
            NetInfo container = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("CSURTextureContainer_Data");

            if (container == null)
            foreach (NetInfo.Segment info in container.m_segments)
                // lod material main texture name is TEXNAME_lod
                string textureKey = info.m_material.name;
                Debug.Log($"loaded {textureKey}");
                textures.Add("CSUR_TEXTURE/" + textureKey, info.m_material);
                if (LOAD_LOD)
                    textures.Add("CSUR_LODTEXTURE/" + textureKey, info.m_material);
コード例 #27
        //Load settings from settings mods. (Currently disabled)
        public void ModSettings()
            var workshopModSettingsPath = Path.Combine(Util.SettingsModPath("629850626"), "WorkshopRICOSettings.xml");
            var xmlSerializer           = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PloppableRICODefinition));

            PloppableRICODefinition workshopSettings = null;

            using (StreamReader streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(workshopModSettingsPath))
                workshopSettings = xmlSerializer.Deserialize(streamReader) as PloppableRICODefinition;
            foreach (var buildingDef in workshopSettings.Buildings)
                if (PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .FindLoaded(buildingDef.name) != null)
                    var buildingPrefab = PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .FindLoaded(buildingDef.name);

                    //Add settings mod settings here
コード例 #28
        public static VehicleInfo GetVehicleInfo(ref Randomizer randomizer, ItemClass m_class, ushort lineID, string prefabName)
            PrefabData prefabData = Array.Find <PrefabData>(VehiclePrefabs.instance.GetPrefabs(m_class.m_subService), (Predicate <PrefabData>)(item => item.ObjectName == prefabName));

            if (prefabData != null)
                return(PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .GetPrefab((uint)prefabData.PrefabDataIndex));
            Utils.LogWarning((object)("Unknown prefab: " + prefabName));
            VehicleManager instance = Singleton <VehicleManager> .instance;

            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
            Randomizer& r          = @randomizer;
            int         service    = (int)m_class.m_service;
            int         subService = (int)m_class.m_subService;
            int         level      = (int)m_class.m_level;

            return(instance.GetRandomVehicleInfo(r, (ItemClass.Service)service, (ItemClass.SubService)subService, (ItemClass.Level)level));
コード例 #29
ファイル: ConfigurationUtils.cs プロジェクト: Alexof/BOB
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to find the replacement prefab with the specified name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="replacementName">Prefab name to find</param>
        /// <param name="isTree">True if the desired prefab is a tree, false if it's a prop</param>
        /// <returns>Requested prefab, or null if not found</returns>
        internal static PrefabInfo FindReplacementPrefab(string replacementName, bool isTree)
            // Null check.
            if (replacementName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                Logging.Error("invalid replacement prop name");

            // Attempt to load from prefab collection.
            PrefabInfo replacementPrefab = isTree ? (PrefabInfo)PrefabCollection <TreeInfo> .FindLoaded(replacementName) : (PrefabInfo)PrefabCollection <PropInfo> .FindLoaded(replacementName);

            if (replacementPrefab == null && CurrentConfig != null)
                // If we couldn't load from prefab collection, attempt to find in our list of replacement prefabs.
                replacementPrefab = isTree ? (PrefabInfo)CurrentConfig.randomTrees.Find(x => x.name.Equals(replacementName))?.tree : (PrefabInfo)CurrentConfig.randomProps.Find(x => x.name.Equals(replacementName))?.prop;

            // Return what we have.
コード例 #30
        private static GameObject GetPlayerModelPrefab()
            GameObject citizenPrefabModel = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <CitizenInfo> .LoadedCount(); i++)
                if (PrefabCollection <CitizenInfo> .GetLoaded((uint)i).name.ToLower().Contains(CITIZEN_PREFAB_NAME.ToLower()))
                    citizenPrefabModel = PrefabCollection <CitizenInfo> .GetLoaded((uint)i).gameObject;


            if (citizenPrefabModel == null)
                Debug.LogError("Coulden't load player model");
