private void SetDependentFields(PatientDataModel model) { string sectionCode = model.SectionCode; if (!sectionCode.StartsWith(_prefix)) { sectionCode = $"{_prefix}{sectionCode}"; } _model = new PreScreenModel(); PopulateAccordions(_model); PopulateItems(_model); var preScreen = _dataContext.PreScreens.Find(model.PreScreenId); ApplyFilter(preScreen.PreScreenType.Name); var sections = GetSections(); var section = sections.Where(p => p.GetUniqueClientCode() == sectionCode).Single(); var dependentItems = section.Items.Where(p => p.DependsOnCode != null).ToList(); foreach (var item in dependentItems) { var dependentValue = item.DependsOnAssertValue; var dependentCode = item.DependsOnCode; if (model.Items.Where(p => p.Key == dependentCode).Single().Value != dependentValue) { var dependent = model.Items.Where(p => p.Key == item.ClientCode).Single(); dependent.Value = null; item.Required = false; } } }
private List <KeyValuePairModel> ValidatePreScreen(long id) { _model = new PreScreenModel(); PopulateAccordions(_model); SetContextLists(); PopulateItems(_model); var preScreen = _dataContext.PreScreens.Find(id); ApplyFilter(preScreen.PreScreenType.Name); Dictionary <string, bool> results = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); foreach (var tab in _model.Tabs) { var validationItems = ValidateTab(id, tab); results.Add(tab.ClientCode, validationItems.Count() <= 0); } List <KeyValuePairModel> items = new List <KeyValuePairModel>(); foreach (var key in results.Keys) { items.Add(new KeyValuePairModel() { Key = key, Value = results[key].ToString() }); } return(items); }
public ActionResult Edit(long?id) { if (id == null || id == 0) { return(Json(new { Status = Constant.RESPONSE_ERROR, Description = "Invalid ID Specification." })); } var preScreen = _dataContext.PreScreens.Find(id.Value); var patientId = preScreen.PatientId; if (preScreen.Status == "Created") { preScreen.Status = "Pre-Screen In Progress"; _dataContext.AddPreScreenStatusLog(preScreen.PreScreenId, "Pre-Screen In Progress", _dataContext.UserId.Value); } _dataContext.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.PatientId = patientId; _preScreenId = id.Value; _model = new PreScreenModel(); SetContextLists(); PopulateAccordions(_model); PopulateItems(_model); ApplyFilter(preScreen.PreScreenType.Name); var task = (from t in _dataContext.UserTasks join p in _dataContext.UserTaskParameters on t.UserTaskId equals p.UserTaskId where t.Deleted == false && p.Deleted == false && p.Key == "PRE_SCREEN_ID" && t.UserId == _dataContext.UserId.Value && t.Status == "Created" && p.Value == id.Value.ToString() select t).Distinct().OrderByDescending(p => p.UserTaskId).Take(1).SingleOrDefault(); if (task != null) { _model.PendingTaskId = task.UserTaskId; switch (task.TaskType) { case "Pre-Screen Approval": _model.ResolveLocation = "ResolvePreScreenApproval"; break; case "Pre-Screen SCA Requested": _model.ResolveLocation = "ResolveSCARequested"; break; } } _model.AdmissionStatus = preScreen.AdmissionStatus; return(View(_model)); }
public JsonResult ValidationResult(long id) { _model = new PreScreenModel(); PopulateAccordions(_model); SetContextLists(); PopulateItems(_model); var preScreen = _dataContext.PreScreens.Find(id); ApplyFilter(preScreen.PreScreenType.Name); List <ValidationModel> items = new List <ValidationModel>(); foreach (var tab in _model.Tabs) { var validationItems = ValidateTab(id, tab); items.AddRange(validationItems); } return(Json(items, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult PatientSummary(long id) { _model = new PreScreenModel(); SetContextLists(); PopulateAccordions(_model); PopulateItems(_model); var preScreen = _dataContext.PreScreens.Find(id); ApplyFilter(preScreen.PreScreenType.Name); ReportModel model = new ReportModel(); var section = new ReportSectionModel() { Label = "Patient Demographics" }; model.Sections.Add(section); var modelSections = GetSections(); var patientId = _dataContext.PreScreens.Find(id).PatientId; foreach (var item in _dataContext.PatientData.Where(p => p.PatientId == patientId && p.Deleted == false && p.SectionCode == "demographics.general").OrderBy(p => p.PatientDataId).ToList()) { section.Items.Add(new ReportItemModel() { Label = item.Label, Value = item.Value }); } Dictionary <string, string> sections = new Dictionary <string, string>(); sections.Add("psstatus.preadmission", "PS Pt. Status - Pre - Admission"); sections.Add("psstatus.ivfluids", "PS Pt. Status - IV Fluids or IV Meds(e.g., IV Antibiotics, IV Lasix etc.) > _ 1x daily"); sections.Add("psstatus.isolationtype", "PS Pt. Status - Isolation Type"); sections.Add("", "PS Pt. Status - Diet"); sections.Add("psstatus.bladder", "PS Pt. Status - Bladder"); sections.Add("pssystems.neuroassessment", "PS Pt. Systems - Neuro Assessment"); sections.Add("pssystems.cardiovascular", "PS Pt. Systems - Cardiovascular"); sections.Add("pssystems.gastrointestinal", "PS Pt. Systems - Gastrointestinal"); sections.Add("pssystems.wounds", "PS Pt. Systems - Wounds"); sections.Add("pssystems.renalfunction", "PS Pt. Systems - Renal Function"); sections.Add("pssystems.dialysis", "PS Pt. Systems - Dialysis"); sections.Add("psfunctions.ptotsummary", "PS Function & Equipment - PT / OT Summary"); sections.Add("psfunctions.specialequipment", "PS Function & Equipment - Special Equipment"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.treatments", "PS Respiratory - Treatments"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.oxygenrequired", "PS Respiratory - Oxygen Required"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.ventilation", "PS Respiratory - Ventilation"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.mode2", "PS Respiratory - Mode"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.arterialbloodgases", "PS Respiratory - Arterial Blood Gases"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.trach", "PS Respiratory - Trach"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.chesttube", "PS Respiratory - Chest Tube"); sections.Add("pslabs.medicationlist", "PS Labs - Medication List"); sections.Add("pslabs.bloodworklabs", "PS Labs - Blood Work/ Labs"); section = new ReportSectionModel() { Label = "Key Clinical Indicators" }; model.Sections.Add(section); foreach (var key in sections.Keys) { foreach (var item in _dataContext.PreScreenData.Where(p => p.PreScreenId == id && p.Deleted == false && p.SectionCode == key).OrderBy(p => p.PreScreenDataId).ToList()) { if (modelSections.Where(p => p.GetUniqueClientCode() == $"{_prefix}{key}").Single().Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == item.ItemCode && p.KeyClinicalIndicator == true).Count() <= 0) { continue; } var reportItem = new ReportItemModel() { Label = item.Label, Value = item.Value, Type = item.Type }; if (reportItem.Type == "Table") { reportItem.Table = (TableDataModel)Common.XmlDeserialize(typeof(TableDataModel), item.Value); reportItem.HeaderList = modelSections.Where(p => p.GetUniqueClientCode() == $"{_prefix}{key}").Single().Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == item.ItemCode).Single().LabelList; } if (reportItem.Type == "Dropdown") { var value = item.Value; var values = modelSections.Where(p => p.GetUniqueClientCode() == $"{_prefix}{key}").Single().Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == item.ItemCode).Single().ValueList.ToArray(); var labels = modelSections.Where(p => p.GetUniqueClientCode() == $"{_prefix}{key}").Single().Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == item.ItemCode).Single().LabelList.ToArray(); var index = Array.IndexOf(values, value); reportItem.Value = labels[index]; } var modelItem = modelSections.Where(p => p.GetUniqueClientCode() == $"{_prefix}{key}").Single().Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == item.ItemCode).Single(); if (modelItem.KeyClinicalIndicatorAssertValue != null) { if (modelItem.KeyClinicalIndicatorAssertValue.Split('|').Contains(item.Value)) { section.Items.Add(reportItem); } } else { section.Items.Add(reportItem); } } } //Add code for key clinical indicators. sections = new Dictionary <string, string>(); sections.Add("referralsourceinfo.general", "Referral Source Info"); foreach (var key in sections.Keys) { section = new ReportSectionModel() { Label = sections[key] }; foreach (var item in _dataContext.PreScreenData.Where(p => p.PreScreenId == id && p.Deleted == false && p.SectionCode == key).OrderBy(p => p.PreScreenDataId).ToList()) { var reportItem = new ReportItemModel() { Label = item.Label, Value = item.Value, Type = item.Type }; if (reportItem.Type == "Table") { reportItem.Table = (TableDataModel)Common.XmlDeserialize(typeof(TableDataModel), item.Value); reportItem.HeaderList = modelSections.Where(p => p.GetUniqueClientCode() == $"{_prefix}{key}").Single().Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == item.ItemCode).Single().LabelList; } if (reportItem.Type == "Dropdown") { var value = item.Value; var values = modelSections.Where(p => p.GetUniqueClientCode() == $"{_prefix}{key}").Single().Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == item.ItemCode).Single().ValueList.ToArray(); var labels = modelSections.Where(p => p.GetUniqueClientCode() == $"{_prefix}{key}").Single().Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == item.ItemCode).Single().LabelList.ToArray(); var index = Array.IndexOf(values, value); reportItem.Value = labels[index]; } section.Items.Add(reportItem); } model.Sections.Add(section); } return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult IVF(long id) { _model = new PreScreenModel(); SetContextLists(); PopulateAccordions(_model); PopulateItems(_model); var preScreen = _dataContext.PreScreens.Find(id); ApplyFilter(preScreen.PreScreenType.Name); ReportModel model = new ReportModel(); var section = new ReportSectionModel() { Label = "Patient Demographics", DisplaySeparate = true }; model.Sections.Add(section); var patientId = _dataContext.PreScreens.Find(id).PatientId; foreach (var item in _dataContext.PatientData.Where(p => p.PatientId == patientId && p.Deleted == false && p.SectionCode == "demographics.general").OrderBy(p => p.PatientDataId).ToList()) { section.Items.Add(new ReportItemModel() { Label = item.Label, Value = item.Value }); } Dictionary <string, string> sections = new Dictionary <string, string>(); sections.Add("payorinfo.primary.all", "Primary Payor - All"); sections.Add("payorinfo.primary.general", "Primary Payor - General"); sections.Add("payorinfo.primary.medicare", "Primary Payor - Medicare"); sections.Add("payorinfo.secondary.all", "Secondary Payor - All"); sections.Add("payorinfo.secondary.general", "Secondary Payor - General"); sections.Add("payorinfo.secondary.medicare", "Secondary Payor - Medicare"); sections.Add("payorinfo.tertiary.all", "Tertiary Payor - All"); sections.Add("payorinfo.tertiary.general", "Tertiary Payor - General"); sections.Add("payorinfo.tertiary.medicare", "Tertiary Payor - Medicare"); var modelSections = GetSections(); foreach (var key in sections.Keys) { section = new ReportSectionModel() { Label = sections[key] }; foreach (var item in _dataContext.PatientData.Where(p => p.PatientId == patientId && p.Deleted == false && p.SectionCode == key).OrderBy(p => p.PatientDataId).ToList()) { if (modelSections.Where(p => p.GetUniqueClientCode() == $"{_prefix}{key}").Single().Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == item.ItemCode && p.IsIVFField == true).Count() <= 0) { continue; } var reportItem = new ReportItemModel() { Label = item.Label, Value = item.Value, Type = item.Type }; if (reportItem.Type == "Table") { reportItem.Table = (TableDataModel)Common.XmlDeserialize(typeof(TableDataModel), item.Value); reportItem.HeaderList = GetSections().Where(p => p.GetUniqueClientCode() == $"{_prefix}{key}").Single().Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == item.ItemCode).Single().LabelList; } section.Items.Add(reportItem); } model.Sections.Add(section); } return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Acuity(long id) { _model = new PreScreenModel(); SetContextLists(); PopulateAccordions(_model); PopulateItems(_model); var preScreen = _dataContext.PreScreens.Find(id); ApplyFilter(preScreen.PreScreenType.Name); AcuityReportModel model = new AcuityReportModel(); var sections = GetSections(); foreach (var section in sections) { foreach (var item in section.Items) { if (item.AcuityICU) { model.Items.Add(new AcuityReportItemModel() { Category = "ICU", ItemCode = item.ClientCode, Label = item.Label, Section = section.GetUniqueClientCode(), AssertValue = item.AcuityAsserValue, SectionLabel = section.Label }); } if (item.AcuityINT) { model.Items.Add(new AcuityReportItemModel() { Category = "INT", ItemCode = item.ClientCode, Label = item.Label, Section = section.GetUniqueClientCode(), AssertValue = item.AcuityAsserValue, SectionLabel = section.Label }); } if (item.AcuityMed) { model.Items.Add(new AcuityReportItemModel() { Category = "MED", ItemCode = item.ClientCode, Label = item.Label, Section = section.GetUniqueClientCode(), AssertValue = item.AcuityAsserValue, SectionLabel = section.Label }); } } } var preScreenData = _dataContext.PreScreenData.Where(p => p.PreScreenId == id && p.Deleted == false).OrderBy(p => p.PreScreenDataId).ToList(); foreach (var acuityItem in model.Items) { var item = preScreenData.Where(p => $"{_prefix}{p.SectionCode}" == acuityItem.Section && p.ItemCode == acuityItem.ItemCode).Take(1).SingleOrDefault(); if (item != null) { acuityItem.Value = item.Value; if (acuityItem.AssertValue == item.Value) { acuityItem.Positive = true; } } } return(View(model)); }
//[HttpPost] public ActionResult Report(long id) { _model = new PreScreenModel(); SetContextLists(); PopulateAccordions(_model); PopulateItems(_model); var preScreen = _dataContext.PreScreens.Find(id); ApplyFilter(preScreen.PreScreenType.Name); ReportModel model = new ReportModel(); var section = new ReportSectionModel() { Label = "Patient Demographics" }; model.Sections.Add(section); var patientId = _dataContext.PreScreens.Find(id).PatientId; foreach (var item in _dataContext.PatientData.Where(p => p.PatientId == patientId && p.Deleted == false && p.SectionCode == "demographics.general").OrderBy(p => p.PatientDataId).ToList()) { section.Items.Add(new ReportItemModel() { Label = item.Label, Value = item.Value }); } Dictionary <string, string> sections = new Dictionary <string, string>(); sections.Add("psstatus.prehospitalliving", "PS Pt. Status - Pre - Hospital Living"); sections.Add("psstatus.languagecommunicationneeds", "PS Pt. Status - Language Communication Needs"); sections.Add("psstatus.preadmission", "PS Pt. Status - Pre - Admission"); sections.Add("psstatus.listallacute", "PS Pt. Status - List All Acute Care Hospitalizations During the Last 60 Days"); sections.Add("", "PS Pt. Status - Surgery"); sections.Add("psstatus.socialhistory", "PS Pt. Status - Social History"); sections.Add("psstatus.ivaccess", "PS Pt. Status - IV Access"); sections.Add("psstatus.ivfluids", "PS Pt. Status - IV Fluids or IV Meds(e.g., IV Antibiotics, IV Lasix etc.) > _ 1x daily"); sections.Add("psstatus.infection", "PS Pt. Status - Infection"); sections.Add("psstatus.isolationtype", "PS Pt. Status - Isolation Type"); sections.Add("", "PS Pt. Status - Diet"); sections.Add("psstatus.bladder", "PS Pt. Status - Bladder"); sections.Add("psstatus.bladderappliance", "PS Pt. Status - Bladder Appliance"); sections.Add("psstatus.bowel", "PS Pt. Status - Bowel"); sections.Add("psstatus.bowelappliance", "PS Pt. Status - Bowel Appliance"); sections.Add("psstatus.vitals", "PS Pt. Status - Vitals"); sections.Add("psstatus.painscale", "PS Pt. Status - Pain Scale"); sections.Add("psstatus.vaccinations", "PS Pt. Status - Vaccinations"); sections.Add("psstatus.psychsocial", "PS Pt. Status - Psych - Social"); sections.Add("pssystems.specialprecautionsisolation", "PS Pt. Systems - Special Precautions / Isolation"); sections.Add("pssystems.allergies", "PS Pt. Systems - Allergies"); sections.Add("pssystems.neuroassessment", "PS Pt. Systems - Neuro Assessment"); sections.Add("pssystems.cognitive", "PS Pt. Systems - Cognitive"); sections.Add("", "PS Pt. Systems - Vision"); sections.Add("pssystems.hearing", "PS Pt. Systems - Hearing"); sections.Add("pssystems.cardiovascular", "PS Pt. Systems - Cardiovascular"); sections.Add("pssystems.gastrointestinal", "PS Pt. Systems - Gastrointestinal"); sections.Add("pssystems.musculoskeletal", "PS Pt. Systems - Musculoskeletal"); sections.Add("", "PS Pt. Systems - Skin"); sections.Add("pssystems.wounds", "PS Pt. Systems - Wounds"); sections.Add("pssystems.endocrine", "PS Pt. Systems - Endocrine"); sections.Add("pssystems.renalfunction", "PS Pt. Systems - Renal Function"); sections.Add("pssystems.dialysis", "PS Pt. Systems - Dialysis"); sections.Add("pssystems.dialysisaccess", "PS Pt. Systems - Dialysis Access"); sections.Add("psfunctions.ptotsummary", "PS Function & Equipment - PT / OT Summary"); sections.Add("psfunctions.motor", "PS Function & Equipment - Motor"); sections.Add("psfunctions.verbal", "PS Function & Equipment - Verbal"); sections.Add("", "PS Function & Equipment - Safety"); sections.Add("psfunctions.restraints", "PS Function & Equipment - Restraints"); sections.Add("psfunctions.specialequipment", "PS Function & Equipment - Special Equipment"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.respiratorystatus", "PS Respiratory - Respiratory Status"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.treatments", "PS Respiratory - Treatments"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.oxygenrequired", "PS Respiratory - Oxygen Required"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.mode", "PS Respiratory - Mode"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.ventilation", "PS Respiratory - Ventilation"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.frequency", "PS Respiratory - Frequency"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.mode2", "PS Respiratory - Mode"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.arterialbloodgases", "PS Respiratory - Arterial Blood Gases"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.trach", "PS Respiratory - Trach"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.ettube", "PS Respiratory - ET Tube"); sections.Add("psrespiratory.chesttube", "PS Respiratory - Chest Tube"); sections.Add("pslabs.medicationlist", "PS Labs - Medication List"); sections.Add("pslabs.bloodproducts", "PS Labs - Blood/ Blood Products"); sections.Add("pslabs.bloodworklabs", "PS Labs - Blood Work/ Labs"); sections.Add("pslabs.microbiology", "PS Labs - Microbiology"); sections.Add("pslabs.studies", "PS Labs - Studies"); foreach (var key in sections.Keys) { section = new ReportSectionModel() { Label = sections[key] }; foreach (var item in _dataContext.PreScreenData.Where(p => p.PreScreenId == id && p.Deleted == false && p.SectionCode == key).OrderBy(p => p.PreScreenDataId).ToList()) { var reportItem = new ReportItemModel() { Label = item.Label, Value = item.Value, Type = item.Type }; if (reportItem.Type == "Table") { reportItem.Table = (TableDataModel)Common.XmlDeserialize(typeof(TableDataModel), item.Value); reportItem.HeaderList = GetSections().Where(p => p.GetUniqueClientCode() == $"{_prefix}{key}").Single().Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == item.ItemCode).Single().LabelList; } section.Items.Add(reportItem); } model.Sections.Add(section); } return(View(model)); }
private void SavePatientData(PatientDataModel model) { _model = new PreScreenModel(); SetContextLists(); PopulateAccordions(_model); PopulateItems(_model); var preScreen = _dataContext.PreScreens.Find(model.PreScreenId); ApplyFilter(preScreen.PreScreenType.Name); List <PatientData> lstPatientData; List <PreScreenData> lstPreScreenData; lstPatientData = _dataContext.PatientData.Where(p => p.PatientId == model.ContextId && p.SectionCode == model.SectionCode && p.Deleted == false).ToList(); lstPreScreenData = _dataContext.PreScreenData.Where(p => p.PreScreenId == model.ContextId && p.SectionCode == model.SectionCode && p.Deleted == false).ToList(); if (model.Items != null) { foreach (var item in model.Items) { CommonPatientData data; switch (model.Context) { case "Patient": data = lstPatientData.Where(p => p.ItemCode == item.Key).SingleOrDefault(); if (data == null) { data = new PatientData() { PatientId = model.ContextId }; _dataContext.PatientData.Add((PatientData)data); } break; case "PreScreen": data = lstPreScreenData.Where(p => p.ItemCode == item.Key).SingleOrDefault(); if (data == null) { data = new PreScreenData() { PreScreenId = model.ContextId }; _dataContext.PreScreenData.Add((PreScreenData)data); } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } var section = GetSections().Where(p => p.GetUniqueClientCode() == (_prefix + model.SectionCode)).Single(); data.ItemCode = item.Key; data.SectionCode = model.SectionCode; data.Label = section.Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == item.Key).Single().Label; data.Value = item.Value; data.Type = section.Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == item.Key).Single().ItemType; data.DependsOnCode = section.Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == item.Key).Single().DependsOnCode; data.DependsOnAssertValue = section.Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == item.Key).Single().DependsOnAssertValue; } } if (model.Tables != null) { foreach (var table in model.Tables) { CommonPatientData data; switch (model.Context) { case "Patient": data = lstPatientData.Where(p => p.ItemCode == table.ClientCode).SingleOrDefault(); if (data == null) { data = new PatientData() { PatientId = model.ContextId }; _dataContext.PatientData.Add((PatientData)data); } break; case "PreScreen": data = lstPreScreenData.Where(p => p.ItemCode == table.ClientCode).SingleOrDefault(); if (data == null) { data = new PreScreenData() { PreScreenId = model.ContextId }; _dataContext.PreScreenData.Add((PreScreenData)data); } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } var section = GetSections().Where(p => p.GetUniqueClientCode() == (_prefix + model.SectionCode)).Single(); data.ItemCode = table.ClientCode; data.SectionCode = model.SectionCode; data.Label = section.Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == table.ClientCode).Single().Label; data.Value = Common.XmlSerializeType(table.GetType(), table); data.Type = section.Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == table.ClientCode).Single().ItemType; data.DependsOnCode = section.Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == table.ClientCode).Single().DependsOnCode; data.DependsOnAssertValue = section.Items.Where(p => p.ClientCode == table.ClientCode).Single().DependsOnAssertValue; } } }
private void PopulateAccordions(PreScreenModel model) { _patientTabs = new TabModel() { ClientId = "tab_payorinfo", ParentClientCode = "", ClientCode = "payorinfo", Label = "Payor Info", Active = true }; model.Tabs.Add(_patientTabs); var accordion = new AccordionModel() { ClientId = "acc_payorinfo" }; _patientTabs.Accordions.Add(accordion); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_primary", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "primary", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Primary", Active = true }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_secondary", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "secondary", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Secondary" }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_tertiary", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "tertiary", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Tertiary" }); SectionModel primary; SectionModel secondary; SectionModel tertiary; primary = accordion.Sections.Where(p => p.Label == "Primary").SingleOrDefault(); secondary = accordion.Sections.Where(p => p.Label == "Secondary").SingleOrDefault(); tertiary = accordion.Sections.Where(p => p.Label == "Tertiary").SingleOrDefault(); accordion = new AccordionModel() { ClientId = $"acc_{primary.ClientId}" }; primary.Accordions.Add(accordion); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_all", ParentClientCode = primary.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "all", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "All", Active = true }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_medicare", ParentClientCode = primary.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "medicare", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Medicare", Active = false, ClientCallBack = "setMedicareDaysLeft()" }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_general", ParentClientCode = primary.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "general", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "General", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_sca", ParentClientCode = primary.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "sca", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "SCA", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_peer_to_peer", ParentClientCode = primary.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "peertopeer", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Peer-to-Peer", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_expedited_appeal", ParentClientCode = primary.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "expeditedappeal", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Expedited Appeal", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_disposition", ParentClientCode = primary.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "disposition", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Disposition", Active = false }); accordion = new AccordionModel() { ClientId = $"acc_{secondary.ClientId}" }; secondary.Accordions.Add(accordion); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_all", ParentClientCode = secondary.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "all", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "All", Active = true }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_medicare", ParentClientCode = secondary.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "medicare", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Medicare", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_general", ParentClientCode = secondary.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "general", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "General", Active = false }); accordion = new AccordionModel() { ClientId = $"acc_{tertiary.ClientId}" }; tertiary.Accordions.Add(accordion); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_all", ParentClientCode = tertiary.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "all", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "All", Active = true }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_medicare", ParentClientCode = tertiary.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "medicare", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Medicare", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_general", ParentClientCode = tertiary.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "general", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "General", Active = false }); primary.SaveButtonVisible = false; secondary.SaveButtonVisible = false; tertiary.SaveButtonVisible = false; _patientTabs = new TabModel() { ClientId = "tab_admissioninfo", ParentClientCode = "", ClientCode = "admissioninfo", Label = "Admission Info" }; model.Tabs.Add(_patientTabs); accordion = new AccordionModel() { ClientId = "acc_admissioninfo" }; _patientTabs.Accordions.Add(accordion); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_general", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "general", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "General", Active = true }); _patientTabs = new TabModel() { ClientId = "tab_referralsourceinfo", ParentClientCode = "", ClientCode = "referralsourceinfo", Label = "PS Referral Source Info" }; model.Tabs.Add(_patientTabs); accordion = new AccordionModel() { ClientId = "acc_referralsourceinfo" }; _patientTabs.Accordions.Add(accordion); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_general", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "general", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "General", Active = true }); _patientTabs = new TabModel() { ClientId = "tab_demographics", ParentClientCode = "", ClientCode = "demographics", Label = "PS Demographics" }; model.Tabs.Add(_patientTabs); accordion = new AccordionModel() { ClientId = "acc_demographics" }; _patientTabs.Accordions.Add(accordion); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "Patient", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_general", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "general", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "General", Active = true }); _patientTabs = new TabModel() { ClientId = "tab_status", ParentClientCode = "", ClientCode = "psstatus", Label = "PS Pt. Status" }; model.Tabs.Add(_patientTabs); accordion = new AccordionModel() { ClientId = "acc_status" }; _patientTabs.Accordions.Add(accordion); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_prehospitalliving", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "prehospitalliving", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Pre-Hospital Living", Active = true }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_languagecommunicationneeds", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "languagecommunicationneeds", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Language Communication Needs", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_preadmission", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "preadmission", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Pre-Admission", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_listallacute", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "listallacute", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "List All Acute Care Hospitalizations During the Last 60 Days", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_surgery", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "surgery", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Surgery", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_socialhistory", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "socialhistory", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Social History", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_ivaccess", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "ivaccess", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "IV Access", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_ivfluids", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "ivfluids", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "IV Fluids or IV Meds(e.g., IV Antibiotics, IV Lasix etc.) > _ 1x daily", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_infection", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "infection", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Infection", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_isolationtype", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "isolationtype", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Isolation Type", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_diet", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "diet", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Diet", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_bladder", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "bladder", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Bladder", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_bladderappliance", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "bladderappliance", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Bladder Appliance", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_bowel", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "bowel", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Bowel", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_bowelappliance", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "bowelappliance", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Bowel Appliance", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_vitals", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "vitals", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Vitals", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_painscale", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "painscale", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Pain Scale", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_vaccinations", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "vaccinations", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Vaccinations", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_psychsocial", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "psychsocial", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Psych-Social", Active = false }); _patientTabs = new TabModel() { ClientId = "tab_systems", ParentClientCode = "", ClientCode = "pssystems", Label = "PS Pt. Systems" }; model.Tabs.Add(_patientTabs); accordion = new AccordionModel() { ClientId = "acc_systems" }; _patientTabs.Accordions.Add(accordion); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_specialprecautionsisolation", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "specialprecautionsisolation", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Special Precautions / Isolation", Active = true }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_allergies", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "allergies", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Allergies", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_neuroassessment", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "neuroassessment", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Neuro Assessment", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_cognitive", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "cognitive", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Cognitive", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_vision", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "vision", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Vision", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_hearing", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "hearing", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Hearing", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_cardiovascular", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "cardiovascular", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Cardiovascular", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_gastrointestinal", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "gastrointestinal", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Gastrointestinal", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_musculoskeletal", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "musculoskeletal", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Musculoskeletal", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_skin", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "skin", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Skin", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_wounds", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "wounds", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Wounds", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_endocrine", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "endocrine", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Endocrine", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_renalfunction", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "renalfunction", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Renal Function", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_dialysis", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "dialysis", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Dialysis", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_dialysisaccess", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "dialysisaccess", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Dialysis Access", Active = false }); _patientTabs = new TabModel() { ClientId = "tab_functionequip", ParentClientCode = "", ClientCode = "psfunctions", Label = "PS Pt. Function & Equip." }; model.Tabs.Add(_patientTabs); accordion = new AccordionModel() { ClientId = "acc_functionequip" }; _patientTabs.Accordions.Add(accordion); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_ptotsummary", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "ptotsummary", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "PT / OT Summary", Active = true }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_motor", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "motor", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Motor", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_verbal", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "verbal", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Verbal", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_safety", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "safety", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Safety", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_restraints", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "restraints", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Restraints", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_specialequipment", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "specialequipment", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Special Equipment", Active = false }); _patientTabs = new TabModel() { ClientId = "tab_respiratory", ParentClientCode = "", ClientCode = "psrespiratory", Label = "PS Respiratory" }; model.Tabs.Add(_patientTabs); accordion = new AccordionModel() { ClientId = "acc_respiratory" }; _patientTabs.Accordions.Add(accordion); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_respiratorystatus", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "respiratorystatus", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Respiratory Status", Active = true }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_treatments", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "treatments", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Treatments", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_oxygenrequired", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "oxygenrequired", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Oxygen Required", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_mode", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "mode", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Mode", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_ventilation", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "ventilation", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Ventilation", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_frequency", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "frequency", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Frequency", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_mode2", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "mode2", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Mode", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_arterialbloodgases", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "arterialbloodgases", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Arterial Blood Gases", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_trach", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "trach", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Trach", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_ettube", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "ettube", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "ET Tube", Active = false }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_chesttube", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "chesttube", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Chest Tube", Active = false }); _patientTabs = new TabModel() { ClientId = "tab_labs", ParentClientCode = "", ClientCode = "pslabs", Label = "PS Labs" }; model.Tabs.Add(_patientTabs); accordion = new AccordionModel() { ClientId = "acc_labs" }; _patientTabs.Accordions.Add(accordion); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_medicationlist", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "medicationlist", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Medication List", Active = true }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_bloodproducts", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "bloodproducts", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Blood / Blood Products" }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_bloodworklabs", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "bloodworklabs", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Blood Work / Labs" }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_microbiology", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "microbiology", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Microbiology" }); accordion.Sections.Add(new SectionModel() { Context = "PreScreen", ClientId = $"{accordion.ClientId}_studies", ParentClientCode = _patientTabs.GetUniqueClientCode(), ClientCode = "studies", ParentClientId = accordion.ClientId, Label = "Studies" }); }