int CheckForWinHint(bool hide = false) { // TODO: Fast re-spin can mess this up since transition is not completed if (hide) { HintScript.Instance.HideDialog(); return(0); } var final9 = wheel_.GetFinal9(); List <int> lineIfWin = new List <int> { 0, 0, 0 }; List <int> iconsTobeMatched = new List <int> { 0, 0, 0 }; int potentialWinCount = PotentialWins.CheckForWin(PotentialWins.Difficulty.Any, final9, lineIfWin, iconsTobeMatched); if (potentialWinCount > 0) { HintScript.Instance.ShowHint(PotentialWins.Difficulty.Any, final9, lineIfWin, winLine_, iconsTobeMatched); } return(potentialWinCount); }
IEnumerator ShowHand() { InputBlocker.SetActive(true); InputManager.EnableDirectInput(false); var handGo = Instantiate(HandProto,, Quaternion.identity); handGo.SetActive(true); var handScript = handGo.GetComponentInChildren <HelpingHandScript>(); var currentWinLine = winline_.Line; bool lineIsAlreadyCorrect = lineIfWin_[0] == currentWinLine[0] && lineIfWin_[1] == currentWinLine[1] && lineIfWin_[2] == currentWinLine[2]; if (!lineIsAlreadyCorrect) { PointerShowWinLine(lineIfWin_[0], lineIfWin_[2], handScript); } var holdFlags = new bool[3] { false, false, false }; PotentialWins.GetHoldFlags(holdFlags, final9_, lineIfWin_, iconsToBeMatched_); PointerShowHoldIfSet(holdFlags[0], "LockButton0", handScript); PointerShowHoldIfSet(holdFlags[1], "LockButton1", handScript); PointerShowHoldIfSet(holdFlags[2], "LockButton2", handScript); // Always end with Nudge. Short moves seems slower? Speed it up for now. MoveToObjectWithTag("NudgeButton", handScript, PointerMoveSpeed * 2.0f); const float NudgePointTime = 0.5f; handScript.AddCommand(new HandCommandPointerDown()); handScript.AddCommand(HandCommandPause.Create(NudgePointTime)); handScript.AddCommand(new HandCommandPointerUp()); yield return(handScript.RunCommands()); GameObject.Destroy(handGo); InputBlocker.SetActive(false); InputManager.EnableDirectInput(true); }
private void FillRowWithRandom(List <int> row, int count) { if (distribution_.Count == 0) { string error = "Fatal error: distribution is not set"; Console.WriteLine(error); return; } row.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { double roll = rnd_.NextDouble(); int idx = PotentialWins.GetRandomIconIdx(roll, distribution_); row.Add(idx); } }
IEnumerator GetRollData() { yield return(Server.Instance.GetRollData()); // currentSequence_ = (List<Roll>)Server.Instance.LastResult; object o = Server.Instance.LastResult; // TODO: Until the server implements a roll cloudscript we fake it here List <Roll> rolls = new List <Roll>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { Roll roll = new Roll(); PotentialWins.Build9(roll.Icons, distribution_); rolls.Add(roll); } currentSequence_ = rolls; idxNextSequenceIdx_ = 0; }
public void GetRollSequence(Credentials client, Action <GameServerResult, List <Roll> > callback) { List <Roll> result = new List <Roll>(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { List <int> final9 = new List <int>(); PotentialWins.Build9(final9, probabilitiesStatic_); //PotentialWins.Build9WithGuarenteedMatch( // PotentialWins.Difficulty.Level2_Diagonal_Nudge, // final9, // probabilitiesStatic_); Roll roll = new Roll() { BatchId = rnd_.Next() << 32 + rnd_.Next(), Icons = final9 }; result.Add(roll); } callback(GameServerResult.Success, result); }