public IActionResult Index(int id) { var post = _postService.GetById(id); var replies = BuildPostReplies(post.Replies); var model = new PostIndexModel { Id = post.Id, Title = post.Title, AuthorId = post.User.Id, AuthorName = post.User.UserName, AuthorImageUrl = post.User.ImageUrl, AuthorRating = post.User.Rating, Created = post.Created, PostContent = post.Content, Replies = replies, ForumId = post.Forum.Id, ForumName = post.Forum.Title, ForumImage = post.Forum.ImageUrl, IsAuthorAdmin = IsAuthorAdmin(post.User), EditedCreated = post.EditedDate, IsEdited = post.IsEdited }; return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult Index(int postId) { var post = _postService.GetById(postId); var replies = post.Replies.Select(r => new PostReplyViewModel { Id = r.Id, AuthorName = r.User.UserName, AuthorId = r.User.Id, AuthorImageUrl = r.User.ProfileImageUrl, AuthorRating = r.User.Rating, Created = r.Created, ReplyContent = r.Content, IsAuthorAdmin = _userManager.GetRolesAsync(r.User).Result.Contains("admin") }); var model = new PostIndexModel { Id = post.Id, Title = post.Title, AuthorId = post.User.Id, AuthorName = post.User.UserName, AuthorImageUrl = post.User.ProfileImageUrl, AuthorRating = post.User.Rating, Created = post.Created, PostContent = post.Content, Replies = replies, ForumTopic = post.Forum.Title, ForumId = post.Forum.Id, IsAuthorAdmin = _userManager.GetRolesAsync(post.User).Result.Contains("admin") }; return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult Index(int id) { int userid; var identity = (ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity; IEnumerable <Claim> claims = identity.Claims; try { userid = int.Parse(claims.ElementAt(2).Value); } catch (Exception) { userid = 0; } var post = _post.GetById(id); var user = _user.GetById(post.User.Id); var forum = _forum.GetById(post.Forum.Id); var replies = _postReply.GetById(post.Id); var model = new PostIndexModel { RatedByUser = _post.CheckLikeByUserId(userid, id), Rating = _post.GetRatingById(id), Post = post, User = user, Forum = forum, Replies = replies }; return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult Index(int id) { var post = _postService.GetById(id); var replies = BuildPostReplies(post.Replies); var model = new PostIndexModel { Id = post.Id, Title = post.Title, AuthorId = post.User.Id, AuthorName = post.User.UserName, AuthorImageUrl = post.User.ProfileImageUrl, AuthorRating = post.User.Rating, Created = post.Created, Content = post.Content, Replies = replies, ForumId = post.Forum.Id, ForumName = post.Forum.Title, IsAdmin = IsAuthorAdmin(post.User), IsModerator = IsAuthorModerator(post.User), PostReplyCount = _postService.GetPostReplyCount(post.Id) }; return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult Index(int id) { var post = _servicePost.GetById(id); var model = new PostIndexModel { Id = post.Id, AuthorId = post.User.Id, AuthorImageUrl = post.User.ProfileImageUrl, AuthorName = post.User.UserName, AuthorRating = post.User.Rating, Created = post.Created, PostContent = post.Content, Title = post.Title, PostReplies = post.PostReplies.Select(x => new PostReplyModel { AuthorId = x.User.Id, AuthorImageUrl = x.User.ProfileImageUrl, AuthorName = x.User.UserName, AuthorRating = x.User.Rating, Id = x.Id, Created = x.Created, PostId = x.Post.Id, ReplyContent = x.Content }) }; return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult Index(string sortOrder, string searchString, int?pageIndex) { ViewData["NameSortParm"] = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder) ? "Name_desc" : ""; ViewData["DateSortParm"] = sortOrder == "Date" ? "Date_desc" : "Date"; ViewData["CurrentFilter"] = searchString; var posts = _postService.GetFilteredPost(sortOrder, searchString).Where(p => p.Status == true) .Select(post => new PostViewModel { Id = post.Id, Title = post.Title, Content = post.Content, Created = post.Created, AuthorId = post.User.Id, AuthorName = post.User.UserName, AuthorRating = post.User.Rating, Status = post.Status, ImageProfile = post.User.ProfileImageUrl, FileUrl = post.FileUrl, NumberRead = post.NumberRead, RepliesCount = post.Replies.Count() }); var model = new PostIndexModel { ListPosts = posts }; return(View(model)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index() { var postList = _context .Posts .Include("Owner") .ToList(); var postModel = new PostIndexModel(); foreach (var item in postList) { var post = new Post { Id = item.Id, Title = item.Title, BloodType = item.BloodType, City = item.City, Category = item.Category, Description = item.Description, Owner = item.Owner }; postModel.Posts.Add(post); } var _currentUser = GetCurrentUser(); postModel.IsAdmin = _currentUser == null ? false : await _userManager.IsInRoleAsync(_currentUser, "admin"); postModel.IsDonor = _currentUser == null ? false : _currentUser.IsDonor; return(View(postModel)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Post(PostIndexModel model) { await Search(model); await PopulatePostPageAsync(model); return(PartialView("Post/_PostResult", model)); }
private async Task Search(PostIndexModel model) { var response = await _blogService.FindAsync(_mapper.Map <PostFindRequest>(model)); model.Results = _mapper.Map <List <PostModel> >(response.Results); model.Paging.TotalRecords = response.TotalRecords; }
public IActionResult Index(int postId) { var post = _postService.GetPostById(postId); // For now it returns NULL as posts do not exist // Wonder if there is a way to fix it and return an empty page? var replies = BuildPostRepliesModel(post.Replies); var model = new PostIndexModel { Id = post.Id, Title = post.Title, Created = post.Created.ToLocalTime().ToString("d"), Content = post.Content, AuthorId = post.User.Id, AuthorName = post.User.UserName, AuthorImgUrl = post.User.ProfileImageUrl, AuthorRating = post.User.Rating, Forum = BuildForumListing(post.Forum), PostReplies = replies, RepliesCount = post.Replies.Count(), IsAuthorAdmin = IsAuthorAdmin(post.User) }; return(View(model)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Post() { SetTitle("Bài Viết"); var model = new PostIndexModel(); await Search(model); await PopulatePostPageAsync(model); return(View(model)); }
private async Task PopulatePostPageAsync(PostIndexModel model) { model.Paging.PageClickFunction = "{0})"; model.Categories = await _categoryService.GetReferencesAsync(); foreach (var item in model.Results) { item.CategoryName = model.Categories.Where(a => a.Id == item.CategoryId).Select(a => a.Name).FirstOrDefault(); } model.PopulateCreatedUser(await _userService.GetReferencesAsync()); }
public ActionResult Index(long?id) { if (id == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Login")); } else { PostIndexModel model = new PostIndexModel(); model.Id = id; return(View(model)); } }
//Forum student public IActionResult Forum() { var posts = _postService.GetPostForumStudent() .Select(p => new PostViewModel { Id = p.Id, Title = p.Title, Content = p.Content }); var model = new PostIndexModel { ListPosts = posts }; return(View(model)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Category([FromRoute] string slug, [FromQuery] int p = 1) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(slug)) { return(NotFound()); } var category = await _categoryService.GetCategoryAsync(slug.ToLowerInvariant()); if (category == null) { return(NotFound()); } var response = await _blogService.SearchPostsAsync(new Data.PostSearchRequest { CategoryId = category.Id, PageNumber = p, PageSize = Common.Settings.PageSize }); var popularPosts = await _blogService.GetPopularPostsAsync(); var categories = await _categoryService.GetAllCategoriesAsync(); var model = new PostIndexModel { CurrentCategory = category, Results = response.Results }; model.Paging.PageNumber = p; model.Paging.PageClickUrl = $"{category.GetUrl()}?p="; model.Paging.TotalRecords = response.TotalRecords; model.RightBar.Categories = categories; model.RightBar.Popular = popularPosts; model.RightBar.CurrentCategory = category; SetTitle(category.Name, category.GetUrl()); return(View($"{Common.WebSetting.ThemeId}/Category", model)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Fatal(ex, "BlogController > Category"); return(NotFound()); } }
public ActionResult Index(long?id, long?CommentId) { if (id == null && CommentId == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { PostIndexModel model = new PostIndexModel(); model.Id = id; model.CommentId = CommentId; model.Profile = Mapper.Map <ProfileModel>(userLogin); return(View(model)); } }
//End Comment public IActionResult Searching(string sortOrder, string searchQuery) { ViewData["FilterFunction"] = searchQuery; var posts = _postService.GetFilteredPost(sortOrder, searchQuery) .Select(p => new PostViewModel { Id = p.Id, Title = p.Title, Content = p.Content, Created = p.Created }); var model = new PostIndexModel { SearchQuery = posts }; return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult Index(int id) { var post = _postService.GetById(id); var model = new PostIndexModel { Id = post.Id, Title = post.Title, PostContent = _postFormatter.FormatContent(post.Content), AuthorName = post.User.FirstName + " " + post.User.LastName, Created = post.Created, SectionName = post.Section.Title, SectionId = post.Section.Id }; return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult Index(int id) { var post = _postService.GetById(id); var replies = BuildReplies(post.Replies); var model = new PostIndexModel { Id = post.Id, Title = post.Title, AuthorId = post.Instructor.Id, AuthorName = post.Instructor.Name, ImgUrl = post.Instructor.ImageUrl, Body = post.Body, Replies = replies, Created = post.Created }; return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult Index(int id) { var post = _postService.GetById(id); var replies = BuilPostReplies(post.Replies); var model = new PostIndexModel { Id = post.Id, Title = post.Title, AuthorId = post.User.Id, AuthorName = post.User.UserName, AuthorImageUrl = post.User.ProfileImageUrl, AuthorRating = post.User.Rating, Created = post.Created, PostContent = post.Content, Replies = replies }; return(View(model)); }
public void Index_GivenOnePost_ReturnedModelHasItsPropertiesFilled() { //Arrange var expectedUserData = new ApplicationUser() { Created = DateTime.Now, Id = "1", ProfileImageUrl = "realUrl", UserName = "******", Rating = 1 }; var expectedForumData = new Forum() { Id = 1, Title = "Forum Title" }; var expectedPostData = new Post(); //needed to declare Post to be able to put a reference in reply var expectedReplyData = new List <PostReply>() { new PostReply() { User = expectedUserData, Content = "Reply Content", Created = DateTime.Now, Forum = expectedForumData, Id = 1, Post = expectedPostData } }; expectedPostData = new Post() { Content = "Post Content", Created = DateTime.Now, Id = 1, Title = "Returned Post", Replies = expectedReplyData, User = expectedUserData, Forum = expectedForumData }; _postService.GetById(1).Returns(expectedPostData); //Act ViewResult view = (ViewResult)_controller.Index(1); PostIndexModel actualPostData = (PostIndexModel)view.Model; //Assert Assert.Equal(expectedForumData.Id, actualPostData.ForumId); Assert.Equal(expectedForumData.Title, actualPostData.ForumName); Assert.Equal(expectedUserData.Id, actualPostData.AuthorId.ToString()); Assert.Equal(expectedUserData.UserName, actualPostData.AuthorName); Assert.Equal(expectedUserData.ProfileImageUrl, actualPostData.AuthorImageUrl); Assert.Equal(expectedUserData.Rating, actualPostData.AuthorRating); Assert.Equal(expectedPostData.Id, actualPostData.Id); Assert.Equal(expectedPostData.Title, actualPostData.Title); Assert.Equal(expectedPostData.Created, actualPostData.Created); Assert.Equal(expectedPostData.Content, actualPostData.Content); Assert.NotEmpty(actualPostData.Replies); }
public IActionResult Index(int id) { var post = _postService.GetById(id); if (post.Replies.Any()) { foreach (var reply in post.Replies) { if (reply.Content != null) { foreach (Match item in Regex.Matches(reply.Content, @"(http|ftp|https):\/\/([\w\-_]+(?:(?:\.[\w\-_]+)+))([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&/~\+#])?")) { string LinkInHtml = ConvertTextUrlToLink(item.Value); reply.Content.Replace(item.Value, LinkInHtml); } } } } var replies = BuildPostReplies(post.Replies); var model = new PostIndexModel { Id = post.Id, Title = post.Title, AuthorId = post.User.Id, AuthorImageUrl = post.User.ProfileImageUrl, AuthorName = post.User.UserName, AutorRating = post.User.Rating, Created = post.Created, PostContent = post.Content, Replies = replies, IsAuthorActive = post.User.IsActive, IsAuthorAdmin = IsAuthorAdmin(post.User), ForumId = post.Forum.Id, ForumName = post.Forum.Title }; if (post.ImageUrl != "" && post.ImageUrl != null) { model.PostImageUrl = post.ImageUrl; } return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult Index(int id) { var m_post = m_postService.GetById(id); var m_replies = BuildPostReplies(m_post.Replies); var m_model = new PostIndexModel { Id = m_post.Id, Title = m_post.Title, AuthorId = m_post.User.Id, AuthorName = m_post.User.UserName, AuthorImageUrl = m_post.User.ProfileImageUrl, Created = m_post.Created, MediaCaption = m_post.Content, Replies = m_replies }; return(View(m_model)); }
// GET: Post public ActionResult Index(int id) { var posts = _postRepositories.GetById(id); var replies = BuildPostReplies(posts.Replies); var model = new PostIndexModel { Id = posts.Id, Title = posts.Title, AuthorId = posts.User.Id, AuthorName = posts.User.UserName, AuthorRating = posts.User.Rating, DateCreated = posts.Created, PostContent = posts.Content, Replies = replies, ForumId = posts.Forum.Id, ForumName = posts.Forum.Title, IsAdmin = IsAdmin(posts.User) }; return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Search(String word) { var post = this.User; var token = post.Claims.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Type == ClaimTypes.Sid).Value; var UserId = post.Claims.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Type == ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value; Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>(); headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token); var model = new PostIndexModel(); model.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(UserId); var getUri = string.Format("{0}/{1}", apiUrl, "post/search?Word=" + word); model.Posts = _apiService.GetMethod <List <PostViewModel> >(getUri, headers); if (model.Posts == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Index(uint page = 1, uint pageSize = 25) { uint total; var posts = Post.Find(page, pageSize, out total); var model = new PostIndexModel() { Page = page, PageSize = pageSize, TotalResults = total, Posts = posts }; if (!IsJsonRequest) { return(View("index", model)); } else { return(Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public IActionResult Index(int id) { var post = _postService.GetById(id); var replies = GetPostReplies(post).OrderBy(reply => reply.Date); var model = new PostIndexModel { Id = post.Id, Title = post.Title, AuthorId = post.User.Id, AuthorName = post.User.UserName, AuthorImageUrl = post.User.ProfileImageUrl, AuthorRating = post.User.Rating, IsAuthorAdmin = IsAuthorAdmin(post.User), Date = post.Created, PostContent = _postFormatter.Prettify(post.Content), Replies = replies, ForumId = post.Forum.Id, ForumName = post.Forum.Title }; return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult Index(int id) { var post = this.postService.GetById(id); var replies = this.BuildPostReplies(post.Replies); var model = new PostIndexModel() { Id = post.Id, Title = post.Title, AuthorId = post.User.Id, AuthorName = post.User.UserName, AuthorImageUrl = post.User.ProfileUrl, AuthorRating = post.User.Rating, Created = post.Created, PostContent = post.Content, Replies = replies, ForumName = post.Forum.Title, ForumId = post.Forum.Id, IsAuthorAdmin = this.IsAuthorAdmin(post.User) }; return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult Index(int id) { var post = _postService.GetById(id); var replies = BuildPostReplies(post.Replies); var model = new PostIndexModel { Id = post.PostId, Title = post.Title, AuthorId = post.ApplicationUsers.Id, AuthorName = post.ApplicationUsers.UserName, AuthorImageUrl = post.ApplicationUsers.ProfileImageUrl, AuthorRating = post.ApplicationUsers.Rating, Created = post.Created, PostContent = post.Content, Replies = replies, ForumId = post.Forum.ForumId, ForumName = post.Forum.Title, IsAuthorAdmin = IsAuthorAdmin(post.ApplicationUsers) }; return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult Index(int id) { var post = _postService.getById(id); var replies = BuildPostReplies(post.replies); var model = new PostIndexModel { id =, title = post.title, authorId = post.user.Id, authorName = post.user.UserName, authorImageUrl = post.user.profileImageUrl, authorRathing = post.user.rating, created = post.created, content = post.content, replies = replies, forumId =, forumName =, isAuthorAdmin = isAuthorAdmin(post.user) }; return(View(model)); }