コード例 #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreatePost(Post post)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("Edit", post));

            var    newPost  = new Post();
            string formTags = Request.Form["categories"];

            newPost.Title = post.Title.Trim();
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(post.Slug))
                newPost.Slug = PostHelpers.CreateSlug(post.Slug);

            newPost.PubDate      = DateTime.UtcNow;
            newPost.IsPublished  = post.IsPublished;
            newPost.Content      = post.Content.Trim();
            newPost.Excerpt      = PostHelpers.ShortenAndFormatText(post.Excerpt.Trim(), _excerptMaxLength);
            newPost.LastModified = DateTime.UtcNow;
            //  Do we have a cover photo?
            //  Check the file length and don't bother attempting to read it if the file contains no content.
            if (HttpContext.Request.Form.Files.Count != 0)
                var newCoverPhoto = HttpContext.Request.Form.Files[0];
                //  yes
                if (newCoverPhoto.Length > 0)
                    newPost.PostCoverPhoto = await _blog.SaveCoverPhotoAsync(newPost.Slug, newCoverPhoto);

            //  1.  We need to save post to db first to get id
            await _blog.SavePostAsync(newPost);

            //  2.  Save files to disk
            await _blog.SaveFilesToDiskAsync(newPost);

            //  3   Update any changes from SaveFileToDiskAsync()
            await _blog.UpdatePostAsync(newPost);

            //  Update post media
            var oldMedia = await _blogContext.PostMedias
                           .Where(x => x.PostId == newPost.Id)

            var postMedia = await _blog.UpdatePostMediaAsync(newPost, oldMedia);

            //  new media?
            if (postMedia.newMedia.Any())
                foreach (var media in postMedia.newMedia)
                    await _blogContext.PostMedias.AddAsync(media);

                    await _blogContext.SaveChangesAsync();
            //  oldMedia
            if (postMedia.oldMedia.Any())
                foreach (var media in postMedia.oldMedia)
                    //await _blogContext.PostMedias.r(media)
                    var old = await _blogContext.PostMedias
                              .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == media.Id);

                    if (old == null)
                    await _blogContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            //  Tags
            //  has tags, add them
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formTags))
                var tags = new List <PostTag>();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formTags))
                    tags = await formTags.Split(',').ToList().ProcessTagsAsync(newPost.Id);

                    if (tags.Any())
                        foreach (var t in tags)
                            await _blog.SavePostTagAsync(t);

            var redirectLink = $"/Console/BlogPreview/{newPost.Id}";

コード例 #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(Post post)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("Edit", post));

            var existing = await _blog.GetPostByIdAsync(post.Id);

            if (existing == null)

            string formTags = Request.Form["categories"];

            existing.IsPublished  = post.IsPublished;
            existing.Content      = post.Content.Trim();
            existing.Excerpt      = PostHelpers.ShortenAndFormatText(post.Excerpt.Trim(), _excerptMaxLength);
            existing.LastModified = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var oldMedia = await _blogContext.PostMedias
                           .Where(x => x.PostId == existing.Id)

            //  1.  Save Files to disk
            await _blog.SaveFilesToDiskAsync(existing);

            await _blog.UpdatePostAsync(existing);

            //  Update post media
            var postMedia = await _blog.UpdatePostMediaAsync(existing, oldMedia);

            //  new media?
            if (postMedia.newMedia.Any())
                foreach (var media in postMedia.newMedia)
                    await _blogContext.PostMedias.AddAsync(media);

                    await _blogContext.SaveChangesAsync();
            //  oldMedia
            if (postMedia.oldMedia.Any())
                foreach (var media in postMedia.oldMedia)
                    // remove from db
                    var old = await _blogContext.PostMedias
                              .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == media.Id);

                    if (old == null)
                    await _blogContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                    //  Remove from file store
                    //await _blog.DeletePostFileAsync()

            var newTags = await formTags.Split(',').ToList().ProcessTagsAsync(existing.Id);

            var oldTags = await _blog.GetPostTags(post.Id);

            // tags equal? take no action
            if (!newTags.SequenceEqual(oldTags, new DefaultPostTagComparer()))
                // delete old tags
                foreach (var t in oldTags)
                    await _blog.DeletePostTagAsync(t.Id);

                //  add new tags
                if (newTags.Any())
                    foreach (var t in newTags)
                        await _blog.SavePostTagAsync(t);

            var redirectLink = $"/Console/BlogPreview/{post.Id}";
