コード例 #1
        public BlogDtoDll GetBlog(int BlogId)
            // We can write one line of code if you like =>_unitOfWork.GetRepository<Blog>().Add(blog);
            IRepository <Blog> repBlog    = this._unitOfWork.GetRepository <Blog>();
            BlogDtoDll         BlogDtoDll = null;
            //var blog = repBlog.Single(o=>o.BlogId == BlogId);

            //Blog blog = repBlog.Single(m => m.BlogId == BlogId, include: source => source.Include(m => m.Post).ThenInclude(post => post.Comment));

            Blog blog = repBlog.Query().Include(blogt => blogt.Post).ThenInclude(post => post.Comment).Single(m => m.BlogId == BlogId);

            if (blog != null)
                BlogDtoDll        = new BlogDtoDll();
                BlogDtoDll.BlogId = blog.BlogId;
                BlogDtoDll.Url    = blog.Url;

                foreach (var item in blog.Post)
                    PostDtoDll post = new PostDtoDll();
                    post.Content = item.Content;
                    post.Title   = item.Title;

コード例 #2
        public IEnumerable <BlogDtoDll> GetBlogAll()
            // We can write one line of code if you like =>_unitOfWork.GetRepository<Blog>().Add(blog);
            IRepository <Blog> repBlog = this._unitOfWork.GetRepository <Blog>();

            List <BlogDtoDll> blogDtolsit = new List <BlogDtoDll>();

            //var blog = rerepBlogpBlog.Single(o=>o.BlogId == BlogId);
            //IEnumerable<Blog> bloglist = repBlog.GetAll(include: source => source.Include(blog => blog.Post).ThenInclude(post => post.Comment));
            //IEnumerable<Blog> bloglist = repBlog.Query();
            IEnumerable <Blog> bloglist = repBlog.Query().Include(blog => blog.Post).ThenInclude(post => post.Comment);

            foreach (Blog blog in bloglist)
                BlogDtoDll blogDto = new BlogDtoDll
                    BlogId = blog.BlogId,
                    Url    = blog.Url

                List <PostDtoDll> postDtolist = new List <PostDtoDll>();

                foreach (var post in blog.Post)
                    PostDtoDll postDto = new PostDtoDll
                        BlogId  = post.BlogId,
                        Content = post.Content,
                        Title   = post.Title,
                        PostId  = post.PostId
                blogDto.PostDtoDll = postDtolist;

コード例 #3
        public IActionResult PostBlog([FromBody] BlogDto BlogDto)
            int blog_id = 0;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                BlogDtoDll BlogDtoDll = new BlogDtoDll();
                BlogDtoDll.Url = BlogDto.Url;

                foreach (var item in BlogDto.PostDto)
                    PostDtoDll post = new PostDtoDll();
                    post.Content = item.Content;
                    post.Title   = item.Title;

                BlogManager blogManager = new BlogManager(this._unitOfWork);

                blog_id = blogManager.AddBlog(BlogDtoDll);

            return(CreatedAtAction(actionName: "GetBlog", routeValues: new { id = blog_id }, value: null));