コード例 #1
    // All presses and releases of keys also update position/rotation to make sure the car hasn't desync'd

    void sendUpdate()
        PositionVelocityAccelerationRotationJson newUpdate = getPositionVelocityAccelerationRotationJson();

        WebSocketManager.instance.Dispatch("move", JsonUtility.ToJson(newUpdate), true);
        updateBuffer[currentSimulationStep] = newUpdate;
        currentSimulationStep = (currentSimulationStep + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
コード例 #2
    PositionVelocityAccelerationRotationJson getPositionVelocityAccelerationRotationJson()
        // Get Current Position Vec 3 and rotation quat
        Vector3 position = rb.position;
        Vector3 velocity = rb.velocity;
        // Vector3 acceleration = defined above
        Quaternion quat = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, rb.rotation); // todo rotation is only in z plane?

        // JSON-ify position and rotation
        PositionVelocityAccelerationRotationJson posVelAccRot = new PositionVelocityAccelerationRotationJson(currentSimulationStep, position, velocity, acceleration, quat);

        // Then return
        //return JsonUtility.ToJson(posVelAccRot);
コード例 #3
    public void setCollisionPosVelAccRot(Vector3 newVec3Pos, Vector2 newVelocity, Vector2 newAcceleration, Quaternion newQuat)
        Debug.Log("CarController setCollisionPosVelAccRot: ENTER");
        transform.position = newVec3Pos;
        transform.rotation = newQuat;
        velocityCurrent    = velocityDestination;
        acceleration       = newAcceleration;
        timeSinceLastFrame = 0f;

        // Now send back an ack with OUR position to let the remote player know where we were at the approximate time of collision
        int halfRTT = rtt / 2;
        int previousLocationIndex = currentSimulationStep - halfRTT;

        if (previousLocationIndex < 0)
            previousLocationIndex += BUFFER_SIZE;
        PositionVelocityAccelerationRotationJson previousPos = updateBuffer[previousLocationIndex];
        //Debug.Log("CarController setCollisionPosVelAccRot: Dispatching collisionAck to WebSocketManager");
        //WebSocketManager.instance.Dispatch("collisionAck", JsonUtility.ToJson(previousPos), true);
コード例 #4
 void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
     Debug.Log("CarController OnCollisionEnter2D: ENTER");
     // Only check collisions for the local player, the remote players will check on their end
     Debug.Log("CarController OnCollisionEnter2D: Test if this is the collision call from the local player");
     if (isLocalPlayer)
         Debug.Log("CarController OnCollisionEnter2D: Collided with object: " + collision.gameObject.name + ", Object component: " + collision.gameObject.GetComponent("CarController"));
         if (collision.gameObject.GetComponent("CarController") != null && collision.gameObject.name != UserName)
             // We have collided with a remote player
             Debug.Log("CarController OnCollisionEnter2D: This is a remote collision!");
             // We must notify the other player
             if (collisionMode == 2)
                 if (inCollision)
                 Debug.Log("CarController OnCollisionEnter2D: MY ATEMPT");
                 PositionVelocityAccelerationRotationJson updateAtCollision = getPositionVelocityAccelerationRotationJson();
                 WebSocketManager.instance.Dispatch("collision", JsonUtility.ToJson(updateAtCollision), true);
                 // Now we have to temporarily enter lockstep until we get a response from the other client
                 inCollision = true;
                 lockStep    = true;
             else if (collisionMode == 1)
                 // WATCHDOGS ATTEMPT
                 Debug.Log("CarController OnCollisionEnter2D: WATCHDOGS ATTEMPT");
                 Debug.Log("CarController OnCollisionEnter2D: Call startBlendCollision on other player's CarController");
                 collision.gameObject.GetComponent <CarController>().startBlendCollision();