コード例 #1
 public bool Has(int id)
     return(position.Has(id) ||
            rotation.Has(id) ||
コード例 #2
        static Vector3 DoPositionHandle_Internal(PositionHandleIds ids, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, PositionHandleParam param)
            Color temp = color;

            bool isDisabled = !GUI.enabled;

            // Calculate the camera view vector in Handle draw space
            // this handle the case where the matrix is skewed
            var handlePosition       = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(position);
            var drawToWorldMatrix    = matrix * Matrix4x4.TRS(position, rotation, Vector3.one);
            var invDrawToWorldMatrix = drawToWorldMatrix.inverse;
            var viewVectorDrawSpace  = GetCameraViewFrom(handlePosition, invDrawToWorldMatrix);

            var size = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(position);

            // Calculate per axis camera lerp
            for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                s_DoPositionHandle_Internal_CameraViewLerp[i] = ids[i] == GUIUtility.hotControl ? 0 : GetCameraViewLerpForWorldAxis(viewVectorDrawSpace, GetAxisVector(i));
            // Calculate per plane camera lerp (xy, yz, xz)
            for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                s_DoPositionHandle_Internal_CameraViewLerp[3 + i] = Mathf.Max(s_DoPositionHandle_Internal_CameraViewLerp[i], s_DoPositionHandle_Internal_CameraViewLerp[(i + 1) % 3]);

            var isHot       = ids.Has(GUIUtility.hotControl);
            var axisOffset  = param.axisOffset;
            var planeOffset = param.planeOffset;

            if (isHot)
                axisOffset  = Vector3.zero;
                planeOffset = Vector3.zero;

            // Draw plane handles (xy, yz, xz)
            var planeSize = isHot ? param.planeSize + param.planeOffset : param.planeSize;

            for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                if (!param.ShouldShow(3 + i) || isHot && ids[3 + i] != GUIUtility.hotControl)

                var cameraLerp = isHot ? 0 : s_DoPositionHandle_Internal_CameraViewLerp[3 + i];
                if (cameraLerp <= kCameraViewThreshold)
                    var offset = planeOffset * size;
                    offset[s_DoPositionHandle_Internal_PrevIndex[i]] = 0;
                    var planarSize = Mathf.Max(planeSize[i], planeSize[s_DoPositionHandle_Internal_NextIndex[i]]);
                    position = DoPlanarHandle(ids[3 + i], i, position, offset, rotation, size * planarSize, cameraLerp, viewVectorDrawSpace, param.planeOrientation);

            // Draw axis sliders
            // Draw last to have priority over the planes
            for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                if (!param.ShouldShow(i))

                if (!currentlyDragging)
                    switch (param.axesOrientation)
                    case PositionHandleParam.Orientation.Camera:
                        s_DoPositionHandle_AxisHandlesOctant[i] = viewVectorDrawSpace[i] > 0.01f ? -1 : 1;

                    case PositionHandleParam.Orientation.Signed:
                        s_DoPositionHandle_AxisHandlesOctant[i] = 1;

                var isThisAxisHot = isHot && ids[i] == GUIUtility.hotControl;

                var axisColor = GetColorByAxis(i);
                color = isDisabled ? Color.Lerp(axisColor, staticColor, staticBlend) : axisColor;

                // if we are hot here, the hot handle must be opaque
                var cameraLerp = isThisAxisHot ? 0 : s_DoPositionHandle_Internal_CameraViewLerp[i];

                if (cameraLerp <= kCameraViewThreshold)
                    color = Color.Lerp(color, Color.clear, cameraLerp);
                    var axisVector = GetAxisVector(i);
                    var dir        = rotation * axisVector;
                    var offset     = dir * axisOffset[i] * size;

                    dir    *= s_DoPositionHandle_AxisHandlesOctant[i];
                    offset *= s_DoPositionHandle_AxisHandlesOctant[i];

                    if (isHot && !isThisAxisHot)
                        color = s_DisabledHandleColor;

                    // A plane with this axis is hot
                    if (isHot && (ids[s_DoPositionHandle_Internal_PrevPlaneIndex[i]] == GUIUtility.hotControl || ids[i + 3] == GUIUtility.hotControl))
                        color = selectedColor;

                    color = ToActiveColorSpace(color);

                    s_DoPositionHandle_ArrowCapConeOffset = isHot
                        ? rotation * Vector3.Scale(Vector3.Scale(axisVector, param.axisOffset), s_DoPositionHandle_AxisHandlesOctant)
                        : Vector3.zero;
                    position = Slider(ids[i], position, offset, dir, size * param.axisSize[i], DoPositionHandle_ArrowCap, GridSnapping.active ? 0f : EditorSnapSettings.move[i]);

            if (param.ShouldShow(PositionHandleParam.Handle.XYZ) && (isHot && ids.xyz == GUIUtility.hotControl || !isHot))
                color = ToActiveColorSpace(centerColor);
                position = FreeMoveHandle(ids.xyz, position, rotation, size * kFreeMoveHandleSizeFactor, GridSnapping.active ? Vector3.zero : EditorSnapSettings.move, RectangleHandleCap);

            if (GridSnapping.active)
                position = GridSnapping.Snap(position);

            color = temp;

コード例 #3
        public static Vector3 DrawHandles(Vector3 position, float zProjectionDistance, Quaternion rotation)
            var     isHot                 = ids.Has(GUIUtility.hotControl);
            var     planeSize             = isHot ? paramXY.planeSize + paramXY.planeOffset : paramXY.planeSize;
            var     planarSize            = Mathf.Max(planeSize[0], planeSize[s_DoPositionHandle_Internal_NextIndex[0]]);
            Vector3 sliderRotatedWorldPos = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * position;
            var     size1D                = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(sliderRotatedWorldPos);
            var     size2D                = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(sliderRotatedWorldPos - new Vector3(0, 0, zProjectionDistance)) * planarSize * .5f;
            Vector3 depthSlider           = sliderRotatedWorldPos;

                // dot offset = transform position seen as a sphere
                depthSlider = Handles.Slider(depthSlider, Vector3.forward, size1D * .1f, Handles.SphereHandleCap, -1);
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    sliderRotatedWorldPos.z = depthSlider.z;

                // 2D slider: square xy-axis
                Vector3 sliderFaceProjected = sliderRotatedWorldPos - new Vector3(0, 0, zProjectionDistance);
                sliderFaceProjected.x += size2D;
                sliderFaceProjected.y += size2D;
                using (new Handles.DrawingScope(Handles.zAxisColor))
                    verts[0] = sliderFaceProjected + (Vector3.right + Vector3.up) * size2D;
                    verts[1] = sliderFaceProjected + (-Vector3.right + Vector3.up) * size2D;
                    verts[2] = sliderFaceProjected + (-Vector3.right - Vector3.up) * size2D;
                    verts[3] = sliderFaceProjected + (Vector3.right - Vector3.up) * size2D;
                    float faceOpacity = 0.8f;
                    if (GUIUtility.hotControl == ids.xy)
                        Handles.color = Handles.selectedColor;
                    else if (IsHovering(ids.xy, Event.current))
                        faceOpacity = 0.4f;
                        faceOpacity = 0.1f;
                    Color faceColor = new Color(Handles.zAxisColor.r, Handles.zAxisColor.g, Handles.zAxisColor.b, Handles.zAxisColor.a * faceOpacity);
                    Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(verts, faceColor, Color.clear);
                    sliderFaceProjected = Handles.Slider2D(ids.xy, sliderFaceProjected, Vector3.forward, Vector3.right, Vector3.up, size2D, Handles.RectangleHandleCap, s_IsGridSnappingActive() ? Vector2.zero : new Vector2(EditorSnapSettings.move[0], EditorSnapSettings.move[1]), false);
                    if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                        sliderRotatedWorldPos.x = sliderFaceProjected.x;
                        sliderRotatedWorldPos.y = sliderFaceProjected.y;
                sliderFaceProjected.x -= size2D;
                sliderFaceProjected.y -= size2D;

                // 2D slider: x-axis
                using (new Handles.DrawingScope(Handles.xAxisColor))
                    sliderFaceProjected = Handles.Slider(sliderFaceProjected, Vector3.right);
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    sliderRotatedWorldPos.x = sliderFaceProjected.x;

                // 2D slider: y-axis
                using (new Handles.DrawingScope(Handles.yAxisColor))
                    sliderFaceProjected = Handles.Slider(sliderFaceProjected, Vector3.up);
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    sliderRotatedWorldPos.y = sliderFaceProjected.y;

                // depth: z-axis
                using (new Handles.DrawingScope(Handles.zAxisColor))
                    depthSlider = Handles.Slider(depthSlider, Vector3.forward);
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    sliderRotatedWorldPos.z = depthSlider.z;
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                position = rotation * sliderRotatedWorldPos;
