コード例 #1
 /// <summary> Constructor.</summary>
 /// <param name="tagger">- the POS tagger plug-in
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="in">- input queue
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="out">- output queue
 /// </param>
 public PosTaggerThread(PosTagger tagger, LinkedBlockingQueue <SetOfSentences> in_Renamed,
                        LinkedBlockingQueue <Sentence> out_Renamed)
     this.tagger      = tagger;
     this.in_Renamed  = in_Renamed;
     this.out_Renamed = out_Renamed;
コード例 #2
 /// <summary> Constructor.</summary>
 /// <param name="tagger">- the POS tagger plug-in
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="in">- input queue
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="out">- output queue
 /// </param>
 public PosTaggerThread(PosTagger tagger, LinkedBlockingQueue<SetOfSentences> in_Renamed,
 LinkedBlockingQueue<Sentence> out_Renamed)
     this.tagger = tagger;
     this.in_Renamed = in_Renamed;
     this.out_Renamed = out_Renamed;
コード例 #3

        public HomeController(IOptions <TwitterCrawlerConfig> config)
            posTagger           = new PosTagger();
            twitterCrawler      = new TwitterCrawler(config);
            tokenizer           = new Tokenizer();
            tokenAnalyser       = new TokenAnalyser();
            tweetAnalyser       = new TweetAnalyser();
            wordRater           = new WordRater();
            sentimentCalculator = new SentimentCalculator();
            preprocessor        = new Preprocessor();
            parseTreeAnalyser   = new ParseTreeAnalyser();

            networkSendClientSocket    = new NetworkClientSocket(NetworkSendClientPort, NetworkClientHost);
            networkReceiveClientSocket = new NetworkClientSocket(NetworkReceiveClientPort, NetworkClientHost);

            serializer   = new Serializer();
            deserializer = new Deserializer();

            tester = new Tester();
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Assigns part-of-speech tags to the words in the given MethodDeclarationNode's name, assuming that it follows a base verb pattern.
        /// This assumes that the node has already had its name split and preamble stripped.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The MethodDeclarationNode to tag.</param>
        protected void ParseBaseVerbName(MethodDeclarationNode node)
            //this assumes that the node has already had its name split and preamble stripped

            PhraseNode parsedName = node.ParsedName;

            //TODO: from Emily, what if it starts with an adverb??

            //if 1 word, assume verb
            if (parsedName.Size() == 1)
                if (PosData.IsIgnorableVerb(parsedName[0].Text))
                    parsedName[0].Tag = PartOfSpeechTag.VerbIgnorable;
                    parsedName[0].Tag = PartOfSpeechTag.Verb;

            int currentWord = 0;

            currentWord = CheckForIgnorableVerb(parsedName, currentWord);

            //check for a verb modifier
            if (currentWord < parsedName.Size())
                if (PosData.IsAdverb(parsedName[currentWord].Text) &&
                    parsedName[currentWord].Text.EndsWith("ly") &&
                    !PosData.IsDeterminer(parsedName[currentWord].Text) &&
                    !PosData.IsPronoun(parsedName[currentWord].Text) &&
                    if (currentWord + 1 < parsedName.Size() && PosData.IsPotentialVerb(parsedName[currentWord + 1].Text))
                        parsedName[currentWord].Tag = PartOfSpeechTag.VerbModifier;

            if (PosData.IsIgnorableVerb(parsedName[currentWord].Text))
                parsedName[currentWord].Tag = PartOfSpeechTag.VerbIgnorable;
                parsedName[currentWord].Tag = PartOfSpeechTag.Verb;


            //check for verb particle
            if (currentWord < parsedName.Size())
                if (PosData.IsVerbParticle(parsedName[currentWord - 1].Text, parsedName[currentWord].Text))
                    parsedName[currentWord].Tag = PartOfSpeechTag.VerbParticle;

            //rest of words should be objects or prepositions
            if (currentWord < parsedName.Size())
                int prep = FindFirstPreposition(parsedName, currentWord);
                if (prep == -1)
                    PosTagger.TagNounPhrase(parsedName, currentWord, parsedName.Size() - 1);
                    //found a preposition, could be VX?PY?(f?)
                    bool noX = false;
                    bool noY = false;
                    if (currentWord == prep)
                        noX = true;
                        PosTagger.TagNounPhrase(parsedName, currentWord, prep - 1);
                    currentWord = prep + 1;
                    if (currentWord >= parsedName.Size())
                        noY = true;
                        PosTagger.TagNounPhrase(parsedName, currentWord, parsedName.Size() - 1);