public Position(Portfolio portfolio, Instrument instrument) { Portfolio = portfolio; Instrument = instrument; PortfolioId = portfolio.Id; InstrumentId = instrument.Id; }
public static Portfolio GenerateDefaultPortfolio() { Security goog = new Security {Symbol = "goog"}; Security msft = new Security {Symbol = "msft"}; Security aapl = new Security {Symbol = "aapl"}; Portfolio portfolio = new Portfolio { Name = "po' boy" }; Account mandingo = new Account { Name = "mandingo", Portfolio = portfolio }; AddPosition(mandingo, goog, 100M, 12.34M); AddPosition(mandingo, aapl, 200M, 23.45M); portfolio.Accounts.Add(mandingo); Account took = new Account { Name = "took", Portfolio = portfolio }; AddPosition(took, msft, 100M, 34.56M); portfolio.Accounts.Add(took); return portfolio; }
private static IDictionary<DateTime, IDictionary<IDomainEntity, decimal>> GetValues(Portfolio portfolio, IDictionary<DateTime, IDictionary<string, decimal>> priceDates) { var results = new Dictionary<DateTime, IDictionary<IDomainEntity, decimal>>(); foreach (var date in priceDates.Keys) { var values = new Dictionary<IDomainEntity, decimal>(); results[date] = values; var prices = priceDates[date]; foreach (var account in portfolio.Accounts) { foreach (var position in account.Positions) { try { var price = prices[position.Security.Symbol]; var value = price*position.Shares; values.Add(position, value); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { values.Add(position, -1M); } } } } return results; }
public VMEditingPortfolio(Portfolio portfolio, int userId, List<Project> projectCatalog = null) { Title = portfolio.Title; Description = portfolio.Description; Projects = new List<VMProject>(); if (portfolio.Projects != null && portfolio.Projects.Count > 0) { foreach (Project u in portfolio.Projects) { Projects.Add(new VMProject(u, portfolio.UserId)); } } ProjectCatalog = new List<VMProject>(); if (projectCatalog != null && projectCatalog.Count > 0) { foreach (Project u in projectCatalog) { //Projects.Add(new VMProject(u, userId)); ProjectCatalog.Add(new VMProject(u, userId)); } } Visibility = (VisibilityType)portfolio.Visibility; UserId = portfolio.UserId; Id = portfolio.Id; IsMainPortfolio = portfolio.IsMainPortfolio; }
private static IDictionary<string, decimal> CalculateValues(Portfolio portfolio, IDictionary<string, decimal> quotes) { var results = new Dictionary<string, decimal>(); foreach (var account in portfolio.Accounts) { foreach (var position in account.Positions) { try { var price = quotes[position.Security.Symbol]; var value = price * position.Shares; if (results.ContainsKey(position.Security.Symbol)) results[position.Security.Symbol] += value; else results.Add(position.Security.Symbol, value); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { results.Add(position.Security.Symbol, -1M); } } } return results; }
public void LoadPortfolio(int pPortfolioId) { Portfolio portfolio = new Portfolio(pPortfolioId); txtProjectName.Text = portfolio.ProjectName; txtProjectDescription.Text = portfolio.ProjectDescription; String toolsAndTechnique = portfolio.ToolsAndTechniques; String[] toolsAndTechniquesArr = toolsAndTechnique.Split(new Char[] {','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //Int32[] tools = toolsAndTechniquesArr.ToArray<Int32>(); //for (int i = 0; i < toolsAndTechnique.Length; i++) //{ // tools[i] = Int32.Parse(toolsAndTechniquesArr[i]); //} BindToolsAndTechniques(); ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < toolsAndTechniquesArr.Length; i++) { l.Add(Int32.Parse(toolsAndTechniquesArr[i])); } foreach (ListItem item in chkBoxList1.Items) { if(l.Contains(Int32.Parse(item.Value))) { item.Selected = true; } } txtProjectURL.Text = portfolio.ProjectURL; }
public string GetReport(Portfolio portfolio, IEnumerable<Category> categories, IEnumerable<CategoryWeight> weights) { var reportBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var quotes = GetQuotes(portfolio); var valuesDict = CalculateValues(portfolio, quotes); var weightsList = weights.ToList(); //DebugPrint(reportBuilder, valuesDict); var total = valuesDict.Values.Where(v => v > 0M).Sum(); reportBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("Portfolio: {0}", portfolio.Name)); foreach (var category in categories) { Dictionary<string, decimal> calculations = new Dictionary<string, decimal>(); foreach (var kvpair in valuesDict) { var weight = weightsList.Single(w => w.Security.Symbol.Equals(kvpair.Key) && w.Value.Category == category); if (calculations.ContainsKey(weight.Value.Name)) calculations[weight.Value.Name] += kvpair.Value; else calculations.Add(weight.Value.Name, kvpair.Value); } reportBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("\r\n{0}", category.Name)); foreach (var kvpair in calculations.OrderByDescending(kv => kv.Value)) { reportBuilder.AppendLine(String.Format("{0}: {1:N1}%", kvpair.Key, kvpair.Value / total * 100M)); } } return reportBuilder.ToString(); }
public void UpdatePortfolio(Portfolio.Portfolio portfolio, Ranking[] previousRankings, Ranking[] currentRankings) { // check whether we should sell the stock Ranking previousTop = previousRankings.First(); Ranking currentTop = currentRankings.First(); // let's give ourselves some money portfolio.Cash += portfolio.MonthlyIncrease; if (String.Equals(previousTop.Stock.Ticker, currentTop.Stock.Ticker, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { // same stock so just buy portfolio.BuyStock(currentTop.Stock, portfolio.MonthlyIncrease); } else { // have to sell first // we look for the stock to sell Stock previousTopRightNow = currentRankings. First(ranking => String.Equals(ranking.Stock.Ticker, previousTop.Stock.Ticker, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .Stock; // sell all of it portfolio.SellStock(previousTopRightNow, portfolio.GetStockShares(previousTopRightNow)); // time to buy all portfolio.BuyStock(currentTop.Stock, portfolio.TotalValue); } }
private TradingResult PerformBackTesting( SystemResult systemResult ) { if ( systemResult.Prices.Empty() || systemResult.Signals.Empty() ) { return null; } const int InitialCash = 10000; var tradingLog = new TradingLog(); var portfolio = new Portfolio( InitialCash, Broker, tradingLog ); foreach ( var signal in systemResult.Signals ) { if ( signal.Value.Type == SignalType.Buy ) { var price = systemResult.Prices[ signal.Time ]; portfolio.Buy( signal.Time, price.Value ); } else if ( signal.Value.Type == SignalType.Sell ) { var price = systemResult.Prices[ signal.Time ]; portfolio.Sell( signal.Time, price.Value ); } } return new TradingResult( systemResult ) { TradingTimeSpan = systemResult.Prices.Last().Time - systemResult.Prices.First().Time, TradingLog = tradingLog, InitialCash = InitialCash, PortfolioValue = portfolio.GetValue( systemResult.Prices.Last().Value ) }; }
public ActionResult PortfolioCreateEdit(int id = -1) { if (RouteData.Values["id"] != null) { if (int.TryParse(RouteData.Values["id"].ToString(), out id)) { } } Portfolio p = new Portfolio(); if (id != -1) { p = db.retrievePortfolio(id); if (p == null) { string error1 = "The Portfolio you tried to edit either does not exist or could not be found."; string error2 = "Portfolio Id: " + id; TempData["ErrorMessages"] = new string[] { error1, error2 }; return RedirectToAction("Http404", "Error"); } } int userId = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId; List<Project> projects = db.retrieveAllProjectsByUserID(userId); VMEditingPortfolio vmEdit; if (projects != null) { vmEdit = new VMEditingPortfolio(p, userId, projects); } else { vmEdit = new VMEditingPortfolio(p, userId); } return View(vmEdit); }
private void Init(string name, Portfolio portfolio, bool reportEnabled, List<Parameter> parameters) { this.Name = name; this.Portfolio = portfolio; this.Performance = new Performance(portfolio); this.ReportEnabled = reportEnabled; this.Parameters = new ParameterSet(parameters); }
public void OnPositionOpened(Portfolio portfolio, Position position, bool queued) { var e = new OnPositionOpened(portfolio, position); if (queued) this.queue.Enqueue(e); else OnEvent(e); }
/// <summary> /// Just buy stock that ranks first /// </summary> /// <param name="portfolio"></param> /// <param name="rankings"></param> public void SetUpPortFolio(Portfolio.Portfolio portfolio, Ranking[] rankings) { // top ranked Ranking topRanked = rankings.First(); // buy the stock that rank first portfolio.BuyStock(topRanked.Stock, portfolio.Cash); }
public Portfolio getDeltaPortfolio(DateTime t) { List<IAsset> list_asset = new List<IAsset>(); list_asset.Add(underlying); Portfolio port = new Portfolio(list_asset); port.addAsset(underlying, this.getDelta(t)); return port; }
private IDictionary<string, decimal> GetQuotes(Portfolio portfolio) { var securities = new List<Security>(); foreach (var account in portfolio.Accounts) { securities.AddRange(account.Positions.Select(p => p.Security)); } return _quoter.GetQuotes(securities.Distinct()); }
void Download13F(object args) { this.portfolio = new Portfolio(); foreach (Form13F form in Edgar.FetchForm13Fs(args as string, 6)) { portfolio.Add(form); } this.Invoke(new EnableDelegate(this.Enable)); }
private void Init(Portfolio portfolio) { portfolio.IsLoaded = true; portfolio.Init(this.framework); this.framework.PortfolioManager.Add(portfolio, true); foreach (Portfolio p in portfolio.Children) { Init(p); p.Parent = portfolio; } }
public string Get2DReport(Portfolio portfolio, Category x, Category y, IEnumerable<CategoryWeight> weights) { var reportBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var quotes = GetQuotes(portfolio); var valuesDict = CalculateValues(portfolio, quotes); var weightsList = weights.ToList(); var total = valuesDict.Values.Where(v => v > 0M).Sum(); return reportBuilder.ToString(); }
private void Init(string name, Portfolio portfolio, DateTime startDate, DateTime stopDate, double cash, bool reportEnabled, List<Project> projects) { this.Name = name; this.Portfolio = portfolio; this.Performance = new Performance(portfolio); this.StartDate = startDate; this.StopDate = stopDate; this.Cash = cash; this.ReportEnabled = reportEnabled; this.Projects = new ProjectList(projects); }
public static void LoadOMSTrades(object[,] objArray, Portfolio pf) { Dictionary<string, OMSTrade> omsTrades = new Dictionary<string, OMSTrade>(); ReflectionFactory.LoadObjArrayByReflection<OMSTrade>(objArray, omsTrades); foreach (OMSTrade omsTrade in omsTrades.Values) { omsTrade.PostConstruct(); pf.Trades.Add(omsTrade.Dnum, omsTrade); // you cannot do List<ParentClass> x = new List<DerivedClassA> bec. then you cannot add any DerivedClassB objects anymore... makes sense } }
public static Portfolio GetOrCreatePortfolio(this Framework framework, string name, bool emitEvent = true) { Portfolio portfolio; if (framework.PortfolioManager.Portfolios.Contains(name)) portfolio = framework.PortfolioManager.Portfolios.GetByName(name); else { portfolio = new Portfolio(framework, name); framework.PortfolioManager.Add(portfolio, emitEvent); } return portfolio; }
public void OnInit(string name, Portfolio portfolioControl) { = name; this.portfolioControl = portfolioControl; this.portfolio = Framework.Current.PortfolioManager[name]; this.PositionViewItems.Clear(); this.ltvPositions.Items.Clear(); this.TransactionsViewItems.Clear(); this.ltvTransactions.VirtualListSize = this.TransactionsViewItems.Count; this.ltvPortfolio.Items.Clear(); this.ltvPortfolio.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[this.ltvPortfolio.Columns.Count])); }
public ActionResult AddDummyPortfolio() { int ID = int.Parse(RouteData.Values["id"].ToString()); Portfolio p = new Portfolio { Title = RandomTitle(), Visibility = (int)VisibilityType.Public, Description = RandomDescription(), }; data.addPortfolio(p, ID); return RedirectToAction("AllUsers", "Admin"); }
public Portfolio.Portfolio BackTest(Indicator.GenericIndicator indicator, HistoricalDataSet dataSet, Portfolio.Portfolio portfolio) { Ranking[][] rankingTable = dataSet.GetRankingTable(indicator); SetUpPortFolio(portfolio, rankingTable[0]); for(int i = 1; i < rankingTable.Length; i += 1) { UpdatePortfolio(portfolio, rankingTable[i-1], rankingTable[i]); } return portfolio; }
public TradeDetector(TradeDetectionType type, Portfolio portfolio) { this.portfolio_0 = portfolio; if (type == TradeDetectionType.FIFO) { this.interface0_0 = new QueueFillSet(); } else { this.interface0_0 = new StackFillSet(); } this.list_0 = new List<TradeInfo>(); this.timeSeries_0 = new TimeSeries(); }
public VMPortfolio(Portfolio portfolio) { Title = portfolio.Title; Description = portfolio.Description; Projects = new List<VMProject>(); if (portfolio.Projects != null && portfolio.Projects.Count > 0) { foreach (Project u in portfolio.Projects) { Projects.Add(new VMProject(u, portfolio.UserId)); } } Visibility = (VisibilityType)portfolio.Visibility; Id = portfolio.Id; UserId = portfolio.UserId; }
public void Add(Portfolio portfolio, bool emitEvent = true) { if (portfolio.Id == -1) portfolio.Id = this.counter++; else { if (Portfolios.Contains(portfolio.Id)) Console.WriteLine($"PortfolioManager::Add portfolio {portfolio.Name} error. Portfolio with Id {portfolio.Id} already added."); if (portfolio.Id >= this.counter) this.counter = portfolio.Id + 1; } Portfolios.Add(portfolio); if (emitEvent) this.framework.EventServer.OnPortfolioAdded(portfolio); }
public ActionResult Portfolio(int id=-1) { if (RouteData.Values["id"] != null) { if (int.TryParse(RouteData.Values["id"].ToString(), out id)) { } } Portfolio p = new Portfolio(); if (id != -1) { p = db.retrievePortfolio(id); if (p == null) { string error1 = "The Portfolio you tried to view either does not exist or could not be found."; string error2 = "Portfolio Id: " + id; TempData["ErrorMessages"] = new string[] { error1, error2 }; return RedirectToAction("Http404", "Error"); } } VMPortfolio portfolio = new VMPortfolio(p); return View(model: portfolio); }
public string GetReport(Portfolio portfolio, DateTime start, DateTime end, Period period) { var reportBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var prices = GetPrices(portfolio, start, end, period); var values = GetValues(portfolio, prices); var columnOrder = values.Keys.OrderBy(d => d.Date); // print header reportBuilder.Append("\t\t"); foreach (var date in columnOrder) { reportBuilder.AppendFormat("| {0} ", date.ToString("d")); } reportBuilder.AppendLine(); reportBuilder.Append("----------------"); for (var i = 0; i < columnOrder.Count(); ++i) reportBuilder.Append("-------------"); reportBuilder.AppendLine(); foreach (var account in portfolio.Accounts) { reportBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("{0,-16}", account.Name)); foreach (var position in account.Positions) { reportBuilder.AppendFormat("{0,-16}", position.Security.Symbol); foreach (var date in columnOrder) { var rowValues = values[date]; var value = rowValues[position]; if (value < 0M) reportBuilder.AppendFormat("| {0,10} ", " !*v*! "); else reportBuilder.AppendFormat("| {0,10} ", value.ToString("##.00")); } reportBuilder.AppendLine(); } } return reportBuilder.ToString(); }
public static Portfolio GenerateEmptyPortfolio() { Portfolio portfolio = new Portfolio { Name = "po' boy" }; Account mandingo = new Account { Name = "mandingo", Portfolio = portfolio }; portfolio.Accounts.Add(mandingo); Account took = new Account { Name = "took", Portfolio = portfolio }; portfolio.Accounts.Add(took); return portfolio; }
/// <inheritdoc /> public Position GetPosition(Portfolio portfolio, Security security, string strategyId, Sides?side, string clientCode = "", string depoName = "", TPlusLimits?limitType = null) { return(_positions.TryGetValue(CreateKey(portfolio, security, strategyId, side, clientCode, depoName, limitType))); }
private void NewPortfolioHandler(Portfolio portfolio) { AddGuiAction(() => NewPortfolio.SafeInvoke(portfolio)); }
static void Main() { try { Console.Write(LocalizedStrings.Str2992); var account1 = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write(LocalizedStrings.Str2993); var account2 = Console.ReadLine(); using (var quikTrader1 = new QuikTrader { LuaFixServerAddress = "".To <EndPoint>() }) using (var quikTrader2 = new QuikTrader { LuaFixServerAddress = "".To <EndPoint>() }) { // подписываемся на событие ошибок обработки данных и разрыва соединения // quikTrader1.Error += OnError; quikTrader2.Error += OnError; quikTrader1.ConnectionError += OnError; quikTrader2.ConnectionError += OnError; var portfoliosWait = new ManualResetEvent(false); Action <Portfolio> newPortfolio = portfolio => { if (_portfolio1 == null && portfolio.Name == account1) { _portfolio1 = portfolio; } if (_portfolio2 == null && portfolio.Name == account2) { _portfolio2 = portfolio; } // если оба инструмента появились if (_portfolio1 != null && _portfolio2 != null) { portfoliosWait.Set(); } }; // подписываемся на события новых портфелей quikTrader1.NewPortfolio += newPortfolio; quikTrader2.NewPortfolio += newPortfolio; var securitiesWait = new ManualResetEvent(false); // подписываемся на события новых инструментов quikTrader1.NewSecurity += security => { if (_lkoh == null && security.Code == "LKOH") { _lkoh = security; } // если оба инструмента появились if (_lkoh != null && _ri != null) { securitiesWait.Set(); } }; quikTrader2.NewSecurity += security => { if (_ri == null && security.Code == "RIZ7") { _ri = security; } // если оба инструмента появились if (_lkoh != null && _ri != null) { securitiesWait.Set(); } }; // запускаем экспорты в Quik-ах, когда получим событие об успешном соединении // quikTrader1.Connected += () => { Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2994Params.Put(quikTrader1.LuaFixServerAddress)); }; quikTrader2.Connected += () => { Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2994Params.Put(quikTrader2.LuaFixServerAddress)); }; // производим подключение каждого из QuikTrader-а // quikTrader1.Connect(); quikTrader2.Connect(); Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2995); portfoliosWait.WaitOne(); securitiesWait.WaitOne(); Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2996); if (_lkoh.BestBid == null || _ri.BestBid == null) { throw new Exception(LocalizedStrings.Str2990); } quikTrader1.RegisterOrder(new Order { Portfolio = _portfolio1, Volume = 1, Security = _lkoh, Price = _lkoh.BestBid.Price }); Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2997); quikTrader2.RegisterOrder(new Order { Portfolio = _portfolio2, Volume = 1, Security = _ri, Price = _ri.BestBid.Price }); Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2998); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Получить позицию по портфелю и инструменту. /// </summary> /// <param name="portfolio">Портфель, по которому нужно найти позицию.</param> /// <param name="security">Инструмент, по которому нужно найти позицию.</param> /// <param name="depoName">Название депозитария, где находится физически ценная бумага. /// По-умолчанию передается пустая строка, что означает суммарную позицию по всем депозитариям.</param> /// <returns>Позиция.</returns> public Position GetPosition(Portfolio portfolio, Security security, string depoName = "") { return(Connector.GetPosition(portfolio, security, depoName)); }
public EmulationEntityFactory(Portfolio portfolio, Connector connector) { _portfolio = portfolio; _connector = connector; }
/// <summary> /// Отменить группу заявок на бирже по фильтру. /// </summary> /// <param name="transactionId">Идентификатор транзакции отмены.</param> /// <param name="isStopOrder"><see langword="true"/>, если нужно отменить только стоп-заявки, false - если только обычный и null - если оба типа.</param> /// <param name="portfolio">Портфель. Если значение равно null, то портфель не попадает в фильтр снятия заявок.</param> /// <param name="direction">Направление заявки. Если значение равно null, то направление не попадает в фильтр снятия заявок.</param> /// <param name="board">Торговая площадка. Если значение равно null, то площадка не попадает в фильтр снятия заявок.</param> /// <param name="security">Инструмент. Если значение равно null, то инструмент не попадает в фильтр снятия заявок.</param> protected override void OnCancelOrders(long transactionId, bool?isStopOrder = null, Portfolio portfolio = null, Sides?direction = null, ExchangeBoard board = null, Security security = null) { if (security != null && portfolio != null && security.Type == SecurityTypes.Future && !security.UnderlyingSecurityId.IsEmpty()) { base.OnCancelOrders(transactionId, isStopOrder, portfolio, direction, board, security); } else { this.CancelOrders(Orders, isStopOrder, portfolio, direction, board); } }
public async Task UpdatePortfolio() { var lowRiskStocks = new Category { Name = "Low Risk Stocks", Stocks = new List <StockAllocation> { new StockAllocation { Symbol = "DIS", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 2m, CurrentShares = 2 }, //1.75 new StockAllocation { Symbol = "MSFT", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 2m, CurrentShares = 2 }, //1.75 new StockAllocation { Symbol = "V", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 1.75m, CurrentShares = 1 } //1.75 } }; var mediumRiskStocks = new Category { Name = "Medium Risk Stocks", Stocks = new List <StockAllocation> { new StockAllocation { Symbol = "SQ", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 1m, CurrentShares = 2 }, //1 new StockAllocation { Symbol = "PTON", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = .5m, CurrentShares = 2 }, //1 new StockAllocation { Symbol = "QCOM", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 1m, CurrentShares = 2 } //1 } }; var techEtFs = new Category { Name = "Tech", Stocks = new List <StockAllocation> { new StockAllocation { Symbol = "SOXL", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 5m, CurrentShares = 3 }, //5 new StockAllocation { Symbol = "CIBR", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 3m, CurrentShares = 14 }, //3 new StockAllocation { Symbol = "LIT", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 2.9m, CurrentShares = 16 } //2.5 } }; var cannabisEtFs = new Category { Name = "Cannabis", Stocks = new List <StockAllocation> { new StockAllocation { Symbol = "MJ", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 2.95m, CurrentShares = 25 } //3 } }; var energyEtFs = new Category { Name = "Energy", Stocks = new List <StockAllocation> { new StockAllocation { Symbol = "TAN", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 4m, CurrentShares = 20 }, //4 new StockAllocation { Symbol = "ICLN", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 4.1m, CurrentShares = 53 } //4 } }; var bioEtFs = new Category { Name = "BioTech", Stocks = new List <StockAllocation> { new StockAllocation { Symbol = "XBI", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 3.2m, CurrentShares = 5 }, //4 new StockAllocation { Symbol = "ARKG", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 3.2m, CurrentShares = 13 } //4 } }; var financeEtFs = new Category { Name = "Finance", Stocks = new List <StockAllocation> { new StockAllocation { Symbol = "XLF", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 4m, CurrentShares = 19 //4 } } }; var indexes = new Category { Name = "Indexes", Stocks = new List <StockAllocation> { new StockAllocation { Symbol = "SPY", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 14m, CurrentShares = 6 }, //14 new StockAllocation { Symbol = "QQQ", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 14m, CurrentShares = 9 }, //14 new StockAllocation { Symbol = "DIA", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 12m, CurrentShares = 5 }, //12 new StockAllocation { Symbol = "VIXY", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 3.95m, CurrentShares = 40 } //3 } }; var bonds = new Category { Name = "Bonds", Stocks = new List <StockAllocation> { new StockAllocation { Symbol = "TLT", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = 14.2m, CurrentShares = 14 } //14 } }; var highRisk = new Category { Name = "High Risk Stocks", Stocks = new List <StockAllocation> { new StockAllocation { Symbol = "I", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = .21m, CurrentShares = 10 }, //.25 new StockAllocation { Symbol = "SLRX", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = .26m, CurrentShares = 14 }, //.25 new StockAllocation { Symbol = "TRXC", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = .26m, CurrentShares = 413 }, //.25 new StockAllocation { Symbol = "EROS", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = .26m, CurrentShares = 23 }, //.25 new StockAllocation { Symbol = "TRNX", DesiredAmountType = AllocationTypeEnum.Percentage, DesiredAmount = .26m, CurrentShares = 46 } //.25 } }; Portfolio portfolio = new Portfolio { Id = "5d80d0587d2d4657d8e1fe8f", Name = "Default", CashOnHand = .18m, Categories = new List <Category> { lowRiskStocks, mediumRiskStocks, new Category { Name = "ETFs", Categories = new List <Category> { techEtFs, cannabisEtFs, energyEtFs, bioEtFs, financeEtFs } }, indexes, bonds, highRisk } }; var result = await _portfolioDataAccess.SavePortfolios(new List <Portfolio> { portfolio }); Console.WriteLine($"Portfolio Id: {result.First().Id}"); Console.WriteLine($"Portfolio Percent: {portfolio.AllStocks.Sum(s => s.DesiredAmount)}%"); }
private void RaisePortfolioChanged(Portfolio portfolio) { PortfolioChanged?.Invoke(portfolio); PortfoliosChanged?.Invoke(new[] { portfolio }); }
public void StepOneQE(string locators) { CacheHelper.CreateTCRegion_Pool <object, object>(QERegionName, true, true, null, locators, "__TESTPOOL1_", true); IRegion <object, object> region = CacheHelper.GetVerifyRegion <object, object>(QERegionName); string[] /*sta*/ cnm = { "C#aaa", "C#bbb", "C#ccc", "C#ddd" }; //CacheableStringArray cnm = CacheableStringArray.Create(sta); Portfolio p1 = new Portfolio(1, 2, cnm); Portfolio p2 = new Portfolio(2, 2, cnm); Portfolio p3 = new Portfolio(3, 2, cnm); Portfolio p4 = new Portfolio(4, 2, cnm); region["1"] = p1; region["2"] = p2; region["3"] = p3; region["4"] = p4; QueryService <object, object> qs = null; qs = PoolManager /*<object, object>*/.Find("__TESTPOOL1_").GetQueryService <object, object>(); Query <object> qry = qs.NewQuery("select * from /" + QERegionName + " p where p.ID!=3"); ISelectResults <object> results = qry.Execute(); Util.Log("Results size {0}.", results.Size); SelectResultsIterator <object> iter = results.GetIterator(); while (iter.HasNext) { /*IGFSerializable*/ object item = iter.Next(); Portfolio port = item as Portfolio; if (port == null) { Position pos = item as Position; if (pos == null) { //CacheableString cs = item as CacheableString; string cs = item as string; if (cs == null) { Util.Log("Query got other/unknown object."); } else { Util.Log("Query got string : {0}.", cs); } } else { Util.Log("Query got Position object with secId {0}, shares {1}.", pos.SecId, pos.SharesOutstanding); } } else { Util.Log("Query got Portfolio object with ID {0}, pkid {1}.", port.ID, port.Pkid); } } // Bring down the region region.GetLocalView().DestroyRegion(); }
/// <summary> /// It creates a portfolio from the transactions. /// First line of fileStream has to be the initial balance. /// </summary> /// <param name="userid"></param> /// <param name="portfolioname"></param> /// <param name="fileStream">It expects a CSV file. First line has to be the initial balance</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool CreatePortfolio(string userName, string portfolioname, Stream fileStream, bool firstRowIsInitalBalance, bool overrideIfExists, out Portfolio portfolio, out string message) { List <string[]> transactionsList = new List <string[]>(); User user = portfoliosContext.GetUser(userName); if (user == null) { portfolio = null; message = $"User '{userName}' doesn't exist."; return(false); } portfolio = portfoliosContext.GetPortfoliosByUserNameAndPortfolioName(userName, portfolioname); int portfolioId; if (overrideIfExists && portfolio != null) { portfoliosContext.DeletePortfolio(portfolio); portfolio = null; } if (portfolio == null) { portfolio = portfoliosContext.CreatePortfolio(user, portfolioname); portfolioId = portfolio.Id; } else { portfolioId = portfolio.Id; } fileStream.Position = 0; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, true)) { //First row is Header if (reader.Peek() >= 0) { string line = reader.ReadLine(); } if (firstRowIsInitalBalance) { if (reader.Peek() >= 0) { string line = reader.ReadLine(); string[] fields = line.Split(','); PortfolioBalance pb = PortfolioBalance.From(fields); if (portfolio.Balances.Where(b => b.TransactionCode == pb.TransactionCode).Any() == false) { pb.PortfolioId = portfolioId; portfoliosContext.AddBalance(pb);//And it also adds the balance to the balances collection of the portfolio portfolio.InitialBalance = pb.NetCashBalance; } } } else { //TODO: Get InitialBalance from DataBase } //Second to end row are the transactions while (reader.Peek() >= 0) { string line = reader.ReadLine(); string[] fields = line.Split(','); transactionsList.Add(fields); Transaction newTransaction = Transaction.From(fields); if (newTransaction != null && portfolio.Transactions.Where(t => t.TransactionCode == newTransaction.TransactionCode).Any() == false) { newTransaction.UserId = user.Id; newTransaction.PortfolioId = portfolioId; if (TryGetAsset(newTransaction.Symbol, out AssetBase asset)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newTransaction.Symbol)) { newTransaction.Symbol = asset.Ticker; } newTransaction.Asset = asset; } else { newTransaction.Asset = null; } portfolio.Transactions.Add(newTransaction); //portfoliosContext.AddTransaction(newTransaction);//And it also adds the transaction to the transactions collection of the portfolio } else { //TODO: Inform to user that transaction wasn't saved } } } CalculateAssetAllocations(portfolio); portfoliosContext.Update(portfolio); message = $"Portfilio '{portfolioname}' created successfuly."; return(true); }
/// <summary> /// прорисовать портфель /// </summary> private static void PaintPortfolio(Portfolio portfolio) { try { DataGridViewRow secondRow = new DataGridViewRow(); secondRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); secondRow.Cells[0].Value = portfolio.Number; secondRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); secondRow.Cells[1].Value = portfolio.ValueBegin; secondRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); secondRow.Cells[2].Value = portfolio.ValueCurrent; secondRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); secondRow.Cells[3].Value = portfolio.ValueBlocked; _gridPosition.Rows.Add(secondRow); List <PositionOnBoard> positionsOnBoard = portfolio.GetPositionOnBoard(); if (positionsOnBoard == null || positionsOnBoard.Count == 0) { DataGridViewRow nRow = new DataGridViewRow(); nRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); nRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); nRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); nRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); nRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); nRow.Cells[nRow.Cells.Count - 1].Value = "Нет позиций"; _gridPosition.Rows.Add(nRow); } else { for (int i = 0; i < positionsOnBoard.Count; i++) { DataGridViewRow nRow = new DataGridViewRow(); nRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); nRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); nRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); nRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); nRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); nRow.Cells[4].Value = positionsOnBoard[i].SecurityNameCode; nRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); nRow.Cells[5].Value = positionsOnBoard[i].ValueBegin; nRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); nRow.Cells[6].Value = positionsOnBoard[i].ValueCurrent; nRow.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); nRow.Cells[7].Value = positionsOnBoard[i].ValueBlocked; _gridPosition.Rows.Add(nRow); } } } catch (Exception error) { SendNewLogMessage(error.ToString(), LogMessageType.Error); } }
private void ClientOnUpdatePortfolio(BalanceResponse portf) { try { if (portf == null || portf.eur_balance == null) { return; } if (_portfolios == null) { _portfolios = new List <Portfolio>(); } Portfolio osPortEur = _portfolios.Find(p => p.Number == "eurPortfolio"); if (osPortEur == null) { osPortEur = new Portfolio(); osPortEur.Number = "eurPortfolio"; _portfolios.Add(osPortEur); } osPortEur.ValueBegin = Convert.ToDecimal(portf.eur_balance.Replace(",", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); osPortEur.ValueBlocked = Convert.ToDecimal(portf.eur_reserved.Replace(",", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Portfolio osPortUsd = _portfolios.Find(p => p.Number == "usdPortfolio"); if (osPortUsd == null) { osPortUsd = new Portfolio(); osPortUsd.Number = "usdPortfolio"; _portfolios.Add(osPortUsd); } osPortUsd.ValueBegin = Convert.ToDecimal(portf.usd_balance.Replace(",", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); osPortUsd.ValueBlocked = Convert.ToDecimal(portf.usd_reserved.Replace(",", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Portfolio osPortBtc = _portfolios.Find(p => p.Number == "btcPortfolio"); if (osPortBtc == null) { osPortBtc = new Portfolio(); osPortBtc.Number = "btcPortfolio"; _portfolios.Add(osPortBtc); } osPortBtc.ValueBegin = Convert.ToDecimal(portf.btc_balance.Replace(",", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); osPortBtc.ValueBlocked = Convert.ToDecimal(portf.btc_reserved.Replace(",", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (PortfolioEvent != null) { PortfolioEvent(_portfolios); } } catch (Exception error) { SendLogMessage(error.ToString(), LogMessageType.Error); } }
public PortfolioDetailPage(Portfolio portfolio) { InitializeComponent(); BindingContext = portfolio; }
/// <summary> /// Остановить получение новой информации по портфелю. /// </summary> /// <param name="portfolio">Портфель, по которому необходимо остановить получение новой информации.</param> public void UnRegisterPortfolio(Portfolio portfolio) { Connector.UnRegisterPortfolio(portfolio); }
private void StartBtnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { InitChart(); if (HistoryPath.Text.IsEmpty() || !Directory.Exists(HistoryPath.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.Str3014); return; } if (_connectors.Any(t => t.State != EmulationStates.Stopped)) { MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.Str3015); return; } var secIdParts = SecId.Text.Split('@'); if (secIdParts.Length != 2) { MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.Str3016); return; } var timeFrame = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); // создаем настройки для тестирования var settings = new[] { Tuple.Create( TicksCheckBox, TicksTestingProcess, TicksParameterGrid, // тест только на тиках new EmulationInfo { CurveColor = Colors.DarkGreen, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.Str3017 }), Tuple.Create( TicksAndDepthsCheckBox, TicksAndDepthsTestingProcess, TicksAndDepthsParameterGrid, // тест на тиках + стаканы new EmulationInfo { UseMarketDepth = true, CurveColor = Colors.Red, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.Str3018 }), Tuple.Create( CandlesCheckBox, CandlesTestingProcess, CandlesParameterGrid, // тест на свечах new EmulationInfo { UseCandleTimeFrame = timeFrame, CurveColor = Colors.DarkBlue, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.Str3019 }), Tuple.Create( CandlesAndDepthsCheckBox, CandlesAndDepthsTestingProcess, CandlesAndDepthsParameterGrid, // тест на свечах + стаканы new EmulationInfo { UseMarketDepth = true, UseCandleTimeFrame = timeFrame, CurveColor = Colors.Cyan, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.Str3020 }), Tuple.Create( OrderLogCheckBox, OrderLogTestingProcess, OrderLogParameterGrid, // тест на логе заявок new EmulationInfo { UseOrderLog = true, CurveColor = Colors.CornflowerBlue, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.Str3021 }) }; // хранилище, через которое будет производиться доступ к тиковой и котировочной базе var storageRegistry = new StorageRegistry { // изменяем путь, используемый по умолчанию DefaultDrive = new LocalMarketDataDrive(HistoryPath.Text) }; var startTime = (DateTime)From.Value; var stopTime = (DateTime)To.Value; // ОЛ необходимо загружать с 18.45 пред дня, чтобы стаканы строились правильно if (OrderLogCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { startTime = startTime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(1)).AddHours(18).AddMinutes(45).AddTicks(1); } // задаем шаг ProgressBar var progressStep = ((stopTime - startTime).Ticks / 100).To <TimeSpan>(); // в реальности период может быть другим, и это зависит от объема данных, // хранящихся по пути HistoryPath, TicksTestingProcess.Maximum = TicksAndDepthsTestingProcess.Maximum = CandlesTestingProcess.Maximum = 100; TicksTestingProcess.Value = TicksAndDepthsTestingProcess.Value = CandlesTestingProcess.Value = 0; var logManager = new LogManager(); var fileLogListener = new FileLogListener("sample.log"); logManager.Listeners.Add(fileLogListener); //logManager.Listeners.Add(new DebugLogListener()); // чтобы смотреть логи в отладчике - работает медленно. var generateDepths = GenDepthsCheckBox.IsChecked == true; var maxDepth = MaxDepth.Text.To <int>(); var maxVolume = MaxVolume.Text.To <int>(); var secCode = secIdParts[0]; var board = ExchangeBoard.GetOrCreateBoard(secIdParts[1]); foreach (var set in settings) { if (set.Item1.IsChecked == false) { continue; } var progressBar = set.Item2; var statistic = set.Item3; var emulationInfo = set.Item4; // создаем тестовый инструмент, на котором будет производится тестирование var security = new Security { Id = SecId.Text, // по идентификатору инструмента будет искаться папка с историческими маркет данными Code = secCode, Board = board, }; var level1Info = new Level1ChangeMessage { SecurityId = security.ToSecurityId(), ServerTime = startTime, } .TryAdd(Level1Fields.PriceStep, 10m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.StepPrice, 6m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MinPrice, 10m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MaxPrice, 1000000m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginBuy, 10000m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginSell, 10000m); // тестовый портфель var portfolio = new Portfolio { Name = "test account", BeginValue = 1000000, }; // создаем подключение для эмуляции // инициализируем настройки (инструмент в истории обновляется раз в секунду) var connector = new HistoryEmulationConnector( new[] { security }, new[] { portfolio }) { StorageRegistry = storageRegistry, MarketEmulator = { Settings = { // использовать свечи UseCandlesTimeFrame = emulationInfo.UseCandleTimeFrame, // сведение сделки в эмуляторе если цена коснулась нашей лимитной заявки. // Если выключено - требуется "прохождение цены сквозь уровень" // (более "суровый" режим тестирования.) MatchOnTouch = false, } }, //UseExternalCandleSource = true, CreateDepthFromOrdersLog = emulationInfo.UseOrderLog, CreateTradesFromOrdersLog = emulationInfo.UseOrderLog, }; connector.MarketDataAdapter.SessionHolder.MarketTimeChangedInterval = timeFrame; ((ILogSource)connector).LogLevel = DebugLogCheckBox.IsChecked == true ? LogLevels.Debug : LogLevels.Info; logManager.Sources.Add(connector); connector.NewSecurities += securities => { //подписываемся на получение данных после получения инструмента if (securities.All(s => s != security)) { return; } // отправляем данные Level1 для инструмента connector.MarketDataAdapter.SendOutMessage(level1Info); // тест подразумевает наличие стаканов if (emulationInfo.UseMarketDepth) { connector.RegisterMarketDepth(security); if ( // если выбрана генерация стаканов вместо реальных стаканов generateDepths || // для свечей генерируем стаканы всегда emulationInfo.UseCandleTimeFrame != TimeSpan.Zero ) { // если история по стаканам отсутствует, но стаканы необходимы для стратегии, // то их можно сгенерировать на основании цен последних сделок или свечек. connector.RegisterMarketDepth(new TrendMarketDepthGenerator(connector.GetSecurityId(security)) { Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), // стакан для инструмента в истории обновляется раз в секунду MaxAsksDepth = maxDepth, MaxBidsDepth = maxDepth, UseTradeVolume = true, MaxVolume = maxVolume, MinSpreadStepCount = 2, // минимальный генерируемый спред - 2 минимальных шага цены MaxSpreadStepCount = 5, // не генерировать спрэд между лучшим бид и аск больше чем 5 минимальных шагов цены - нужно чтобы при генерации из свечей не получалось слишком широкого спреда. MaxPriceStepCount = 3 // максимальное количество шагов между ценами, }); } } else if (emulationInfo.UseOrderLog) { connector.RegisterOrderLog(security); } }; // соединяемся с трейдером и запускаем экспорт, // чтобы инициализировать переданными инструментами и портфелями необходимые свойства EmulationTrader connector.Connect(); connector.StartExport(); var candleManager = new CandleManager(connector); var series = new CandleSeries(typeof(TimeFrameCandle), security, timeFrame); _shortMa = new SimpleMovingAverage { Length = 10 }; _shortElem = new ChartIndicatorElement { Color = Colors.Coral, ShowAxisMarker = false, FullTitle = _shortMa.ToString() }; _bufferedChart.AddElement(_area, _shortElem); _longMa = new SimpleMovingAverage { Length = 80 }; _longElem = new ChartIndicatorElement { ShowAxisMarker = false, FullTitle = _longMa.ToString() }; _bufferedChart.AddElement(_area, _longElem); // создаем торговую стратегию, скользящие средние на 80 5-минуток и 10 5-минуток var strategy = new SmaStrategy(_bufferedChart, _candlesElem, _tradesElem, _shortMa, _shortElem, _longMa, _longElem, series) { Volume = 1, Portfolio = portfolio, Security = security, Connector = connector, LogLevel = DebugLogCheckBox.IsChecked == true ? LogLevels.Debug : LogLevels.Info, // по-умолчанию интервал равен 1 минут, // что для истории в диапазон от нескольких месяцев излишне UnrealizedPnLInterval = ((stopTime - startTime).Ticks / 1000).To <TimeSpan>() }; // комиссия в 1 копейку за сделку connector.MarketEmulator.SendInMessage(new CommissionRuleMessage { Rule = new CommissionPerTradeRule { Value = 0.01m } }); logManager.Sources.Add(strategy); // копируем параметры на визуальную панель statistic.Parameters.Clear(); statistic.Parameters.AddRange(strategy.StatisticManager.Parameters); var pnlCurve = Curve.CreateCurve("P&L " + emulationInfo.StrategyName, emulationInfo.CurveColor, EquityCurveChartStyles.Area); var unrealizedPnLCurve = Curve.CreateCurve(LocalizedStrings.PnLUnreal + emulationInfo.StrategyName, Colors.Black); var commissionCurve = Curve.CreateCurve(LocalizedStrings.Str159 + " " + emulationInfo.StrategyName, Colors.Red, EquityCurveChartStyles.DashedLine); var posItems = PositionCurve.CreateCurve(emulationInfo.StrategyName, emulationInfo.CurveColor); strategy.PnLChanged += () => { var pnl = new EquityData { Time = strategy.CurrentTime, Value = strategy.PnL - strategy.Commission ?? 0 }; var unrealizedPnL = new EquityData { Time = strategy.CurrentTime, Value = strategy.PnLManager.UnrealizedPnL }; var commission = new EquityData { Time = strategy.CurrentTime, Value = strategy.Commission ?? 0 }; pnlCurve.Add(pnl); unrealizedPnLCurve.Add(unrealizedPnL); commissionCurve.Add(commission); }; strategy.PositionChanged += () => posItems.Add(new EquityData { Time = strategy.CurrentTime, Value = strategy.Position }); var nextTime = startTime + progressStep; // и подписываемся на событие изменения времени, чтобы обновить ProgressBar connector.MarketTimeChanged += d => { if (connector.CurrentTime < nextTime && connector.CurrentTime < stopTime) { return; } var steps = (connector.CurrentTime - startTime).Ticks / progressStep.Ticks + 1; nextTime = startTime + (steps * progressStep.Ticks).To <TimeSpan>(); this.GuiAsync(() => progressBar.Value = steps); }; connector.StateChanged += () => { if (connector.State == EmulationStates.Stopped) { candleManager.Stop(series); strategy.Stop(); logManager.Dispose(); _connectors.Clear(); SetIsEnabled(false); this.GuiAsync(() => { if (connector.IsFinished) { progressBar.Value = progressBar.Maximum; MessageBox.Show(LocalizedStrings.Str3024 + (DateTime.Now - _startEmulationTime)); } else { MessageBox.Show(LocalizedStrings.cancelled); } }); } else if (connector.State == EmulationStates.Started) { SetIsEnabled(true); // запускаем стратегию когда эмулятор запустился strategy.Start(); candleManager.Start(series); } }; if (ShowDepth.IsChecked == true) { MarketDepth.UpdateFormat(security); connector.NewMessage += (message, dir) => { var quoteMsg = message as QuoteChangeMessage; if (quoteMsg != null) { MarketDepth.UpdateDepth(quoteMsg); } }; } _connectors.Add(connector); } _startEmulationTime = DateTime.Now; // запускаем эмуляцию foreach (var connector in _connectors) { // указываем даты начала и конца тестирования connector.Start(startTime, stopTime); } TabControl.Items.Cast <TabItem>().First(i => i.Visibility == Visibility.Visible).IsSelected = true; }
private void StartBtnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (_connectors.Count > 0) { foreach (var connector in _connectors) { connector.Start(); } return; } if (HistoryPath.Folder.IsEmpty() || !Directory.Exists(HistoryPath.Folder)) { MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.Str3014); return; } if (_connectors.Any(t => t.State != EmulationStates.Stopped)) { MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.Str3015); return; } var id = SecId.Text.ToSecurityId(); //if (secIdParts.Length != 2) //{ // MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.Str3016); // return; //} var timeFrame = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(TimeFrame.SelectedIndex == 0 ? 1 : 5); var secCode = id.SecurityCode; var board = _exchangeInfoProvider.GetOrCreateBoard(id.BoardCode); // create test security var security = new Security { Id = SecId.Text, // sec id has the same name as folder with historical data Code = secCode, Board = board, }; // create backtesting modes var settings = new[] { Tuple.Create( TicksCheckBox, TicksProgress, TicksParameterGrid, // ticks new EmulationInfo { UseTicks = true, CurveColor = Colors.DarkGreen, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.Ticks }, TicksChart, TicksEquity, TicksPosition), Tuple.Create( TicksAndDepthsCheckBox, TicksAndDepthsProgress, TicksAndDepthsParameterGrid, // ticks + order book new EmulationInfo { UseTicks = true, UseMarketDepth = true, CurveColor = Colors.Red, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.XamlStr757 }, TicksAndDepthsChart, TicksAndDepthsEquity, TicksAndDepthsPosition), Tuple.Create( DepthsCheckBox, DepthsProgress, DepthsParameterGrid, // order book new EmulationInfo { UseMarketDepth = true, CurveColor = Colors.OrangeRed, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.MarketDepths }, DepthsChart, DepthsEquity, DepthsPosition), Tuple.Create( CandlesCheckBox, CandlesProgress, CandlesParameterGrid, // candles new EmulationInfo { UseCandleTimeFrame = timeFrame, CurveColor = Colors.DarkBlue, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.Candles }, CandlesChart, CandlesEquity, CandlesPosition), Tuple.Create( CandlesAndDepthsCheckBox, CandlesAndDepthsProgress, CandlesAndDepthsParameterGrid, // candles + orderbook new EmulationInfo { UseMarketDepth = true, UseCandleTimeFrame = timeFrame, CurveColor = Colors.Cyan, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.XamlStr635 }, CandlesAndDepthsChart, CandlesAndDepthsEquity, CandlesAndDepthsPosition), Tuple.Create( OrderLogCheckBox, OrderLogProgress, OrderLogParameterGrid, // order log new EmulationInfo { UseOrderLog = true, CurveColor = Colors.CornflowerBlue, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.OrderLog }, OrderLogChart, OrderLogEquity, OrderLogPosition), Tuple.Create( Level1CheckBox, Level1Progress, Level1ParameterGrid, // order log new EmulationInfo { UseLevel1 = true, CurveColor = Colors.Aquamarine, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.Level1 }, Level1Chart, Level1Equity, Level1Position), Tuple.Create( FinamCandlesCheckBox, FinamCandlesProgress, FinamCandlesParameterGrid, // candles new EmulationInfo { UseCandleTimeFrame = timeFrame, CustomHistoryAdapter = g => new FinamMessageAdapter(g), CurveColor = Colors.DarkBlue, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.FinamCandles }, FinamCandlesChart, FinamCandlesEquity, FinamCandlesPosition), Tuple.Create( YahooCandlesCheckBox, YahooCandlesProgress, YahooCandlesParameterGrid, // candles new EmulationInfo { UseCandleTimeFrame = timeFrame, CustomHistoryAdapter = g => new YahooMessageAdapter(g), CurveColor = Colors.DarkBlue, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.YahooCandles }, YahooCandlesChart, YahooCandlesEquity, YahooCandlesPosition), }; // storage to historical data var storageRegistry = new StorageRegistry { // set historical path DefaultDrive = new LocalMarketDataDrive(HistoryPath.Folder) }; var startTime = ((DateTime)From.EditValue).UtcKind(); var stopTime = ((DateTime)To.EditValue).UtcKind(); // (ru only) ОЛ необходимо загружать с 18.45 пред дня, чтобы стаканы строились правильно if (OrderLogCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { startTime = startTime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(1)).AddHours(18).AddMinutes(45).AddTicks(1).ApplyTimeZone(TimeHelper.Moscow).UtcDateTime; } // ProgressBar refresh step var progressStep = ((stopTime - startTime).Ticks / 100).To <TimeSpan>(); // set ProgressBar bounds _progressBars.ForEach(p => { p.Value = 0; p.Maximum = 100; }); var logManager = new LogManager(); var fileLogListener = new FileLogListener("sample.log"); logManager.Listeners.Add(fileLogListener); //logManager.Listeners.Add(new DebugLogListener()); // for track logs in output window in Vusial Studio (poor performance). var generateDepths = GenDepthsCheckBox.IsChecked == true; var maxDepth = MaxDepth.Text.To <int>(); var maxVolume = MaxVolume.Text.To <int>(); var secId = security.ToSecurityId(); SetIsEnabled(false, false, false); foreach (var set in settings) { if (set.Item1.IsChecked == false) { continue; } var title = (string)set.Item1.Content; InitChart(set.Item5, set.Item6, set.Item7); var progressBar = set.Item2; var statistic = set.Item3; var emulationInfo = set.Item4; var level1Info = new Level1ChangeMessage { SecurityId = secId, ServerTime = startTime, } .TryAdd(Level1Fields.PriceStep, secCode == "RIZ2" ? 10m : 1) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.StepPrice, 6m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MinPrice, 10m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MaxPrice, 1000000m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginBuy, 10000m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginSell, 10000m); // test portfolio var portfolio = Portfolio.CreateSimulator(); // create backtesting connector var connector = new HistoryEmulationConnector( new[] { security }, new[] { portfolio }) { EmulationAdapter = { Emulator = { Settings = { // match order if historical price touched our limit order price. // It is terned off, and price should go through limit order price level // (more "severe" test mode) MatchOnTouch = false, } } }, //UseExternalCandleSource = emulationInfo.UseCandleTimeFrame != null, //CreateDepthFromOrdersLog = emulationInfo.UseOrderLog, //CreateTradesFromOrdersLog = emulationInfo.UseOrderLog, HistoryMessageAdapter = { StorageRegistry = storageRegistry, OrderLogMarketDepthBuilders = { { secId, new OrderLogMarketDepthBuilder(secId) } } }, // set market time freq as time frame MarketTimeChangedInterval = timeFrame, }; ((ILogSource)connector).LogLevel = DebugLogCheckBox.IsChecked == true ? LogLevels.Debug : LogLevels.Info; logManager.Sources.Add(connector); var series = new CandleSeries(typeof(TimeFrameCandle), security, timeFrame) { BuildCandlesMode = emulationInfo.UseCandleTimeFrame == null ? MarketDataBuildModes.Build : MarketDataBuildModes.Load, BuildCandlesFrom = emulationInfo.UseOrderLog ? (MarketDataTypes?)MarketDataTypes.OrderLog : null, }; _shortMa = new SimpleMovingAverage { Length = 10 }; _shortElem = new ChartIndicatorElement { Color = Colors.Coral, ShowAxisMarker = false, FullTitle = _shortMa.ToString() }; var chart = set.Item5; chart.AddElement(_area, _shortElem); _longMa = new SimpleMovingAverage { Length = 80 }; _longElem = new ChartIndicatorElement { ShowAxisMarker = false, FullTitle = _longMa.ToString() }; chart.AddElement(_area, _longElem); // create strategy based on 80 5-min и 10 5-min var strategy = new SmaStrategy(chart, _candlesElem, _tradesElem, _shortMa, _shortElem, _longMa, _longElem, series) { Volume = 1, Portfolio = portfolio, Security = security, Connector = connector, LogLevel = DebugLogCheckBox.IsChecked == true ? LogLevels.Debug : LogLevels.Info, // by default interval is 1 min, // it is excessively for time range with several months UnrealizedPnLInterval = ((stopTime - startTime).Ticks / 1000).To <TimeSpan>() }; logManager.Sources.Add(strategy); if (emulationInfo.CustomHistoryAdapter != null) { connector.Adapter.InnerAdapters.Remove(connector.MarketDataAdapter); connector.Adapter.InnerAdapters.Add(new CustomHistoryMessageAdapter(emulationInfo.CustomHistoryAdapter(connector.TransactionIdGenerator))); } // set history range connector.HistoryMessageAdapterEx.StartDate = startTime; connector.HistoryMessageAdapterEx.StopDate = stopTime; connector.NewSecurity += s => { if (s != security) { return; } // fill level1 values connector.HistoryMessageAdapterEx.SendOutMessage(level1Info); if (emulationInfo.UseMarketDepth) { connector.SubscribeMarketDepth(security); if ( // if order book will be generated generateDepths || // or backtesting will be on candles emulationInfo.UseCandleTimeFrame != TimeSpan.Zero ) { // if no have order book historical data, but strategy is required, // use generator based on last prices connector.RegisterMarketDepth(new TrendMarketDepthGenerator(connector.GetSecurityId(security)) { Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), // order book freq refresh is 1 sec MaxAsksDepth = maxDepth, MaxBidsDepth = maxDepth, UseTradeVolume = true, MaxVolume = maxVolume, MinSpreadStepCount = 2, // min spread generation is 2 pips MaxSpreadStepCount = 5, // max spread generation size (prevent extremely size) MaxPriceStepCount = 3 // pips size, }); } } if (emulationInfo.UseOrderLog) { connector.SubscribeOrderLog(security); } if (emulationInfo.UseTicks) { connector.SubscribeTrades(security); } if (emulationInfo.UseLevel1) { connector.SubscribeLevel1(security); } // start strategy before emulation started strategy.Start(); // start historical data loading when connection established successfully and all data subscribed connector.Start(); }; // fill parameters panel statistic.Parameters.Clear(); statistic.Parameters.AddRange(strategy.StatisticManager.Parameters); var equity = set.Item6; var pnlCurve = equity.CreateCurve(LocalizedStrings.PnL + " " + emulationInfo.StrategyName, Colors.Green, Colors.Red, ChartIndicatorDrawStyles.Area); var unrealizedPnLCurve = equity.CreateCurve(LocalizedStrings.PnLUnreal + " " + emulationInfo.StrategyName, Colors.Black, ChartIndicatorDrawStyles.Line); var commissionCurve = equity.CreateCurve(LocalizedStrings.Str159 + " " + emulationInfo.StrategyName, Colors.Red, ChartIndicatorDrawStyles.DashedLine); strategy.PnLChanged += () => { var data = new ChartDrawData(); data .Group(strategy.CurrentTime) .Add(pnlCurve, strategy.PnL - strategy.Commission ?? 0) .Add(unrealizedPnLCurve, strategy.PnLManager.UnrealizedPnL ?? 0) .Add(commissionCurve, strategy.Commission ?? 0); equity.Draw(data); }; var posItems = set.Item7.CreateCurve(emulationInfo.StrategyName, emulationInfo.CurveColor, ChartIndicatorDrawStyles.Line); strategy.PositionChanged += () => { var data = new ChartDrawData(); data .Group(strategy.CurrentTime) .Add(posItems, strategy.Position); set.Item7.Draw(data); }; var nextTime = startTime + progressStep; // handle historical time for update ProgressBar connector.MarketTimeChanged += d => { if (connector.CurrentTime < nextTime && connector.CurrentTime < stopTime) { return; } var steps = (connector.CurrentTime - startTime).Ticks / progressStep.Ticks + 1; nextTime = startTime + (steps * progressStep.Ticks).To <TimeSpan>(); this.GuiAsync(() => progressBar.Value = steps); }; connector.StateChanged += () => { if (connector.State == EmulationStates.Stopped) { strategy.Stop(); SetIsChartEnabled(chart, false); if (_connectors.All(c => c.State == EmulationStates.Stopped)) { logManager.Dispose(); _connectors.Clear(); SetIsEnabled(true, false, false); } this.GuiAsync(() => { if (connector.IsFinished) { progressBar.Value = progressBar.Maximum; MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.Str3024.Put(DateTime.Now - _startEmulationTime), title); } else { MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.cancelled, title); } }); } else if (connector.State == EmulationStates.Started) { if (_connectors.All(c => c.State == EmulationStates.Started)) { SetIsEnabled(false, true, true); } SetIsChartEnabled(chart, true); } else if (connector.State == EmulationStates.Suspended) { if (_connectors.All(c => c.State == EmulationStates.Suspended)) { SetIsEnabled(true, false, true); } } }; if (ShowDepth.IsChecked == true) { MarketDepth.UpdateFormat(security); connector.NewMessage += message => { if (message is QuoteChangeMessage quoteMsg) { MarketDepth.UpdateDepth(quoteMsg); } }; } _connectors.Add(connector); progressBar.Value = 0; } _startEmulationTime = DateTime.Now; // start emulation foreach (var connector in _connectors) { // raise NewSecurities and NewPortfolio for full fill strategy properties connector.Connect(); // 1 cent commission for trade connector.SendInMessage(new CommissionRuleMessage { Rule = new CommissionPerTradeRule { Value = 0.01m } }); } TabControl.Items.Cast <TabItem>().First(i => i.Visibility == Visibility.Visible).IsSelected = true; }
public PortfolioModel(Portfolio portfolio) { Id = portfolio.Id; UserId = portfolio.UserId; Equities = EquityModelHelpers.MapToModelCollection(portfolio.Equities); }
/// <summary> /// Unsubscribe from the portfolio changes. /// </summary> /// <param name="portfolio">Portfolio for unsubscription.</param> public void UnRegisterPortfolio(Portfolio portfolio) { _subscriptionManager.UnRegisterPortfolio(portfolio); }
public PositionEventArgs(Portfolio portfolio, Position position) : base(portfolio) { this.Position = position; }
static void Main() { try { // для теста выбираем бумагу Лукойл const string secCode = "LKOH"; var quikPath = QuikTerminal.GetDefaultPath(); if (quikPath.IsEmpty()) { Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2984); return; } Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2985 + quikPath); Console.Write(LocalizedStrings.Str2986); var account = Console.ReadLine(); using (var waitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false)) { // создаем подключение к Quik-у using (var trader = new QuikTrader(quikPath) { IsDde = true }) { // необходимо раскомментировать, если идет работа с РТС Стандарт //trader.FormatTransaction += builder => builder.RemoveInstruction(Transaction.TimeInForce); // подписываемся на событие успешного подключения // все действия необходимо производить только после подключения trader.Connected += () => { Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2169); // извещаем об успешном соединени waitHandle.Set(); }; Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2170); trader.DdeTables = new[] { trader.SecuritiesTable, trader.MyTradesTable, trader.EquityPositionsTable, trader.EquityPortfoliosTable, trader.OrdersTable }; trader.Connect(); // дожидаемся события об успешном соединении waitHandle.WaitOne(); trader.NewPortfolios += portfolios => { if (_portfolio == null) { // находим нужный портфель и присваиваем его переменной _portfolio _portfolio = portfolios.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == account); if (_portfolio != null) { Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2171Params, account); // если инструмент и стакан уже появились, // то извещаем об этом основной поток для выставления заявки if (_lkoh != null && _depth != null) { waitHandle.Set(); } } } }; // подписываемся на событие появление инструментов trader.NewSecurities += securities => { if (_lkoh == null) { // находим Лукойл и присваиваем ее переменной lkoh _lkoh = securities.FirstOrDefault(sec => sec.Code == secCode); if (_lkoh != null) { Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2987); // запускаем экспорт стакана trader.RegisterMarketDepth(_lkoh); if (_portfolio != null && _depth != null) { waitHandle.Set(); } } } }; // подписываемся на событие появления моих новых сделок trader.NewMyTrades += myTrades => { foreach (var myTrade in myTrades) { var trade = myTrade.Trade; Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2173Params, trade.Id, trade.Price, trade.Security.Code, trade.Volume, trade.Time); } }; // подписываемся на событие обновления стакана trader.MarketDepthsChanged += depths => { if (_depth == null && _lkoh != null) { _depth = depths.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Security == _lkoh); if (_depth != null) { Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2988); // если портфель и инструмент уже появился, то извещаем об этом основной поток для выставления заявки if (_portfolio != null && _lkoh != null) { waitHandle.Set(); } } } }; Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2989Params.Put(account)); // дожидаемся появления портфеля и инструмента waitHandle.WaitOne(); // 0.1% от изменения цены const decimal delta = 0.001m; // запоминаем первоначальное значение середины спреда var firstMid = _lkoh.BestPair.SpreadPrice / 2; if (_lkoh.BestBid == null || firstMid == null) { throw new Exception(LocalizedStrings.Str2990); } Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2991Params, _lkoh.BestBid.Price + firstMid); while (true) { var mid = _lkoh.BestPair.SpreadPrice / 2; // если спред вышел за пределы нашего диапазона if (mid != null && ((firstMid + firstMid * delta) <= mid || (firstMid - firstMid * delta) >= mid) ) { var order = new Order { Portfolio = _portfolio, Price = _lkoh.ShrinkPrice(_lkoh.BestBid.Price + mid.Value), Security = _lkoh, Volume = 1, Direction = Sides.Buy, }; trader.RegisterOrder(order); Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str1157Params, order.Id); break; } else { Console.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.Str2176Params, _lkoh.BestBid.Price + mid); } // ждем 1 секунду Thread.Sleep(1000); } // останавливаем подключение trader.Disconnect(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
public IList <Entities.PortfolioSecurity> GetPortfolioSecurityList(ISession session, Portfolio portfolio) { return(session.QueryOver <Entities.PortfolioSecurity>() .Fetch(SelectMode.ChildFetch, p => p.Portfolio) .Fetch(SelectMode.ChildFetch, p => p.Security) .Where(p => p.Portfolio.PortfolioId == portfolio.PortfolioId) .List()); }
/// <summary> /// Отменить группу заявок на бирже по фильтру. /// </summary> /// <param name="isStopOrder"><see langword="true"/>, если нужно отменить только стоп-заявки, false - если только обычный и null - если оба типа.</param> /// <param name="portfolio">Портфель. Если значение равно null, то портфель не попадает в фильтр снятия заявок.</param> /// <param name="direction">Направление заявки. Если значение равно null, то направление не попадает в фильтр снятия заявок.</param> /// <param name="board">Торговая площадка. Если значение равно null, то площадка не попадает в фильтр снятия заявок.</param> /// <param name="security">Инструмент. Если значение равно null, то инструмент не попадает в фильтр снятия заявок.</param> public void CancelOrders(bool?isStopOrder = null, Portfolio portfolio = null, Sides?direction = null, ExchangeBoard board = null, Security security = null) { Connector.CancelOrders(isStopOrder, portfolio, direction, board, security); }
public override void LookupPortfolios(Portfolio criteria) { _realConnector.LookupPortfolios(criteria); }
/// <summary> /// Runs after algorithm, used to check our portfolio and orders /// </summary> public override void OnEndOfAlgorithm() { if (!Portfolio.ContainsKey(_optionBuy.Symbol) || !Portfolio.ContainsKey(_optionBuy.Symbol.Underlying) || !Portfolio.ContainsKey(_equityBuy.Symbol)) { throw new Exception("Portfolio does not contain the Symbols we purchased"); } //Check option holding, should not be invested since it expired, profit should be -400 var optionHolding = Portfolio[_optionBuy.Symbol]; if (optionHolding.Invested || optionHolding.Profit != -400) { throw new Exception("Options holding does not match expected outcome"); } //Check the option underlying symbol since we should have bought it at exercise //Quantity should be 100, AveragePrice should be option strike price var optionExerciseHolding = Portfolio[_optionBuy.Symbol.Underlying]; if (!optionExerciseHolding.Invested || optionExerciseHolding.Quantity != 100 || optionExerciseHolding.AveragePrice != _optionBuy.Symbol.ID.StrikePrice) { throw new Exception("Equity holding for exercised option does not match expected outcome"); } //Check equity holding, should be invested, profit should be //Quantity should be 50, AveragePrice should be ticket AverageFillPrice var equityHolding = Portfolio[_equityBuy.Symbol]; if (!equityHolding.Invested || equityHolding.Quantity != 50 || equityHolding.AveragePrice != _equityBuy.AverageFillPrice) { throw new Exception("Equity holding does not match expected outcome"); } }
private void RaiseNewPortfolio(Portfolio portfolio) { NewPortfolio?.Invoke(portfolio); NewPortfolios?.Invoke(new[] { portfolio }); }
private void StartBtnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // if process was already started, will stop it now if (_connector != null && _connector.State != EmulationStates.Stopped) { _strategy.Stop(); _connector.Disconnect(); _logManager.Sources.Clear(); _connector = null; return; } // create test security var security = new Security { Id = "AAPL@NASDAQ", Code = "AAPL", Name = "AAPL Inc", Board = ExchangeBoard.Nasdaq, }; var startTime = new DateTime(2009, 6, 1); var stopTime = new DateTime(2009, 9, 1); var level1Info = new Level1ChangeMessage { SecurityId = security.ToSecurityId(), ServerTime = startTime, } .TryAdd(Level1Fields.PriceStep, 10m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.StepPrice, 6m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MinPrice, 10m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MaxPrice, 1000000m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginBuy, 10000m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginSell, 10000m); // test portfolio var portfolio = new Portfolio { Name = "test account", BeginValue = 1000000, }; var timeFrame = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); // create backtesting connector _connector = new HistoryEmulationConnector( new[] { security }, new[] { portfolio }) { HistoryMessageAdapter = { // set history range StartDate = startTime, StopDate = stopTime, }, // set market time freq as time frame MarketTimeChangedInterval = timeFrame, }; _logManager.Sources.Add(_connector); var candleManager = new CandleManager(_connector); var series = new CandleSeries(typeof(TimeFrameCandle), security, timeFrame); // create strategy based on 80 5-min и 10 5-min _strategy = new SmaStrategy(candleManager, series, new SimpleMovingAverage { Length = 80 }, new SimpleMovingAverage { Length = 10 }) { Volume = 1, Security = security, Portfolio = portfolio, Connector = _connector, }; _connector.NewSecurities += securities => { if (securities.All(s => s != security)) { return; } // fill level1 values _connector.SendInMessage(level1Info); _connector.RegisterTrades(new RandomWalkTradeGenerator(_connector.GetSecurityId(security))); _connector.RegisterMarketDepth(new TrendMarketDepthGenerator(_connector.GetSecurityId(security)) { GenerateDepthOnEachTrade = false }); // start strategy before emulation started _strategy.Start(); candleManager.Start(series); // start historical data loading when connection established successfully and all data subscribed _connector.Start(); }; // fill parameters panel ParameterGrid.Parameters.Clear(); ParameterGrid.Parameters.AddRange(_strategy.StatisticManager.Parameters); _strategy.PnLChanged += () => { var data = new EquityData { Time = _strategy.CurrentTime, Value = _strategy.PnL, }; this.GuiAsync(() => _curveItems.Add(data)); }; _logManager.Sources.Add(_strategy); // ProgressBar refresh step var progressStep = ((stopTime - startTime).Ticks / 100).To <TimeSpan>(); var nextTime = startTime + progressStep; TestingProcess.Maximum = 100; TestingProcess.Value = 0; // handle historical time for update ProgressBar _connector.MarketTimeChanged += diff => { if (_connector.CurrentTime < nextTime && _connector.CurrentTime < stopTime) { return; } var steps = (_connector.CurrentTime - startTime).Ticks / progressStep.Ticks + 1; nextTime = startTime + (steps * progressStep.Ticks).To <TimeSpan>(); this.GuiAsync(() => TestingProcess.Value = steps); }; _connector.StateChanged += () => { if (_connector.State == EmulationStates.Stopped) { this.GuiAsync(() => { Report.IsEnabled = true; if (_connector.IsFinished) { TestingProcess.Value = TestingProcess.Maximum; MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.Str3024.Put(DateTime.Now - _startEmulationTime)); } else { MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.cancelled); } }); } }; _curveItems.Clear(); Report.IsEnabled = false; _startEmulationTime = DateTime.Now; // raise NewSecurities and NewPortfolio for full fill strategy properties _connector.Connect(); }
public RootObject GetAccountView(int memberId) { RootObject rootObject = new RootObject(); var member = _context.Members.Select(item => item).Where(item => item.Id == memberId).SingleOrDefault(); rootObject.MemberId = member.Id; rootObject.LastLogin = member.LastLogin; rootObject.MemberName = member.MemberName; rootObject.loanEligibility = member.LoanEligibility; member.LastLogin = DateTime.Now.ToString(); _context.SaveChanges(); rootObject.AccountView = new List <Portfolio>(); Portfolio accountView = null; var result = _context.AccountDetails.Select(item => item).Where(item => item.MembersId == memberId); if (result.Any()) { var resultList = result.ToList(); foreach (AccountDetails detail in resultList) { var primaryMemberId = _context.AccountDetails.Select(item => item).Where(item => item.AccountsId == detail.AccountsId && item.AccountTypesId == 1).SingleOrDefault().MembersId; var primaryMemberName = _context.Members.Select(item => item).Where(item => item.Id == primaryMemberId).SingleOrDefault().MemberName; var memberLoanEligibility = _context.Members.Select(item => item).Where(item => item.Id == primaryMemberId).SingleOrDefault().LoanEligibility; var jointMember = _context.AccountDetails.Select(item => item).Where(item => item.AccountsId == detail.AccountsId && item.AccountTypesId == 2).SingleOrDefault(); string jointMemberName = null; if (jointMember != null) { jointMemberName = _context.Members.Select(item => item).Where(item => item.Id == jointMember.MembersId).SingleOrDefault().MemberName; } var accountNumbers = _context.Accounts.Select(item => item).Where(item => item.Id == detail.AccountsId).ToList(); accountView = new Portfolio(); /* fixing response format */ // accountView.loanEligibility = memberLoanEligibility; accountView.account = accountNumbers[0].AccountNumber; accountView.Primary = primaryMemberName; accountView.Joint = jointMemberName; var shareList = _context.Shares.Select(item => item).Where(item => item.AccountsId == detail.AccountsId).ToList(); var loanList = _context.Loans.Select(item => item).Where(item => item.AccountsId == detail.AccountsId).ToList(); accountView.shares = new List <Share>(); = new List <Loan>(); foreach (Shares share in shareList) { accountView.shares.Add(new Share() { id = share.ShareNumber, balance = Convert.ToDouble(share.Balance), description = share.Description }); accountView.shares_total = accountView.shares_total + Convert.ToDouble(share.Balance); } foreach (Loans loan in loanList) { Loan() { id = loan.Id, balance = Convert.ToDouble(loan.Balance), description = loan.Description, emiDue = loan.EmiDue, emiDueDate = loan.EmiDueDate }); accountView.loans_total = accountView.loans_total + Convert.ToDouble(loan.Balance); } /* get transactions */ accountView.transactionList = new List <TransactionList>(); accountView.transactionList = GetTransactions(accountNumbers[0].Id); /* get transactions */ /*get cards */ var cardDetails = _context.Cards.Select(item => item).Where(item => item.AccountsId == detail.AccountsId).ToList(); accountView.card = new Card(); accountView.card.Account = accountNumbers[0].AccountNumber; accountView.card.CardNumber = cardDetails[0].CardNumber; accountView.card.PaymentDue = cardDetails[0].PaymentDue; accountView.card.PaymentDueDate = cardDetails[0].PaymentDueDate; accountView.card.Type = cardDetails[0].Type; /*get cards*/ rootObject.AccountView.Add(accountView); accountView.message = accountView.shares.Count + " shares and " + + " loans"; } } return(rootObject); }
private void StartBtnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (HistoryPath.Text.IsEmpty() || !Directory.Exists(HistoryPath.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.Str3014); return; } if (Math.Abs(TestingProcess.Value - 0) > double.Epsilon) { MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.Str3015); return; } var logManager = new LogManager(); var fileLogListener = new FileLogListener("sample.log"); logManager.Listeners.Add(fileLogListener); // SMA periods var periods = new[] { new Tuple <int, int, Color>(80, 10, Colors.DarkGreen), new Tuple <int, int, Color>(70, 8, Colors.Red), new Tuple <int, int, Color>(60, 6, Colors.DarkBlue) }; // storage to historical data var storageRegistry = new StorageRegistry { // set historical path DefaultDrive = new LocalMarketDataDrive(HistoryPath.Text) }; var timeFrame = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); // create test security var security = new Security { Id = "RIZ2@FORTS", // sec id has the same name as folder with historical data Code = "RIZ2", Name = "RTS-12.12", Board = ExchangeBoard.Forts, }; var startTime = new DateTime(2012, 10, 1); var stopTime = new DateTime(2012, 10, 31); var level1Info = new Level1ChangeMessage { SecurityId = security.ToSecurityId(), ServerTime = startTime, } .TryAdd(Level1Fields.PriceStep, 10m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.StepPrice, 6m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MinPrice, 10m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MaxPrice, 1000000m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginBuy, 10000m) .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginSell, 10000m); // test portfolio var portfolio = new Portfolio { Name = "test account", BeginValue = 1000000, }; // create backtesting connector var batchEmulation = new BatchEmulation(new[] { security }, new[] { portfolio }, storageRegistry) { EmulationSettings = { MarketTimeChangedInterval = timeFrame, StartTime = startTime, StopTime = stopTime, // count of parallel testing strategies BatchSize = periods.Length, } }; // handle historical time for update ProgressBar batchEmulation.ProgressChanged += (curr, total) => this.GuiAsync(() => TestingProcess.Value = total); batchEmulation.StateChanged += (oldState, newState) => { if (batchEmulation.State != EmulationStates.Stopped) { return; } this.GuiAsync(() => { if (batchEmulation.IsFinished) { TestingProcess.Value = TestingProcess.Maximum; MessageBox.Show(LocalizedStrings.Str3024.Put(DateTime.Now - _startEmulationTime)); } else { MessageBox.Show(LocalizedStrings.cancelled); } }); }; // получаем подключение для эмуляции var connector = batchEmulation.EmulationConnector; logManager.Sources.Add(connector); connector.NewSecurities += securities => { if (securities.All(s => s != security)) { return; } // fill level1 values connector.SendOutMessage(level1Info); connector.RegisterMarketDepth(new TrendMarketDepthGenerator(connector.GetSecurityId(security)) { // order book freq refresh is 1 sec Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), }); }; TestingProcess.Maximum = 100; TestingProcess.Value = 0; _startEmulationTime = DateTime.Now; var strategies = periods .Select(period => { var series = new CandleSeries(typeof(TimeFrameCandle), security, timeFrame); // create strategy based SMA var strategy = new SmaStrategy(series, new SimpleMovingAverage { Length = period.Item1 }, new SimpleMovingAverage { Length = period.Item2 }) { Volume = 1, Security = security, Portfolio = portfolio, Connector = connector, // by default interval is 1 min, // it is excessively for time range with several months UnrealizedPnLInterval = ((stopTime - startTime).Ticks / 1000).To <TimeSpan>() }; strategy.SetCandleManager(new CandleManager(connector)); var curveItems = Curve.CreateCurve(LocalizedStrings.Str3026Params.Put(period.Item1, period.Item2), period.Item3); strategy.PnLChanged += () => { var data = new EquityData { Time = strategy.CurrentTime, Value = strategy.PnL, }; this.GuiAsync(() => curveItems.Add(data)); }; Stat.AddStrategies(new[] { strategy }); return(strategy); }) .ToEx(periods.Length); // start emulation batchEmulation.Start(strategies); }
/// <summary> /// Найти портфели, соответствующие фильтру <paramref name="criteria"/>. /// Найденные портфели будут переданы через событие <see cref="LookupPortfoliosResult"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="criteria">Портфель, поля которого будут использоваться в качестве фильтра.</param> public void LookupPortfolios(Portfolio criteria) { Connector.LookupPortfolios(criteria); }
private void PortfolioChangedHandler(Portfolio portfolio) { AddGuiAction(() => PortfolioChanged.SafeInvoke(portfolio)); }