コード例 #1
        public void ConfigurePosition(IVisual target, PlacementMode placement, Point offset,
                                      PopupPositioningEdge anchor  = PopupPositioningEdge.None,
                                      PopupPositioningEdge gravity = PopupPositioningEdge.None)
            _positionerParameters.ConfigurePosition(_parent, target,
                                                    placement, offset, anchor, gravity);

            if (_positionerParameters.Size != default)
コード例 #2
        private void Update(Size translatedSize, Size originalSize,
                            Rect anchorRect, PopupPositioningEdge anchor, PopupPositioningEdge gravity,
                            PopupPositionerConstraintAdjustment constraintAdjustment, Point offset)
            var parentGeometry = _popup.ParentClientAreaScreenGeometry;

            anchorRect = anchorRect.Translate(parentGeometry.TopLeft);

            Rect GetBounds()
                var screens = _popup.Screens;

                var targetScreen = screens.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Bounds.Contains(anchorRect.TopLeft))
                                   ?? screens.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Bounds.Intersects(anchorRect))
                                   ?? screens.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Bounds.Contains(parentGeometry.TopLeft))
                                   ?? screens.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Bounds.Intersects(parentGeometry))
                                   ?? screens.FirstOrDefault();

                       ?? new Rect(0, 0, double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue));

            var bounds = GetBounds();

            bool FitsInBounds(Rect rc, PopupPositioningEdge edge = PopupPositioningEdge.AllMask)
                if ((edge & PopupPositioningEdge.Left) != 0 &&
                    rc.X < bounds.X)

                if ((edge & PopupPositioningEdge.Top) != 0 &&
                    rc.Y < bounds.Y)

                if ((edge & PopupPositioningEdge.Right) != 0 &&
                    rc.Right > bounds.Right)

                if ((edge & PopupPositioningEdge.Bottom) != 0 &&
                    rc.Bottom > bounds.Bottom)


            Rect GetUnconstrained(PopupPositioningEdge a, PopupPositioningEdge g) =>
            new Rect(Gravitate(GetAnchorPoint(anchorRect, a), translatedSize, g) + offset, translatedSize);

            var geo = GetUnconstrained(anchor, gravity);

            // If flipping geometry and anchor is allowed and helps, use the flipped one,
            // otherwise leave it as is
            if (!FitsInBounds(geo, PopupPositioningEdge.HorizontalMask) &&
                (constraintAdjustment & PopupPositionerConstraintAdjustment.FlipX) != 0)
                var flipped = GetUnconstrained(anchor.FlipX(), gravity.FlipX());
                if (FitsInBounds(flipped, PopupPositioningEdge.HorizontalMask))
                    geo = geo.WithX(flipped.X);

            // If sliding is allowed, try moving the rect into the bounds
            if ((constraintAdjustment & PopupPositionerConstraintAdjustment.SlideX) != 0)
                geo = geo.WithX(Math.Max(geo.X, bounds.X));
                if (geo.Right > bounds.Right)
                    geo = geo.WithX(bounds.Right - geo.Width);

            // If flipping geometry and anchor is allowed and helps, use the flipped one,
            // otherwise leave it as is
            if (!FitsInBounds(geo, PopupPositioningEdge.VerticalMask) &&
                (constraintAdjustment & PopupPositionerConstraintAdjustment.FlipY) != 0)
                var flipped = GetUnconstrained(anchor.FlipY(), gravity.FlipY());
                if (FitsInBounds(flipped, PopupPositioningEdge.VerticalMask))
                    geo = geo.WithY(flipped.Y);

            // If sliding is allowed, try moving the rect into the bounds
            if ((constraintAdjustment & PopupPositionerConstraintAdjustment.SlideY) != 0)
                geo = geo.WithY(Math.Max(geo.Y, bounds.Y));
                if (geo.Bottom > bounds.Bottom)
                    geo = geo.WithY(bounds.Bottom - geo.Height);

            _popup.MoveAndResize(geo.TopLeft, originalSize);
コード例 #3
 public void ConfigurePosition(IVisual target, PlacementMode placement, Point offset,
                               PopupPositioningEdge anchor = PopupPositioningEdge.None, PopupPositioningEdge gravity = PopupPositioningEdge.None)
     _positionerParameters.ConfigurePosition((TopLevel)_overlayLayer.GetVisualRoot(), target, placement, offset, anchor,