private static void popup_test() { GameUI.ShowMessage(ScreenMessageLocation.TOP_LEFT, "hey", 5f); PopUpMessage.DisplayOkOnly("ok only", null); PopUpMessage.Display("ok and cancel", null); PopUpMessage.Display("ok and cancel", null, () => {}); PopUpWarning.Display("PopUpWarning"); PopUpTwoChoices.Display( "PopUpTwoChoices", "aaa", "bbb", () => { return; }, () => { return; }); PopupInputField.Display( "PopUpInputField", "default", (result) => { uConsole.Log("You typed: " + result); } ); }
private static void toggleCheat() { bool val = uConsole.GetBool(); PolyTechMain.setCheat(instance, val); PopUpMessage.DisplayOkOnly("Set Console mod cheat? to " + val.ToString(), null); }
public void RemoveCampaignCommand() { if (!instance.CheckForCheating()) { uConsole.Log("Campaign Mod is not enabled!"); return; } int Args = uConsole.GetNumParameters(); if (Args != 1) { uConsole.Log("Usage: remove_campaign <name>"); } else { string Name = uConsole.GetString(); string cPath = MainPath + "Campaigns/" + Name; if (!Directory.Exists(cPath)) { uConsole.Log(Name + " does not exist!"); return; } PopUpMessage.Display("Delete campaign " + Name + "?", delegate { Directory.Delete(cPath, true); uConsole.Log("Removed campaign " + Name); }); } }
public static GameObject MsgBox( string prefab , string message , PopupButtonMessageDelegate okDelegate , PopupButtonMessageDelegate retryDelegate , PopupButtonMessageDelegate cancelDelegate , TPOPUP popupType) { GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load(prefab) as GameObject) as GameObject; PopUpMessage popUp = go.GetComponent <PopUpMessage>(); popUp.onOk = okDelegate; popUp.onCancel = cancelDelegate; popUp.onRetry = retryDelegate; popUp.textMesh.text = message; popUp.textMesh.maxChars = message.Length; popUp.textMesh.Commit(); popUp.popupType = popupType; popUp.InitializeButtons(); PopupVisible = true; return(go); }
void missingMod(string name, string version, string settings, PolyTechMod currMod) { ptfInstance.ptfLogger.LogWarning("Mod in layout not present."); PopUpMessage.Display( $"Mod ({name}) in layout not present.", () => {} ); }
void wrongVersion(string name, string version, string settings, PolyTechMod currMod) { ptfInstance.ptfLogger.LogWarning("Mod in layout present, but not the correct version."); PopUpMessage.Display( $"Mod ({name}) in layout present, but not the correct version. (Made with {version}, Currently has {cheatMods.Where(p => p.Info.Metadata.Name == name).First().Info.Metadata.Version.ToString()})", () => checkMods(2, name, version, settings, currMod) ); }
private void ShowPopUp(string message) { var popup = new PopUpMessage(message); popup.SetTimeOut(3000); popup.SetHeight(50); popup.Show(this); }
public static bool PopupMessageCancelButtonFix( string message, Panel_PopUpMessage.OnChoiceDelegate okDelegate ) { PopUpMessage.Display(message, okDelegate, () => {}, PopUpWarningCategory.NONE); GameUI.m_Instance.m_PopUpMessage.m_NeverShowAgainToggle.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); return(false); }
public void Display() { PopUpMessage.Display(message, okDelegate, cancelDelegate, warningCategory); GameUI.m_Instance.m_PopUpMessage.m_NeverShowAgainToggle.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (cancelDelegate == null) { GameUI.m_Instance.m_PopUpMessage.m_CancelButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
protected void InitializeHUD() { _hud = (HUD)GetNode("HUD"); _miniMap = (MiniMap)_hud.GetNode("controlGame/MiniMap"); _popUpMessage = (PopUpMessage)_hud.GetNode("PopUpMessage"); _miniMap.Iniitialize(CapaturableBaseManager); _postProcess = (PostProcess)GetNode("PostProcess"); }
public void Exchange() { if (gemsAmount > 0) { PopUpMessage.MsgBoxOkCancel("Prefabs/Hud/GemsStatusMessage", exchangeMessageString1.text + gemsAmount.ToString() + exchangeMessageString2.text + coinsAmount.ToString() + exchangeMessageString3.text, doExchange, delegate(){}); } else { PopUpMessage.MsgBoxOk("Prefabs/Hud/GemsStatusMessage", amountNotValidString.text, delegate(){}); } }
private void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; } else if (Instance != this) { Destroy(this); } }
public void Unregister(PopUpMessage message) { if (GameManager.Instance().inGame) { uiHolder.WriteText(message.afterMessage); ObjectHolder.Instance().player.enabled = true; } if (message.gotTheMessage != null) message.gotTheMessage.Invoke(); messageList.Remove(message); }
internal static MenuItem GetMenuItem(String name, Bitmap bitmap) { MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem(name); menuItem.SetStyle(StyleFactory.GetMenuItemStyle()); menuItem.SetTextMargin(new Indents(25, 0, 0, 0)); // Optionally: set an event on click menuItem.EventMouseClick += (sender, args) => { PopUpMessage popUpInfo = new PopUpMessage("You choosed a function:\n" + menuItem.GetText()); popUpInfo.SetStyle(StyleFactory.GetBluePopUpStyle()); popUpInfo.SetTimeOut(2000); popUpInfo.Show(menuItem.GetHandler()); }; // Optionally: add an image into MenuItem ImageItem img = new ImageItem(bitmap, false); img.SetSizePolicy(SizePolicy.Fixed, SizePolicy.Fixed); img.SetSize(20, 20); img.SetAlignment(ItemAlignment.Left, ItemAlignment.VCenter); img.KeepAspectRatio(true); menuItem.AddItem(img); // Optionally: add a button into MenuItem ButtonCore infoBtn = new ButtonCore("?"); infoBtn.SetBackground(40, 40, 40); infoBtn.SetWidth(20); infoBtn.SetSizePolicy(SizePolicy.Fixed, SizePolicy.Expand); infoBtn.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Bold); infoBtn.SetForeground(210, 210, 210); infoBtn.SetAlignment(ItemAlignment.VCenter, ItemAlignment.Right); infoBtn.SetMargin(0, 0, 10, 0); infoBtn.SetBorderRadius(3); infoBtn.AddItemState(ItemStateType.Hovered, new ItemState(Color.FromArgb(0, 140, 210))); infoBtn.SetPassEvents(false, InputEventType.MousePress, InputEventType.MouseRelease, InputEventType.MouseDoubleClick); infoBtn.IsFocusable = false; // prevent focus this button infoBtn.EventMouseClick += (sender, args) => { PopUpMessage popUpInfo = new PopUpMessage("This is decorated MenuItem:\n" + menuItem.GetText()); popUpInfo.SetStyle(StyleFactory.GetDarkPopUpStyle()); popUpInfo.SetTimeOut(2000); popUpInfo.Show(infoBtn.GetHandler()); }; menuItem.AddItem(infoBtn); return(menuItem); }
public void ImportCampaignCommand() { if (!instance.CheckForCheating()) { uConsole.Log("Campaign Mod is not enabled!"); return; } int Args = uConsole.GetNumParameters(); if (Args != 1) { uConsole.Log("Usage: import_campaign <campaign>"); } else { string Name = uConsole.GetString(); string cPath = MainPath + "Campaigns/" + Name; if (!File.Exists(MainPath + "Exports/" + Name + ".campaign")) { uConsole.Log("That campaign doesn't exist!"); return; } byte[] cBytes = Utils.UnZipPayload(File.ReadAllBytes(MainPath + "Exports/" + Name + ".campaign")); int offset = 0; string cDataJson = ByteSerializer.DeserializeString(cBytes, ref offset); CampaignLayoutData cData = JsonUtility.FromJson <CampaignLayoutData>(cDataJson); List <KeyValuePair <string, byte[]> > LevelBytes = new List <KeyValuePair <string, byte[]> >(); for (int i = 0; i < cData.m_ItemIds.Count; i++) { string lName = ByteSerializer.DeserializeString(cBytes, ref offset); byte[] lData = ByteSerializer.DeserializeByteArray(cBytes, ref offset); LevelBytes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, byte[]>(lName, lData)); } if (Directory.Exists(cPath)) { PopUpMessage.Display("Campaign already exists!\nOverwite it?", delegate { Directory.Delete(cPath, true); ImportCampaign(cPath, cDataJson, LevelBytes); }); } else { ImportCampaign(cPath, cDataJson, LevelBytes); } } }
public static bool uploadScorePatch( LeaderboardsUploadBody body, string levelID, bool didBreak, LeaderboardUploadScore.OnUploadScoreDelegate callback, Queue <LeaderboardUploadScore> ___m_ScoresToUpload ) { int score = body.m_Value; int minScore = leaderboardProtMin.Value; bool allowedBudget = score >= minScore; if (leaderboardBlock.Value) { if (allowedBudget) { PopUpWarning.Display($"Your score would be {score}, however you have blocked all scores from being uploaded in the PTF settings."); } else { PopUpWarning.Display($"Your score ({score}) was below the minimum set in the PTF settings ({minScore})."); } GameUI.m_Instance.m_LevelComplete.m_LeaderboardPanel.ForceRefresh(); return(false); } if (!allowedBudget) { PopUpWarning.Display($"Your score {score} was below the minimum budget {minScore} and as such will not be submitted."); GameUI.m_Instance.m_LevelComplete.m_LeaderboardPanel.ForceRefresh(); return(false); } //PopUpMessage.Display($"Your score {score} was above or equal to the minimum budget {leaderboardProtMin.Value}.", () => {}); if (leaderboardCheck.Value) { PopUpMessage.Display($"Would you like to upload your score of {score} to the leaderboard?", () => { // On Yes LeaderboardUploadScore item = new LeaderboardUploadScore(body, didBreak, levelID, callback); ___m_ScoresToUpload.Enqueue(item); }, () => { // On No GameUI.m_Instance.m_LevelComplete.m_LeaderboardPanel.ForceRefresh(); }); return(false); } return(true); }
public void InitEvents() { _remove.EventMouseClick += (sender, args) => { _sender.GetParent().RemoveItem(_sender); }; _call.EventMouseClick += (sender, args) => { _radialMenu.Hide(); PopUpMessage pop = new PopUpMessage("Calling to " + _sender.GetName()); pop.Show(_menu.GetHandler()); }; }
private void InitController() { FillListBox(_model.GetListOfNames((int)_mw.NumberCount.GetValue())); if (_mw.ItemList.GetListContent().Count > 0) { _mw.ItemList.SetSelection(0); } _mw.ItemList.GetArea().SetFocus(); _mw.BtnGenerate.EventMouseClick += (sender, args) => { _mw.BtnGenerate.SetDisabled(true); Thread fillThread = new Thread(() => { _mw.ItemList.Clear(); FillListBox(_model.GetListOfNames((int)_mw.NumberCount.GetValue())); _mw.BtnGenerate.SetDisabled(false); }); fillThread.Start(); }; _mw.BtnSave.EventMouseClick += (sender, args) => { OpenEntryDialog opd = new OpenEntryDialog("Save File:", FileSystemEntryType.File, OpenDialogType.Save); opd.AddFilterExtensions("Text files (*.txt);*.txt"); opd.OnCloseDialog += () => { if (opd.GetResult() != null) { if (_model.WriteFile(opd.GetResult(), _mw.ItemText.GetText())) { PopUpMessage popUpInfo = new PopUpMessage("Character save successfully!"); popUpInfo.SetBackground(188, 188, 188); popUpInfo.SetForeground(Color.Black); popUpInfo.Show(_mw); } else { PopUpMessage popUpInfo = new PopUpMessage("Character save failed!"); popUpInfo.SetBackground(188, 188, 188); popUpInfo.SetForeground(Color.Black); popUpInfo.Show(_mw); } } }; opd.Show(_mw); }; }
private void Report_NotificationEvent(Messages.Message msg) { #if NETFRAMEWORK var dict = new Dictionary <Status, MessageBoxIcon>() { { Status.Error, MessageBoxIcon.Error }, { Status.Info, MessageBoxIcon.Information }, { Status.Success, MessageBoxIcon.Information }, { Status.Warning, MessageBoxIcon.Warning }, }; MessageBox.Show(text: $"{msg.Head}{Environment.NewLine}{msg.Text}", caption: msg.Caption, icon: dict[msg.Status], buttons: MessageBoxButtons.OK); #else PopUpMessage.Show(msg, Settings <IrradiationSettings> .CurrentSettings.DefaultPopUpMessageTimeoutSeconds); #endif }
public LoginForm() { try { InitializeComponent(); textBoxLoginFormUser.Focus(); #if NET5_0_OR_GREATER Report.NotificationEvent += (msg) => { PopUpMessage.Show(msg, 5); }; #endif _sqlcs = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(CredentialManager.GetCredentials(GlobalSettings.Targets.DB).Password); if (System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses().Count(p => p.ProcessName == System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName) >= 2) { _msg.Status = Status.Warning; _msg.Head = "Process already exists"; _msg.Text = "You try to open already opened application."; Report.Notify(_msg); throw new InvalidOperationException("Process has already opened"); } } catch (NullReferenceException) { _msg.Status = Status.Error; _msg.Head = "DB target was not found"; _msg.Text = "Before using regata application you have to add target in Windows Credential Manager"; Report.Notify(_msg); } catch (Exception ex) { _msg.Status = Status.Error; _msg.Head = "Unregistred error in Regata login system"; _msg.Text = ex.Message; _msg.DetailedText = ex.ToString(); Report.Notify(_msg); } }
void InitContactMenu(CoreWindow handler) { cm = new ContextMenu(GetHandler()); cm.SetBorderRadius(5); cm.SetBorderThickness(1); cm.SetBorderFill(32, 32, 32); cm.SetBackground(60, 60, 60); cm.ItemList.SetSelectionVisible(false); cm.ActiveButton = MouseButton.ButtonRight; cm.ReturnFocus = _input; Call.SetForeground(Color.LightGray); Call.EventMouseClick += (sender, args) => { PopUpMessage pop = new PopUpMessage("Calling " + contact.GetText() + "..."); pop.AddItemState(ItemStateType.Hovered, new ItemState(Color.FromArgb(42, 44, 49))); pop.SetBorderRadius(new CornerRadius(6, 6, 6, 6)); pop.SetFont(DefaultsService.GetDefaultFont(18)); pop.SetShadow(5, 3, 3, Color.FromArgb(200, 0, 0, 0)); pop.Show(handler); }; SendMessage.SetForeground(Color.LightGray); RemoveFriend.SetForeground(Color.LightGray); RemoveFriend.EventMouseClick += (sender, args) => { DisposeSelf(); }; //add menuitems cm.AddItems( Call, SendMessage, RemoveFriend ); }
public void ExportCampaignCommand() { if (!instance.CheckForCheating()) { uConsole.Log("Campaign Mod is not enabled!"); return; } int Args = uConsole.GetNumParameters(); if (Args != 1) { uConsole.Log("Usage: export_campaign <campaign>"); } else { string Name = uConsole.GetString(); string cPath = MainPath + "Campaigns/" + Name; if (!Directory.Exists(cPath)) { uConsole.Log(Name + " does not exist!"); return; } else if (!File.Exists(cPath + "/CampaignData.json")) { uConsole.Log(Name + " is missing CampaignData.json!"); return; } List <byte> cBytes = new List <byte>(); CampaignLayoutData cData = JsonUtility.FromJson <CampaignLayoutData>(File.ReadAllText(cPath + "/CampaignData.json")); cBytes.AddRange(ByteSerializer.SerializeString(File.ReadAllText(cPath + "/CampaignData.json"))); List <LevelData> levelDatas = new List <LevelData>(); foreach (string id in cData.m_ItemIds) { if (!File.Exists(cPath + "/" + id.Replace("CampaignMod", "") + ".level")) { uConsole.Log(Name + " tried to export " + id.Replace("CampaignMod", "") + " but it doesn't exist!"); return; } cBytes.AddRange(ByteSerializer.SerializeString(id.Replace("CampaignMod", ""))); cBytes.AddRange(ByteSerializer.SerializeByteArray(File.ReadAllBytes(cPath + "/" + id.Replace("CampaignMod", "") + ".level"))); } if (File.Exists(MainPath + "Exports/" + Name + ".campaign")) { PopUpMessage.Display("an export of " + Name + "already exists\noverwrite it?", delegate { File.WriteAllBytes(MainPath + "Exports/" + Name + ".campaign", Utils.ZipPayload(cBytes.ToArray())); uConsole.Log("Export created at '" + MainPath + "Exports/" + Name + ".campaign'"); }); } else { File.WriteAllBytes(MainPath + "Exports/" + Name + ".campaign", Utils.ZipPayload(cBytes.ToArray())); uConsole.Log("Export created at '" + MainPath + "Exports/" + Name + ".campaign'"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Method responsible for handling server messages /// </summary> /// <param name="msg">Message.</param> public void HandleMessage(byte[] msg) { //Debug.Log("<CLIENT> <RECV>: " + msg); // Deserializing message from the server int offset = 0; var message = new MessageModel(msg, ref offset); // Picking correct method for message handling if (message.metadata == "server_closed") { MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.Disconnect(); } if (message.metadata == "owner") { isOwner = true; } if (message.metadata == "connected") { MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.syncLayout(); } offset = 0; //Debug.Log(message.type); switch (message.type) { case LobbyMessaging.BridgeAction: Lobby.OnBridgeAction?.Invoke(new BridgeActionModel(message.content, ref offset)); break; case "ConnectionResponse": MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.GUIValues.ConnectionResponse = MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.GetJustStringFromBytes(message.content); break; case LobbyMessaging.ServerInfo: MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.instance.serverInfo = new ServerInfoModel(message.content, ref offset); MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.RemoveDisconnectedUsersFromMousePositions(); break; case LobbyMessaging.KickUser: MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.GUIValues.kickResponse = MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.GetJustStringFromBytes(message.content); break; case LobbyMessaging.ServerConfig: MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.GUIValues.ConfigResponse = MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.GetJustStringFromBytes(message.content); break; case LobbyMessaging.CreateInvite: MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.GUIValues.InviteResponse = MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.GetJustStringFromBytes(message.content); break; case LobbyMessaging.MousePosition: MousePositionModel mousePosition = new MousePositionModel(message.content, ref offset); mousePosition.position.z = -1.1f; MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.instance.HandleMousePositionRecieved(mousePosition); break; case LobbyMessaging.PopupMessage: PopUpMessage.DisplayOkOnly(MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.GetJustStringFromBytes(message.content), null); if (isOwner) { MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.ActionLog($"Popup Message - {message.content}"); } break; case LobbyMessaging.TopLeftMessage: GameUI.ShowMessage(ScreenMessageLocation.TOP_LEFT, MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.GetJustStringFromBytes(message.content), 3f); if (isOwner) { MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.ActionLog($"Info Message - {message.content}"); } break; case LobbyMessaging.ChatMessage: ChatMessageModel chatMessage = new ChatMessageModel(message.content, ref offset); string color = "#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(chatMessage.nameColor); chatMessage.message = chatMessage.message.Replace("<", "<<i></i>"); MultiplayerMod.MultiplayerMod.ChatValues.chatLog += $"<color={color}>{chatMessage.username}</color>: {chatMessage.message}\n"; break; default: Debug.LogError("Unknown type of method: " + message.type); break; } }
private void DefaultRegister_Execute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e) { ObjectSpace objectSpace = Application.CreateObjectSpace(); dicStudentRegDetail = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); Student currentStudent; Lesson curLesson; Dictionary <string, List <string> > errorstudent = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); Dictionary <string, int> dicLessonCurrentRegNum = new Dictionary <string, int>(); int numregok = 0; Vacancy vc; bool isConflictTKB = false; using (XPCollection <Lesson> newCollectionSource = new XPCollection <Lesson>(objectSpace.Session)) { objectSpace.Session.BeginTransaction(); foreach (StudentClass studentClass in View.SelectedObjects) { newCollectionSource.Criteria = CriteriaOperator.Parse( "ClassIDs like ?", string.Format("%{0}%", studentClass.ClassCode)); foreach (Student student in studentClass.Students) { listVacancies = new List <Vacancy>(); currentStudent = objectSpace.FindObject <Student>( new BinaryOperator("StudentCode", student.StudentCode)); foreach (Lesson lesson in newCollectionSource) { isConflictTKB = false; if (!dicLessonCurrentRegNum.ContainsKey(lesson.LessonName)) { dicLessonCurrentRegNum[lesson.LessonName] = 0; } foreach (TkbSemester tkbsem in lesson.TKBSemesters) { vc = new Vacancy(tkbsem.Day, tkbsem.Period, tkbsem.Weeks, (tkbsem.Classroom == null ? "" : tkbsem.Classroom.ClassroomCode)); if (Utils.IsConfictTKB(listVacancies, vc)) { isConflictTKB = true; break; } } if (isConflictTKB) { if (!errorstudent.ContainsKey(currentStudent.StudentCode)) { errorstudent.Add(currentStudent.StudentCode, new List <string>()); } if (!errorstudent[currentStudent.StudentCode].Contains(lesson.Subject.SubjectCode)) { errorstudent[currentStudent.StudentCode].Add(lesson.Subject.SubjectCode + "{T}"); } } else { //si so chon chua vuot qua if (lesson.NumExpectation > dicLessonCurrentRegNum[lesson.LessonName] + lesson.NumRegistration) { curLesson = objectSpace.FindObject <Lesson>( new BinaryOperator("Oid", lesson.Oid)); RegisterDetail regdetail = new RegisterDetail(objectSpace.Session) { Student = currentStudent, Lesson = curLesson, RegisterState = objectSpace.FindObject <RegisterState>( new BinaryOperator("Code", "SELECTED")), CheckState = objectSpace.FindObject <RegisterState>( new BinaryOperator("Code", "NOTCHECKED")) }; RuleSet ruleSet = new RuleSet(); RuleSetValidationResult result = ruleSet.ValidateTarget(regdetail, DefaultContexts.Save); if (ValidationState.Invalid == result.GetResultItem("RegisterDetail.StudentRegLessonSemester").State) { if (!errorstudent.ContainsKey(currentStudent.StudentCode)) { errorstudent.Add(currentStudent.StudentCode, new List <string>()); } if (!errorstudent[currentStudent.StudentCode].Contains(curLesson.Subject.SubjectCode)) { errorstudent[currentStudent.StudentCode].Add(curLesson.Subject.SubjectCode + "{D}"); } regdetail.Delete(); //regdetail.Reload(); } else { numregok++; if (!dicStudentRegDetail.ContainsKey(student.StudentCode)) { dicStudentRegDetail.Add(student.StudentCode, new List <string>()); } dicStudentRegDetail[student.StudentCode].Add(curLesson.LessonName); dicLessonCurrentRegNum[lesson.LessonName]++; foreach (TkbSemester tkbsem in curLesson.TKBSemesters) { vc = new Vacancy(tkbsem.Day, tkbsem.Period, tkbsem.Weeks, (tkbsem.Classroom == null ? "" : tkbsem.Classroom.ClassroomCode)); listVacancies.Add(vc); } regdetail.Save(); } } else { if (!errorstudent.ContainsKey(currentStudent.StudentCode)) { errorstudent.Add(currentStudent.StudentCode, new List <string>()); } if (!errorstudent[currentStudent.StudentCode].Contains(lesson.Subject.SubjectCode)) { errorstudent[currentStudent.StudentCode].Add(lesson.Subject.SubjectCode + "{H}"); } } } } } } objectSpace.Session.CommitTransaction(); PopUpMessage ms = objectSpace.CreateObject <PopUpMessage>(); if (errorstudent.Count > 0) { ms.Title = "Có lỗi khi chọn nhóm MH đăng ký!"; ms.Message = string.Format("Đã chọn được cho {0} sinh viên với {1} lượt nhóm MH\r\n", dicStudentRegDetail.Count, numregok); string strmessage = "Không chọn được nhóm môn học do trùng môn đã đăng ký, trùng lịch hoặc hết chỗ: "; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > keypair in errorstudent) { strmessage += string.Format("Sinh viên:[{0}] - Môn:[", keypair.Key); foreach (string str in keypair.Value) { strmessage += str + ","; } strmessage = strmessage.TrimEnd(','); strmessage += "]\r\n"; } ms.Message += strmessage; } else { ms.Title = "Chọn nhóm MH thành công"; ms.Message = string.Format("Chọn nhóm MH thành công cho {0} sinh viên với {1} lượt nhóm MH\r\n", dicStudentRegDetail.Count, numregok); } ShowViewParameters svp = new ShowViewParameters(); svp.CreatedView = Application.CreateDetailView( objectSpace, ms); svp.TargetWindow = TargetWindow.NewModalWindow; svp.CreatedView.Caption = "Thông báo"; DialogController dc = Application.CreateController <DialogController>(); svp.Controllers.Add(dc); dc.SaveOnAccept = false; Application.ShowViewStrategy.ShowView(svp, new ShowViewSource(null, null)); } }
private void Report_NotificationEvent(Core.Messages.Message msg) { PopUpMessage.Show(msg, Settings <MeasurementsSettings> .CurrentSettings.DefaultPopUpMessageTimeoutSeconds); }
public static bool PopupIsActive() { return(GameUI.m_Instance.m_PopUpMessage.m_Animator.isActiveAndEnabled || PopUpMessage.IsActive() || GameUI.m_Instance.m_PopUpInputField.m_Animator.isActiveAndEnabled || PopupInputField.IsActive() || GameUI.m_Instance.m_PopUpTwoChoices.m_Animator.isActiveAndEnabled || PopUpTwoChoices.IsActive() || GameUI.m_Instance.m_PopUpWarning.m_Animator.isActiveAndEnabled || PopUpWarning.IsActive()); }
private static void modUpdatePopup(ModUpdate modUpdate) { ptfInstance.ptfLogger.LogInfo($"\n------------------------\n{modUpdate.mod.Info.Metadata.Name} has an update available!\n{modUpdate.old_version} -> {modUpdate.new_version}\n------------------------\n"); PopUpMessage.Display($"{modUpdate.mod.Info.Metadata.Name} has an update available!\n{modUpdate.old_version} -> {modUpdate.new_version}", () => System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(modUpdate.latest_release.html_url)); }
void selectAcception_AcceptingAdmin(object sender, DialogControllerAcceptingEventArgs e) { Dictionary <string, int> dicLessonCurrentRegNum = new Dictionary <string, int>(); ObjectSpace objectSpace = Application.CreateObjectSpace(); ListView lv = ((ListView)((WindowController)sender).Window.View); User u = (User)SecuritySystem.CurrentUser; XPCollection <Role> xpc = new XPCollection <Role>(u.Roles, new BinaryOperator("Name", "Administrators")); XPCollection <Role> xpc2 = new XPCollection <Role>(u.Roles, new BinaryOperator("Name", "DataAdmins")); if (xpc.Count + xpc2.Count > 0) { objectSpace.Session.BeginTransaction(); Student currentStudent; Lesson curLesson; Dictionary <string, List <string> > errorstudent = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); int numregok = 0; foreach (string studentCode in dicStudentRegDetail.Keys) { currentStudent = objectSpace.FindObject <Student>( new BinaryOperator("StudentCode", studentCode)); foreach (Lesson lesson in lv.SelectedObjects) { if (!dicLessonCurrentRegNum.ContainsKey(lesson.LessonName)) { dicLessonCurrentRegNum[lesson.LessonName] = 0; } //si so chon chua vuot qua if (lesson.NumExpectation > dicLessonCurrentRegNum[lesson.LessonName] + lesson.NumRegistration) { curLesson = objectSpace.FindObject <Lesson>( new BinaryOperator("Oid", lesson.Oid)); RegisterDetail regdetail = new RegisterDetail(objectSpace.Session) { Student = currentStudent, Lesson = curLesson, RegisterState = objectSpace.FindObject <RegisterState>( new BinaryOperator("Code", "SELECTED")), CheckState = objectSpace.FindObject <RegisterState>( new BinaryOperator("Code", "NOTCHECKED")) }; RuleSet ruleSet = new RuleSet(); RuleSetValidationResult result = ruleSet.ValidateTarget(regdetail, DefaultContexts.Save); if (ValidationState.Invalid == result.GetResultItem("RegisterDetail.StudentRegLessonSemester").State) { if (!errorstudent.ContainsKey(currentStudent.StudentCode)) { errorstudent.Add(currentStudent.StudentCode, new List <string>()); } if (!errorstudent[currentStudent.StudentCode].Contains(curLesson.Subject.SubjectCode)) { errorstudent[currentStudent.StudentCode].Add(curLesson.Subject.SubjectCode); } regdetail.Delete(); } else { numregok++; dicLessonCurrentRegNum[lesson.LessonName]++; regdetail.Save(); } } else { if (!errorstudent.ContainsKey(currentStudent.StudentCode)) { errorstudent.Add(currentStudent.StudentCode, new List <string>()); } if (!errorstudent[currentStudent.StudentCode].Contains(lesson.Subject.SubjectCode)) { errorstudent[currentStudent.StudentCode].Add(lesson.Subject.SubjectCode); } } } } objectSpace.Session.CommitTransaction(); PopUpMessage ms = objectSpace.CreateObject <PopUpMessage>(); if (errorstudent.Count > 0) { ms.Title = "Có lỗi khi chọn nhóm MH đăng ký!"; ms.Message = string.Format("Đã chọn được cho {0} sinh viên với {1} lượt nhóm MH\r\n", dicStudentRegDetail.Count, numregok); string strmessage = "Không chọn được nhóm môn học do trùng môn đã đăng ký hoặc hết chỗ: "; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > keypair in errorstudent) { strmessage += string.Format("Sinh viên:[{0}] - Môn:[", keypair.Key); foreach (string str in keypair.Value) { strmessage += str + ","; } strmessage = strmessage.TrimEnd(','); strmessage += "]\r\n"; } ms.Message += strmessage; } else { ms.Title = "Chọn nhóm MH thành công"; ms.Message = string.Format("Chọn nhóm MH thành công cho {0} sinh viên với {1} lượt nhóm MH\r\n", dicStudentRegDetail.Count, numregok); } ShowViewParameters svp = new ShowViewParameters(); svp.CreatedView = Application.CreateDetailView( objectSpace, ms); svp.TargetWindow = TargetWindow.NewModalWindow; svp.CreatedView.Caption = "Thông báo"; DialogController dc = Application.CreateController <DialogController>(); svp.Controllers.Add(dc); dc.SaveOnAccept = false; Application.ShowViewStrategy.ShowView(svp, new ShowViewSource(null, null)); } }
public void AddThisLevelCommand() { if (!instance.CheckForCheating()) { uConsole.Log("Campaign Mod is not enabled!"); return; } if (GameStateManager.GetState() != GameState.SANDBOX) { uConsole.Log("You have to be in sandbox mode to use this command!"); return; } int Args = uConsole.GetNumParameters(); if (Args == 0) { uConsole.Log("Usage: add_this_level <campaign> [num]"); } else { string Name = uConsole.GetString(); string cPath = MainPath + "Campaigns/" + Name; if (!Directory.Exists(cPath)) { uConsole.Log(Name + " does not exist!"); return; } else if (!File.Exists(cPath + "/CampaignData.json")) { uConsole.Log(Name + " is missing CampaignData.json!"); return; } else if (mName.Value.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { uConsole.Log("Your name can't be empty!"); return; } GameUI.m_Instance.m_WorkshopSubmit.gameObject.SetActive(true); GameUI.m_Instance.m_WorkshopSubmit.gameObject.SetActive(false); SandboxLayoutData data = SandboxLayout.SerializeToProxies(); string Title = data.m_Workshop.m_Title; if (Title.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { uConsole.Log("Level doesn't have a name!"); return; } else if (Title.Contains("/") || Title.Contains("\\") || Title.Contains("?") || Title.Contains("%") || Title.Contains("*") || Title.Contains(":") || Title.Contains("|") || Title.Contains("\"") || Title.Contains("<") || Title.Contains(">") || Title.Contains(".") || Title.Contains(",") || Title.Contains(";") || Title.Contains("=")) { uConsole.Log("Level title contains prhobited characters!"); return; } CampaignLayoutData cData = JsonUtility.FromJson <CampaignLayoutData>(File.ReadAllText(cPath + "/CampaignData.json")); if (cData.m_ItemIds.Count >= 16) { uConsole.Log("Campaign already has max levels"); return; } int num = -1; if (Args > 1) { num = uConsole.GetInt(); if (num < 1 || num > 16) { uConsole.Log("Position has to be within 1 and 16!"); return; } } if (File.Exists(cPath + "/" + Title + ".level")) { PopUpMessage.Display("Level already exists!\nOverwrite level?", delegate { AddThisLevel(cPath, data, cData, num); }); } else { AddThisLevel(cPath, data, cData, num); } } }
public override void InitElements() { ImageItem _race = new ImageItem(DefaultsService.GetDefaultImage( EmbeddedImage.User, EmbeddedImageSize.Size32x32), false); _race.KeepAspectRatio(true); _race.SetWidthPolicy(SizePolicy.Fixed); _race.SetWidth(20); _race.SetAlignment(ItemAlignment.Left, ItemAlignment.VCenter); switch (_characterInfo.Race) { case CharacterRace.Human: _race.SetColorOverlay(Color.FromArgb(0, 162, 232)); break; case CharacterRace.Elf: _race.SetColorOverlay(Color.FromArgb(35, 201, 109)); break; case CharacterRace.Dwarf: _race.SetColorOverlay(Color.FromArgb(255, 127, 39)); break; } _name.SetMargin(30, 0, 30, 0); ButtonCore infoBtn = new ButtonCore("?"); infoBtn.SetBackground(Color.FromArgb(255, 40, 40, 40)); infoBtn.SetWidth(20); infoBtn.SetSizePolicy(SizePolicy.Fixed, SizePolicy.Expand); infoBtn.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Bold); infoBtn.SetForeground(210, 210, 210); infoBtn.SetAlignment(ItemAlignment.VCenter, ItemAlignment.Right); infoBtn.SetMargin(0, 0, 20, 0); infoBtn.AddItemState(ItemStateType.Hovered, new ItemState(Color.FromArgb(0, 140, 210))); infoBtn.SetPassEvents(false); infoBtn.EventMouseHover += (sender, args) => { SetMouseHover(true); }; infoBtn.EventMouseClick += (sender, args) => { ImageItem race = new ImageItem(DefaultsService.GetDefaultImage(EmbeddedImage.User, EmbeddedImageSize.Size32x32), false); race.SetSizePolicy(SizePolicy.Fixed, SizePolicy.Fixed); race.SetSize(32, 32); race.SetAlignment(ItemAlignment.Left, ItemAlignment.Top); race.SetColorOverlay(_race.GetColorOverlay()); PopUpMessage popUpInfo = new PopUpMessage( _characterInfo.Name + "\n" + "Age: " + _characterInfo.Age + "\n" + "Sex: " + _characterInfo.Sex + "\n" + "Race: " + _characterInfo.Race + "\n" + "Class: " + _characterInfo.Class ); popUpInfo.SetTimeOut(3000); popUpInfo.SetHeight(200); popUpInfo.Show(GetHandler()); popUpInfo.AddItem(race); }; //close ButtonCore removeBtn = new ButtonCore(); removeBtn.SetBackground(Color.FromArgb(255, 40, 40, 40)); removeBtn.SetSizePolicy(SizePolicy.Fixed, SizePolicy.Fixed); removeBtn.SetSize(10, 10); removeBtn.SetAlignment(ItemAlignment.VCenter, ItemAlignment.Right); removeBtn.SetCustomFigure(new CustomFigure(false, GraphicsMathService.GetCross(10, 10, 2, 45))); removeBtn.AddItemState(ItemStateType.Hovered, new ItemState(Color.FromArgb(200, 95, 97))); //close event removeBtn.EventMouseClick += (sender, args) => { RemoveSelf(); }; //adding AddItems(_race, _name, infoBtn, removeBtn); }
private void Popup(PopUpMessage m) { modalPanelObject.SetActive(true); this.question.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); this.question.text = m.message; if (m.fadeIn) { StartCoroutine(FadeIn()); } else this.question.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 255); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { popUpMessage = this; Invoke("DisplayText", 2); }
public void Register(PopUpMessage message) { messageList.Add(message); }