public void TestAuthenticationExceptions() { var commands = new List <Pop3ReplayCommand> (); commands.Add(new Pop3ReplayCommand("", "comcast.greeting.txt")); commands.Add(new Pop3ReplayCommand("CAPA\r\n", "comcast.capa1.txt")); commands.Add(new Pop3ReplayCommand("USER username\r\n", "comcast.ok.txt")); commands.Add(new Pop3ReplayCommand("PASS password\r\n", "comcast.err.txt")); commands.Add(new Pop3ReplayCommand("QUIT\r\n", "comcast.quit.txt")); using (var client = new Pop3Client()) { try { client.ReplayConnect("localhost", new Pop3ReplayStream(commands, false), CancellationToken.None); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Did not expect an exception in Connect: {0}", ex); } Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "Client failed to connect."); Assert.AreEqual(ComcastCapa1, client.Capabilities); Assert.AreEqual(0, client.AuthenticationMechanisms.Count); Assert.AreEqual(31, client.ExpirePolicy); try { var credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password"); client.Authenticate(credentials, CancellationToken.None); Assert.Fail("Expected AuthenticationException"); } catch (AuthenticationException) { // we expect this exception... } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Did not expect an exception in Authenticate: {0}", ex); } Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "AuthenticationException should not cause a disconnect."); try { var sizes = client.GetMessageSizes(CancellationToken.None); Assert.Fail("Expected ServiceNotAuthenticatedException"); } catch (ServiceNotAuthenticatedException) { // we expect this exception... } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Did not expect an exception in Count: {0}", ex); } Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "ServiceNotAuthenticatedException should not cause a disconnect."); try { var sizes = client.GetMessageSizes(CancellationToken.None); Assert.Fail("Expected ServiceNotAuthenticatedException"); } catch (ServiceNotAuthenticatedException) { // we expect this exception... } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Did not expect an exception in GetMessageSizes: {0}", ex); } Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "ServiceNotAuthenticatedException should not cause a disconnect."); try { var size = client.GetMessageSize("uid", CancellationToken.None); Assert.Fail("Expected ServiceNotAuthenticatedException"); } catch (ServiceNotAuthenticatedException) { // we expect this exception... } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Did not expect an exception in GetMessageSize(uid): {0}", ex); } Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "ServiceNotAuthenticatedException should not cause a disconnect."); try { var size = client.GetMessageSize(0, CancellationToken.None); Assert.Fail("Expected ServiceNotAuthenticatedException"); } catch (ServiceNotAuthenticatedException) { // we expect this exception... } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Did not expect an exception in GetMessageSize(int): {0}", ex); } Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "ServiceNotAuthenticatedException should not cause a disconnect."); try { var uids = client.GetMessageUids(CancellationToken.None); Assert.Fail("Expected ServiceNotAuthenticatedException"); } catch (ServiceNotAuthenticatedException) { // we expect this exception... } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Did not expect an exception in GetMessageUids: {0}", ex); } Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "ServiceNotAuthenticatedException should not cause a disconnect."); try { var uid = client.GetMessageUid(0, CancellationToken.None); Assert.Fail("Expected ServiceNotAuthenticatedException"); } catch (ServiceNotAuthenticatedException) { // we expect this exception... } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Did not expect an exception in GetMessageUid: {0}", ex); } Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "ServiceNotAuthenticatedException should not cause a disconnect."); try { var message = client.GetMessage("uid", CancellationToken.None); Assert.Fail("Expected ServiceNotAuthenticatedException"); } catch (ServiceNotAuthenticatedException) { // we expect this exception... } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Did not expect an exception in GetMessage(uid): {0}", ex); } Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "ServiceNotAuthenticatedException should not cause a disconnect."); try { var message = client.GetMessage(0, CancellationToken.None); Assert.Fail("Expected ServiceNotAuthenticatedException"); } catch (ServiceNotAuthenticatedException) { // we expect this exception... } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Did not expect an exception in GetMessage(int): {0}", ex); } Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "ServiceNotAuthenticatedException should not cause a disconnect."); try { client.DeleteMessage("uid", CancellationToken.None); Assert.Fail("Expected ServiceNotAuthenticatedException"); } catch (ServiceNotAuthenticatedException) { // we expect this exception... } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Did not expect an exception in DeleteMessage(uid): {0}", ex); } Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "ServiceNotAuthenticatedException should not cause a disconnect."); try { client.DeleteMessage(0, CancellationToken.None); Assert.Fail("Expected ServiceNotAuthenticatedException"); } catch (ServiceNotAuthenticatedException) { // we expect this exception... } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Did not expect an exception in DeleteMessage(int): {0}", ex); } Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "ServiceNotAuthenticatedException should not cause a disconnect."); try { client.Disconnect(true, CancellationToken.None); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Did not expect an exception in Disconnect: {0}", ex); } Assert.IsFalse(client.IsConnected, "Failed to disconnect"); } }
public void TestGetMessageSizes() { Connect(); Assert.Throws(typeof(InvalidUseException), delegate { Client.GetMessageSizes(); }); }
static private void function_pop3() { // Используем using чтобы соединение автоматически закрывалось using (OpenPop.Pop3.Pop3Client client = new Pop3Client()) { Console.Write("Введите имя сервера: "); string name_server = /*"";/*/ Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Введите порт (110 или 995): "); var port = /*995;/*/ Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); bool usessl = false; if (port == 995) { usessl = true; } else if (port == 110) { usessl = false; } else { Environment.Exit(0); } Console.Write("Введите почту: "); string login = /*"*****@*****.**";/*/ Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Введите пароль: "); string password = /*"student2017";*/ Console.ReadLine(); // Подключение к серверу client.Connect(name_server, port, usessl); // Аутентификация (проверка логина и пароля) client.Authenticate(login, password, AuthenticationMethod.UsernameAndPassword); if (client.Connected) { var flag = true; for (; flag;) { Console.WriteLine("\nВыберите действие:"); Console.WriteLine("1 - выход"); // Работает Console.WriteLine("2 - проверить текущее состояние почты"); // Работает Console.WriteLine("3 - вывод списка сообщений"); // Работает Console.WriteLine("4 - вывод всех сообщений"); // Работает Console.WriteLine("5 - прочитать сообщение номер"); // Работает Console.WriteLine("6 - удалить сообщение номер"); // Работает var choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (choice) { case 1: flag = false; client.Disconnect(); break; case 2: var count = client.GetMessageCount(); var mem = client.GetMessageSizes(); int sum = 0; foreach (var mem1 in mem) { sum += mem1; } Console.WriteLine("Всего {0} сообщений с общим размером {1} байт", count, sum); break; case 3: int messageCount = client.GetMessageCount(); List <Message> allMessages = new List <Message>(messageCount); int s = 1; for (int i = messageCount; i > 0; i--) { Message message = client.GetMessage(i); allMessages.Add(message); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", i, message.Headers.Subject, message.Headers.From, message.Headers.DateSent); s++; } break; case 4: get_all_message(client); break; case 5: Console.WriteLine("Номер сообщения."); var ch = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); var bytes = client.GetMessage(ch); string subject = bytes.Headers.Subject + '\n'; //заголовок var help_val = bytes.FindFirstPlainTextVersion(); string text_mes = ""; if (help_val != null) { text_mes = help_val.GetBodyAsText() + '\n'; } string date = bytes.Headers.Date.ToString() + '\n'; //Дата/Время string from = bytes.Headers.From.ToString() + '\n'; //от кого string text = subject + text_mes + date + from; Console.WriteLine(text); break; case 6: Console.WriteLine("Номер сообщения."); var ch1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); client.DeleteMessage(ch1); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Ошибка выбора!"); break; } } } else { Console.WriteLine("ошибка аутентификации! Повторите снова!"); } } }
public void TestGetMessageSizesDoesNotThrow() { Authenticate("+OK\r\n1 2\r\n."); // LIST command accepted. // Message 1 has size 2 // . ends answer Assert.DoesNotThrow(delegate { Client.GetMessageSizes(); }); }