private void ResetBoard(bool complete = false) { _isEvenLeft = true; if (_board == null) { _board = new Ball[Rows, Columns]; } PoolBoss.DespawnAllPrefabs(); for (var y = 0; y < Rows; y++) { var offsetX = y.IsEven() && _isEvenLeft ? 0f : CellWidth / 2; for (var x = 0; x < Columns; x++) { var pos = new Vector3(BoardLeft + x * CellWidth + offsetX, BoardTop + CellHeight - y * CellHeight, 0f); var ball = PoolBoss.SpawnInPool("ball", pos, Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <Ball>(); ball.BoardX = x; ball.BoardY = y; ball.SetValue(RandomBallValue()); ball.SetState(y > 4 || complete ? BallState.None : BallState.Active); _board[y, x] = ball; } } }
/// <summary> /// Рисовать крестик /// </summary> private void _drawXMark() { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Transform point = PoolBoss.Spawn(PointPrefab,, FieldMarkTransforms[FieldMarkPlaceId].rotation, FieldMarkTransforms[FieldMarkPlaceId]); point.localPosition = _currentDrawModel.Pos; point.localScale =; _currentDrawModel.Pos -= new Vector3((_currentDrawModel.FirstItem ? -2 : 2), 2); if (_currentDrawModel.FirstItem) { if (_currentDrawModel.Pos == new Vector3(42f, -42f)) { _currentDrawModel.Pos = new Vector3(40f, 40f); _currentDrawModel.FirstItem = false; } } else { if (_currentDrawModel.Pos == new Vector3(-42f, -42f)) { // _endDrawMark(); StartCoroutine(_waitCoroutine(0.01f, _endDrawMark));// Для того, что бы мы увидели последнюю созданную точку, ставим задержку 0.01 return; } } } StartCoroutine(_waitCoroutine(0.01f, _drawXMark)); }
/// <summary> /// Releases bullet (back to pool or destroy). /// </summary> public void ReleaseBullet(UbhBullet bullet, bool destroy = false) { if (bullet == null || bullet.gameObject == null) { return; } bullet.OnFinishedShot(); UbhBulletManager.instance.RemoveBullet(bullet); #if USING_CORE_GAME_KIT // +++++ Replace PoolingSystem with DarkTonic's CoreGameKit. +++++ InitializePoolBoss(); PoolBoss.Despawn(bullet.transform); #else if (destroy) { Destroy(bullet.gameObject); Destroy(bullet); bullet = null; return; } bullet.SetActive(false); #endif }
// ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Local void Update() { if (!_particles.IsAlive()) { PoolBoss.Despawn(_trans); } }
public void ReceiveEvent(string customEventName, Vector3 eventOrigin) { switch (eventReceivedBehavior) { case EventReceivedBehavior.None: break; case EventReceivedBehavior.Despawn: PoolBoss.Despawn(Trans); break; case EventReceivedBehavior.DealXDamage: if (Kill == null) { LogNoKillable(); break; } Kill.TakeDamage(1); break; case EventReceivedBehavior.Destroy: if (Kill == null) { LogNoKillable(); break; } Kill.DestroyKillable(); break; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { var moveAmt = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * MOVE_SPEED * Time.deltaTime; if (moveAmt == 0) { this.rend.materials[0].mainTexture = stableShip; } else if (moveAmt > 0) { this.rend.materials[0].mainTexture = rightShip; } else { this.rend.materials[0].mainTexture = leftShip; } var pos = this.trans.position; pos.x += moveAmt; this.trans.position = pos; if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { var spawnPos = this.trans.position; spawnPos.z += 15; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customEventName) && LevelSettings.CustomEventExists(customEventName)) { LevelSettings.FireCustomEvent(customEventName, this.trans); } PoolBoss.SpawnOutsidePool(ProjectilePrefab.transform, spawnPos, ProjectilePrefab.transform.rotation); } }
private IEnumerator PropegateWave(float force) { PoolBoss.Spawn(GameManager.Instance.TsunamiFX.transform, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, null, true); WaveManager.Instance.ResetRecedeTimer(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.8f)); GridCell[] neighbours = GridManager.Instance.GetNeighbors(Coordinates); for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.Length; i++) { if (neighbours[i].IsOccupied) { if (neighbours[i].Occupant.Coordinates.y > Coordinates.y) { neighbours[i].Occupant.Tsunami(force); } else { if (neighbours[i].Occupant.Attachment == null) { neighbours[i].Occupant.Tsunami(force); } else { neighbours[i].Occupant.Tsunami(0.25f); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Releases all bullet (back to pool or destroy). /// </summary> public void ReleaseAllBullet(bool destroy = false) { #if USING_CORE_GAME_KIT // +++++ Replace PoolingSystem with DarkTonic's CoreGameKit. +++++ InitializePoolBoss(); foreach (Transform transPrefab in m_poolPrefabTransformList) { if (transPrefab != null) { PoolBoss.DespawnAllOfPrefab(transPrefab); } } m_poolPrefabTransformList.Clear(); #else foreach (PoolingParam poolParam in m_pooledBulletDic.Values) { if (poolParam.m_bulletList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < poolParam.m_bulletList.Count; i++) { UbhBullet bullet = poolParam.m_bulletList[i]; if (bullet != null && bullet.gameObject != null && bullet.isActive) { ReleaseBullet(bullet, destroy); } } } } #endif }
private IEnumerator ShowRoutine(Text messageLabel) { messageLabel.transform.localScale =; Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht.Add("time", 0.25f); ht.Add("scale",; ht.Add("easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeOutBack); iTween.ScaleTo(messageLabel.gameObject, ht); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2.0f)); ht["time"] = 0.1f; ht["scale"] =; ht["easetype"] = iTween.EaseType.easeInQuad; iTween.ScaleTo(messageLabel.gameObject, ht); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); _messages.Remove(messageLabel); PoolBoss.Despawn(messageLabel.transform); }
/// <summary> /// Remove object pool. /// </summary> public void RemovePool(GameObject goPrefab) { #if USING_CORE_GAME_KIT // +++++ Replace PoolingSystem with DarkTonic's CoreGameKit. +++++ InitializePoolBoss(); PoolBoss.DestroyPoolItem(goPrefab.transform); m_poolPrefabTransformList.Remove(goPrefab.transform); #else int key = goPrefab.GetInstanceID(); if (m_pooledBulletDic.ContainsKey(key) == false) { return; } PoolingParam poolParam = m_pooledBulletDic[key]; poolParam.m_searchStartIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < poolParam.m_bulletList.Count; i++) { Destroy(poolParam.m_bulletList[i].gameObject); Destroy(poolParam.m_bulletList[i]); poolParam.m_bulletList[i] = null; } poolParam.m_bulletList.Clear(); #endif }
private IEnumerator DestroyBalls() { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); var nextState = GameState.BallDrawNext; UpdateLinkedBalls2(); foreach (var ball in _board) { if (!ball.IsActive() || ball.IsLinked) { continue; } nextState = GameState.BoardMovingDown; ball.SetState(BallState.None); var ballFall = PoolBoss.SpawnInPool("ball", ball.transform.position, Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <Ball>(); ballFall.CopyFrom(ball); ballFall.SetState(BallState.Fall); } if (nextState == GameState.BoardMovingDown) { SoundManager.Instance.PlayFall(); } State = nextState; // State = GameState.BallDrawNext; }
public T Spawn <T>(ConfigurableObject template, Transform parent = null, Vector3?position = null) where T : ConfigurableObject { T retObject = PoolBoss.Spawn(template.transform,, Quaternion.identity, null, false).GetComponent <T>(); if (retObject != null) { if (parent != null) { retObject.transform.SetParent(parent); } if (position.HasValue) { retObject.transform.position = position.Value; } retObject.gameObject.SetActive(true); ISpawnableObject[] spawnListeners = retObject.GetComponents <ISpawnableObject>(); if (spawnListeners != null && spawnListeners.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < spawnListeners.Length; ++i) { spawnListeners[i].OnSpawned(); } } return(retObject); } else { Debug.LogError("Could not spawn template!"); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Get active bullets list. /// </summary> public List <UbhBullet> GetActiveBulletsList(GameObject goPrefab) { int key = goPrefab.GetInstanceID(); List <UbhBullet> findList = null; #if USING_CORE_GAME_KIT // +++++ Replace PoolingSystem with DarkTonic's CoreGameKit. +++++ InitializePoolBoss(); if (PoolBoss.Instance.poolItems != null && PoolBoss.Instance.poolItems.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < PoolBoss.Instance.poolItems.Count; i++) { if (PoolBoss.Instance.poolItems[i].prefabTransform.gameObject.GetInstanceID() == key) { var poolIteminfo = PoolBoss.PoolItemInfoByName(PoolBoss.Instance.poolItems[i]; if (poolIteminfo != null && poolIteminfo.SpawnedClones != null && poolIteminfo.SpawnedClones.Count > 0) { for (int k = 0; k < poolIteminfo.SpawnedClones.Count; k++) { if (poolIteminfo.SpawnedClones[k] == null) { continue; } var bullet = poolIteminfo.SpawnedClones[k].GetComponent <UbhBullet>(); if (bullet == null) { continue; } if (findList == null) { findList = new List <UbhBullet>(1024); } findList.Add(bullet); } } } } } #else if (m_pooledBulletDic.ContainsKey(key)) { PoolingParam poolParam = m_pooledBulletDic[key]; for (int i = 0; i < poolParam.m_bulletList.Count; i++) { UbhBullet bullet = poolParam.m_bulletList[i]; if (bullet != null && bullet.gameObject != null && bullet.isActive) { if (findList == null) { findList = new List <UbhBullet>(1024); } findList.Add(poolParam.m_bulletList[i]); } } } #endif return(findList); }
public void FindPoolItemName() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(poolItemName)) { return; } poolItemName = PoolBoss.GetPrefabShortName(name); }
private DanmakuBullet CreateBullet(BulletModel bulletModel) { // Core GameKit Integration Transform bulletTransform = PoolBoss.Spawn(ProjectilePrefab.transform, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0), PoolBoss.Instance.transform); DanmakuBullet bullet = bulletTransform.GetComponentInChildren <DanmakuBullet>(); return(bullet); }
private IEnumerator WaitUntilTimeUp() { yield return(_timerDelay); if (listener != null) { listener.Despawning(_trans); } PoolBoss.Despawn(_trans); }
public void Show(string message) { Text messageLabel = PoolBoss.Spawn(_messageLabelPrefab.transform, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform, false).GetComponent <Text>(); messageLabel.rectTransform.localPosition =; messageLabel.transform.localScale =; messageLabel.text = message; _messages.Add(messageLabel); _animations.Add(Job.Create(ShowRoutine(messageLabel))); }
private void SpawnPlayer() { _player = PoolBoss.SpawnOutsidePool(PlayerPrefab, _playerPosition, PlayerPrefab.transform.rotation); var spawnPos = _playerPosition + RespawnParticleOffset; if (RespawnParticlePrefab != null) { PoolBoss.SpawnInPool(RespawnParticlePrefab, spawnPos, RespawnParticlePrefab.transform.rotation); } }
public void FlushMessages() { for (int i = 0; i < _animations.Count; ++i) { _animations[i].Kill(); } for (int i = 0; i < _messages.Count; ++i) { PoolBoss.Despawn(_messages[i].transform); } }
protected override void OnDeselected() { if (_gridObject.HasBeenPlaced) { resetObject(); base.OnDeselected(); } else { PoolBoss.Despawn(_gridObject.transform); } }
/// <summary> /// Initialize CoreGameKit's PoolBoss /// </summary> private void InitializePoolBoss() { if (m_poolBoss == null) { // PoolBoss Initialize m_poolBoss = FindObjectOfType <PoolBoss>(); if (m_poolBoss == null) { m_poolBoss = new GameObject(typeof(PoolBoss).Name).AddComponent <PoolBoss>(); } m_poolBoss.autoAddMissingPoolItems = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Releases game object (back to pool or destroy). /// </summary> public void ReleaseGameObject(GameObject go, bool destroy = false) { #if USING_CORE_GAME_KIT // +++++ Replace PoolingSystem with DarkTonic's CoreGameKit. +++++ PoolBoss.Despawn(go.transform); #else if (destroy) { Destroy(go); return; } go.SetActive(false); #endif }
private void Despawn(TriggeredSpawner.EventType eType) { if (LevelSettings.AppIsShuttingDown || _isDespawning) { return; } _isDespawning = true; if (listener != null) { listener.Despawning(eType, _trans); } PoolBoss.Despawn(_trans); }
/// <summary> /// Remove object pool. /// </summary> public void RemovePool(GameObject goPrefab) { #if USING_CORE_GAME_KIT // +++++ Replace PoolingSystem with DarkTonic's CoreGameKit. +++++ InitializePoolBoss(); Transform transPrefab = goPrefab.transform; PoolBoss.DestroyPoolItem(transPrefab); m_poolPrefabTransformList.Remove(transPrefab); #else int key = goPrefab.GetInstanceID(); if (m_pooledBulletDic.ContainsKey(key)) { PoolingParam poolParam = m_pooledBulletDic[key]; RemovePoolParam(poolParam); } #endif }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D coll) { if ("Pony")) { coll.enabled = false; _addNewPony(coll.transform); } if ("SafeZone")) // Заходим в зону - оставляем овечек там { for (int i = 0; i < _ponyTransformList.Count; i++) { PonyCreation.PonyCatch(); PoolBoss.Despawn(_ponyTransformList[i]); } _ponyTransformList = new List <Transform>(); } }
private void ClearAllPeaks() { for (var i = 0; i < _pool.poolItems.Count; i++) { var poolItem = _pool.poolItems[i].prefabTransform; if (poolItem == null) { continue; } var item = PoolBoss.PoolItemInfoByName(; item.Peak = Math.Max(0, item.SpawnedClones.Count); item.PeakTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } _isDirty = true; _pool._changes++; }
/// <summary> /// Resets the object to its last valid coordinates, and clears the visualization for it. /// </summary> protected void resetObject() { if (_isPlacing) { GridManager.Instance.ClearVisualization(_gridObject); _gridObject.transform.position = GridManager.Instance.GetCell(_gridObject.Coordinates).transform.position; if (GridManager.Instance.CanBePlaced(_gridObject)) { placeObject(); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Could not find a valid placement to return object '" + + "' to. Destroying."); PoolBoss.Despawn(_gridObject.transform); } _dragging = false; _isPlacing = false; } setHighlight(); }
/// <summary> /// Remove all object pool. /// </summary> public void RemoveAllPool() { #if USING_CORE_GAME_KIT // +++++ Replace PoolingSystem with DarkTonic's CoreGameKit. +++++ InitializePoolBoss(); foreach (Transform transPrefab in m_poolPrefabTransformList) { if (transPrefab != null) { PoolBoss.DestroyPoolItem(transPrefab); m_poolPrefabTransformList.Remove(transPrefab); } } m_poolPrefabTransformList.Clear(); #else foreach (PoolingParam poolParam in m_pooledBulletDic.Values) { RemovePoolParam(poolParam); } #endif }
/// <summary> /// Создаём понни, и рекурсию заодно, выходим по достижению 200 понни /// </summary> private void _createPony() { if (PonyCreated > 199) { _stopCreation = true; return; } PonyCreated++; Vector2 randPos = new Vector2(Random.Range(0, Screen.width), Random.Range(0, Screen.height)); while (_safeRect.Contains(randPos)) { randPos = new Vector2(Random.Range(0, Screen.width), Random.Range(0, Screen.height)); } Transform spawned = PoolBoss.Spawn(PonyPrefab, randPos, new Quaternion(), PonyParent); spawned.GetComponent <Collider2D>().enabled = true; StartCoroutine(_waitCoroutine(0.5f, _createPony)); }
void OnGUI() { GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 10, 760, 90), "Click the button below to spawn 10 Robot Kyles at a time until you have 50. There are 50 in the pool, so they will spawn instantly with no impact on performance! You can watch them become active under the Pool Boss game object. If you try to spawn more than 50, Pool Boss will refuse and log an error in the Console. There is an option to 'Allow Instantiate More' that you can turn on though. Select the Pool Boss game object for more information and functions on the pool items at runtime."); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 80, 100, 30), "Spawn 10")) { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { PoolBoss.SpawnInPool(robotKylePrefab, spawnPos, robotKylePrefab.rotation); spawnPos += new Vector3(40, 0, 0); } spawnPos.y = 0; spawnPos.z -= 100; spawnPos.x = -150; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 120, 100, 30), "Despawn All")) { PoolBoss.DespawnAllOfPrefab(robotKylePrefab); spawnPos = new Vector3(-150, 0, 150); } }