public void Recycle() { this.result = PathCompleteState.NotCalculated; this.graph = null; this.cacheEnabled = default; if (this.nodes != null) { PoolListCopyable <Node> .Recycle(ref this.nodes); } if (this.nodesModified != null) { PoolListCopyable <Node> .Recycle(ref this.nodesModified); } if (this.cacheEnabled == false && this.flowField.arr != null) { PoolArray <byte> .Recycle(ref this.flowField); } if (this.navMeshPoints != null) { PoolListCopyable <Vector3> .Recycle(ref this.navMeshPoints); } }
public static bool Resize <T>(int index, ref T[] arr) { if (arr == null) { arr = PoolArray <T> .Spawn(index + 1); } if (index < arr.Length) { return(false); } var newLength = arr.Length * 2; if (newLength == 0 || newLength <= index) { newLength = index + 1; } var newArr = PoolArray <T> .Spawn(newLength); System.Array.Copy(arr, newArr, arr.Length); PoolArray <T> .Recycle(ref arr); arr = newArr; return(true); }
public override void OnRecycle() { this.isTag = default; PoolArray <TComponent> .Recycle(ref this.components); PoolArray <byte> .Recycle(ref this.componentsStates); }
private void SetCapacity(int capacity) { var newarray = PoolArray <T> .Spawn(capacity); if (this.size > 0) { if (this.head < this.tail) { Array.Copy(this.array.arr, this.head, newarray.arr, 0, this.size); } else { Array.Copy(this.array.arr, this.head, newarray.arr, 0, this.array.Length - this.head); Array.Copy(this.array.arr, 0, newarray.arr, this.array.Length - this.head, this.tail); } } if (this.array.arr != null) { PoolArray <T> .Recycle(ref this.array); } this.array = newarray; this.head = 0; this.tail = this.size == capacity ? 0 : this.size; this.version++; }
void IPoolableRecycle.OnRecycle() { this.result = default; PoolArray <UnityEngine.Vector3> .Recycle(ref this.path); PoolArray <ME.ECS.Pathfinding.Node> .Recycle(ref this.nodes); }
public void Recycle(ref BufferArray <T> value) { if (value != null) { PoolArray <T> .Recycle(ref value); } }
public void OnRecycle() { PoolArray <T> .Recycle(ref this.innerArray); this.Capacity = 0; this.Count = 0; }
private void Resize_INTERNAL(int newLength) { if (newLength > this.capacity) { var oldCapacity = this.capacity; if (this.capacity > 0) { this.capacity *= 2; } else { this.capacity = newLength; oldCapacity = 0; } var arr = PoolArray <T> .Spawn(this.capacity); if (this.arr != null) { System.Array.Copy(this.arr, arr, this.arr.Length); PoolArray <T> .Recycle(ref this.arr); } this.arr = arr; } }
public BufferArray <T> Dispose() { T[] arr = this.arr; PoolArray <T> .Recycle(ref arr); return(new BufferArray <T>(null, 0)); }
public void SetCapacity(int min) { if (this.Capacity < min) { var prevLength = this.Capacity; this.Capacity *= 2; if (this.Capacity < min) { this.Capacity = min; } var newArray = PoolArray <T> .Spawn(this.Capacity); if (this.tail > this.head) // If we are not wrapped around... { Array.Copy(this.innerArray.arr, this.head, newArray.arr, 0, this.Count); // ...take from head to head+Count and copy to beginning of new array } else if (this.Count > 0) // Else if we are wrapped around... (tail == head is ambiguous - could be an empty buffer or a full one) { Array.Copy(this.innerArray.arr, this.head, newArray.arr, 0, prevLength - this.head); // ...take head to end and copy to beginning of new array Array.Copy(this.innerArray.arr, 0, newArray.arr, prevLength - this.head, this.tail); // ...take beginning to tail and copy after previously copied elements } this.head = 0; this.tail = this.Count; if (this.innerArray.isNotEmpty == true) { PoolArray <T> .Recycle(ref this.innerArray); } this.innerArray = newArray; } }
public void OnRecycle() { PoolArray <T> .Recycle(ref this.innerArray); this.head = 0; this.tail = 0; this.Count = 0; }
public void RPC <T1>(object instance, RPCId rpcId, T1 p1) where T1 : struct { var arr = PoolArray <object> .Spawn(1); arr[0] = p1; this.CallRPC(instance, rpcId, arr); PoolArray <object> .Recycle(ref arr); }
public void RPC <T1, T2>(object instance, RPCId rpcId, T1 p1, T2 p2) where T1 : struct where T2 : struct { var arr = PoolArray <object> .Spawn(2); arr[0] = p1; arr[1] = p2; this.CallRPC(instance, rpcId, arr); PoolArray <object> .Recycle(ref arr); }
public static void ClearCache() { foreach (var item in PathfindingFlowFieldProcessor.pathCache) { PoolArray <byte> .Recycle(item.Value); } PathfindingFlowFieldProcessor.pathCache.Clear(); PathfindingFlowFieldProcessor.pathCacheQueue.Clear(); }
void IPoolableRecycle.OnRecycle() { PoolArray <T> .Recycle(ref this.arr); PoolQueueCopyable <int> .Recycle(ref this.freePeek); PoolHashSetCopyable <int> .Recycle(ref; PoolHashSetCopyable <int> .Recycle(ref this.freePrepared); }
public void RPC <T1, T2, T3, T4>(object instance, RPCId rpcId, T1 p1, T2 p2, T3 p3, T4 p4) where T1 : struct where T2 : struct where T3 : struct where T4 : struct { var arr = PoolArray <object> .Spawn(4); arr[0] = p1; arr[1] = p2; arr[2] = p3; arr[3] = p4; this.CallRPC(instance, rpcId, arr); PoolArray <object> .Recycle(ref arr); }
public override void OnRecycle() { this.isTag = default; PoolArray <TComponent> .Recycle(ref this.components); PoolArray <byte> .Recycle(ref this.componentsStates); if (this.lifetimeIndexes != null) { PoolList <int> .Recycle(ref this.lifetimeIndexes); } }
public void Recycle() { foreach (var item in { var st = item; WorldUtilities.ReleaseState(ref st); } PoolArray <TState> .Recycle(ref; PoolArray <Tick> .Recycle(ref this.dataTicks); }
public void CopyFrom(EntitiesList <T> other) { if (this.arr != null) { PoolArray <T> .Recycle(ref this.arr); } this.arr = PoolArray <T> .Spawn(other.arr.Length); System.Array.Copy(other.arr, this.arr, other.arr.Length); this.capacity = other.capacity; this.count = other.count; }
public void Recycle() { if (this.nodes != null) { PoolListCopyable <Node> .Recycle(ref this.nodes); } if (this.nodesModified != null) { PoolListCopyable <Node> .Recycle(ref this.nodesModified); } if (this.cacheEnabled == false && this.flowField.arr != null) { PoolArray <byte> .Recycle(ref this.flowField); } }
public void CopyFrom(QueueCopyable <T> other) { if (this.array.arr != null) { PoolArray <T> .Recycle(ref this.array); } this.array = PoolArray <T> .Spawn(other.array.Length); System.Array.Copy(other.array.arr, this.array.arr, other.array.Length); this.head = other.head; this.tail = other.tail; this.size = other.size; this.version = other.version; this.capacity = other.capacity; }
private void CallRPC(object instance, RPCId rpcId, bool storeInHistory, params object[] parameters) { Key key; if (this.objectToKey.TryGetValue(instance, out key) == true) { if (this.transporter.IsConnected() == false) { return; } var evt = new ME.ECS.StatesHistory.HistoryEvent(); evt.tick = + Tick.One; // Call RPC on next tick evt.order = this.GetRPCOrder(); evt.localOrder = ++this.localOrderIndex; evt.parameters = parameters; evt.rpcId = rpcId; evt.objId = key.objId; evt.groupId = key.groupId; evt.storeInHistory = storeInHistory; var storedInHistory = false; if (storeInHistory == true && (this.GetNetworkType() & NetworkType.RunLocal) != 0) { this.statesHistoryModule.AddEvent(evt); storedInHistory = true; } if ((this.GetNetworkType() & NetworkType.SendToNet) != 0) { if (this.transporter != null && this.serializer != null) { this.transporter.Send(this.serializer.Serialize(evt)); } } if (storedInHistory == false && parameters != null) { // Return parameters into pool if we are not storing them locally PoolArray <object> .Recycle(ref parameters); } } else { throw new RegisterObjectMissingException(instance, rpcId); } }
void IModuleBase.OnDeconstruct() { //this.maxTick = Tick.Zero; this.prewarmed = false; //this.beginAddEventsTick = Tick.Zero; this.beginAddEventsCount = 0; this.beginAddEvents = false; this.statEventsAdded = 0; this.statPlayedEvents = 0; this.oldestTick = Tick.Invalid; this.lastSavedStateTick = Tick.Invalid; this.pauseStoreStateSinceTick = Tick.Invalid; this.statesHistory.DiscardAll();; foreach (var item in { var values = item.Value.Values; for (int i = 0, cnt = values.Count; i < cnt; ++i) { var val = values[i]; if (val.parameters != null) { PoolArray <object> .Recycle(ref val.parameters); } } item.Value.Clear(); PoolSortedList <long, HistoryEvent> .Recycle(item.Value); } PoolDictionary <Tick, ME.ECS.Collections.SortedList <long, HistoryEvent> > .Recycle(ref; foreach (var kv in this.syncHashTable) { PoolDictionary <int, int> .Recycle(kv.Value); } PoolDictionary <Tick, Dictionary <int, int> > .Recycle(ref this.syncHashTable); //this.states.Recycle(); //this.states = null; }
void IModuleBase.OnDeconstruct() { this.statesHistory.DiscardAll();; foreach (var item in { foreach (var hItem in item.Value) { var val = hItem.Value; PoolArray <object> .Recycle(ref val.parameters); } item.Value.Clear(); } PoolDictionary <Tick, SortedList <long, HistoryEvent> > .Recycle(ref; PoolDictionary <Tick, int> .Recycle(ref this.syncHash); //this.states.Recycle(); //this.states = null; }
void IModuleBase.OnDeconstruct() { this.isRequestsDirty = true; this.UpdateRequests(); var temp = PoolList <IView> .Spawn(this.registryPrefabToId.Count); foreach (var prefab in this.registryIdToPrefab) { temp.Add(prefab.Value); } foreach (var prefab in temp) { this.UnRegisterViewSource(prefab); } PoolList <IView> .Recycle(ref temp); PoolDictionary <ViewId, IViewsProvider> .Recycle(ref this.registryPrefabToProvider); PoolDictionary <ViewId, IViewsProviderInitializerBase> .Recycle(ref this.registryPrefabToProviderInitializer); PoolDictionary <ViewId, IView> .Recycle(ref this.registryIdToPrefab); PoolDictionary <IView, ViewId> .Recycle(ref this.registryPrefabToId); PoolHashSet <ViewInfo> .Recycle(ref this.rendering); for (int i = 0; i < this.list.Length; ++i) { var views = this.list.arr[i]; if (views.otherViews != null) { PoolList <IView> .Recycle(views.otherViews); } } //PoolDictionary<int, List<IView<TEntity>>>.Recycle(ref this.list); PoolArray <Views> .Recycle(ref this.list); }
public static void Copy <T>(T[] fromArr, ref T[] arr) { if (fromArr == null) { if (arr != null) { PoolArray <T> .Recycle(ref arr); } arr = null; return; } if (arr == null || fromArr.Length != arr.Length) { if (arr != null) { PoolArray <T> .Recycle(ref arr); } arr = PoolArray <T> .Spawn(fromArr.Length); } System.Array.Copy(fromArr, arr, fromArr.Length); }
public void CopyFrom(HashSetCopyable <T> other) { if (this.m_buckets != null) { PoolArray <int> .Recycle(ref this.m_buckets); } if (other.m_buckets != null) { this.m_buckets = PoolArray <int> .Spawn(other.m_buckets.Length); for (int i = 0; i < this.m_buckets.Length; ++i) { this.m_buckets[i] = other.m_buckets[i]; } } if (this.m_slots != null) { PoolArray <Slot> .Recycle(ref this.m_slots); } if (other.m_slots != null) { this.m_slots = PoolArray <Slot> .Spawn(other.m_slots.Length); for (int i = 0; i < this.m_slots.Length; ++i) { this.m_slots[i] = other.m_slots[i]; } } this.m_count = other.m_count; this.m_lastIndex = other.m_lastIndex; this.m_freeList = other.m_freeList; this.m_comparer = other.m_comparer; this.m_version = other.m_version; }
void IPoolableRecycle.OnRecycle() { PoolArray <DrawMeshViewBase.Item> .Recycle(ref this.items); }
public BufferArray <T> Clear() { PoolArray <T> .Recycle(this); return(new BufferArray <T>(null, 0)); }
void IPoolableRecycle.OnRecycle() { PoolArray <ParticleViewBase.Item> .Recycle(ref this.items); }