コード例 #1
        public void CanDetermineNodeDegreeAtAreaOfInterestBoundaryOneEdgeFullyOutside()
            // General idea: The southernmost edge can be traversed from the inside to the
            // outside, but not vice versa. Degree 3 should be determined correctly
            //  _______________________
            //  |                     |
            //  |    \     /          |
            //  |_____\___/___________|
            //         \ /
            //          |
            //          |
            //          |
            ISpatialReference sr = SpatialReferenceUtils.CreateSpatialReference(
                WellKnownHorizontalCS.LV95, WellKnownVerticalCS.LHN95);

            IEnvelope aoi = GeometryFactory.CreateEnvelope(2600000, 1200000, 2600100, 1200100, sr);

            FeatureClassMock edgeClass =
                new FeatureClassMock(1, "ROADS", esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline);

            PolylineGraphConnectivity connectivity = new PolylineGraphConnectivity(sr, aoi);

            // Create node with degree 3 where one feature is partially outside the AOI

            IPoint junction = GeometryFactory.CreatePoint(2600050, 1199900, sr);

            FeatureMock feature1 =
                new FeatureMock(11, edgeClass)
                Shape = GeometryFactory.CreatePolyline(
                    GeometryFactory.CreatePoint(2600050, 1199800, sr),

            FeatureMock feature2 =
                new FeatureMock(12, edgeClass)
                Shape = GeometryFactory.CreatePolyline(
                    GeometryFactory.CreatePoint(2600030, 1200050, sr))

            FeatureMock feature3 =
                new FeatureMock(13, edgeClass)
                Shape = GeometryFactory.CreatePolyline(
                    GeometryFactory.CreatePoint(2600070, 1200050, sr))

            connectivity.AddConnectivity(feature1, false);
            connectivity.AddConnectivity(feature2, false);
            connectivity.AddConnectivity(feature3, false);

            var edges = connectivity.GetIncidentEdges(junction).ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, edges.Count);
コード例 #2
        public void CanDetermineNodeDegreeAtAreaOfInterestBoundaryOneEdgePartiallyOutside()
            // General idea: The southernmost edge can be traversed from the inside to the
            // outside, but not vice versa. Degree 3 should be determined correctly
            //  _______________________
            //  |                     |
            //  |    \     /          |
            //  |     \   /           |
            //  |      \ /            |
            //  |_______|_____________|
            //          |
            //          |
            ISpatialReference sr = SpatialReferenceUtils.CreateSpatialReference(
                WellKnownHorizontalCS.LV95, WellKnownVerticalCS.LHN95);

            IEnvelope aoi = GeometryFactory.CreateEnvelope(2600000, 1200000, 2600100, 1200100, sr);

            FeatureClassMock edgeClass =
                new FeatureClassMock(1, "ROADS", esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline);

            PolylineGraphConnectivity connectivity = new PolylineGraphConnectivity(sr, aoi);

            // Create node with degree 3 where one feature is partially outside the AOI

            IPoint junction     = GeometryFactory.CreatePoint(2600050, 1200020, sr);
            IPoint outsidePoint = GeometryFactory.CreatePoint(2600050, 1199900, sr);

            FeatureMock feature1 =
                new FeatureMock(11, edgeClass)
                Shape = GeometryFactory.CreatePolyline(outsidePoint, junction)

            FeatureMock feature2 =
                new FeatureMock(12, edgeClass)
                Shape = GeometryFactory.CreatePolyline(
                    GeometryFactory.CreatePoint(2600030, 1200050, sr))

            FeatureMock feature3 =
                new FeatureMock(13, edgeClass)
                Shape = GeometryFactory.CreatePolyline(
                    GeometryFactory.CreatePoint(2600070, 1200050, sr))

            connectivity.AddConnectivity(feature1, false);
            connectivity.AddConnectivity(feature2, false);
            connectivity.AddConnectivity(feature3, false);

            var edges = connectivity.GetIncidentEdges(junction).ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, edges.Count);
            Assert.IsFalse(connectivity.TryGetNodeIndex(outsidePoint, out _));

            connectivity.RemoveConnection(new GdbObjectReference(feature1),
                                          new[] { junction, outsidePoint });

            Assert.AreEqual(2, connectivity.GetIncidentEdges(junction).Count());

            // Now add it again while respecting the orientation and therefore not adding to
            // from-node connections because the from node is outside (index -1)
            // an neither to to-node connections because out-flow is against line orientation.
            connectivity.AddConnectivity(feature1, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, connectivity.GetIncidentEdges(junction).Count());

            // Reverse the partially outside feature:
            var feature1Shape = ((IPolyline)feature1.ShapeCopy);

            feature1.Shape = feature1Shape;

            connectivity = new PolylineGraphConnectivity(sr, aoi);
            connectivity.AddConnectivity(new[] { feature1, feature2, feature3 }, false);

            edges = connectivity.GetIncidentEdges(junction).ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, edges.Count);
            Assert.IsFalse(connectivity.TryGetNodeIndex(outsidePoint, out _));

            // Now respect the orientation and this time it should not matter because out-flow
            // is the natural line orientation
            connectivity = new PolylineGraphConnectivity(sr, aoi);
            connectivity.AddConnectivity(new[] { feature1, feature2, feature3 }, true);

            edges = connectivity.GetIncidentEdges(junction).ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, edges.Count);
            Assert.IsFalse(connectivity.TryGetNodeIndex(outsidePoint, out _));