コード例 #1
 public void SliceError_Case_004DF458()
     var polyhedron = new Polyhedron(ValidateOption.Do, new[]
         // Back face
         new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                     new Point(Inches, 181.75, 3.5, 0),
                     new Point(Inches, 178.25, 3.5, 0),
                     new Point(Inches, 178.25, 30.25, 0),
                     new Point(Inches, 180.00, 30.25, 0),
                     new Point(Inches, 181.75, 29.375, 0)),
         // Front face
         new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                     new Point(Inches, 178.25, 30.25, 1.5),
                     new Point(Inches, 178.25, 3.5, 1.5),
                     new Point(Inches, 181.75, 3.5, 1.5),
                     new Point(Inches, 181.75, 29.375, 1.5),
                     new Point(Inches, 180.00, 30.25, 1.5)),
         // Bottom face
         new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                     new Point(Inches, 181.75, 3.5, 0),
                     new Point(Inches, 181.75, 3.5, 1.5),
                     new Point(Inches, 178.25, 3.5, 1.5),
                     new Point(Inches, 178.25, 3.5, 0)),
         // Left face
         new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                     new Point(Inches, 178.25, 3.5, 0),
                     new Point(Inches, 178.25, 3.5, 1.5),
                     new Point(Inches, 178.25, 30.25, 1.5),
                     new Point(Inches, 178.25, 30.25, 0)),
         // Right face
         new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                     new Point(Inches, 181.75, 3.5, 1.5),
                     new Point(Inches, 181.75, 3.5, 0),
                     new Point(Inches, 181.75, 29.375, 0),
                     new Point(Inches, 181.75, 29.375, 1.5)),
         // Top face
         new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                     new Point(Inches, 178.25, 30.25, 0),
                     new Point(Inches, 178.25, 30.25, 1.5),
                     new Point(Inches, 180.00, 30.25, 1.5),
                     new Point(Inches, 180.00, 30.25, 0)),
         // Cut face
         new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                     new Point(Inches, 180.00, 30.25, 0),
                     new Point(Inches, 180.00, 30.25, 1.5),
                     new Point(Inches, 181.75, 29.375, 1.5),
                     new Point(Inches, 181.75, 29.375, 0)),
     var slicingPlane = new Plane(new Point(Inches, 127.31379563066, 3.5, 1.5), new Direction(0.452633527072262, -0.891696635728836, 0));
     var sliceResults = polyhedron.Slice(slicingPlane);
コード例 #2
    public static Polyhedron CreateIcosahedron()
        Polyhedron Icosahedron = new Polyhedron();

        Point3d[] verts = new Point3d[12];

        // верх и низ
        verts[0] = new Point3d(0, 0, 1);
        verts[1] = new Point3d(0, 0, -1);

        double h = Math.Sqrt(5) / 5;
        double R = h / Math.Sin(Math.PI / 5);

        // верхний круг
        double angle = 0;

        for (int i = 2; i < 7; ++i)
            verts[i] = new Point3d(R * Math.Sin(angle), R * Math.Cos(angle), h);
            angle   += 72 * Math.PI / 180;

        // нижний круг
        angle = 36 * Math.PI / 180;
        for (int i = 7; i < 12; ++i)
            verts[i] = new Point3d(R * Math.Sin(angle), R * Math.Cos(angle), -h);
            angle   += 72 * Math.PI / 180;

        Icosahedron.faces = new Face[20];
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            Icosahedron.faces[2 * i]     = Face.CreateTriangle(verts[0], verts[2 + i], verts[3 + i]);
            Icosahedron.faces[2 * i + 1] = Face.CreateTriangle(verts[1], verts[7 + i], verts[8 + i]);
        Icosahedron.faces[8] = Face.CreateTriangle(verts[0], verts[2], verts[6]);
        Icosahedron.faces[9] = Face.CreateTriangle(verts[1], verts[7], verts[11]);

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            Icosahedron.faces[10 + 2 * i] = Face.CreateTriangle(verts[2 + i], verts[3 + i], verts[7 + i]);
            Icosahedron.faces[11 + 2 * i] = Face.CreateTriangle(verts[7 + i], verts[8 + i], verts[3 + i]);
        Icosahedron.faces[18] = Face.CreateTriangle(verts[6], verts[2], verts[11]);
        Icosahedron.faces[19] = Face.CreateTriangle(verts[11], verts[7], verts[2]);

        Icosahedron.center = new Point3d(0, 0, 0);
コード例 #3
        static public List <Edge> ToPerspective(Polyhedron ph, int c)
            List <Edge> res      = new List <Edge>();
            var         edges_3d = ph.PreparePrint();
            var         matr     = FormPerspectiveMatr(c);

            foreach (var edge in edges_3d)
                var new_start = MatrixMultiplication(PointToVector(edge.start), matr);
                var new_end   = MatrixMultiplication(PointToVector(edge.end), matr);
                res.Add(new Edge(VectorToPoint(new_start), VectorToPoint(new_end)));
コード例 #4
        static public List <Edge> ToOrtographics(Polyhedron ph, OrtMode plain)
            List <Edge> edges    = new List <Edge>();
            var         edges_3d = ph.PreparePrint();
            var         ort_matr = FormOrtoghraphicsMatr(plain);

            foreach (var edge in edges_3d)
                var new_start = MatrixMultiplication(PointToVector(edge.start), ort_matr);
                var new_end   = MatrixMultiplication(PointToVector(edge.end), ort_matr);
                edges.Add(new Edge(VectorToPoint(new_start), VectorToPoint(new_end)));
コード例 #5
        private Color TraceRay(Point3d camera, Point3d D, float t_min, float t_max, float depth, int step)
            float      closest_t = inf;
            Polyhedron closest   = null;
            Point3d    normal    = null;
            Point3d    point     = null;

            ClosestIntersection(camera, D, t_min, t_max, ref closest, ref closest_t, ref normal);

            //если луч уходит вникуда
            if (closest == null)

            //привели к единичной
            normal = multiply(1.0f / length(normal), normal);

            point = add(camera, multiply(closest_t, D));
            //высчитываем освещенность
            var   light_k = ComputeLighting(point, normal, multiply(-1, D), closest.specular);
            Color local   = increase(light_k, closest.color);

            //добавляем отражения
            if (step > 7 || depth <= eps)

            var r          = ReflectRay(multiply(-1, D), normal);
            var refl_color = TraceRay(point, r, eps, inf, depth * closest.reflective, step + 1);
            //сумма полученного цвета и пришедшего из отраженного луча
            Color reflected = sum(increase(1 - closest.reflective, local), increase(closest.reflective, refl_color));

            if (closest.transparent <= 0)
                return(increase(depth, reflected));

            //добавить прозрачность
            //допустим, что луч не преломляется
            //index of refraction - 1.5
            var refracted = refract(D, normal, 1.5f);
            var tr_color  = TraceRay(point, refracted, eps, inf, depth * closest.transparent, step + 1);
            //допустим, что луч не преломляется
            /*var tr_color = TraceRay(point, D, eps, inf, depth * closest.transparent, step+1);*/
            Color transp = sum(increase(1 - closest.transparent, reflected), increase(closest.transparent, tr_color));

            return(increase(depth, transp));
コード例 #6
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: Molkree/ComputerGraphics
        private void light_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Polyhedron light = new Polyhedron();

            light.translate(int.Parse(light_x.Text), int.Parse(light_y.Text), int.Parse(light_z.Text));
            figure.show(g, pr);
            camera.show(g, pr);
            light.show(g, pr, new Pen(Color.YellowGreen));
            if (radioButton3.Checked)
コード例 #7
ファイル: Figure.cs プロジェクト: NikMozd/Graphics
 public Poly(Polyhedron p)
     ph  = p.Clone() as Polyhedron;
     sph = new Sphere(ph);
     foreach (var face in ph.Faces)
         double s   = 0;
         int    cnt = face.Edges.Count();
         for (int i = 1; i < cnt - 1; ++i)
             s += triangle_square(face.Edges[0].First, face.Edges[i].First, face.Edges[i + 1].First);
         squares.Add(face, s);
コード例 #8
    private void SetPolyhedron(string name)
        _polyhedron     = Data.Polyhedra.First(p => p.Name.Contains(name));
        Polyhedron.mesh = PolyhedronMeshes.First(inf => inf.name == _polyhedron.Name);

        Debug.LogFormat(@"[Polyhedral Maze #{0}] Your polyhedron is a {1}.", _moduleId, _polyhedron.ReadableName);

        // Find a suitable start face
        _startFace = _startingPositions.PickRandom();

        Debug.LogFormat(@"[Polyhedral Maze #{0}] You are starting on face #{1}.", _moduleId, _startFace);

        // Run a breadth-first search to determine a destination face that is the desired number of steps away
        var qFaces     = new Queue <int>(); qFaces.Enqueue(_startFace);
        var qDistances = new Queue <int>(); qDistances.Enqueue(0);
        var already    = new HashSet <int>();
        var suitableDestinationFaces = new List <int>();

        while (qFaces.Count > 0)
            var face     = qFaces.Dequeue();
            var distance = qDistances.Dequeue();
            if (!already.Add(face))
            if (distance >= _minSteps && distance <= _maxSteps)
            var permissible = _permissibleTransitions[face];
            foreach (var adj in _polyhedron.Faces[face].AdjacentFaces)
                if (permissible.Contains(adj))
                    qDistances.Enqueue(distance + 1);

        _destFace = suitableDestinationFaces.PickRandom();
        setDisplay(DestTens, DestOnes, _destFace);

        Debug.LogFormat(@"[Polyhedral Maze #{0}] You need to go to face #{1}.", _moduleId, _destFace);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Projector.cs プロジェクト: Plankankul/Silverlight
        // Return the distance of the furthest point from the pivot in the center of the root face
        private static float spread(Polyhedron polyhedron, Vector3 pivot)
            float maxD2 = 0f;

            foreach (Face face in polyhedron.Faces)
                foreach (Vector3 v in face.Points)
                    float d2 = (v - pivot).LengthSq();
                    if (d2 > maxD2)
                        maxD2 = d2;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Projector.cs プロジェクト: lovedud/ComputerGraphics
        public List <Edge> Project(Mode m, Polyhedron p)
            switch (m)
            case Mode.Orthographic:

            case Mode.Isometric:

            case Mode.Perspective:

                return(new List <Edge>());
コード例 #11
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: Molkree/ComputerGraphics
        // rotation_figure
        private void button3_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)
            string filename = openFileDialog1.FileName;
            string fileText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filename);

            figure = new Polyhedron(fileText, Polyhedron.MODE_ROT);
            figure.show(g, pr);


            label10.Text = figure.Center.X.ToString() + ", " + figure.Center.Y.ToString() + ", " + figure.Center.Z.ToString();
コード例 #12
        public void ComputeVertices()
            if (Faces.Count < 4)

            Polyhedron poly = new Polyhedron(Faces.Select(x => new Plane(x.Plane.Normal.ToPrecisionVector3(), x.Plane.D)));

            foreach (Face face in Faces)
                Polygon pg = poly.Polygons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Plane.Normal.EquivalentTo(face.Plane.Normal.ToPrecisionVector3(), 0.0075f)); // Magic number that seems to match VHE
                if (pg != null)
                    face.Vertices.AddRange(pg.Vertices.Select(x => x.ToStandardVector3()));
コード例 #13
ファイル: Projector.cs プロジェクト: Plankankul/Silverlight
        /// <summary>
        /// Do the actual projection of the supplied polygon into the canvas
        /// Before the actual projection the polyhedron is rotation by the yaw angle around a vertical Y axis through the pivot point
        /// at the center of the root Face.
        /// The viewpoint is raised vertically and turned to look down towards the polyhedron (an X axis rotation)
        /// The the persective transformation is applied before the Polygons are generated. The z dimension in Vector3
        /// is used to generate the z-index in the xaml polygons
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polyhedron"></param>
        /// <param name="yaw"></param>
        /// <param name="pivot"></param>
        /// <param name="mag"></param>
        /// <param name="canvas"></param>
        public static void Project(Polyhedron polyhedron, float yaw, Vector3 pivot, float mag, Canvas canvas)
            float   angle     = (float)Math.PI / 4;
            float   w         = spread(polyhedron, pivot) * mag;
            Vector3 viewPoint = new Vector3(0, w * 0.6f, w);

            pivot.Y = -w / 2;
            if (polyhedron.Faces.Count <= 8)
                pivot.Y += w / 4;

            Matrix projection = Matrix.Translation(-pivot) * Matrix.RotationY(yaw) * Matrix.RotationX(angle) * Matrix.Translation(viewPoint) * Geometry.Perspective(5);

            Canvas childCanvas = new Canvas();

            childCanvas.Width  = canvas.Width;
            childCanvas.Height = canvas.Height;
            Vector3 projectedPivot = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(pivot, projection);

            foreach (Face face in polyhedron.Faces)
                Vector3[] p      = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(face.Points, projection);
                Vector3   c      = Geometry.Center(p);
                int       zIndex = -(int)(c.Z * int.MaxValue / 200);
                System.Windows.Shapes.Polygon pg = new System.Windows.Shapes.Polygon();
                pg.SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, zIndex);
                Point[] points = Geometry.Vector3ToPoint(p, projectedPivot.X - w / 2, projectedPivot.Y - w / 2, w, (float)canvas.Width, (float)canvas.Height);
                //pg.Points. = points; ////// CHANGE !!!!
                foreach (Point pt in points)
                pg.StrokeThickness = 1;
                pg.Stroke          = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Colors.Black);
                System.Windows.Media.Color col = PolyhedronPalette.Lookup(face.NumSides);
                pg.Fill    = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(col);
                pg.Opacity = 0.8;
コード例 #14
        static public Polyhedron CreateTetrahedron(Point3D start, float a)
            Polyhedron res      = new Polyhedron(start);
            Point3D    start_x  = new Point3D(start.X + a, start.Y, start.Z);
            Point3D    start_y  = new Point3D(start.X, start.Y + a, start.Z);
            Point3D    start_z  = new Point3D(start.X, start.Y, start.Z + a);
            Point3D    start_xy = new Point3D(start_x.X, start_y.Y, start.Z);
            Point3D    start_xz = new Point3D(start_x.X, start.Y, start_z.Z);
            Point3D    start_yz = new Point3D(start.X, start_y.Y, start_z.Z);

            res.AddPoint(start, start_xy);
            res.AddPoint(start, start_xz);
            res.AddPoint(start, start_yz);

            res.AddPoint(start_xz, start_yz);
            res.AddPoint(start_xz, start_xy);

            res.AddPoint(start_yz, start_xy);

コード例 #15
ファイル: FormChangeModel.cs プロジェクト: xittz/compGraph
        private void Ok(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var tab = tabControl1.SelectedTab;

            if (tabPagePolyhedron == tab)
                if (radioButtonTetrahedron.Checked)
                    selectedModel = Polyhedron.MakeTetrahedron(0.5);
                else if (radioButtonIcosahedron.Checked)
                    selectedModel = Polyhedron.MakeIcosahedron(0.5);
                else if (radioButtonHexahedron.Checked)
                    selectedModel = Polyhedron.MakeHexahedron(0.5);
                else if (radioButtonOctahedron.Checked)
                    selectedModel = Polyhedron.MakeOctahedron(1);
            else if (tabPageRotationFigure == tab)
                var initial = new List <Point3D>();
                foreach (var p in listBoxPoints.Items)
                int axis;
                if (radioButtonX.Checked)
                    axis = 0;
                else if (radioButtonY.Checked)
                    axis = 1;
                else /* if (radioButtonZ.Checked) */ axis {
コード例 #16
            public Polyhedron Clone()
                Polyhedron cl = new Polyhedron();

                //List<Point3D> npoints = new List<Point3D>();
                //Dictionary<int, List<int>> nconnections = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
                cl.points      = new List <Point3D>();
                cl.connections = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; ++i)
                    cl.points.Add(new Point3D(points[i].X, points[i].Y, points[i].Z));
                for (int i = 0; i < connections.Count; i++)
                    cl.connections[i] = new List <int>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < connections[i].Count; j++)
コード例 #17
ファイル: Figure.cs プロジェクト: NikMozd/Graphics
    public Sphere(Polyhedron ph)
        var p    = ph.Faces[0].Edges[0].First;
        var dist = new Vector(ph.Center, p).Norm();

        foreach (var f in ph.Faces)
            foreach (var e in f.Edges)
                var pp    = e.First;
                var ddist = new Vector(ph.Center, pp).Norm();
                if (ddist > dist)
                    dist = ddist;
                    p    = pp;

        this.center = ph.Center;
        this.radius = dist;
コード例 #18
        private Polyhedron SubdividePolyhedron(Polyhedron initialPolyhedron, int divisions, bool registerFaces = true,
                                               bool registerRegions = true)
            var addPoint = CreatePointAdder(initialPolyhedron.Corners);

            var newFaces = new List <Face>();

            foreach (var(face, index) in initialPolyhedron.Faces.WithIndex())
                var dividedFaces = registerRegions
                    ? SubdivideFace(face, divisions, addPoint, registerFaces, index)
                    : SubdivideFace(face, divisions, addPoint, registerFaces);

            var newPoints = newFaces.SelectMany(f => f.Points).Distinct().ToList();

            return(new Polyhedron
                Corners = newPoints, Faces = newFaces
コード例 #19
        private HexSphere MapPolyhedronToHexasphere(Polyhedron polyhedron, float radius, float hexSize)
            polyhedron.Corners = polyhedron.Corners.Select(p => PointHelpers.ProjectToRadius(p, radius)).ToList();

            var numRegions = polyhedron.Corners.Select(p => p.Region ?? 0).Max() + 1;
            var regions    = Enumerable.Range(0, numRegions)
                             .Select(_ => new TileRegion
                Tiles = new List <Tile>()

            foreach (var p in polyhedron.Corners)
                var center         = p;
                var faces          = PointHelpers.GetOrderedFaces(center);
                var boundaryPoints = faces.Select(f => Segment(center, f.Centroid, hexSize)).ToList();

                var tile = new Tile
                    Center   = center,
                    Boundary = boundaryPoints.Select(p2 => p2 as Point).ToList()

                if (!IsPoitingAwayFromOrigin(tile))

                var regionId = p.Region ?? 0;

            return(new HexSphere
                Regions = regions
コード例 #20
        private void create_scene()
            Viewport_w         = 1;
            Viewport_h         = 1;
            projection_plane_d = 1;
            rec_depth          = 3;
            create_camera(new Point3d(0, 3, -15));

            if (scene != null)

            var figure = new Polyhedron();

            figure.make_sphere(new Point3d(0, 2, 3), 1);
            figure.color      = Color.Red;
            figure.specular   = 500;
            figure.reflective = 0.2f;
            figure.comment    = "шар";

            figure = new Polyhedron();
            figure.make_sphere(new Point3d(2, 0, 4), 1);
            figure.color       = Color.Yellow;
            figure.specular    = 500;
            figure.reflective  = 0.3f;
            figure.transparent = 0.9f;
            figure.comment     = "еще шар";

            figure = new Polyhedron();
            figure.make_sphere(new Point3d(-2, 0, 4), 1);
            figure.color      = Color.Green;
            figure.specular   = 500;
            figure.reflective = 0.9f;
            figure.comment    = "и снова шар";

            figure = new Polyhedron();
            figure.make_sphere(new Point3d(-1, 8, 3), 0.5f);
            figure.color       = Color.LightPink;
            figure.specular    = 500;
            figure.reflective  = 0f;
            figure.transparent = 0.7f;

            figure = new Polyhedron();
            figure.make_sphere(new Point3d(1, 8, 1), 0.5f);
            figure.color       = Color.LightSkyBlue;
            figure.specular    = 500;
            figure.reflective  = 0f;
            figure.transparent = 0.7f;

            figure = new Polyhedron();
            figure.make_sphere(new Point3d(4, 8, 5), 0.5f);
            figure.color       = Color.Lime;
            figure.specular    = 500;
            figure.reflective  = 0f;
            figure.transparent = 0.7f;

            figure = new Polyhedron();
            figure.translate(0, 0, 3);
            figure.color       = Color.YellowGreen;
            figure.specular    = 500;
            figure.reflective  = 0.1f;
            figure.transparent = 0.5f;
            figure.comment     = "";

            figure = new Polyhedron();
            figure.translate(-8, 1, 0);
            figure.color       = Color.Pink;
            figure.specular    = 500;
            figure.reflective  = 0.4f;
            figure.transparent = 0f;
            figure.comment     = "";

            figure = new Polyhedron();
            figure.rotate(45, Axis.AXIS_Y);
            figure.translate(-8, 4f, 0);
            figure.color       = Color.PowderBlue;
            figure.specular    = 500;
            figure.reflective  = 0.4f;
            figure.transparent = 0f;
            figure.comment     = "";

            figure = new Polyhedron();
            figure.translate(-8, 5.5f, 0);
            figure.color       = Color.YellowGreen;
            figure.specular    = 500;
            figure.reflective  = 0.1f;
            figure.transparent = 0f;
            figure.comment     = "";

            Face f = new Face(new List <Point3d>()
                new Point3d(-10, -1, 10), new Point3d(-10, 10, 10), new Point3d(10, 10, 10), new Point3d(10, -1, 10)

            figure = new Polyhedron(new List <Face>()
            figure.Faces[0].Normal = new List <float>()
                0, 0, 1
            figure.color      = Color.White;
            figure.specular   = 0;
            figure.reflective = 0f;
            figure.comment    = "back";

            f = new Face(new List <Point3d>()
                new Point3d(-10, -1, -10), new Point3d(-10, -1, 10), new Point3d(10, -1, 10), new Point3d(10, -1, -10)
            figure = new Polyhedron(new List <Face>()
            figure.Faces[0].Normal = new List <float>()
                0, -1, 0
            figure.color      = Color.White;
            figure.specular   = 0;
            figure.reflective = 0f;
            figure.comment    = "down";
            figure.color      = Color.LightGray;

            f = new Face(new List <Point3d>()
                new Point3d(-10, 10, -10), new Point3d(-10, 10, 10), new Point3d(10, 10, 10), new Point3d(10, 10, -10)
            figure = new Polyhedron(new List <Face>()
            figure.Faces[0].Normal = new List <float>()
                0, 1, 0
            figure.color      = Color.White;
            figure.specular   = 0;
            figure.reflective = 0f;
            figure.comment    = "top";
            figure.color      = Color.Red;

            f = new Face(new List <Point3d>()
                new Point3d(-10, -1, -10), new Point3d(-10, 10, -10), new Point3d(-10, 10, 10), new Point3d(-10, -1, 10)
            figure = new Polyhedron(new List <Face>()
            figure.Faces[0].Normal = new List <float>()
                -1, 0, 0
            figure.color      = Color.White;
            figure.specular   = 0;
            figure.reflective = 0f;
            figure.comment    = "left";
            figure.color      = Color.Green;

            f = new Face(new List <Point3d>()
                new Point3d(10, -1, -10), new Point3d(10, 10, -10), new Point3d(10, 10, 10), new Point3d(10, -1, 10)
            figure = new Polyhedron(new List <Face>()
            figure.Faces[0].Normal = new List <float>()
                1, 0, 0
            figure.color      = Color.White;
            figure.specular   = 0;
            figure.reflective = 0f;
            figure.comment    = "right";
            figure.color      = Color.Ivory;

            f = new Face(new List <Point3d>()
                new Point3d(-10, -1, -10), new Point3d(-10, 10, -10), new Point3d(10, 10, -10), new Point3d(10, -1, -10)
            figure = new Polyhedron(new List <Face>()
            figure.Faces[0].Normal = new List <float>()
                0, 0, -1
            figure.color      = Color.White;
            figure.specular   = 0;
            figure.reflective = 0f;
            figure.comment    = "front";

            sceneBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
コード例 #21
 internal static string ToCodeString(this Polyhedron polyhedron)
     return($"new Polyhedron(ValidateOption.Dont, {ToCodeString(polyhedron.Faces, Dimensions._3D)})");
コード例 #22
 void Start()
コード例 #23
        public void Slice_Horizontal_Cut_Right()
            var polyhedron = new Polyhedron(ValidateOption.Do, new[]
                new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 60.25, 0),
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 64.16311896, 0),
                            new Point(Inches, 260, -5.83688104, 0),
                            new Point(Inches, 260, -9.75, 0)),
                new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                            new Point(Inches, 260, -9.75, 0),
                            new Point(Inches, 260, -9.75, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 60.25, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 60.25, 0)),
                new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                            new Point(Inches, 260, -5.83688104, 0),
                            new Point(Inches, 260, -5.83688104, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 260, -9.75, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 260, -9.75, 0)),
                new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 64.16311896, 0),
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 64.16311896, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 260, -5.83688104, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 260, -5.83688103999999, 0)),
                new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 60.25, 0),
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 60.25, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 64.16311896, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 64.16311896, 0)),
                new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 60.25, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 260, -9.75, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 260, -5.83688103999999, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 64.16311896, 1.5))
            var slicingPlane   = new Plane(new Point(Inches, 12, -1.83688103937537, 0), new Direction(0, -1, 0));
            var referencePoint = new Point(Inches, 120, 62.2065594799946, 0);
            var sliceResults   = polyhedron.Slice(slicingPlane, referencePoint);

            #region Expected Solid
            var expected = new Polyhedron(ValidateOption.Do, new[]
                new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 60.25, 0),
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 64.16311896, 0),
                            new Point(Inches, 252, -1.83688104, 0),
                            new Point(Inches, 244.173762078751, -1.83688104, 0)),
                new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                            new Point(Inches, 244.173762078751, -1.83688104, 0),
                            new Point(Inches, 244.173762078751, -1.83688104, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 60.25, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 60.25, 0)),
                new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                            new Point(Inches, 252, -1.83688104, 0),
                            new Point(Inches, 252, -1.83688104, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 244.173762078751, -1.83688104, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 244.173762078751, -1.83688104, 0)),
                new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 64.16311896, 0),
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 64.16311896, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 252, -1.83688104, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 252, -1.83688103999999, 0)),
                new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 60.25, 0),
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 60.25, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 64.16311896, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 64.16311896, 0)),
                new Polygon(ValidateOption.Do,
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 60.25, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 244.173762078751, -1.83688104, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 252, -1.83688103999999, 1.5),
                            new Point(Inches, 120, 64.16311896, 1.5))
コード例 #24
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: Molkree/ComputerGraphics
        //// graphic
        //private void button4_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //    Form2 form2 = new Form2();
        //    form2.ShowDialog();

        //    var f = form2.f;
        //    float x0 = form2.X0;
        //    float x1 = form2.X1;
        //    float y0 = form2.Y0;
        //    float y1 = form2.Y1;
        //    int cnt_of_breaks = form2.Cnt_of_breaks;

        //    form2.Dispose();

        //    float dx = (Math.Abs(x0) + Math.Abs(x1)) / cnt_of_breaks;
        //    float dy = (Math.Abs(y0) + Math.Abs(y1)) / cnt_of_breaks;

        //    List<Face> faces = new List<Face>();
        //    List<Point3d> pts0 = new List<Point3d>();
        //    List<Point3d> pts1 = new List<Point3d>();

        //    for (float x = x0; x < x1; x += dx)
        //    {
        //        for (float y = y0; y < y1; y += dy)
        //        {
        //            float z = f(x, y);
        //            pts1.Add(new Point3d(x, y, z));
        //        }
        //        // make faces
        //        if (pts0.Count != 0)
        //            for (int i = 1; i < pts0.Count; ++i)
        //            {
        //                faces.Add(new Face(new List<Point3d>() {
        //                    new Point3d(pts0[i - 1]), new Point3d(pts1[i - 1]),
        //                    new Point3d(pts1[i]), new Point3d(pts0[i])
        //                }));
        //            }
        //        pts0.Clear();
        //        pts0 = pts1;
        //        pts1 = new List<Point3d>();
        //    }

        //    g.Clear(Color.White);
        //    figure = new Polyhedron(faces);
        //    figure.show(g, pr, new_fig);

        // graphic
        private void button4_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Form2 form2 = new Form2();


            var   f             = form2.f;
            float x0            = form2.X0;
            float x1            = form2.X1;
            float y0            = form2.Y0;
            float y1            = form2.Y1;
            int   cnt_of_breaks = form2.Cnt_of_breaks;


            ReverseFloatComparer fcmp = new ReverseFloatComparer();

            float dx = (Math.Abs(x0) + Math.Abs(x1)) / cnt_of_breaks;
            float dy = (Math.Abs(y0) + Math.Abs(y1)) / cnt_of_breaks;

            List <Face>    faces = new List <Face>();
            List <Point3d> pts0  = new List <Point3d>();
            List <Point3d> pts1  = new List <Point3d>();

            //SortedDictionary<float, PointF> graph_function = new SortedDictionary<float, PointF>(fcmp); // z, (x, y)

            for (float x = x0; x < x1; x += dx)
                for (float y = y0; y < y1; y += dy)
                    float z = f(x, y);
                    //graph_function.Add(z, new PointF(x, y));
                    pts1.Add(new Point3d(x, y, z));
                // make faces
                if (pts0.Count != 0)
                    for (int i = 1; i < pts0.Count; ++i)
                        faces.Add(new Face(new List <Point3d>()
                            new Point3d(pts0[i - 1]), new Point3d(pts1[i - 1]),
                            new Point3d(pts1[i]), new Point3d(pts0[i])
                pts0 = pts1;
                pts1 = new List <Point3d>();

            figure                = new Polyhedron(faces);
            figure.is_graph       = true;
            figure.graph_function = f;

            //figure.graph_function = graph_function;
            figure.show(g, pr, new_fig);
            //figure.show_camera(g_camera, camera.view, new_fig);
コード例 #25
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: lovedud/ComputerGraphics
 private void dodecahedron_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     cur_polyhedron = CreateDodecahedron(start_point, 100);
コード例 #26
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: lovedud/ComputerGraphics
 private void Cub_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     cur_polyhedron = CreateCube(start_point, 100);
コード例 #27
        private void TestHE()
            string str = @"D:\cgal_boolean.stl";
            //str = "d:/tmp/plane3.stl";
            Mesh       mesh  = ImportModel(str);
            Polyhedron poly  = new Polyhedron(mesh);
            var        vv    = poly.VV(poly.vList[0]);
            var        vf    = poly.VF(poly.vList[0]);
            var        holes = poly.FindHoles();
            var        veo   = poly.VEO(poly.vList[0]);
            var        vei   = poly.VEI(poly.vList[0]);
            //double dist= poly.GDBase(poly.vList[1], poly.vList[2]);
            var src = poly.vList[m_Random.Next(1, poly.vList.Count - 1)];
            var dst = poly.vList[m_Random.Next(1, poly.vList.Count - 1)];

                List <Vertex> path;
                double        dist2 = poly.GD_OLD(src, dst, out path);
                eyeshot.Entities.Add(new Joint(src, 0.1, 1), 0, Color.White);
                eyeshot.Entities.Add(new Joint(dst, 0.1, 1), 0, Color.Black);
                for (int i = 0; i + 1 < path.Count; i++)
                    Line l = new Line(path[i], path[i + 1]);
                    l.LineWeight       = 6;
                    l.LineWeightMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
                    eyeshot.Entities.Add(l, 0, Color.Red);
                Console.WriteLine("geo dist = " + dist2.ToString());

                List <Vertex> path;
                double        dist2 = poly.GD(src, dst, out path);
                //eyeshot.Entities.Add(new Joint(src, 0.1, 1), 0, Color.White);
                //eyeshot.Entities.Add(new Joint(dst, 0.1, 1), 0, Color.Black);
                for (int i = 0; i + 1 < path.Count; i++)
                    Line l = new Line(path[i], path[i + 1]);
                    l.LineWeight       = 6;
                    l.LineWeightMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
                    eyeshot.Entities.Add(l, 0, Color.Yellow);
                Console.WriteLine("geo dist = " + dist2.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine(holes.Count.ToString() + " holes was found!");
            foreach (var hole in holes)
                Color c = RandomColor();
                foreach (var he in hole)
                    Edge e = new Edge(he);
                    Line l = new Line(poly.vList[e.V1], poly.vList[e.V2]);
                    l.LineWeight       = 3;
                    l.LineWeightMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
                    eyeshot.Entities.Add(l, 0, c);
            eyeshot.Entities.Add(poly, 0, Color.Green);

            //   Debugger.Break();
コード例 #28
 private void ClosestIntersection(Point3d camera, Point3d D, float t_min, float t_max, ref Polyhedron closest, ref float closest_t, ref Point3d norm)
     closest_t = inf;
     closest   = null;
     norm      = null;
     foreach (var pol in scene)
         if (pol.is_sphere)
             PointF t = IntersectRaySphere(camera, D, pol);
             //t.x - первый корень, t.y - второй
             if (t.X < closest_t && t_min < t.X && t.X < t_max)
                 closest_t = t.X;
                 closest   = pol;
             if (t.Y < closest_t && t_min < t.Y && t.Y < t_max)
                 closest_t = t.Y;
                 closest   = pol;
             Point3d norm_2  = null;
             Point3d point_2 = null;
             float   t       = intersectRay(camera, D, pol, ref norm_2);
             if (t < closest_t && t_min < t && t < t_max)
                 closest_t = t;
                 closest   = pol;
                 norm      = norm_2;
     if (closest != null && closest.is_sphere)
         var point = add(camera, multiply(closest_t, D));
         norm = sub(point, closest.Center);
コード例 #29
        private Point3d ComputeLighting(Point3d point, Point3d normal, Point3d view, float specular)
            Point3d intensity = new Point3d(0, 0, 0);
            float   length_n  = length(normal); // Should be 1.0, but just in case...
            float   length_v  = length(view);
            float   t_max     = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < lights.Count; ++i)
                Light light = lights[i];
                if (!light.enabled)
                if (light.type == LightType.lAmbient)
                    intensity.X += light.r_intensity;
                    intensity.Y += light.g_intensity;
                    intensity.Z += light.b_intensity;
                    Point3d vec_l;
                    if (light.type == LightType.lPoint)
                        vec_l = sub(light.position, point);
                        t_max = 1f;
                    {  // Light.DIRECTIONAL
                        vec_l = light.position;
                        t_max = inf;

                    //is shadow
                    Polyhedron blocker   = null;
                    float      closest_t = 0f;
                    Point3d    norm      = null;
                    Point3d    point_t   = null;
                    ClosestIntersection(point, vec_l, eps, t_max, ref blocker, ref closest_t, ref norm);
                    float tr = 1;
                    if (blocker != null)
                        //tr = blocker.transparent;
                    var n_dot_l = dot(normal, vec_l);
                    if (n_dot_l > 0)
                        //intensity += light_int * n_dot_l / (length_n * length(vec_l));
                        intensity.X += tr * light.r_intensity * n_dot_l / (length_n * length(vec_l));
                        intensity.Y += tr * light.g_intensity * n_dot_l / (length_n * length(vec_l));
                        intensity.Z += tr * light.b_intensity * n_dot_l / (length_n * length(vec_l));

                    if (specular > 0)
                        var vec_r   = ReflectRay(vec_l, normal);
                        var r_dot_v = dot(vec_r, view);
                        if (r_dot_v > 0)
                            //intensity += light_int * (float)Math.Pow(r_dot_v / (length(vec_r) * length_v), specular);
                            intensity.X += tr * light.r_intensity * (float)Math.Pow(r_dot_v / (length(vec_r) * length_v), specular);
                            intensity.Y += tr * light.g_intensity * (float)Math.Pow(r_dot_v / (length(vec_r) * length_v), specular);
                            intensity.Z += tr * light.b_intensity * (float)Math.Pow(r_dot_v / (length(vec_r) * length_v), specular);
コード例 #30
ファイル: SDOGeomUtils.cs プロジェクト: jdimyadi/BIMRL-DBETL
        public static bool generate_Polyhedron(SdoGeometry geom, out Polyhedron pH)
            List <double> pointCoordList = new List <double>();
            List <int>    coordIndexList = new List <int>();

            int[]    elInfo   = geom.ElemArrayOfInts;
            double[] ordArray = geom.OrdinatesArrayOfDoubles;

            if (ordArray.Length == 0)
                // An empty data (should not come here, but in some cases it may happen when there is bad data)
                pH = null;

            int        eInfoIdx       = 0; // Index on Element Info array
            int        vertIdx        = 0; // new Index for the index to the vertex coordinate lists
            Point3D    v              = new Point3D();
            Point3D    v1             = new Point3D();
            List <int> noFaceVertList = new List <int>();

            // First loop: loop for lump
            while (eInfoIdx < elInfo.Length)
                // advance to the 6th array in the element info to get the number of faces
                eInfoIdx += 5;
                int noFace = elInfo[eInfoIdx];

                eInfoIdx += 1;      // Advance to the first face offset

                // second loop for the number of faces inside a lump
                for (int f = 0; f < noFace; f++)
                    bool vert   = true;
                    int  vcount = 0;
                    int  fIdx   = elInfo[eInfoIdx];

                    while (vert)
                        if (vcount == 0)
                            v1.X = ordArray[fIdx - 1];     // -1 because the index starts at no 1
                            v1.Y = ordArray[fIdx];
                            v1.Z = ordArray[fIdx + 1];

                            coordIndexList.Add(vertIdx * 3);
                            fIdx += 3;
                        v.X = ordArray[fIdx - 1];
                        v.Y = ordArray[fIdx];
                        v.Z = ordArray[fIdx + 1];

                        if (Point3D.Equals(v, v1))
                            // We are at the end of the vertex list. Oracle SDO repeat the last point as the first point, we can skip this for X3D
                            vert      = false;
                            eInfoIdx += 3;
                            noFaceVertList.Add(vcount);     // List of no of vertices in each individual face

                        coordIndexList.Add(vertIdx * 3);
                        fIdx += 3;

//            pH = new Polyhedron(PolyhedronFaceTypeEnum.TriangleFaces, true, pointCoordList, coordIndexList, null);
            pH = new Polyhedron(PolyhedronFaceTypeEnum.ArbitraryFaces, true, pointCoordList, coordIndexList, noFaceVertList);
コード例 #31
 protected Parallelepiped(Polyhedron isParallelepiped) : base(isParallelepiped) { }