コード例 #1
 public void GenerateMeshes(JSONPuzzle puzzle)
     foreach (var piece in puzzle.pieces)
         var mesh     = new Mesh();
         var vertices = new Vector3[piece.corners.Length];
         var idx      = 0;
         foreach (var corner in piece.corners)
             vertices[idx].x = corner.coord.x;
             vertices[idx].y = corner.coord.y;
         mesh.vertices = vertices;
         mesh.uv       = GetComponent <MeshModel>().newUV;
         var verticesList = new List <Vector3>();
         foreach (var vertex in vertices)
         var triangles           = PolygonTriangulation.TriangulateConcavePolygon(verticesList);
         var trianglesAsIntArray = new int[triangles.Count * 3];
         idx = 0;
         foreach (var triangle in triangles)
             trianglesAsIntArray[idx]     = Array.IndexOf(vertices, triangle.vertex1.GetXY());
             trianglesAsIntArray[idx + 1] = Array.IndexOf(vertices, triangle.vertex2.GetXY());
             trianglesAsIntArray[idx + 2] = Array.IndexOf(vertices, triangle.vertex3.GetXY());
             idx += 3;
         mesh.triangles = trianglesAsIntArray;
         GetComponent <MeshModel>().meshes.Add(mesh);
コード例 #2
        [OvldGenCallTarget] public static void Polygon([OvldDefault(nameof(BlendMode))] ShapesBlendMode blendMode,
                                                       PolygonPath path,
                                                       [OvldDefault(nameof(PolygonTriangulation))] PolygonTriangulation triangulation,
                                                       [OvldDefault(nameof(Color))] Color color,
                                                       [OvldDefault(nameof(PolygonShapeFill))] ShapeFill fill)
            if (path.EnsureMeshIsReadyToRender(triangulation, out Mesh mesh) == false)
                return;                 // no points defined in the mesh
            switch (path.Count)
            case 0:
                Debug.LogWarning("Tried to draw polygon with no points");

            case 1:
                Debug.LogWarning("Tried to draw polygon with only one point");

            case 2:
                Debug.LogWarning("Tried to draw polygon with only two points");

            Material matPolygon = ShapesMaterialUtils.matPolygon[blendMode];

            TryApplyFillAndColor(matPolygon, fill, color);
            DrawMesh(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, mesh, matPolygon);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Draw.cs プロジェクト: guplem/TS20-Thoughts
        [OvldGenCallTarget] static void Polygon_Internal(PolygonPath path,
                                                         [OvldDefault(nameof(PolygonTriangulation))] PolygonTriangulation triangulation,
                                                         [OvldDefault(nameof(Color))] Color color)
            if (path.EnsureMeshIsReadyToRender(triangulation, out Mesh mesh) == false)
                return;                 // no points defined in the mesh
            switch (path.Count)
            case 0:
                Debug.LogWarning("Tried to draw polygon with no points");

            case 1:
                Debug.LogWarning("Tried to draw polygon with only one point");

            case 2:
                Debug.LogWarning("Tried to draw polygon with only two points");

            if (DrawCommand.IsAddingDrawCommandsToBuffer)              // mark as used by this command to prevent destroy in dispose

            using (new IMDrawer(mpbPolygon, ShapesMaterialUtils.matPolygon[Draw.BlendMode], mesh)) {
                MetaMpb.ApplyColorOrFill(mpbPolygon, color);
コード例 #4
        [OvldGenCallTarget] static void Polygon([OvldDefault(nameof(BlendMode))] ShapesBlendMode blendMode,
                                                PolygonPath path,
                                                [OvldDefault(nameof(PolygonTriangulation))] PolygonTriangulation triangulation,
                                                [OvldDefault(nameof(Color))] Color color,
                                                [OvldDefault(nameof(PolygonShapeFill))] ShapeFill fill)
            if (path.EnsureMeshIsReadyToRender(triangulation, out Mesh mesh) == false)
                return;                 // no points defined in the mesh
            switch (path.Count)
            case 0:
                Debug.LogWarning("Tried to draw polygon with no points");

            case 1:
                Debug.LogWarning("Tried to draw polygon with only one point");

            case 2:
                Debug.LogWarning("Tried to draw polygon with only two points");

            using (new IMDrawer(mpbPolygon, ShapesMaterialUtils.matPolygon[blendMode], mesh)) {
                MetaMpb.ApplyColorOrFill(mpbPolygon, fill, color);
コード例 #5
    public static bool IsVertexContainedInPiece(Vector3 vertexToCheck, Vector3[] vertices, int[] triangles)
        for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3)
            var p1 = vertices[triangles[i]];
            var p2 = vertices[triangles[i + 1]];
            var p3 = vertices[triangles[i + 2]];
            if (PolygonTriangulation.IsPointInTriangle(p1, p2, p3, vertexToCheck, 0.05f))
                Debug.Log("point is in triangle.");
        Debug.Log("point is NOT in triangle.");

コード例 #6
        static bool generatingClockwisePolygon;         // assigned in GenPolygonMesh, used by EarClipPoint

        public static void GenPolygonMesh(Mesh mesh, List <Vector2> path, PolygonTriangulation triangulation)
            // kinda have to do this, the algorithm relies on knowing this
            generatingClockwisePolygon = ShapesMath.PolygonSignedArea(path) > 0;

            mesh.Clear();             // todo maybe not always do this you know?
            int pointCount = path.Count;

            if (pointCount < 2)

            int triangleCount      = pointCount - 2;
            int triangleIndexCount = triangleCount * 3;

            int[] meshTriangles = new int[triangleIndexCount];

            if (triangulation == PolygonTriangulation.FastConvexOnly)
                int tri = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < triangleCount; i++)
                    meshTriangles[tri++] = i + 2;
                    meshTriangles[tri++] = i + 1;
                    meshTriangles[tri++] = 0;
                List <EarClipPoint> pointsLeft = new List <EarClipPoint>(pointCount);
                for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
                    pointsLeft.Add(new EarClipPoint(i, new Vector2(path[i].x, path[i].y)));
                for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)                    // update prev/next connections
                    EarClipPoint p = pointsLeft[i];
                    p.prev = pointsLeft[(i + pointCount - 1) % pointCount];
                    p.next = pointsLeft[(i + 1) % pointCount];

                int tri = 0;
                int countLeft;
                int safeguard = 1000000;
                while ((countLeft = pointsLeft.Count) >= 3 && (safeguard-- > 0))
                    //for( int k = 0; k < pointsLeft.Count * 2; k++ ) {
                    if (countLeft == 3)
                        // final triangle
                        meshTriangles[tri++] = pointsLeft[2].vertIndex;
                        meshTriangles[tri++] = pointsLeft[1].vertIndex;
                        meshTriangles[tri++] = pointsLeft[0].vertIndex;

                    // iterate until we find a convex vertex
                    bool foundConvex = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < countLeft; i++)
                        EarClipPoint p = pointsLeft[i];
                        if (p.ReflexState == ReflexState.Convex)
                            // it's convex! now make sure there are no reflex points inside
                            bool canClipEar = true;
                            int  idPrev     = (i + countLeft - 1) % countLeft;
                            int  idNext     = (i + 1) % countLeft;
                            for (int j = 0; j < countLeft; j++)
                                if (j == i)
                                    continue;                                          // skip self
                                if (j == idPrev)
                                    continue;                                               // skip next
                                if (j == idNext)
                                    continue;                                               // skip prev
                                if (pointsLeft[j].ReflexState == ReflexState.Reflex)
                                    // found a reflex point, make sure it's outside the triangle
                                    if (ShapesMath.PointInsideTriangle(p.next.pt, p.pt, p.prev.pt, pointsLeft[j].pt, 0f, -0.0001f, 0f))
                                        canClipEar = false;                                         // it's inside, rip

                            if (canClipEar)
                                meshTriangles[tri++] = p.next.vertIndex;
                                meshTriangles[tri++] = p.vertIndex;
                                meshTriangles[tri++] = p.prev.vertIndex;
                                (p.next.prev, p.prev.next) = (p.prev, p.next);                                     // update prev/next
                                foundConvex = true;
                                break;                                 // stop search for more convex edges, restart loop

                    // no convex found??
                    if (foundConvex == false)
                        Debug.LogError("Invalid polygon triangulation - no convex edges found. Your polygon is likely self-intersecting");
                        goto breakBoth;


                if (safeguard < 1)
                    Debug.LogError("Polygon triangulation failed, please report a bug (Shapes/Report Bug) with this exact case included");

            // assign to segments mesh
            List <Vector3> verts3D = new List <Vector3>(pointCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
            mesh.subMeshCount = 1;
            mesh.SetTriangles(meshTriangles, 0);
コード例 #7
    public float[] CalculateAnglesFromMesh(Mesh mesh)
        //moving clockwise around the piece
        int n = mesh.vertices.Length;

        float[] angles = new float[n];
        int     i      = 0;
        Vector3 a      = new Vector3(mesh.vertices[n - 1].x, mesh.vertices[n - 1].y, 0);
        Vector3 b      = new Vector3(mesh.vertices[i].x, mesh.vertices[i].y, 0);
        Vector3 c      = new Vector3(mesh.vertices[i + 1].x, mesh.vertices[i + 1].y, 0);
        Vector3 temp1  = b - a;
        Vector3 temp2  = b - c;

        float  angle = Vector3.SignedAngle(temp1, temp2, Vector3.up);
        Vertex vertex = new Vertex(b);
        Vertex prev = new Vertex(a); Vertex next = new Vertex(c);

        vertex.previousVertex = prev; vertex.nextVertex = next;
        if (vertex.isReflex == true)
            angle = 360 - angle;
        angles[i] = angle;
        while (i < n)
            if (i < n - 1)
                a      = new Vector3(mesh.vertices[i - 1].x, mesh.vertices[i - 1].y, 0);
                b      = new Vector3(mesh.vertices[i].x, mesh.vertices[i].y, 0);
                c      = new Vector3(mesh.vertices[i + 1].x, mesh.vertices[i + 1].y, 0);
                temp1  = b - a;
                temp2  = b - c;
                angle  = Vector3.SignedAngle(temp1, temp2, Vector3.up);
                vertex = new Vertex(b);
                prev   = new Vertex(a); next = new Vertex(c);
                vertex.previousVertex = prev; vertex.nextVertex = next;
                if (vertex.isReflex == true)
                    angle = 360 - angle;
                angles[i] = angle;
                a      = new Vector3(mesh.vertices[i - 1].x, mesh.vertices[i - 1].y, 0);
                b      = new Vector3(mesh.vertices[i].x, mesh.vertices[i].y, 0);
                c      = new Vector3(mesh.vertices[0].x, mesh.vertices[0].y, 0);
                temp1  = b - a;
                temp2  = b - c;
                angle  = Vector3.SignedAngle(temp1, temp2, Vector3.up);
                vertex = new Vertex(b);
                prev   = new Vertex(a); next = new Vertex(c);
                vertex.previousVertex = prev; vertex.nextVertex = next;
                if (vertex.isReflex == true)
                    angle = 360 - angle;
                angles[i] = angle;