private void OnSendToClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { IPokemon pokemon = clickSelection.Tag as IPokemon; if (pokemon.ContainerIndex == -1) { pokemon = pokemon.PokemonFinder.Pokemon; clickSelection.Tag = pokemon; } if (pokemon.IsReleased) { TriggerMessageBox.Show(this, "Cannot send this Pokémon, it has been released", "Released Pokémon"); } else if (pokemon.IsMoving) { TriggerMessageBox.Show(this, "Cannot send a Pokémon while it is being moved", "Moving Pokémon"); } else if (pokemon.ContainerIndex == -1) { TriggerMessageBox.Show(this, "The Search Results have lost track of " + pokemon.Nickname + " because it has been moved to a different game. This should not happen. Let me know if it does.", "Can't Find Pokémon"); } /*else if (pokemon.PokeContainer.Type == ContainerTypes.Purifier) { * TriggerMessageBox.Show(this, "Cannot send Pokémon in the Purifier", "Can't Send"); * }*/ else if (pokemon.IsShadowPokemon) { TriggerMessageBox.Show(this, "Cannot send Shadow Pokémon to other games", "Can't Send"); } else if (PokeManager.CanPickupPokemon(pokemon)) { SendPokemonToWindow.ShowSendToDialog(PokeManager.ManagerWindow, pokemon.PokePC.GameIndex, pokemon); PokeManager.RefreshUI(); } else if (PokeManager.IsPartyHoldingMail(pokemon.PokeContainer)) { TriggerMessageBox.Show(this, "Cannot send that Pokémon. One of the Pokémon in your party is holding mail. To remove the mail goto the mailbox tab and click Take Mail From Party", "Can't Send"); } else { TriggerMessageBox.Show(this, "Cannot send that Pokémon. It is the last valid Pokémon in your party", "Can't Send"); } }
private void OnPokemonSelected(object sender, PokemonSelectedEventArgs e) { if (mode == SendPokemonModes.GiveItem && ((PokeBoxControl)sender).IsPickupMode && e.Pokemon != null) { if (e.Pokemon.IsEgg) { TriggerMessageBox.Show(this, "Cannot give items to Eggs", "Can't Hold"); } else if (e.Pokemon.HeldItemID != 0 && e.Pokemon.HeldItemData.ID == 0) { TriggerMessageBox.Show(this, "Cannot switch " + e.Pokemon.Nickname + "'s item because it is an Unknown Item", "Unknown Item"); } else if (e.Pokemon.HeldItemID == giveItem.ID) { TriggerMessageBox.Show(this, e.Pokemon.Nickname + " is already holding " + e.Pokemon.HeldItemData.Name, "Already Holding"); } else { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBoxResult.Yes; if (e.Pokemon.IsHoldingMail) { result = MessageBoxResult.No; TriggerMessageBox.Show(this, "Cannot give " + giveItem.ItemData.Name + " to this Pokémon because it is holding mail. To remove the mail goto the mailbox tab and click Take Mail From Party", "Can't Give Item"); } else if (e.Pokemon.IsHoldingItem) { result = TriggerMessageBox.Show(this, e.Pokemon.Nickname + " is already holding " + e.Pokemon.HeldItemData.Name + ", would you like to switch it with " + giveItem.ItemData.Name + "?", "Switch Items", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { PokeManager.ManagerGameSave.Inventory.Items[e.Pokemon.HeldItemData.PocketType].AddItem(e.Pokemon.HeldItemID, 1); } } if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { e.Pokemon.HeldItemID = giveItem.ID; giveItem.Pocket.TossItemAt(giveItem.Pocket.IndexOf(giveItem), 1); TriggerMessageBox.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), "Gave " + giveItem.ItemData.Name + " to " + e.Pokemon.Nickname, "Gave Item"); PokeManager.RefreshUI(); PokeManager.LastGameInDialogIndex = gameIndex; DialogResult = true; } } } else if (mode == SendPokemonModes.SendTo && e.Pokemon == null) { if (!PokeManager.CanSafelyPlaceHeldUnknownItem(e.PokeContainer)) { MessageBoxResult unknownItemResult = TriggerMessageBox.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), "The Pokémon that you are trying to send is holding an Unknown Item. Sending it to a different game may cause problems. Are you sure you want to send it?", "Unknown Item", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (unknownItemResult == MessageBoxResult.No) { return; } } PokeManager.PlacePokemon(e.PokeContainer, e.Index); PokeManager.LastGameInDialogIndex = gameIndex; DialogResult = true; } else if (mode == SendPokemonModes.SendFrom && e.Pokemon != null) { if (e.Pokemon.HeldItemID != 0 && e.Pokemon.HeldItemData.ID == 0 && e.Pokemon.GameSave != container.GameSave) { MessageBoxResult unknownItemResult = TriggerMessageBox.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), "That Pokémon is holding an Unknown Item. Sending it to a different game may cause problems. Are you sure you want to send it?", "Unknown Item", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (unknownItemResult == MessageBoxResult.No) { return; } } if (PokeManager.CanPickupPokemon(e.Pokemon)) { PokeManager.PickupPokemon(e.Pokemon, null); PokeManager.PlacePokemon(container, containerIndex); PokeManager.LastGameInDialogIndex = gameIndex; DialogResult = true; } else if (PokeManager.IsPartyHoldingMail(e.PokeContainer)) { TriggerMessageBox.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), "Cannot send that Pokémon. A Pokémon in your party is holding mail. To remove the mail goto the mailbox tab and click Take Mail From Party", "Can't Send"); } else { TriggerMessageBox.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), "Cannot send that Pokémon. It is the last valid Pokémon in your party", "Can't Send"); } } else if (mode == SendPokemonModes.SendMulti && e.Pokemon == null) { if (!PokeManager.CanSafelyPlaceHeldUnknownItem(e.PokeContainer)) { MessageBoxResult unknownItemResult = TriggerMessageBox.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), "A Pokémon that you are trying to send is holding an Unknown Item. Sending it to a different game may cause problems. Are you sure you want to send it?", "Unknown Item", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (unknownItemResult == MessageBoxResult.No) { return; } } if (e.PokeContainer.PokePC.HasRoomForPokemon(PokeManager.NumSelectedPokemon)) { PokeManager.PlaceSelection(e.PokeContainer, e.Index); PokeManager.ClearSelectedPokemon(); PokeManager.LastGameInDialogIndex = gameIndex; DialogResult = true; } else { TriggerMessageBox.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), "Not enough room in game to store all selected Pokémon", "No Room"); } } else if (mode == SendPokemonModes.SelectPokemon && e.Pokemon != null && ((PokeBoxControl)sender).IsPickupMode && (!e.Pokemon.IsEgg || !noEggs) && !e.Pokemon.IsShadowPokemon) { pokemon = e.Pokemon; DialogResult = true; } }