public PointerData( TimeSpan?timeStamp = null, PointerChange change = PointerChange.cancel, PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch, PointerSignalKind signalKind = PointerSignalKind.none, int device = 0, int pointerIdentifier = 0, float physicalX = 0.0f, float physicalY = 0.0f, float physicalDeltaX = 0.0f, float physicalDeltaY = 0.0f, int buttons = 0, bool obscured = false, bool synthesized = false, float pressure = 0.0f, float pressureMin = 0.0f, float pressureMax = 0.0f, float distance = 0.0f, float distanceMax = 0.0f, float size = 0.0f, float radiusMajor = 0.0f, float radiusMinor = 0.0f, float radiusMin = 0.0f, float radiusMax = 0.0f, float orientation = 0.0f, float tilt = 0.0f, int platformData = 0, float scrollDeltaX = 0.0f, float scrollDeltaY = 0.0f) { this.timeStamp = timeStamp ?? TimeSpan.Zero; this.change = change; this.kind = kind; this.signalKind = signalKind; this.device = device; this.pointerIdentifier = pointerIdentifier; this.physicalX = physicalX; this.physicalY = physicalY; this.physicalDeltaX = physicalDeltaX; this.physicalDeltaY = physicalDeltaY; this.buttons = buttons; this.obscured = obscured; this.synthesized = synthesized; this.pressure = pressure; this.pressureMin = pressureMin; this.pressureMax = pressureMax; this.distance = distance; this.distanceMax = distanceMax; this.size = size; this.radiusMajor = radiusMajor; this.radiusMinor = radiusMinor; this.radiusMin = radiusMin; this.radiusMax = radiusMax; this.orientation = orientation; this.tilt = tilt; this.platformData = platformData; this.scrollDeltaX = scrollDeltaX; this.scrollDeltaY = scrollDeltaY; }
public ScrollData( TimeSpan timeStamp, PointerChange change, PointerDeviceKind kind, int device, float physicalX, float physicalY, float scrollX, float scrollY) : base(timeStamp, change, kind, device, physicalX, physicalY) { this.scrollX = scrollX; this.scrollY = scrollY; }
public ScrollData( TimeSpan timeStamp, PointerChange change, PointerDeviceKind kind, PointerSignalKind signalKind = PointerSignalKind.none, int device = 0, float physicalX = 0.0f, float physicalY = 0.0f, float scrollX = 0.0f, float scrollY = 0.0f) : base(timeStamp, change, kind, signalKind, device, physicalX, physicalY) { this.scrollX = scrollX; this.scrollY = scrollY; }
public PointerData( TimeSpan timeStamp, PointerChange change, PointerDeviceKind kind, int device, float physicalX, float physicalY) { this.timeStamp = timeStamp; this.change = change; this.kind = kind; this.device = device; this.physicalX = physicalX; this.physicalY = physicalY; }
/// Creates an object that represents the state of a pointer. public PointerData( Duration timeStamp = null, PointerChange change = PointerChange.cancel, PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch, int device = 0, double physicalX = 0.0, double physicalY = 0.0, int buttons = 0, bool obscured = false, double pressure = 0.0, double pressureMin = 0.0, double pressureMax = 0.0, double distance = 0.0, double distanceMax = 0.0, double radiusMajor = 0.0, double radiusMinor = 0.0, double radiusMin = 0.0, double radiusMax = 0.0, double orientation = 0.0, double tilt = 0.0 ) { if (timeStamp == null) { timeStamp =; } this.timeStamp = timeStamp; this.change = change; this.kind = kind; this.device = device; this.physicalX = physicalX; this.physicalY = physicalY; this.buttons = buttons; this.obscured = obscured; this.pressure = pressure; this.pressureMin = pressureMin; this.pressureMax = pressureMax; this.distance = distance; this.distanceMax = distanceMax; this.radiusMajor = radiusMajor; this.radiusMinor = radiusMinor; this.radiusMin = radiusMin; this.radiusMax = radiusMax; this.orientation = orientation; this.tilt = tilt; }