コード例 #1
        public void PersistedTypeCorrectlySet()
            var pocoDataFactory = new PocoDataFactory(new MapperCollection());
            var pocoData        = pocoDataFactory.ForType(typeof(SuperUser));

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(BaseUser), pocoData.Type);
コード例 #2
        public void Test11()
            var fakeReader        = new FakeReader();
            var pocoDataFactory   = new PocoDataFactory(new MapperCollection());
            var newPropertyMapper = new PropertyMapper();
            var pocoData          = pocoDataFactory.ForType(typeof(NestedConvention));

            newPropertyMapper.Init(fakeReader, pocoData);
            newPropertyMapper.Map(fakeReader, new RowMapperContext()
                PocoData = pocoData

            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
                newPropertyMapper = new PropertyMapper();
                newPropertyMapper.Init(fakeReader, pocoData);

                for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                    newPropertyMapper.Map(fakeReader, new RowMapperContext()
                        PocoData = pocoData


            Console.WriteLine("Elapsed Time (ms): {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a ICqlClient using the configuration you've defined via the configuration interface.
        /// </summary>
        public ICqlClient BuildCqlClient()
            var pocoDataFactory = new PocoDataFactory(_typeDefinitions);

            return(new CqlClient(_session, new MapperFactory(_typeConverter, pocoDataFactory), new StatementFactory(_session),
                                 new CqlGenerator(pocoDataFactory)));
コード例 #4
 public CqlGenerator(PocoDataFactory pocoDataFactory)
     if (pocoDataFactory == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("pocoDataFactory");
     _pocoDataFactory = pocoDataFactory;
コード例 #5
 public void GenerateUpdate_Test()
     var types = new LookupKeyedCollection<Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);
     types.Add(new Map<ExplicitColumnsUser>().TableName("users").PartitionKey(u => u.UserId).Column(u => u.UserAge, cm => cm.WithName("AGE")));
     var pocoFactory = new PocoDataFactory(types);
     var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
     var cql = cqlGenerator.GenerateUpdate<ExplicitColumnsUser>();
     Assert.AreEqual("UPDATE users SET Name = ?, AGE = ? WHERE UserId = ?", cql);
コード例 #6
 public void PrependUpdate_Test()
     var types = new LookupKeyedCollection<Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);
     types.Add(new Map<ExplicitColumnsUser>().TableName("users").PartitionKey(u => u.UserId));
     var pocoFactory = new PocoDataFactory(types);
     var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
     var cql = Cql.New("SET Name = ? WHERE UserId = ?", "New name", Guid.Empty);
     Assert.AreEqual("UPDATE users SET Name = ? WHERE UserId = ?", cql.Statement);
コード例 #7
        public void Test1()
            var pocoData = new PocoDataFactory(new MapperCollection()).ForType(typeof(RecursionUser));

            Assert.AreEqual(4, pocoData.Members.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("Id", pocoData.Members[0].Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("Name", pocoData.Members[1].Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("Supervisor", pocoData.Members[2].Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("CreatedBy", pocoData.Members[3].Name);
コード例 #8
 public void AddSelect_Test()
     var types = new LookupKeyedCollection<Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);
     types.Add(new Map<ExplicitColumnsUser>().TableName("users").PartitionKey(u => u.UserId).Column(u => u.UserAge, cm => cm.WithName("AGE")));
     var pocoFactory = new PocoDataFactory(types);
     var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
     var cql = Cql.New("WHERE UserId = ?", Guid.Empty);
     Assert.AreEqual("SELECT UserId, Name, AGE FROM users WHERE UserId = ?", cql.Statement);
コード例 #9
        public void GenerateUpdate_Test()
            var types = new LookupKeyedCollection <Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);

            types.Add(new Map <ExplicitColumnsUser>().TableName("users").PartitionKey(u => u.UserId).Column(u => u.UserAge, cm => cm.WithName("AGE")));
            var pocoFactory  = new PocoDataFactory(types);
            var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
            var cql          = cqlGenerator.GenerateUpdate <ExplicitColumnsUser>();

            Assert.AreEqual("UPDATE users SET Name = ?, AGE = ? WHERE UserId = ?", cql);
コード例 #10
        public void GenerateDelete_Test()
            var types = new LookupKeyedCollection <Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);

            types.Add(new Map <ExplicitColumnsUser>().TableName("USERS").PartitionKey(u => u.UserId));
            var pocoFactory  = new PocoDataFactory(types);
            var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
            var cql          = cqlGenerator.GenerateDelete <ExplicitColumnsUser>();

            Assert.AreEqual("DELETE FROM USERS WHERE UserId = ?", cql);
コード例 #11
        public void PrependUpdate_Test()
            var types = new LookupKeyedCollection <Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);

            types.Add(new Map <ExplicitColumnsUser>().TableName("users").PartitionKey(u => u.UserId));
            var pocoFactory  = new PocoDataFactory(types);
            var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
            var cql          = Cql.New("SET Name = ? WHERE UserId = ?", "New name", Guid.Empty);

            cqlGenerator.PrependUpdate <ExplicitColumnsUser>(cql);
            Assert.AreEqual("UPDATE users SET Name = ? WHERE UserId = ?", cql.Statement);
コード例 #12
        public void AddSelect_Test()
            var types = new LookupKeyedCollection <Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);

            types.Add(new Map <ExplicitColumnsUser>().TableName("users").PartitionKey(u => u.UserId).Column(u => u.UserAge, cm => cm.WithName("AGE")));
            var pocoFactory  = new PocoDataFactory(types);
            var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
            var cql          = Cql.New("WHERE UserId = ?", Guid.Empty);

            cqlGenerator.AddSelect <ExplicitColumnsUser>(cql);
            Assert.AreEqual("SELECT UserId, Name, AGE FROM users WHERE UserId = ?", cql.Statement);
コード例 #13
ファイル: ComplexMappingTests.cs プロジェクト: zzia615/NPoco
        public void NestedClassShouldBeMappedAsAComplexObject()
            var pocoData = new PocoDataFactory(new MapperCollection()).ForType(typeof(ComplexMap));

            Assert.AreEqual(7, pocoData.Columns.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, pocoData.Columns.ContainsKey("Id"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, pocoData.Columns.ContainsKey("Name"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, pocoData.Columns.ContainsKey("NestedComplexMap__Id"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, pocoData.Columns.ContainsKey("NestedComplexMap__NestedComplexMap2__Id"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, pocoData.Columns.ContainsKey("NestedComplexMap__NestedComplexMap2__Name"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, pocoData.Columns.ContainsKey("NestedComplexMap2__Id"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, pocoData.Columns.ContainsKey("NestedComplexMap2__Name"));
コード例 #14
 public void PrependUpdate_CaseSensitive_Test()
     var types = new Cassandra.Mapping.Utils.LookupKeyedCollection<Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);
     types.Add(new Map<ExplicitColumnsUser>()
         .PartitionKey(u => u.UserId)
     var pocoFactory = new PocoDataFactory(types);
     var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
     var cql = Cql.New(@"SET ""Name"" = ? WHERE ""UserId"" = ?", "New name", Guid.Empty);
     Assert.AreEqual(@"UPDATE ""users"" SET ""Name"" = ? WHERE ""UserId"" = ?", cql.Statement);
コード例 #15
 public void GenerateUpdate_CaseSensitive_Test()
     var types = new Cassandra.Mapping.Utils.LookupKeyedCollection<Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);
     types.Add(new Map<ExplicitColumnsUser>()
         .PartitionKey(u => u.UserId)
         .Column(u => u.UserAge, cm => cm.WithName("AGE"))
     var pocoFactory = new PocoDataFactory(types);
     var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
     var cql = cqlGenerator.GenerateUpdate<ExplicitColumnsUser>();
     Assert.AreEqual(@"UPDATE ""users"" SET ""Name"" = ?, ""AGE"" = ? WHERE ""UserId"" = ?", cql);
コード例 #16
        public void GenerateInsert_Test()
            var types = new LookupKeyedCollection <Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);

            types.Add(new Map <ExplicitColumnsUser>()
                      .Column(u => u.UserId, cm => cm.WithName("ID")));
            var pocoFactory  = new PocoDataFactory(types);
            var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
            var cql          = cqlGenerator.GenerateInsert <ExplicitColumnsUser>(true, new object[0], out object[] queryParameters);

            Assert.AreEqual(@"INSERT INTO USERS (ID, Name, UserAge) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", cql);
コード例 #17
        public void GenerateInsert_Without_Nulls_Should_Throw_When_Value_Length_Dont_Match_Test()
            var types = new LookupKeyedCollection <Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);

            types.Add(new Map <ExplicitColumnsUser>()
                      .Column(u => u.UserId, cm => cm.WithName("ID")));
            var pocoFactory  = new PocoDataFactory(types);
            var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() =>
                                              cqlGenerator.GenerateInsert <ExplicitColumnsUser>(false, new object[] { Guid.NewGuid() }, out object[] queryParameters));
コード例 #18
        public void GenerateInsert_CaseSensitive_Test()
            var types = new LookupKeyedCollection <Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);

            types.Add(new Map <ExplicitColumnsUser>()
                      .PartitionKey(u => u.UserId)
            var pocoFactory  = new PocoDataFactory(types);
            var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
            var cql          = cqlGenerator.GenerateInsert <ExplicitColumnsUser>(true, new object[0], out object[] queryParameters);

            Assert.AreEqual(@"INSERT INTO ""USERS"" (""Name"", ""UserAge"", ""UserId"") VALUES (?, ?, ?)", cql);
コード例 #19
        public void GenerateDelete_CaseSensitive_Test()
            var types = new LookupKeyedCollection <Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);

            types.Add(new Map <ExplicitColumnsUser>()
                      .Column(u => u.UserId, cm => cm.WithName("ID"))
            var pocoFactory  = new PocoDataFactory(types);
            var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
            var cql          = cqlGenerator.GenerateDelete <ExplicitColumnsUser>();

            Assert.AreEqual(@"DELETE FROM ""USERS"" WHERE ""ID"" = ?", cql);
コード例 #20
ファイル: DatabaseFactoryTests.cs プロジェクト: rplaner/NPoco
        public void FluentConfigShouldBePlacedOnDatabaseWhenInsertedIntoFactoryConfig()
            var db = new Database(new SqlConnection());
            var pocoDataFactory = new PocoDataFactory(y => new PocoData(y, new Mapper()));
            var fluentConfig = new FluentConfig(x=>pocoDataFactory);

            var factory = DatabaseFactory.Config(x =>
                x.UsingDatabase(() => db);

            var database = factory.GetDatabase();
            Assert.AreEqual(fluentConfig.Config(null), database.PocoDataFactory);
コード例 #21
ファイル: ComplexMappingTests.cs プロジェクト: zzia615/NPoco
        public void NestedClassShouldBeAbleToGetValue()
            var pocoData = new PocoDataFactory(new MapperCollection()).ForType(typeof(ComplexMap));
            var obj      = new ComplexMap()
                Name             = "Bill",
                NestedComplexMap = new NestedComplexMap()
                    Id = 9
            var val = pocoData.Columns["NestedComplexMap__Id"].GetValue(obj);

            Assert.AreEqual(9, val);
コード例 #22
        public void GenerateUpdate_CaseSensitive_Test()
            var types = new Cassandra.Mapping.Utils.LookupKeyedCollection <Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);

            types.Add(new Map <ExplicitColumnsUser>()
                      .PartitionKey(u => u.UserId)
                      .Column(u => u.UserAge, cm => cm.WithName("AGE"))
            var pocoFactory  = new PocoDataFactory(types);
            var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
            var cql          = cqlGenerator.GenerateUpdate <ExplicitColumnsUser>();

            Assert.AreEqual(@"UPDATE ""users"" SET ""Name"" = ?, ""AGE"" = ? WHERE ""UserId"" = ?", cql);
コード例 #23
        public void PrependUpdate_CaseSensitive_Test()
            var types = new Cassandra.Mapping.Utils.LookupKeyedCollection <Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);

            types.Add(new Map <ExplicitColumnsUser>()
                      .PartitionKey(u => u.UserId)
            var pocoFactory  = new PocoDataFactory(types);
            var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
            var cql          = Cql.New(@"SET ""Name"" = ? WHERE ""UserId"" = ?", "New name", Guid.Empty);

            cqlGenerator.PrependUpdate <ExplicitColumnsUser>(cql);
            Assert.AreEqual(@"UPDATE ""users"" SET ""Name"" = ? WHERE ""UserId"" = ?", cql.Statement);
コード例 #24
        public void AddSelect_CaseSensitive_Test()
            var types = new Cassandra.Mapping.Utils.LookupKeyedCollection <Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);

            types.Add(new Map <ExplicitColumnsUser>()
                      .PartitionKey(u => u.UserId)
                      .Column(u => u.UserAge, cm => cm.WithName("AGE"))
            var pocoFactory  = new PocoDataFactory(types);
            var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
            var cql          = Cql.New(@"WHERE ""UserId"" = ?", Guid.Empty);

            cqlGenerator.AddSelect <ExplicitColumnsUser>(cql);
            Assert.AreEqual(@"SELECT ""UserId"", ""Name"", ""AGE"" FROM ""users"" WHERE ""UserId"" = ?", cql.Statement);
コード例 #25
        public void FluentConfigShouldBePlacedOnDatabaseWhenInsertedIntoFactoryConfig()
            var db = new Database(new SqlConnection());
            var pocoDataFactory = new PocoDataFactory((y, r) => new PocoData(y, new Mapper(), r));
            var fluentConfig    = new FluentConfig(x => pocoDataFactory);

            var factory = DatabaseFactory.Config(x =>
                x.UsingDatabase(() => db);

            var database = factory.GetDatabase();

            Assert.AreEqual(fluentConfig.Config(null), database.PocoDataFactory);
コード例 #26
        public void GenerateInsert_Without_Nulls_First_Value_Null_Test()
            var types = new LookupKeyedCollection <Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);

            types.Add(new Map <ExplicitColumnsUser>()
                      .Column(u => u.UserId, cm => cm.WithName("ID")));
            var pocoFactory  = new PocoDataFactory(types);
            var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
            var values       = new object[] { null, "name", 100 };
            var cql          = cqlGenerator.GenerateInsert <ExplicitColumnsUser>(false, values, out object[] queryParameters);

            Assert.AreEqual(@"INSERT INTO USERS (Name, UserAge) VALUES (?, ?)", cql);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(values.Where(v => v != null), queryParameters);

            cql = cqlGenerator.GenerateInsert <ExplicitColumnsUser>(false, values, out queryParameters, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(@"INSERT INTO USERS (Name, UserAge) VALUES (?, ?) IF NOT EXISTS", cql);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(values.Where(v => v != null), queryParameters);
コード例 #27
        public void ColumnsDoesntContainPropertyDefinedInSuperType()
            var pocoData = new PocoDataFactory(new MapperCollection()).ForType(typeof(SuperUser));

コード例 #28
 public void GenerateInsert_CaseSensitive_Test()
     var types = new LookupKeyedCollection<Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);
     types.Add(new Map<ExplicitColumnsUser>()
         .PartitionKey(u => u.UserId)
     var pocoFactory = new PocoDataFactory(types);
     var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
     object[] queryParameters;
     var cql = cqlGenerator.GenerateInsert<ExplicitColumnsUser>(true, new object[0], out queryParameters);
     Assert.AreEqual(@"INSERT INTO ""USERS"" (""UserId"", ""Name"", ""UserAge"") VALUES (?, ?, ?)", cql);
コード例 #29
 public void GenerateInsert_Without_Nulls_Should_Throw_When_Value_Length_Dont_Match_Test()
     var types = new LookupKeyedCollection<Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);
     types.Add(new Map<ExplicitColumnsUser>()
         .Column(u => u.UserId, cm => cm.WithName("ID")));
     var pocoFactory = new PocoDataFactory(types);
     var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
     object[] queryParameters;
     Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() =>
         cqlGenerator.GenerateInsert<ExplicitColumnsUser>(false, new object[] { Guid.NewGuid()}, out queryParameters));
コード例 #30
        public void GenerateInsert_Without_Nulls_First_Value_Null_Test()
            var types = new LookupKeyedCollection<Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);
            types.Add(new Map<ExplicitColumnsUser>()
                .Column(u => u.UserId, cm => cm.WithName("ID")));
            var pocoFactory = new PocoDataFactory(types);
            var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
            var values = new object[] { null, "name", 100 };
            object[] queryParameters;
            var cql = cqlGenerator.GenerateInsert<ExplicitColumnsUser>(false, values, out queryParameters);
            Assert.AreEqual(@"INSERT INTO USERS (Name, UserAge) VALUES (?, ?)", cql);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(values.Where(v => v != null), queryParameters);

            cql = cqlGenerator.GenerateInsert<ExplicitColumnsUser>(false, values, out queryParameters, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(@"INSERT INTO USERS (Name, UserAge) VALUES (?, ?) IF NOT EXISTS", cql);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(values.Where(v => v != null), queryParameters);
コード例 #31
ファイル: AbstractClassTests.cs プロジェクト: joonhwan/NPoco
 public void ColumnsDoesntContainPropertyDefinedInSuperType()
     var pocoData = new PocoDataFactory(new MapperCollection()).ForType(typeof(SuperUser));
コード例 #32
 public CqlGenerator(PocoDataFactory pocoDataFactory)
     _pocoDataFactory = pocoDataFactory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pocoDataFactory));
コード例 #33
 public void AddSelect_CaseSensitive_Test()
     var types = new Cassandra.Mapping.Utils.LookupKeyedCollection<Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);
     types.Add(new Map<ExplicitColumnsUser>()
         .PartitionKey(u => u.UserId)
         .Column(u => u.UserAge, cm => cm.WithName("AGE"))
     var pocoFactory = new PocoDataFactory(types);
     var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
     var cql = Cql.New(@"WHERE ""UserId"" = ?", Guid.Empty);
     Assert.AreEqual(@"SELECT ""UserId"", ""Name"", ""AGE"" FROM ""users"" WHERE ""UserId"" = ?", cql.Statement);
コード例 #34
 public void GenerateDelete_Test()
     var types = new LookupKeyedCollection<Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);
     types.Add(new Map<ExplicitColumnsUser>().TableName("USERS").PartitionKey(u => u.UserId));
     var pocoFactory = new PocoDataFactory(types);
     var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
     var cql = cqlGenerator.GenerateDelete<ExplicitColumnsUser>();
     Assert.AreEqual("DELETE FROM USERS WHERE UserId = ?", cql);
コード例 #35
 public void GenerateDelete_CaseSensitive_Test()
     var types = new LookupKeyedCollection<Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);
     types.Add(new Map<ExplicitColumnsUser>()
         .Column(u => u.UserId, cm => cm.WithName("ID"))
     var pocoFactory = new PocoDataFactory(types);
     var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
     var cql = cqlGenerator.GenerateDelete<ExplicitColumnsUser>();
     Assert.AreEqual(@"DELETE FROM ""USERS"" WHERE ""ID"" = ?", cql);
コード例 #36
ファイル: AbstractClassTests.cs プロジェクト: joonhwan/NPoco
 public void PersistedTypeCorrectlySet()
     var pocoDataFactory = new PocoDataFactory(new MapperCollection());
     var pocoData = pocoDataFactory.ForType(typeof(SuperUser));
     Assert.AreEqual(typeof(BaseUser), pocoData.Type);
コード例 #37
 public void GenerateInsert_Test()
     var types = new LookupKeyedCollection<Type, ITypeDefinition>(td => td.PocoType);
     types.Add(new Map<ExplicitColumnsUser>()
         .Column(u => u.UserId, cm => cm.WithName("ID")));
     var pocoFactory = new PocoDataFactory(types);
     var cqlGenerator = new CqlGenerator(pocoFactory);
     object[] queryParameters;
     var cql = cqlGenerator.GenerateInsert<ExplicitColumnsUser>(true, new object[0], out queryParameters);
     Assert.AreEqual(@"INSERT INTO USERS (ID, Name, UserAge) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", cql);