private void Save_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var vm = (StatisticsViewModel)DataContext; var sfd = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = "Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg)|*.svg|Portable Network Graphics (*.png)|*.png", InitialDirectory = vm.WorkingDir }; if (sfd.ShowDialog(this) != true) { return; } var filename = sfd.FileName; switch (Path.GetExtension(filename)) { case ".svg": new SvgExporter { Width = Settings.Instance.ExportWidth, Height = Settings.Instance.ExportHeight, Dpi = Settings.Instance.ExportDPI }.Export(vm.PlotModel, File.Create(filename)); break; case ".png": PngExporter.Export(vm.PlotModel, File.Create(filename), (int)Settings.Instance.ExportWidth, (int)Settings.Instance.ExportHeight, Settings.Instance.ExportDPI); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } }
/// <summary> /// Export the graph to the specified 'bitmap' /// </summary> /// <param name="bitmap">Bitmap to write to</param> /// <param name="legendOutside">Put legend outside of graph?</param> public void Export(ref Bitmap bitmap, Rectangle r, bool legendOutside) { //TODO: This will only save the last bitmap. Might need to change the interface. foreach (PlotView plot in plots) { ///DockStyle saveStyle = plot.Dock; ///plot.Dock = DockStyle.None; ///plot.Width = bitmap.Width; ///plot.Height = bitmap.Height; LegendPosition savedLegendPosition = LegendPosition.RightTop; if (legendOutside) { savedLegendPosition = plot.Model.LegendPosition; plot.Model.LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside; plot.Model.LegendPosition = LegendPosition.RightTop; } System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); PngExporter pngExporter = new PngExporter(); pngExporter.Width = r.Width; pngExporter.Height = r.Height; pngExporter.Export(plot.Model, stream); bitmap = new Bitmap(stream); if (legendOutside) { plot.Model.LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Inside; plot.Model.LegendPosition = savedLegendPosition; } // plot.Dock = saveStyle; } }
public async Task SendEmail(Student student, List <Grade> grades) { var gradesTable = GenerateGradesTable(grades, student.OverallGrade); var studentSubject = string.Format(STUDENT_SUBJECT, student.FullName); //todo: this pull grades from the DB a second time, maybe an overload that just takes grades var chart = _chartGenerator.ChartByTests(student); using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { var pngExporter = new PngExporter { Width = grades.Count * 256, Height = 700 }; pngExporter.Export(chart, memoryStream); var gradesChart = new LinkedResource(memoryStream, "image/png"); gradesChart.ContentStream.Position = 0; gradesChart.ContentId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); await SendEmail(student.ParentEmailAddress, student.EmailAddress, studentSubject, gradesTable, null, gradesChart); } }
public void plotCurrent(int iteration) { var myModel = new PlotModel { Title = "Example 1" }; var scatterSeries = new ScatterSeries { MarkerType = MarkerType.Circle }; for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) { var currentColorValue = new Hsl { H = i * 50, S = 50, L = 50 }; var clus = vectorToCluster.Where(x => x.Value == i).Select(x => x.Key).ToList(); foreach (var v in clus) { scatterSeries.Points.Add(new ScatterPoint(v[0], v[1], 1, i)); } } int index = 0; foreach (var v in this.centroids) { scatterSeries.Points.Add(new ScatterPoint(v[0], v[1], 3, index)); index++; } myModel.Axes.Add(new LinearColorAxis { Position = AxisPosition.None, Minimum = 0.1, Maximum = 0.9, HighColor = OxyColors.Red, LowColor = OxyColors.Black }); myModel.Series.Add(scatterSeries); PngExporter.Export(myModel, String.Format("{0}-plot.png", iteration), 800, 500); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var outputToFile = "test-oxyplot-static-export-file.png"; var outputExportStreamOOP = "test-oxyplot-export-stream.png"; var width = 1024; var height = 768; var background = OxyColors.LightGray; var resolution = 96d; var model = BuildPlotModel(); // export to file using static methods PngExporter.Export(model, outputToFile, width, height, background, resolution); // export using the instance methods using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { var pngExporter = new PngExporter { Width = width, Height = height, Background = background, Resolution = resolution }; pngExporter.Export(model, stream); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(outputExportStreamOOP, stream.ToArray()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var pm = new PlotModel { Title = "Test" }; pm.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis { Title = "Bottom", Position = AxisPosition.Bottom, AxisTitleDistance = 10 }); pm.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis { Title = "Left", Position = AxisPosition.Left }); pm.Series.Add(new FunctionSeries(Math.Sin, 0, 10, 0.01)); var e = new PngExporter(); e.Width = 800; e.Height = 500; e.Background = OxyColors.LightBlue; var path = "test.png"; using (var stream = File.Create(path)) e.Export(pm, stream); // Process.Start(path); }
private void btnSaveGraph_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { PngExporter.Export(myModel, saveFileDialog.FileName, 800, 600, OxyColors.White); } }
public void AddChartToPage(PlotModel model, Document pdfDoc, int width, int height, float spacingBefore = 50, float spacingAfter = 10, float widthPercentage = 80) { using (var chartimage = new MemoryStream()) { //BMP gives the best compression result var pngExporter = new PngExporter { Width = width, Height = height, Background = OxyColors.White }; pngExporter.Export(model, chartimage); var imageBytes = chartimage.ToArray(); var iTextSharpImage = PdfImageHelper.GetITextSharpImageFromByteArray(imageBytes); iTextSharpImage.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; var table = new PdfGrid(1) { WidthPercentage = widthPercentage, SpacingBefore = spacingBefore, SpacingAfter = spacingAfter }; table.AddCell(iTextSharpImage); pdfDoc.Add(table); } }
/// <summary> /// The write plot. /// </summary> /// <param name="plot">The plot.</param> public void WritePlot(PlotFigure plot) { if (this.FileName == null) { return; } var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(this.FileName); if (directory == null) { return; } var source = string.Format( "{0}_Plot{1}.png", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this.FileName), plot.FigureNumber); var sourceFullPath = Path.Combine(directory, source); // write to a png // todo: write to a stream, not to disk PngExporter.Export(plot.PlotModel, sourceFullPath, (int)plot.Width, (int)plot.Height, OxyColors.Automatic); // append the image to the document this.AppendImage(sourceFullPath, "Plot" + plot.FigureNumber); this.body.AppendChild(CreateParagraph(plot.GetFullCaption(, FigureTextId)); }
private string ExportToPng(BarSeries bar, CategoryAxis axis, string title, int fontSize = 18) { var model = new PlotModel { Title = title, DefaultFontSize = fontSize }; var max = bar.ItemsSource.Cast <BarItem>().Max(x => x.Value) + 10; bar.LabelPlacement = LabelPlacement.Inside; model.Series.Add(bar); model.Axes.Add(axis); var path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), $"{ Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")}.png"); var pngExporter = new PngExporter { Width = 1400, Height = 600, Background = OxyColors.White }; using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)) { pngExporter.Export(model, stream); return(path); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var outputToFile = "test-oxyplot-static-export-file.png"; var outputExportStreamOOP = "test-oxyplot-ExportToStream.png"; var outputExportFileOOP = "test-oxyplot-ExportToFile.png"; var width = 1024; var height = 768; var background = OxyColors.LightGray; var resolution = 96d; var model = BuildPlotModel(); // export to file using static methods PngExporter.Export(model, outputToFile, width, height, resolution); // export using the instance methods using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { var pngExporter = new PngExporter { Width = width, Height = height, Resolution = resolution }; pngExporter.Export(model, stream); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(outputExportStreamOOP, stream.ToArray()); } var pngExporter2 = new PngExporter { Width = width, Height = height, Resolution = resolution }; var bitmap = pngExporter2.ExportToBitmap(model); bitmap.Save(outputExportFileOOP, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); bitmap.Save(Path.ChangeExtension(outputExportFileOOP, ".gif"), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif); }
private static void MakeLinePlot([JetBrains.Annotations.NotNull] string outputPath, [ItemNotNull][JetBrains.Annotations.NotNull] List <Column> columns, int position, int day) { var p = OxyPalettes.HueDistinct(columns.Count); var plotModel1 = new PlotModel { LegendPosition = LegendPosition.BottomCenter, LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside, LegendOrientation = LegendOrientation.Horizontal, Title = "Day " + day }; var linearAxis1 = new LinearAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Bottom }; plotModel1.Axes.Add(linearAxis1); for (var i = 1; i < columns.Count; i++) { var lineSeries1 = new LineSeries { Title = columns[i].HHNumber, Color = p.Colors[i] }; for (var j = position; j < position + 1440; j++) { lineSeries1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(j, columns[i].Values[j])); } plotModel1.Series.Add(lineSeries1); } var path = Path.Combine(outputPath, "Plot." + day + ".line.png"); PngExporter.Export(plotModel1, path, 3200, 1600, OxyColor.FromRgb(255, 255, 255), 100); }
void Copy_OnExecuted(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { var data = new DataObject(); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { var pngExporter = new PngExporter(); pngExporter.Export(plot.Model, ms); var bitmap = new BitmapImage(); bitmap.BeginInit(); bitmap.StreamSource = ms; bitmap.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad; bitmap.EndInit(); bitmap.Freeze(); data.SetImage(bitmap); } var svg = new MemoryStream(); var svgExporter = new SvgExporter(); svgExporter.Export(plot.Model, svg); svg.Position = 0; data.SetData("image/svg+xml", svg); Clipboard.SetDataObject(data); e.Handled = true; }
private void SaveGraphButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog dlg = new SaveFileDialog() { Filter = "Portable Network Graphics (*.png)|*.png|Portable Document Format (*.pdf)|*.pdf|Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg)|*.svg", RestoreDirectory = true }; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true) { if (File.Exists(dlg.FileName)) { try { File.Delete(dlg.FileName); } catch (IOException) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot access the file " + dlg.FileName + " because it is being used by another process.", Application.Current.MainWindow.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } } switch (dlg.FileName.Substring(dlg.FileName.LastIndexOf('.'))) { case ".png": PngExporter pngExporter = new PngExporter(); using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenWrite(dlg.FileName)) { pngExporter.Export(MainPlotView.Model, fileStream); } break; case ".pdf": PdfExporter pdfExporter = new PdfExporter(); using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenWrite(dlg.FileName)) { pdfExporter.Export(MainPlotView.Model, fileStream); } break; case ".svg": OxyPlot.SvgExporter svgExporter = new OxyPlot.SvgExporter(); using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenWrite(dlg.FileName)) { svgExporter.Export(MainPlotView.Model, fileStream); } break; default: break; } } }
public void ExportWithResolution(double factor) { var resolution = (int)(96 * factor); var plotModel = CreateTestModel1(); Directory.CreateDirectory("Actual"); Directory.CreateDirectory("Baseline"); var fileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "PngExporterTests_ExportWithResolution_{0}dpi.png", resolution); var exporter = new PngExporter { Width = (int)(400 * factor), Height = (int)(300 * factor), Resolution = resolution }; var actual = Path.Combine("Actual", fileName); using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(actual)) { exporter.Export(plotModel, stream); } Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(actual)); var baselinePath = Path.Combine("Baseline", fileName); if (File.Exists(baselinePath)) { PngAssert.AreEqual(baselinePath, actual, fileName, Path.Combine("Diff", fileName)); } else { File.Copy(actual, baselinePath); } }
private void btnSaveAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _saveDialog.Filter = "HTML file (*.html)|*.html|All Files (*.*)|*.*"; _saveDialog.FileName = "ViewGraphs.html"; _saveDialog.Title = "Choose folder in which to save PNGs"; if (_saveDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string filename = _saveDialog.FileName; string folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(_saveDialog.FileName); using (var w = new StreamWriter(_saveDialog.FileName)) { w.WriteLine("<html>"); w.WriteLine("<head>"); w.WriteLine("<title>Graphs ({0})</title>", DateTime.Now); w.WriteLine("</head>"); w.WriteLine("<body>"); foreach (ChartPage page in _tabs.TabPages) { string imgName = G.MakeValidFileName(page.GraphId.ToString().Replace(' ', '-') + ".png"); string imgPath = Path.Combine(folder, imgName); w.WriteLine("<p>{0}</p>", page.GraphId); w.WriteLine("<img src=\"{0}\"/><br/>", imgName); PngExporter.Export(page.Model, imgPath, page.Plot.Width, page.Plot.Height, Brushes.White); } w.WriteLine("</body>"); w.WriteLine("</html>"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Zapisuje wykres do PDFu /// </summary> private void SaveToPdf() { string filePath = string.Empty; SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.Filter = "PNG Files (*.png)|*.png|PDF Files (*.pdf)|*.pdf "; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { filePath = saveFileDialog.FileName; if (filePath.Contains("pdf")) { using (var stream = File.Create(filePath)) { string tmp = ChartViewModel.PlotModel.Title; tmp = tmp.Replace("ł", "l"); tmp = tmp.Replace("ś", "s"); ChartViewModel.PlotModel.Title = tmp; PdfExporter.Export(ChartViewModel.PlotModel, stream, 600, 400); } } else { using (var stream = File.Create(filePath)) { PngExporter.Export(ChartViewModel.PlotModel, stream, 750, 550, OxyColor.FromArgb(250, 250, 250, 250)); } } } }
public static void ToPng(this PlotModel model, string filename, int width, int height, OxyColor?backgound = null) { using (var stream = System.IO.File.Create(filename)) { PngExporter.Export(model, stream, width, height, backgound ?? OxyColors.White); } }
/// <summary> /// Save results of a single learning (a single run) - just 1 network, 1 learning. /// Saves error plot, regression plot, and info about the run. /// </summary> /// <param name="layersVal"></param> /// <param name="learningSettings"></param> /// <param name="report"></param> /// <param name="regressionPlot"></param> /// <param name="errorPlot"></param> /// <param name="network"></param> private void SaveSingleRunData(LearningSettings learningSettings, SingleRunReport report, PlotModel regressionPlot, PlotModel errorPlot, INetwork network) // could be refactored -> use MainWindow fields or create a class { DateTime time = report.Time; List <int> layersVal = RetrieveLayersVal(learningSettings); string prefix = report.Name; if (eid.ReportingOptions.ShouldSavePlots) { string regressionFileName = prefix + "_regression.png"; string regressionSavePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(innerResultsPath, regressionFileName); using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(regressionSavePath, FileMode.CreateNew)) { PngExporter.Export(regressionPlot, fileStream, 900, 900, OxyColors.White); } string errorFileName = prefix + "_error.png"; string errorSavePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(innerResultsPath, errorFileName); using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(errorSavePath, FileMode.CreateNew)) { PngExporter.Export(errorPlot, fileStream, 900, 900, OxyColors.White); } } if (eid.ReportingOptions.ShouldSaveRunInfos) { string infoFileName = prefix + "_info.txt"; string infoSavePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(innerResultsPath, infoFileName); FileManager.SaveTextFile(infoSavePath, GetResultInfo(learningSettings, report.LearningResult, layersVal, network, time)); } }
private static void MakeTotalLinePlot([JetBrains.Annotations.NotNull] string outputPath, [JetBrains.Annotations.NotNull] List <double> sums) { var plotModel1 = new PlotModel { LegendPosition = LegendPosition.BottomCenter, LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside, LegendOrientation = LegendOrientation.Horizontal, Title = "Total" }; var linearAxis1 = new LinearAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Bottom }; plotModel1.Axes.Add(linearAxis1); var lineSeries1 = new LineSeries { Title = "Sum" }; for (var j = 0; j < sums.Count; j++) { lineSeries1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(j, sums[j])); } plotModel1.Series.Add(lineSeries1); var path = Path.Combine(outputPath, "Sum.line.png"); PngExporter.Export(plotModel1, path, 3200, 1600, OxyColor.FromRgb(255, 255, 255), 100); }
async Task Export() { message.Text = "Saving"; var dialog = new SaveFileDialog(); dialog.OverwritePrompt = true; dialog.Filter = "PNG Files|*.png|SVG Files|*.svg"; dialog.AddExtension = true; if (dialog.ShowDialog(this) == true) { using (var fs = dialog.OpenFile()) { if (dialog.FileName.EndsWith(".svg", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var exporter = new SvgExporter(); exporter.Export(plot.Model, fs); } else { var exporter = new PngExporter(); exporter.Export(plot.Model, fs); } fs.SetLength(fs.Position); } } }
public static FileInfo ToPNG(this IPlotModel Model, FileInfo File, int Width = 800, int Height = 600, double Resolution = 96) { var exporter = new PngExporter(Width, Height, Resolution); using var stream = File.Create(); exporter.Export(Model, stream); return(File); }
public void ExportToFile_TestPlot_CheckThatFileExists() { var plotModel = TestModels.CreateTestModel1(); const string FileName = "PngExporterTests_Plot1.png"; PngExporter.Export(plotModel, FileName, 400, 300); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(FileName)); }
public void ExportToStream() { var plotModel = TestModels.CreateTestModel1(); var exporter = new PngExporter { Width = 400, Height = 300 }; var stream = new MemoryStream(); exporter.Export(plotModel, stream); Assert.IsTrue(stream.Length > 0); }
public void ExportToFile() { var plotModel = CreateTestModel1(); var fileName = Path.Combine(this.outputDirectory, "Plot1.png"); PngExporter.Export(plotModel, fileName, 400, 300); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(fileName)); }
public void TestEmoji() { var plotModel = ExampleLibrary.Issues.EmojiText(); var fileName = Path.Combine(this.outputDirectory, "Emoji.png"); PngExporter.Export(plotModel, fileName, 700, 700); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(fileName)); }
public void TestMultilineAlignment() { var plotModel = ExampleLibrary.RenderingCapabilities.DrawMultilineTextAlignmentRotation(); var fileName = Path.Combine(this.outputDirectory, "Text.png"); PngExporter.Export(plotModel, fileName, 700, 700); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(fileName)); }
/// <summary> /// Export a plot model to an image. /// </summary> /// <param name="plot">Plot model to be exported.</param> /// <param name="width">Desired width of the image (in px).</param> /// <param name="height">Desired height of the image (in px).</param> public Image Export(IPlotModel plot, double width, double height) { using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream()) { PngExporter.Export(plot, stream, (int)width, (int)height); stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return(Image.FromStream(stream)); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var pm = new PlotModel { Title = "Hello world from C#" }; pm.Series.Add(new FunctionSeries(Math.Sin, 0, 10, 100)); PngExporter.Export(pm, "HelloWorld.png", 600, 300, OxyColors.White); }
public static void ToPNG(string fileName, string plotTitle, MeasurmentsData measData) { int resX = 1280; int resY = 1024; var delaysModel = new PlotModel { Title = plotTitle }; delaysModel.Legends.Add(new Legend { LegendBackground = OxyColors.White, LegendBorder = OxyColors.Black }); int i; foreach (var data in measData.Delays) { var line = new LineSeries { Title = $"{data.Key}" }; delaysModel.Series.Add(line); i = 0; line.Points.AddRange(data.Value.Select(x => new DataPoint(i++, x))); } var seqModel = new PlotModel { Title = "Sequence" }; seqModel.Legends.Add(new Legend { LegendBackground = OxyColors.White, LegendBorder = OxyColors.Black }); var indexedSeq = measData.Sequence.Select((x, idx) => (idx, x)); foreach (var group in indexedSeq.GroupBy(x => x.x).OrderBy(x => x.Key)) { var seqSeries = new LinearBarSeries { Title = $"{group.Key}" }; seqSeries.Points.AddRange(group.Select(x => new DataPoint(x.idx, 1))); seqModel.Series.Add(seqSeries); } using var delaysPngStream = new MemoryStream(); using var seqPngStream = new MemoryStream(); PngExporter.Export(delaysModel, delaysPngStream, resX, resY / 2); PngExporter.Export(seqModel, seqPngStream, resX, resY / 2); using var b1 = new Bitmap(Image.FromStream(delaysPngStream)); using var b2 = new Bitmap(Image.FromStream(seqPngStream)); using var result = new Bitmap(resX, resY); using var g = Graphics.FromImage(result); g.DrawImage(b1, 0, 0); g.DrawImage(b2, 0, resY / 2); result.Save(fileName); }
/// <summary> /// Export the graph to the specified 'bitmap' /// </summary> /// <param name="bitmap">Bitmap to write to</param> /// <param name="legendOutside">Put legend outside of graph?</param> public void Export(ref Bitmap bitmap, bool legendOutside) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); PngExporter pngExporter = new PngExporter(); pngExporter.Width = bitmap.Width; pngExporter.Height = bitmap.Height; pngExporter.Export(plot1.Model, stream); bitmap = new Bitmap(stream); }
public void ExportWithDifferentBackground() { var plotModel = TestModels.CreateTestModel1(); const string FileName = "PngExporterTests_BackgroundYellow.png"; var exporter = new PngExporter { Width = 400, Height = 300, Background = OxyColors.Yellow }; using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(FileName)) { exporter.Export(plotModel, stream); } Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(FileName)); }
public void ExportToFile() { var plotModel = TestModels.CreateTestModel1(); const string FileName = "PngExporterTests_Plot1.png"; var exporter = new PngExporter { Width = 400, Height = 300 }; using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(FileName)) { exporter.Export(plotModel, stream); } Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(FileName)); }
public void ExportWithResolution(double factor) { var resolution = (int)(96 * factor); var plotModel = TestModels.CreateTestModel1(); var fileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "PngExporterTests_ExportWithResolution_{0}dpi.png", resolution); var exporter = new PngExporter { Width = (int)(400 * factor), Height = (int)(300 * factor), Resolution = resolution }; using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(fileName)) { exporter.Export(plotModel, stream); } Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(fileName)); PngAssert.AreEqual(Path.Combine("Baseline", fileName), fileName, fileName, Path.Combine("Diff", fileName)); }