コード例 #1
        /* Goal of this is to find the bottom XY of the tray and then find the initial position of the part of each populated row. */

        public FeederLocatorViewModel(IMachine machine, PnPJob job, string pnpJobFileName) : base(machine)
            _job              = job;
            _pnpJobFileName   = pnpJobFileName;
            SaveCommand       = new RelayCommand(Save);
            FeederDefinitions = new FeederDefinitionsViewModel(machine);
コード例 #2
 private void ClosePnPJob_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     _pnpJob                        = null;
     _pnpJobFileName                = null;
     EditPnPJob.IsEnabled           = false;
     FeederAlignementView.IsEnabled = false;
     ClosePnPJob.IsEnabled          = false;
コード例 #3
        public async void CreateBOMTests()
            var job = new PnPJob();

            job.EagleBRDFilePath = "./KegeratorController.brd";

            await job.OpenAsync();
コード例 #4
        public MVFeederLocatorView(IMachine machine, PnPJob job, string fileName)

            var designTime = System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(new DependencyObject());

            if (!designTime)
                ViewModel = new FeederLocatorViewModel(machine, job, fileName);

                this.Closing += MachineVision_Closing;
                this.Loaded  += MachineVision_Loaded;
コード例 #5
        private async void NewPnPJob_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (ViewModel.Machine.PCBManager.HasProject)
                if (ViewModel.Machine.PCBManager.HasBoard)
                    var pnpJob = new PnPJob();
                    pnpJob.Board            = ViewModel.Machine.PCBManager.Board;
                    pnpJob.EagleBRDFilePath = ViewModel.Machine.PCBManager.Project.EagleBRDFilePath;
                    var pnpViewModel = new PnPJobViewModel(ViewModel.Machine, pnpJob);
                    await pnpViewModel.InitAsync();

                    var jobWindow = new Views.PNPJobWindow();
                    jobWindow.DataContext = pnpViewModel;
                    jobWindow.Owner       = this;
                    EditPnPJob.IsEnabled           = true;
                    FeederAlignementView.IsEnabled = true;
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pnpViewModel.FileName))
                        _pnpJob                        = pnpJob;
                        _pnpJobFileName                = pnpViewModel.FileName;
                        EditPnPJob.IsEnabled           = true;
                        ClosePnPJob.IsEnabled          = true;
                        FeederAlignementView.IsEnabled = true;
                    MessageBox.Show("Please make sure your PCB Project includes a PCB.");
                MessageBox.Show("Please open or create a PCB Project First.");
コード例 #6
        public PnPJobViewModel(IMachine machine, PnPJob job) : base(machine)
            _billOfMaterials = new BOM(job.Board);
            _job             = job;
            _isDirty         = true;

            SaveCommand  = new RelayCommand(() => SaveJob());
            CloseCommand = new RelayCommand(Close);
            CloneCommand = new RelayCommand(CloneConfiguration);

            PeformMachineAlignmentCommand = new RelayCommand(PerformMachineAlignment);

            GoToPartOnBoardCommand        = new RelayCommand(GoToPartOnBoard);
            GoToPartPositionInTrayCommand = new RelayCommand(GoToPartPositionInTray);

            SelectMachineFileCommand = new RelayCommand(SelectMachineFile);

            HomingCycleCommand = new RelayCommand(() => Machine.HomingCycle());

            AlignBottomCameraCommand = new RelayCommand(() => AlignBottomCamera());

            ResetCurrentComponentCommand = new RelayCommand(ResetCurrentComponent, () => SelectedPartRow != null);

            GoToWorkHomeCommand = new RelayCommand(() => GotoWorkspaceHome());
            SetWorkHomeCommand  = new RelayCommand(() => Machine.SetWorkspaceHome());

            MoveToPreviousComponentInTapeCommand = new RelayCommand(MoveToPreviousComponent, () => SelectedPartRow != null && SelectedPartRow.CurrentPartIndex > 0);
            MoveToNextComponentInTapeCommand     = new RelayCommand(MoveToNextComponentInTape, () => SelectedPartRow != null && SelectedPartRow.CurrentPartIndex < SelectedPartRow.PartCount);
            RefreshConfigurationPartsCommand     = new RelayCommand(PopulateConfigurationParts);
            GoToPartInTrayCommand = new RelayCommand(GoToPartPositionInTray);

            PlaceCurrentPartCommand = new RelayCommand(PlacePart, CanPlacePart);
            PlaceAllPartsCommand    = new RelayCommand(PlaceAllParts, CanPlacePart);
            PausePlacmentCommand    = new RelayCommand(PausePlacement, CanPausePlacement);

            SetFiducialCalibrationCommand = new RelayCommand((prm) => SetFiducialCalibration(prm));

            CalibrateBottomCameraCommand = new RelayCommand(() => CalibrateBottomCamera());

            _feederLibrary = new FeederLibrary();

            BuildFlavors        = job.BuildFlavors;
            SelectedBuildFlavor = job.BuildFlavors.FirstOrDefault();
            if (SelectedBuildFlavor == null)
                SelectedBuildFlavor = new BuildFlavor()
                    Name = "Default"

                foreach (var entry in _billOfMaterials.SMDEntries)
                    foreach (var component in entry.Components)
                        component.Included = true;


            PartPackManagerVM = new PartPackManagerViewModel(Machine, this);
            PackageLibraryVM  = new PackageLibraryViewModel();

            GoToFiducial1Command = new RelayCommand(() => GoToFiducial(1));
            GoToFiducial2Command = new RelayCommand(() => GoToFiducial(2));
