コード例 #1
    void Start()
        //Debug.Log("VRPNManager: Start");
        //create parsed vrpn config file from ConfigFile and store as configuration lines
        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor)

        // Set up debug window
        if (ShowDebug)
            debug_text   = new string[debug_buffer_max];
            debug_writer = new StringWriter();
        debug_flag = ShowDebug;

        //create vrpn config file of active trackers from configuration lines
        string filepath = Plugins.ApplicationDataPath() + "/unity_vrpn.cfg";


        //Right now there are problems with the local server (started by the app), so empty server address is not allowed
        if (ServerAddress.Equals(""))
            ServerAddress = "localhost";

        // Start Server (or get access to external server)
        VRPNServerStart(filepath, ServerAddress);
        initialized = true;
    private void StartServer()
        //create vrpn config file of active trackers from configuration lines
        string filepath = Plugins.ApplicationDataPath() + "/unity_vrpn.cfg";


        // Start Server (or get access to external server)
        VRPNServerStart(filepath, ServerAddress);