private static void ReadXML(XmlTextReader reader) { _showManualAssessmentsInstructions = XMLReadBoolean(reader, ShowManualAssessmentsInstructions, _showManualAssessmentsInstructions); // must happen BEFORE get ManualAssessment yes/no _pluginSettings.ReadXML(reader); int count = XMLReadInteger(reader, GenericTemplatesCount, 0); if (count > 0) { ReadGenericTemplatesFromXML(count, reader); // Must set up generic templates } //before reading in per-template properties, so that the new template receives a ReadXML() of its own foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PluginBase> plugin in Plugins) { plugin.Value.ReadXML(reader); plugin.Value.ReadXMLRedirects(reader); } TestSkipNonExistingPages(); }
private static void ReadXML(XmlTextReader Reader) { blnShowManualAssessmentsInstructions = XMLReadBoolean(Reader, conShowManualAssessmentsInstructions, blnShowManualAssessmentsInstructions); // must happen BEFORE get ManualAssessment yes/no PluginSettings.ReadXML(Reader); int Count = XMLReadInteger(Reader, conGenericTemplatesCount, 0); if (Count > 0) { ReadGenericTemplatesFromXML(Count, Reader); // Must set up generic templates } //before reading in per-template properties, so that the new template receives a ReadXML() of its own foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PluginBase> plugin in Plugins) { plugin.Value.ReadXML(Reader); plugin.Value.ReadXMLRedirects(Reader); } bool blnNewVal = XMLReadBoolean(Reader, conShowHideTabsParm, ShowHideTabs); // ReSharper disable once RedundantCheckBeforeAssignment if (blnNewVal != ShowHideTabs) { ShowHideTabs = blnNewVal; } // Mustn't set if the same or we get extra tabs; must happen AFTER plugins TestSkipNonExistingPages(); }