private void TreeViewMenus_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)//在完成拖放操作时 { var targeTreeView = (TreeView)sender; var sourceNode = (TreeNode)e.Data.GetData(typeof(TreeNode));//获得拖动过来的节点 if (sourceNode == null) { return; } var point = targeTreeView.PointToClient(new Point { X = e.X, Y = e.Y }); var targetNode = targeTreeView.GetNodeAt(point);//根据鼠标坐标获得目标节点 if (targetNode == null) { return; } var tag = sourceNode.Tag; var pluginItem = tag is ICommand cmd?PluginItem.FromCommand(cmd) : tag as PluginItem; var insertNode = pluginItem.CreateNode(4); AppendToMenu(targetNode, insertNode); if (sourceNode.TreeView == targeTreeView) { sourceNode.Remove(); } targeTreeView.SelectedNode = insertNode; }
private void 加入到菜单AToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var menuNode = treeViewMenus.SelectedNode; var cmdNode = treeViewCmds.SelectedNode; if (menuNode == null || cmdNode == null) { return; } var cmds = new List <ICommand>(); if (cmdNode.Tag is Assembly) { cmds = cmdNode.Nodes.Cast <TreeNode>().SelectMany(node => node.Nodes.Cast <TreeNode>().Select(n => (ICommand)n.Tag)).ToList(); } else if (cmdNode.Tag is string) { cmds = cmdNode.Nodes.Cast <TreeNode>().Select(n => (ICommand)n.Tag).ToList(); } else if (cmdNode.Tag is ICommand) { cmds.Add((ICommand)cmdNode.Tag); } var newNodes = cmds.Select(cmd => PluginItem.FromCommand(cmd).CreateNode(4)); foreach (var node in newNodes) { AppendToMenu(menuNode, node); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string text = base.Request.QueryString["ot"]; PluginItem pluginItem = OpenIdPlugins.Instance().GetPluginItem(text); string text2 = "WapShop"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Page.Request.RawUrl)) { goto IL_0049; } goto IL_0049; IL_0049: if (pluginItem == null) { this.lblMsg.Text = "没有找到对应的插件,<a href=\"/\">返回首页</a>。"; } else { OpenIdSettingInfo openIdSettings = MemberProcessor.GetOpenIdSettings(text); if (openIdSettings == null) { this.lblMsg.Text = "请先配置此插件所需的信息,<a href=\"/\">返回首页</a>。"; } else { string returnUrl = Globals.FullPath(base.GetRouteUrl("OpenIdEntry_url", new { HIGW = text.Replace(".", "_") })); OpenIdService openIdService = OpenIdService.CreateInstance(text, HiCryptographer.Decrypt(openIdSettings.Settings), returnUrl); openIdService.Post(); } } }
protected void repPlugins_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { // настройка кнопок активации и деактивации PluginItem pluginItem = e.Item.DataItem as PluginItem; if (pluginItem != null) { LinkButton lbtnActivate = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lbtnActivate"); LinkButton lbtnDeactivate = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lbtnDeactivate"); if (userData.UserRights.ConfigRight) { if (pluginItem.State == PlaginStates.Inactive) { lbtnDeactivate.Visible = false; } else { lbtnActivate.Visible = false; } } else { lbtnActivate.Visible = false; lbtnDeactivate.Visible = false; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string text = base.Request.QueryString["ot"]; PluginItem pluginItem = OpenIdPlugins.Instance().GetPluginItem(text); if (pluginItem == null) { this.msg = "没有找到对应的插件,<a href=\"/\">返回首页</a>。"; } else { OpenIdSettingInfo openIdSettings = MemberProcessor.GetOpenIdSettings(text); if (openIdSettings == null) { this.msg = "请先配置此插件所需的信息,<a href=\"/\">返回首页</a>。"; } else { string text2 = base.Request.QueryString["returnUrl"]; string text3 = base.Request.QueryString["client"].ToNullString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text3)) { text3 = "wapshop"; } string returnUrl = Globals.FullPath(base.GetRouteUrl("OpenIdEntry_url_Wap", new { HIGW = text.Replace(".", "_") })).ToLower().Replace("/wapshop/", "/" + text3 + "/"); OpenIdService openIdService = OpenIdService.CreateInstance(text, HiCryptographer.Decrypt(openIdSettings.Settings), returnUrl); openIdService.Post(); } } }
public async Task <TResponse> SendAsync <TRequest, TResponse>(PluginItem item, TRequest request, CancellationToken token) { #if DEBUG var uri = $"{this.plugin.DebugUrl ?? this.plugin.Url}/{item.Route}"; #else var uri = $"{this.plugin.Url}/{item.Route}"; #endif try { using (HttpRequestMessage message = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, uri)) { message.Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var response = await this.client.SendAsync(message, token); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TResponse>(responseString)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to invoke api {uri}, Exception message: {ex.Message}"); Console.WriteLine($"Exception stack trace: {ex.StackTrace}"); throw; } }
public void DownloadMod(PluginItem plugin, Action success, Action error) { using (var client = new WebClient()) { try { client.DownloadFileCompleted += (sender, args) => { int downloaded = 0; foreach (Dependency dependency in plugin.Dependencies) { DownloadDependency(dependency, () => { downloaded++; if (downloaded == plugin.Dependencies.Length) { success(); } }, error); } }; client.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(plugin.Download), $"{FileHelper.GetPluginDirectory()}/{plugin.Name}v{plugin.Version[0]}.{plugin.Version[1]}.{plugin.Version[2]}.dll"); } catch { error(); } } }
protected void OnLoad(DeskWall sender, PluginItem pl) { Init(); Controller = new StickyNotesController(); Controller.BelongModule = this; Application.Run(Controller); }
} //Cycles /// <summary> /// Scan thru the assembly for all types that match the types we are interested in. If we find one, /// then it is a plugin, create an instance of one and add to the appropriate collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="pluginAssembly"></param> private void loadFromAssembly(Assembly pluginAssembly) { try { foreach (Type type in pluginAssembly.GetTypes()) { //ARMPluginInterfaces.Utils.OutputDebugString("Found type:" + type.ToString()); if (type.GetInterface(typeof(IARMPlugin).ToString(), false) != null) { //if(type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PlugDisplayNameAttribute),false).Length!=1) //ARMPluginInterfaces.Utils.OutputDebugString("Activating type:" + type.ToString()); //create an instance of the plugin IARMPlugin plugin = (Activator.CreateInstance(type) as IARMPlugin); PluginItem pluginItem = new PluginItem(Path.GetFileName(pluginAssembly.CodeBase), plugin); mAvailablePlugins.Add(pluginItem); //call the plugins init method, pass this IARMHost interface //plugin.init(this); } //if } //foreach } catch (Exception ex) { ARMPluginInterfaces.Utils.OutputDebugString("Problems loading assembly:" + ex.Message); } }//loadFromAssembly
public void OnPluginsLoadComplete(DeskWall sender, PluginItem plugin) { DeskWall mi = DeskWall.GetInstance(); mi.OnKeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(HookManager_KeyDown); mi.OnKeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(HookManager_KeyUp); fcf = new CoderForm(); }
public PluginItem SavePlugin(PluginItem item, byte[] zippedBinary) { ExceptionUtils.ThrowIfNull(item, "item"); ExceptionUtils.ThrowIfNull(zippedBinary, "zippedBinary"); string insertColumns = MAP_PLUGIN_COLUMNS + ";ZippedBinary"; string binaryVersion = item.BinaryVersion.ToSortableString(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; string id = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Id)) { id = IdProvider.Get(); DoInsert(TABLE_NAME, insertColumns, id, item.FlowId, binaryVersion, item.ModifiedById, now, zippedBinary); } else { DoSimpleUpdateOne(TABLE_NAME, "Id", item.Id.ToString(), insertColumns, item.Id, item.FlowId, binaryVersion, item.ModifiedById, now, zippedBinary); } if (id != null) { item.Id = id; } item.ModifiedOn = now; return(item); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { openIdType = base.Request.QueryString["t"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(openIdType) || (openIdType.Trim().Length == 0)) { base.GotoResourceNotFound(); } PluginItem pluginItem = OpenIdPlugins.Instance().GetPluginItem(openIdType); if (pluginItem == null) { base.GotoResourceNotFound(); } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { txtName.Text = pluginItem.DisplayName; lblDisplayName.Text = pluginItem.DisplayName; txtSelectedName.Value = openIdType; OpenIdSettingsInfo openIdSettings = OpenIdHelper.GetOpenIdSettings(openIdType); if (openIdSettings != null) { ConfigData data = new ConfigData(Cryptographer.Decrypt(openIdSettings.Settings)); txtConfigData.Value = data.SettingsXml; txtName.Text = openIdSettings.Name; fcContent.Text = openIdSettings.Description; } } }
public void OnPluginsLoadComplete(DeskWall sender, PluginItem plugin) { RegistryReader rcu = new RegistryReader(Registry.CurrentUser); rcu = (RegistryReader)rcu.GetChildByPath(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings", '\\'); rcu.SetValue("ProxyOverride", "*.metlife*.com;<local>"); }
public async Task <TResponse> SendAsync <TRequest, TResponse>(PluginItem item, TRequest request, CancellationToken token) { try { #if DEBUG var uri = $"{this.plugin.DebugUrl ?? this.plugin.Url}/{item.Route}"; #else var uri = $"{this.plugin.Url}/{item.Route}"; #endif using (HttpRequestMessage message = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, uri)) { message.Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var response = await this.client.SendAsync(message, token); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TResponse>(responseString)); } } catch (Exception ex) { // todo: trace exception. throw; } }
public static PluginItemCollection GetConfigedItems() { IList <string> configedTypes = OpenIdProvider.Instance().GetConfigedTypes(); PluginItemCollection result; if (configedTypes == null || configedTypes.Count == 0) { result = null; } else { PluginItemCollection plugins = OpenIdPlugins.Instance().GetPlugins(); if (plugins != null && plugins.Count > 0) { PluginItem[] items = plugins.Items; PluginItem[] array = items; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { PluginItem pluginItem = array[i]; if (!configedTypes.Contains(pluginItem.FullName.ToLower())) { plugins.Remove(pluginItem.FullName.ToLower()); } } } result = plugins; } return(result); }
private void addButton(PluginItem plugin) { Label control = new Label { Tag = plugin.dictKey, AutoSize = false, TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, Text =, Top = buttont, Left = buttonl, Height = buttonh, Width = buttonw - 100, Visible = true }; control.Click += new EventHandler(Plugin_Click); toolTip1.SetToolTip(control, plugin.description); panel1.Controls.Add(control); Label label2 = new Label { Tag = plugin.dictKey, AutoSize = false, TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight, Text = plugin.hotkey, Top = buttont, Left = buttonl + control.Width, Width = 100 }; label2.Click += new EventHandler(Plugin_Click); toolTip1.SetToolTip(label2, plugin.hotkey); panel1.Controls.Add(label2); Label label3 = new Label { Tag = plugin.dictKey, Name = plugin.dictKey, AutoSize = false, TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight, ForeColor = GetColor(plugin.verify), Text = plugin.verify, Top = buttont, Left = (buttonl + control.Width) + 100, Width = 50 }; label3.Click += new EventHandler(Plugin_Click); panel1.Controls.Add(label3); base.ControlBox = true; if ((interval * (rows - 1)) <= buttont) { buttonl += buttonw + 0x4b; buttont -= (interval * rows) - interval; } else { buttont += interval; } }
public void OnPluginsLoad(DeskWall sender, PluginItem plugin) { XReader xr = new XReader(ConfigFilePath); bool display = (xr["Plugin"]["Style"]["$Display"].Value == "true"); //NtForm.BgImgDir = BaseDir + "\\" + xr["Plugin"]["Style"]["$BackgroundDir"].Value; NtForm.NtIcon.Visible = display; NtForm.NtIcon.Icon = new Icon(BaseDir + "\\tray.ico"); Application.Run(NtForm); }
private void CPluginsSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { PluginItem item = cPlugins.SelectedItem as PluginItem; if (item == null) { return; } activePlugin = item.Plugin; bPluginSettings.Enabled = activePlugin.HasSettings; }
/// <summary> /// Получить словарь активных плагинов, ключ - имя файла библиотеки /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private Dictionary <string, PluginItem> GetActivePlugins() { Dictionary <string, PluginItem> activePlugins = new Dictionary <string, PluginItem>(); foreach (PluginSpec pluginSpec in userData.PluginSpecs) { PluginItem pluginItem = new PluginItem(pluginSpec, PlaginStates.Active); activePlugins[pluginItem.FileName] = pluginItem; } return(activePlugins); }
private void BPluginSettingsClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { PluginItem item = cPlugins.SelectedItem as PluginItem; if (item == null) { return; } if (item.Plugin.HasSettings) { item.Plugin.ShowSettings(); } }
private void UpdatePlugin() { PluginItem item = (PluginItem)listBox_LoadedPlugin.SelectedItem; if (item == null) { ClearPluginInfo(); return; } textBox_PluginName.Text = item.Name; textBox_DllPath.Text = item.DllPath; textBox_DllSHA256.Text = item.DllSHA256; checkBox_Launchable.Checked = item.Launchable; }
private bool TryValidatePluginDependencies(List <PluginItem> items, ref PluginItem item, out List <Guid> missingDependencies) { var dependencies = new List <PluginItem>(); missingDependencies = new List <Guid>(); foreach (var pluginDependency in item.Manifest.Dependencies) { var dependency = items .FirstOrDefault(pi => pi?.Manifest.Guid == pluginDependency.Plugin); if (dependency == null) { missingDependencies.Add(pluginDependency.Plugin); continue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pluginDependency.MinVersion) && dependency.Manifest.Version.TryExtractVersion(out var dependencyVersion) && pluginDependency.MinVersion.TryExtractVersion(out var minVersion)) { // really only care about version if it is defined. if (dependencyVersion < minVersion) { // If dependency version is too low, we can try to update. Otherwise // it's a missing dependency. // For now let's just warn the user. bitMuse is lazy. _log.Warn($"{dependency.Manifest.Name} is below the requested version for {item.Manifest.Name}." + Environment.NewLine + $" Desired version: {pluginDependency.MinVersion}, Available version: {dependency.Manifest.Version}"); missingDependencies.Add(pluginDependency.Plugin); continue; } } dependencies.Add(dependency); } item.ResolvedDependencies = dependencies; if (missingDependencies.Count > 0) { return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Get the plugin with the highest version for the given flow, or null if /// there aren't any plugins for the flow. /// </summary> public PluginItem GetHighestVersionPlugin(string flowId) { PluginItem item = null; DoSimpleTopQueryWithRowCallbackDelegate(TABLE_NAME, "FlowId", flowId, "BinaryVersion DESC", MAP_PLUGIN_COLUMNS, 1, delegate(IDataReader reader) { item = new PluginItem(); int index = 0; item.Id = reader.GetString(index++); item.FlowId = reader.GetString(index++); item.BinaryVersion = VersionInfo.FromSortableString(reader.GetString(index++)); item.ModifiedById = reader.GetString(index++); item.ModifiedOn = reader.GetDateTime(index++); }); return(item); }
private void lvcontents_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // the user clicked on an item here, get the plug in item, then retrieve the actual // data from the plugin try { int idx = lvcontents.SelectedIndices[0]; // get the index PluginItem pi = m_ip.m_plugin.GetPluginItems[idx]; // get the single manifest item switch (pi.m_type) { case ePlItemType.eString: SetString(m_ip.m_plugin.GetString(pi.m_name)); break; case ePlItemType.eInt: SetInt(m_ip.m_plugin.GetInt(pi.m_name)); break; case ePlItemType.eImage: SetImage(m_ip.m_plugin.GetImage(pi.m_name)); break; case ePlItemType.eControl: SetControl(m_ip.m_plugin.GetControl(pi.m_name)); break; case ePlItemType.eBin: SetString(Utility.ByteArrayToString(m_ip.m_plugin.GetBinary(pi.m_name))); break; case ePlItemType.eFunction: m_ip.m_plugin.ExecuteFunction(pi.m_name); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { DebugLogger.Instance().LogError(ex); } }
protected string VerifyPluginSubFolderWithHighestVersion(string flowId) { VersionInfo rtnVersion; string rtnPath = GetPluginSubFolderWithHighestVersion(flowId, out rtnVersion); // Now, check db for any plugins if (_pluginDao != null) { PluginItem pluginItem = _pluginDao.GetHighestVersionPlugin(flowId); if (pluginItem != null) { bool installDbPlugin = (rtnVersion == null); if (!installDbPlugin) { installDbPlugin = (rtnVersion < pluginItem.BinaryVersion); } if (installDbPlugin) { byte[] zipFileContent = _pluginDao.GetPluginZippedBinary(pluginItem.Id); InstallPluginForFlow(zipFileContent, flowId, null, false, out rtnPath); } } } if (rtnPath == null) { string flowName = flowId; try { flowName = _flowDao.GetDataFlowNameById(flowId); } catch (Exception) { } throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("A valid plugin has not been installed for the flow \"{0}\"", flowName)); } return(rtnPath); }
private void 加入到菜单AToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var menuNode = treeViewMenus.SelectedNode; var cmdNode = treeViewCmds.SelectedNode; if (menuNode == null || cmdNode == null) { return; } var cmds = new List <ICommand>(); if (cmdNode.Tag is Assembly) { cmds = cmdNode.Nodes.Cast <TreeNode>().SelectMany(node => node.Nodes.Cast <TreeNode>().Select(n => (ICommand)n.Tag)).ToList(); } else if (cmdNode.Tag is string) { cmds = cmdNode.Nodes.Cast <TreeNode>().Select(n => (ICommand)n.Tag).ToList(); } else if (cmdNode.Tag is ICommand) { cmds.Add((ICommand)cmdNode.Tag); } //特殊处理:由于Assembly.LoadFrom方法反射程序集A会被缓存, //随后再反射同名但路径不同的程序集B,因缓存原因实际反射的仍是程序集A的奇葩机制,目前未找到解决方案,此处只能强行替代程序集的路径 var newNodes = cmds.Select(cmd => { var plugin = PluginItem.FromCommand(cmd, AppDir); plugin.AssemblyPath = Path.Combine(PluginDir, Path.GetFileName(plugin.AssemblyPath)); return(plugin.CreateNode(4)); }); foreach (var node in newNodes) { AppendToMenu(menuNode, node); } }
private void TreeViewMenus_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)//在完成拖放操作时 { var targeTreeView = (TreeView)sender; var sourceNode = (TreeNode)e.Data.GetData(typeof(TreeNode));//获得拖动过来的节点 if (sourceNode == null) { return; } var point = targeTreeView.PointToClient(new Point { X = e.X, Y = e.Y }); var targetNode = targeTreeView.GetNodeAt(point);//根据鼠标坐标获得目标节点 if (targetNode == null) { return; } var tag = sourceNode.Tag; var pluginItem = tag is ICommand cmd?PluginItem.FromCommand(cmd, PluginDir) : tag as PluginItem; //特殊处理:由于Assembly.LoadFrom方法反射程序集A会被缓存, //随后再反射同名但路径不同的程序集B,因缓存原因实际反射的仍是程序集A的奇葩机制,目前未找到解决方案,此处只能强行替代程序集的路径 pluginItem.AssemblyPath = Path.Combine(PluginDir, Path.GetFileName(pluginItem.AssemblyPath)); pluginItem.AssemblyPath = FileOpt.GetRelativePath(pluginItem.AssemblyPath, PluginDir); var insertNode = pluginItem.CreateNode(4); AppendToMenu(targetNode, insertNode); if (sourceNode.TreeView == targeTreeView) { sourceNode.Remove(); } targeTreeView.SelectedNode = insertNode; }
public bool UpdatePlugin(PluginItem plugin, string operation = "Updating") { var success = false; _appRef.ProgressBox(operation + " " + plugin.Name + "..."); if (InstallPlugin(new RemotePlugin { SourceFilename = plugin.ValidVersions.OrderBy(v => v.version).Last().sourceUrl, Filename = plugin.TargetFilename })) { plugin.UpdateAvailable = false; plugin.UpdatePending = true; plugin.NotifyPropertiesChanged(); WriteToUpdateLog(String.Format("Plug-in {0} Updated to version {1} by user {2}", plugin.Name, plugin.ValidVersions.OrderBy(v => v.version).Last().versionStr, Kernel.CurrentUser.Name)); success = true; } _appRef.ShowMessage = false; _appRef.InstalledPluginsCollection.ResetUpdatesAvailable(); return(success); }
public bool RegistStuckPlugin(PluginItem pl) { int i = Plugins.IndexOf(pl); if (i >= 0) { PluginItem pi = (PluginItem)Plugins[i]; pi.IsModuleStuck = true; return true; } return false; }
public PluginItemEventArgs(PluginItem pi) : base() { this.PluginItem = pi; }
private void DirectoryOnEnum(string path) { XReader xr; string rlt = path; if (File.Exists(path)) { string typName; Assembly asm; xr = new XReader(path); try { //instanceType = xr["Plugin"]["$Instance"].Value; asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(PluginDirectory + xr["Plugin"]["$File"].Value); typName = xr["Plugin"]["$Type"].Value; // ModuleBase module = (ModuleBase)asm.CreateInstance(typName); FunctionModule module = (FunctionModule)CreateModuleInstanceByTypeName(typName, asm); if (module == null) { return; } module.BaseDir = path; //module.ConfigFileFullPath = path + "\\Plugin.Config"; PluginItem pl = new PluginItem(); pl.Asm = asm; pl.Module = module; bool isRegisted = RegistPlugin(pl); if (OnPluginsLoad != null) { //OnPluginsLoad(this, pl); ClassHelper.AsyncInvokeDelegates(OnPluginsLoad, DelegateInvoke_PreInvokeCallback, DelegateInvoke_PostInvokeCallback, new object[] { this, pl }); } } catch (Exception e) { //MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Exceptions.Log(e); } } }
public bool RegistPlugin(PluginItem pl) { bool rlt; ModuleBase module = pl.Module; rlt = EnumPluginItem(delegate(PluginItem existedPl) { ModuleBase existedModule = existedPl.Module; if (module.Name.Equals(existedModule.Name)) { if (existedModule.IsSingleton) { return false; } } return true; }); Plugins.Add(pl); pl.IsRegisted = true; //* Debug Logger.Log("Registing: " + pl.Module.Name + " " + pl.IsRegisted); //*/ return rlt; }
private void StopModule(PluginItem pi) { pi.IsTerminating = true; Thread gentleExit = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate() { System.Timers.Timer tmr = new System.Timers.Timer(); tmr.Interval = 2000; tmr.Enabled = true; tmr.Elapsed += delegate(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { tmr.Stop(); if (!pi.IsTerminated && pi.IsTerminating) { //* Debug Logger.Log("Stuck module detected: " + pi.Module.Name); //*/ RegistStuckPlugin(pi); } }; tmr.Start(); pi.Module.StopModule(); pi.IsTerminated = true; })); gentleExit.Start(); }
//private void StartPlugins() //{ // foreach (PluginItem pl in Plugins) // { // StartPlugin(pl); // //* Debug // Logger.Log(pl.Module.Name + " is starting..."); // //*/ // } // foreach (PluginItem pl in Plugins) // { // pl.Module.StartComplete(); // //* Debug // Logger.Log(pl.Module.Name + " is running..."); // //*/ // } //} private void StartPlugin(PluginItem pi) { ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(delegate() { pi.Module.Start(); UnRegistPlugin(pi); }); Thread th = new Thread(ts); th.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); th.Start(); }
public bool IsEqual(PluginItem item) { return((string.Compare(this.Assembly, item.Assembly, true) == 0) && (string.Compare(this.armPlugin.PluginName, item.armPlugin.PluginName, true) == 0)); }
private void UnRegistPlugin(PluginItem pi) { if (Plugins.Contains(pi)) { StopModule(pi); pi.IsRegisted = false; } //* Debug Logger.Log(pi.Module.Name + " unregisted"); //*/ }
private string InstallPluginForFlow(byte[] zipFileContent, string flowId, string modifiedById, bool validateAgainstDbVersion, out string pluginFolderPath) { string parentFolderPath = GetPluginRootFolderForFlow(flowId); string tempDirPath = Path.Combine(parentFolderPath, INSTALLING_DIRECTORY_PREFIX + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); try { // Extract files to installing directory _compressionHelper.UncompressDirectory(zipFileContent, tempDirPath); // Locate a valid base plugin and version # ICollection <SimpleDataService> implementers = GetDataServiceImplementersInDirectory(tempDirPath, false); SimpleDataService primaryImplementer = GetPrimaryImplementer(implementers); if (primaryImplementer == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("A valid plugin implementer was not found in the zip file"); } string installFolderPath = Path.Combine(parentFolderPath, primaryImplementer.Version.ToString()); // Check that the incoming version is greater than any existing installed version VersionInfo curVersion; string rtnPath = GetPluginSubFolderWithHighestVersion(flowId, out curVersion); if (validateAgainstDbVersion && (_pluginDao != null)) { PluginItem pluginItem = _pluginDao.GetHighestVersionPlugin(flowId); if (pluginItem != null) { if (curVersion != null) { if (pluginItem.BinaryVersion > curVersion) { curVersion = pluginItem.BinaryVersion; } } else { curVersion = pluginItem.BinaryVersion; } } } if (curVersion != null) { if (primaryImplementer.Version < curVersion) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("A plugin with a newer version \"{0}\" is already installed for the flow \"{1}\"", curVersion.ToString(), _flowDao.GetDataFlowNameById(flowId))); } } if ((_pluginDao != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(modifiedById)) { PluginItem pluginItem = new PluginItem(); pluginItem.FlowId = flowId; pluginItem.BinaryVersion = primaryImplementer.Version; pluginItem.ModifiedById = modifiedById; ITransactionOperations transactionTemplate = _pluginDao.GetTransactionTemplate(); transactionTemplate.Execute(delegate { _pluginDao.SavePlugin(pluginItem, zipFileContent); // Rename the plugin directory with the version name MoveInstalledPluginDirectory(tempDirPath, installFolderPath); return(null); }); } else { // Rename the plugin directory with the version name MoveInstalledPluginDirectory(tempDirPath, installFolderPath); } pluginFolderPath = installFolderPath; return(string.Format("Successfully installed the plugin: \"{0}\"", primaryImplementer.ToString())); } catch (Exception) { FileUtils.SafeDeleteDirectory(tempDirPath); throw; } }