コード例 #1
        // See: IL2CPP/Metadata.cs
        public void GetStrings(Metadata metadata, PluginGetStringsEventInfo data)
            // NOTE: Metadata derives from BinaryObjectStream

            // Everything is available in Metadata except Strings and StringLiterals

            // See PostProcessMetadata below

            // Set data.Strings to a complete list of indexes and strings
            // and set data.IsDataModified
コード例 #2
        // This executes just as Il2CppInspector is about to read all of the .NET identifier strings (eg. type names).
        // We can use this to acquire the strings ourselves instead
        public void GetStrings(Metadata metadata, PluginGetStringsEventInfo data)
            // Don't do anything if this isn't for us
            if (!IsOurs)

            // Tell the user what is happening in case it takes a while
            PluginServices.For(this).StatusUpdate("Decrypting strings");

            // miHoYo workloads use encrypted strings, and we need to know the correct string indexes
            // to pass to UnityPlayer.dll's GetStringFromIndex function.

            // To find them, we scan every definition in the metadata that refers to a string index,
            // combine them, put them in order and remove duplicates
            var stringIndexes =
                metadata.Images.Select(x => x.nameIndex)
                .Concat(metadata.Assemblies.Select(x => x.aname.nameIndex))
                .Concat(metadata.Assemblies.Select(x => x.aname.cultureIndex))
                .Concat(metadata.Assemblies.Select(x => x.aname.hashValueIndex))
                .Concat(metadata.Assemblies.Select(x => x.aname.publicKeyIndex))
                .Concat(metadata.Events.Select(x => x.nameIndex))
                .Concat(metadata.Fields.Select(x => x.nameIndex))
                .Concat(metadata.Methods.Select(x => x.nameIndex))
                .Concat(metadata.Params.Select(x => x.nameIndex))
                .Concat(metadata.Properties.Select(x => x.nameIndex))
                .Concat(metadata.Types.Select(x => x.nameIndex))
                .Concat(metadata.Types.Select(x => x.namespaceIndex))
                .Concat(metadata.GenericParameters.Select(x => x.nameIndex))
                .OrderBy(x => x)

            // Create a delegate which internally is a function pointer to the GetStringFromIndex function in the DLL
            var pGetStringFromIndex = (GetStringFromIndex)
                                      Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(ModuleBase + Offsets[game.Value].GetStringFromIndex, typeof(GetStringFromIndex));

            // For each index, call the delegate with the decrypted metadata byte array and index as arguments
            foreach (var index in stringIndexes)
                data.Strings.Add(index, Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(pGetStringFromIndex(metadataBlob, (uint)index)));

            // This tells Il2CppInspector we have handled the strings and not to attempt to read them itself
            // The strings will be copied from data.Strings to metadata.Strings automatically
            data.IsDataModified = true;