コード例 #1
ファイル: PlexEpisodeSync.cs プロジェクト: zobe123/Ombi
        private async Task ProcessEpsiodes(PlexContainer episodes, IQueryable <PlexEpisode> currentEpisodes)
            var ep = new HashSet <PlexEpisode>();

                foreach (var episode in episodes?.MediaContainer?.Metadata ?? new Metadata[] { })
                    // I don't think we need to get the metadata, we only need to get the metadata if we need the provider id (TheTvDbid). Why do we need it for episodes?
                    // We have the parent and grandparent rating keys to link up to the season and series
                    //var metadata = _api.GetEpisodeMetaData(server.PlexAuthToken, server.FullUri, episode.ratingKey);

                    // This does seem to work, it looks like we can somehow get different rating, grandparent and parent keys with episodes. Not sure how.
                    var epExists = currentEpisodes.Any(x => episode.ratingKey == x.Key &&
                                                       episode.grandparentRatingKey == x.GrandparentKey);
                    if (epExists)

                    // Let's check if we have the parent
                    var seriesExists = await _repo.GetByKey(episode.grandparentRatingKey);

                    if (seriesExists == null)
                        // Ok let's try and match it to a title. TODO (This is experimental)
                        seriesExists = await _repo.GetAll().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x =>
                                                                                x.Title.Equals(episode.grandparentTitle, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));

                        if (seriesExists == null)
                                "The episode title {0} we cannot find the parent series. The episode grandparentKey = {1}, grandparentTitle = {2}",
                                episode.title, episode.grandparentRatingKey, episode.grandparentTitle);

                        // Set the rating key to the correct one
                        episode.grandparentRatingKey = seriesExists.Key;

                    ep.Add(new PlexEpisode
                        EpisodeNumber  = episode.index,
                        SeasonNumber   = episode.parentIndex,
                        GrandparentKey = episode.grandparentRatingKey,
                        ParentKey      = episode.parentRatingKey,
                        Key            = episode.ratingKey,
                        Title          = episode.title

                await _repo.AddRange(ep);
            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #2
        public static string transferToPlex(string data)
                string puser  = (HttpContext.Current.Session[SysConst.S_LOGIN_USER] as UsersModel).USERNAME;
                string plexid = (HttpContext.Current.Session[SysConst.S_LOGIN_USER] as UsersModel).PLEXID;

                PlexContainer        model     = new PlexContainer();
                List <PlexContainer> listmodel = new List <PlexContainer>();
                List <String>        sqllist   = new List <String>();
                JavaScriptSerializer jssl      = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                listmodel = jssl.Deserialize <List <PlexContainer> >(data);

                if (listmodel.Count != 0)
                    foreach (PlexContainer m in listmodel)
                        string ft = m.Location + "&" + m.TLoc + "&" + "F";
                        FGA_NUtility.POL.ExecuteDataSourceResult esr = PlexHelper.PlexGetResult_4("27181", "Container_Update_Simple", "@Serial_No", "@Last_Action", "@Location", "@Update_By",
                                                                                                  m.SerialNO, "Updated at Inventory Update Form", m.TLoc, plexid);

                        string sql = "insert into OEM_IR(SerialNO,FT_Location,Type,Creater,Createdate)" +
                                     " values('" + m.SerialNO + "','" + ft + "','FIFO','" + puser + "',getdate())";


                    int count = FGA_DAL.Base.SQLServerHelper_WMS.ExecuteSqlTran(sqllist);
            { return("0"); }

コード例 #3
        private async Task ProcessEpsiodes(PlexContainer episodes)
            var ep = new HashSet <PlexEpisode>();

            foreach (var episode in episodes?.MediaContainer?.Metadata ?? new Metadata[] {})
                // I don't think we need to get the metadata, we only need to get the metadata if we need the provider id (TheTvDbid). Why do we need it for episodes?
                // We have the parent and grandparent rating keys to link up to the season and series
                //var metadata = _api.GetEpisodeMetaData(server.PlexAuthToken, server.FullUri, episode.ratingKey);

                // This does seem to work, it looks like we can somehow get different rating, grandparent and parent keys with episodes. Not sure how.
                //var epExists = currentEpisodes.Any(x => episode.ratingKey == x.Key &&
                //                                          episode.grandparentRatingKey == x.GrandparentKey);
                //if (epExists)
                //    continue;

                ep.Add(new PlexEpisode
                    EpisodeNumber  = episode.index,
                    SeasonNumber   = episode.parentIndex,
                    GrandparentKey = episode.grandparentRatingKey,
                    ParentKey      = episode.parentRatingKey,
                    Key            = episode.ratingKey,
                    Title          = episode.title

            await _repo.AddRange(ep);
コード例 #4
        public static string SearchData(string orderno, string itemcode, string material)
            UsersModel model = (UsersModel)HttpContext.Current.Session[SysConst.S_LOGIN_USER];
            string     res   = string.Empty;

                string sql = "select OrderNO as BatchNO,Shipmentdate,ItemCode as PartNO,Component_Part as OperationCode,replace(Qty,'.0000','') as Quantity," +
                             "MaterialQty as MaterialQty,Unit as ContainerType from ARG_OrderListBom_v  IR where 1=1 ";

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderno))
                    sql = sql + " and IR.OrderNO like '%" + orderno + "%'";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(itemcode))
                    sql = sql + " and IR.ItemCode like  '%" + itemcode + "%'";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(material))
                    sql = sql + " and IR.Component_Part like '%" + material + "%'";

                sql = sql + " order by IR.ORDERNO,IR.ITEMCODE,IR.Shipmentdate ASC,IR.COMPONENT_PART";

                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                ds = FGA_DAL.Base.SQLServerHelper_WMS.Query(sql);
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    List <PlexContainer> luw = new List <PlexContainer>();
                    foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        PlexContainer ERM = new PlexContainer(row);

                    JavaScriptSerializer jssl = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    jssl.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue;

                    res = jssl.Serialize(luw);
                    res = res.Replace("\\/Date(", "").Replace(")\\/", "");
            catch (Exception e)
                string aa = e.Message;
                if (aa.Length > 1)
                    res = aa;
コード例 #5
        public static string GetDAContainer(string serialno)
            string res = string.Empty;

                List <PlexContainer> luw = new List <PlexContainer>();
                PlexContainer        PC  = new PlexContainer();

                FGA_NUtility.POL.ExecuteDataSourceResult da_rst = PlexHelper.PlexGetResult_1("7836", "Containers_By_Part_Get",
                                                                                             "@Serial_No", serialno);

                string location = da_rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[17].Value;
                if (location.IndexOf("FGA") < 0 && location.IndexOf("FGS") < 0)
                    PC.SerialNO        = da_rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[10].Value;
                    PC.PartNO          = da_rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[3].Value;
                    PC.Quantity        = decimal.Parse(da_rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[15].Value);
                    PC.OperationNo     = da_rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[7].Value;
                    PC.Location        = location;
                    PC.ContainerStatus = da_rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[19].Value;

                    JavaScriptSerializer jssl = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    res = jssl.Serialize(luw);
                    res = "loc_error";
            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #6
        public static string SearchData(string batchno, string status, string floc, string tloc, string fdate, string tdate)
            UsersModel model = (UsersModel)HttpContext.Current.Session[SysConst.S_LOGIN_USER];

            if (status == "Both")
                status = "'In Progress','Finish'";
            if (status == "In Progress")
                status = "'In Progress'";
            if (status == "Finish")
                status = "'Finish'";

            string sql      = "";
            string sql_d    = "";
            string sqlquery = "";
            string res      = string.Empty;

                if (model.USERNAME != "administrator")
                    sql = " SELECT a.[Organization],a.[OperationNo],a.[TransactionType],a.[SerialNO],a.[PartNO],a.[From_LOC],a.[To_LOC],a.[Quantity],a.[Creater],a.[Createdate],a.[BatchNO],a.[ContainerStatus]" +
                          " FROM [ProcessHOAudit_T]  a where a.[ContainerStatus] in (" + status + ") AND a.[Organization]+a.[OperationNo] IN (SELECT ORGANIZATION + OPERATION FROM UserCtrl U WHERE U.USERNAME = '******')";
                if (model.USERNAME == "administrator")
                    sql = " SELECT [Organization],[OperationNo],[TransactionType],[SerialNO],[PartNO],[From_LOC],[To_LOC],[Quantity],[Creater],[Createdate],[BatchNO],[ContainerStatus] " +
                          " FROM [ProcessHOAudit_T] a where a.[ContainerStatus] in (" + status + ") ";
                if (fdate != "")
                    sql = sql + " and a.Createdate between cast('" + fdate + "' as datetime) and cast('" + tdate + "' as datetime)";
                if (batchno != "")
                    sql = sql + " and a.BatchNO = '" + batchno + "'";
                if (floc != "")
                    sql = sql + " and a.From_LOC like  '" + floc + "'";
                if (tloc != "")
                    sql = sql + " and a.To_LOC like  '" + tloc + "'";

                if (model.USERNAME != "administrator")
                    sql_d = " SELECT p.[Organization],p.[Operation],p.[TransactionType],p.SERIALNO,p.PARTNO,p.FROM_LOC,p.TO_LOC,p.QUANTITY,p.CREATER,p.CREATEDATE," +
                            " p.BATCHNO,'Finish' FROM PROCESSHANDOVER_T p  WHERE p.[ContainerStatus] in (" + status + ") AND p.[Organization]+p.[Operation] IN (SELECT ORGANIZATION + OPERATION FROM UserCtrl U WHERE U.USERNAME = '******')";
                if (model.USERNAME == "administrator")
                    sql_d = " SELECT p.[Organization],p.[Operation],p.[TransactionType],p.SERIALNO,p.PARTNO,p.FROM_LOC,p.TO_LOC,p.QUANTITY,p.CREATER,p.CREATEDATE," +
                            " p.BATCHNO,'Finish' FROM PROCESSHANDOVER_T p WHERE p.[ContainerStatus] in (" + status + ")";

                if (fdate != "")
                    sql_d = sql_d + " and p.Createdate between cast('" + fdate + "' as datetime) and cast('" + tdate + "' as datetime)";
                if (batchno != "")
                    sql_d = sql_d + " and p.BatchNO = '" + batchno + "'";
                if (floc != "")
                    sql_d = sql_d + " and p.From_LOC like  '" + floc + "'";
                if (tloc != "")
                    sql_d = sql_d + " and p.To_LOC like  '" + tloc + "'";

                sqlquery = " select aa. [Organization],aa.[OperationNo],aa.[TransactionType],aa.[SerialNO],aa.[PartNO],aa.[From_LOC],aa.[To_LOC],aa.[Quantity],aa.[Creater],aa.[Createdate],aa.[BatchNO],aa.[ContainerStatus] from " +

                           " (" + sql + " union all " + sql_d + ") aa  order by aa.[Creater] desc";

                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                ds = FGA_DAL.Base.SQLServerHelper.Query(sqlquery);
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    List <PlexContainer> luw = new List <PlexContainer>();
                    foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        PlexContainer ERM = new PlexContainer(row);

                    JavaScriptSerializer jssl = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    res = jssl.Serialize(luw);
                    res = res.Replace("\\/Date(", "").Replace(")\\/", "");
            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #7
        public static string setSerialNO(string data)
            string        res = string.Empty;
            PlexContainer pc  = new PlexContainer();

            FGA_NUtility.POL.ExecuteDataSourceResult result = PlexHelper.PlexGetResult_1("7836", "Containers_By_Part_Get",
                                                                                         "@Serial_No", data.Substring(0, 8));

            if (result.ResultSets != null)
                pc.SerialNO        = result.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[10].Value;                     // SerialNO
                pc.PartNO          = result.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[3].Value;                      // PartNO
                pc.PartKey         = result.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[0].Value;                      // PartKey
                pc.Location        = result.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[17].Value;                     // Location
                pc.Quantity        = Convert.ToDecimal(result.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[15].Value);  // Quantity
                pc.ContainerStatus = result.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[19].Value;                     // Status
                pc.Createdate      = Convert.ToDateTime(result.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[39].Value); // ADD_DATE

                string das = data.Substring(data.IndexOf("*") + 1);
                string dd  = "\'\'0\'\'";
                if (das.Length >= 8)
                    for (int i = 0; i < das.Length; i = i + 8)
                        dd = dd + ',' + '\'' + '\'' + das.Substring(i, 8) + '\'' + '\'';
                int tday = 0;
                if (pc.PartNO.Substring(0, 2) == "BB")
                    tday = 7;
                if (pc.PartNO.Substring(0, 2) == "AB")
                    tday = 7;

                string sql = "SELECT top(1) Q.Serial_No,Q.Part_No,Q.location,Q.Quantity,Q.add_date,dateadd(Day," + tday + ",Q.add_date) vdate " +
                             " FROM OPENQUERY(PLEXODBC, " +
                             " 'select a.serial_no,b.Part_No,c.Location,a.Quantity,a.Add_Date add_date " +
                             " from Part_v_Container a,Part_v_Part b,Common_v_Location c,Common_v_Building d  " +
                             " where 1=1 and a.Quantity>0 and a.Part_Key=b.Part_Key and c.Location=a.Location " +
                             " and c.Building_Key=d.Building_Key and (d.Building_code in (''FG_Warehouse'',''M_Warehouse'') or a.location like ''C%'') " +
                             " and a.Container_Status=''OK'' and a.active=''1'' " +
                             " and a.Part_Key = " + pc.PartKey + " and a.serial_no not in (" + dd + ")" +
                             " order by a.Add_Date  asc') AS Q";

                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                ds = FGA_DAL.Base.SQLServerHelper_WMS.Query(sql);
                string rst1, rst2, rst3, rst4, rst5, rst = null;
                string rst6 = null;
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    rst1 = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] == DBNull.Value ? null : Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
                    rst2 = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1] == DBNull.Value ? null : Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1]);
                    rst3 = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][2] == DBNull.Value ? null : Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][2]);
                    rst4 = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][3] == DBNull.Value ? null : Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][3]);
                    rst5 = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][4] == DBNull.Value ? null : Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][4]);
                    rst6 = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][5] == DBNull.Value ? null : Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][5]);

                    rst = rst1 + " _PART:" + rst2 + " _LOCATION:" + rst3 + " _QTY:" + rst4 + " _ADDDATE:" + rst5 + " _VDATE:" + rst6;

                    DateTime vdate = Convert.ToDateTime(rst6);
                    if (pc.Createdate < vdate)
                        JavaScriptSerializer jssl = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                        res = jssl.Serialize(pc);
                        res = res.Replace("\\/Date(", "").Replace(")\\/", "");
                        res = "0" + rst;
                    JavaScriptSerializer jssl = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    res = jssl.Serialize(pc);
                    res = res.Replace("\\/Date(", "").Replace(")\\/", "");

コード例 #8
        public static string transferToAudit(string data, string org, string transaction)
            string errors = "";

                string puser  = (HttpContext.Current.Session[SysConst.S_LOGIN_USER] as UsersModel).USERNAME;
                string plexid = (HttpContext.Current.Session[SysConst.S_LOGIN_USER] as UsersModel).PLEXID;

                PlexContainer        model       = new PlexContainer();
                List <PlexContainer> listmodel   = new List <PlexContainer>();
                List <PlexContainer> listmodel_t = new List <PlexContainer>();
                JavaScriptSerializer jssl        = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                listmodel = jssl.Deserialize <List <PlexContainer> >(data);
                List <string> sqllist = new List <string>();
                string        sql1    = "";
                string        sql2    = "";

                foreach (PlexContainer m in listmodel)
                    string tt     = "";
                    string sql_tt = "SELECT [TRANSFERTYPE] FROM [FGA_PARTTRANSFER_T] " +
                                    " where [OPERATION] = '" + m.OperationNo + "' and [FLOC] ='" + m.Location + "' and [TLOC] = '" + m.TLoc + "' ";
                    DataSet ds_seq = new DataSet();
                    ds_seq = FGA_DAL.Base.SQLServerHelper.Query(sql_tt);
                    if (ds_seq != null && ds_seq.Tables.Count > 0 && ds_seq.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        tt             = ds_seq.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString();
                        m.TransferType = tt;


                    if (tt == "" || tt == null)
                        errors += "ROW: " + m.rn;

                if (errors == "")
                    foreach (PlexContainer m in listmodel_t)
                        if (m.TransferType == "Indirect")
                            sql1 = "insert into ProcessHOAudit_T([Organization],[OperationNO],[TransactionType],[SerialNO],[PartNO],[From_LOC],[To_LOC],[Quantity] " +
                                   " ,[Creater],[Createdate],[ContainerStatus],[BatchNO]) values('" + org + "','" + m.OperationNo + "','" + transaction + "','{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}',{4},'{5}',getdate(),'In Progress','{6}') ";
                            sql1 = string.Format(sql1, m.SerialNO, m.PartNO, m.Location, m.TLoc, m.Quantity, puser, m.BatchNO);
                        if (m.TransferType == "Direct")
                            bool rt = true;
                            FGA_NUtility.POL.ExecuteDataSourceResult esr = PlexHelper.PlexGetResult_4("27181", "Container_Update_Simple", "@Serial_No", "@Last_Action", "@Location", "@Update_By",
                                                                                                      m.SerialNO, "Updated at Inventory Update Form", m.TLoc, plexid);

                            rt = esr.Error;
                            if (!rt)
                                sql2 = "insert into [ProcessHandOver_T]([SerialNO],[PartNO],[From_LOC],[To_LOC]  " +
                                       ",[Quantity],[Creater],[Createdate],[ContainerStatus], " +
                                       " [Receiver],[ReceptionDate],[BatchNO],[Operation],[Organization],[TransferType],[TransactionType])" +
                                       " values('" + m.SerialNO + "','" + m.PartNO + "','" + m.Location + "','" + m.TLoc + "'," + m.Quantity + ",'" + puser + "',getdate(),'Finish'," +
                                       " '" + puser + "',getdate(),'" + m.BatchNO + "','" + m.OperationNo + "','" + org + "','Direct','" + transaction + "') ";


                    if (FGA_DAL.Base.SQLServerHelper.ExecuteSqlTran(sqllist) > 0)
            { return(errors); }

コード例 #9
        public static string GetDAContainer(string data, string opt, string trans, string org)
            string res = string.Empty;

                string  sql    = "SELECT * FROM [FGA_PLATFORM].[dbo].[ProcessHOAudit_T] where SerialNO = '" + data + "' and OperationNo = '" + opt + "' and ContainerStatus = 'In Progress'";
                DataSet ds_seq = new DataSet();
                ds_seq = FGA_DAL.Base.SQLServerHelper.Query(sql);
                if (ds_seq != null && ds_seq.Tables.Count > 0 && ds_seq.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    res = "0";
                    Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

                    string  sql_floc = "SELECT [FLOC] FROM [FGA_PLATFORM].[dbo].[FGA_PARTTRANSFER_T] where OPERATION = '" + opt + "' and TRANSACTIONTYPE = '" + trans + "' and ORGANIZATION = '" + org + "'";
                    DataSet ds_floc  = new DataSet();
                    ds_floc = FGA_DAL.Base.SQLServerHelper.Query(sql_floc);
                    if (ds_floc != null && ds_floc.Tables.Count > 0 && ds_floc.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < ds_floc.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                            ht.Add(ds_floc.Tables[0].Rows[i][0], i);

                    List <PlexContainer> luw = new List <PlexContainer>();
                    PlexContainer        PC  = new PlexContainer();

                    if (data != "" && data != null)
                        FGA_NUtility.POL.ExecuteDataSourceResult rst = PlexHelper.PlexGetResult_1("7836", "Containers_By_Part_Get",
                                                                                                  "@Serial_No", data);

                        PC.SerialNO        = data;
                        PC.PartNO          = rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[3].Value;
                        PC.OperationNo     = rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[7].Value;
                        PC.Quantity        = decimal.Parse(rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[15].Value);
                        PC.Location        = rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[17].Value;
                        PC.ContainerStatus = rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[19].Value;

                        if (PC.OperationNo.Equals(opt))
                            if (ht.Contains(PC.Location))

                                JavaScriptSerializer jssl = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                                res = jssl.Serialize(luw);
                                res = "2";
            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #10
        public static string GetDAContainer(string serialno, string loadid, string cpos)
            string res = string.Empty;

                List <PlexContainer> luw = new List <PlexContainer>();
                PlexContainer        PC  = new PlexContainer();

                //从plex中获取DA的信息,判断DA号对应的编码是否与small lot相符合
                //编码一致,如果数量大于等于small lot数量
                //////(2)数量大于small lot时进行自动split
                //编码一致,如果数量小于small lot数量则直接报错
                FGA_NUtility.POL.ExecuteDataSourceResult da_rst = PlexHelper.PlexGetResult_1("7836", "Containers_By_Part_Get",
                                                                                             "@Serial_No", serialno);

                string location = da_rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[17].Value;
                if (location.IndexOf("OT") < 0 && location.IndexOf("OL") < 0)
                    PC.SerialNO = da_rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[10].Value;
                    PC.PartNO   = da_rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[3].Value;
                    PC.Quantity = decimal.Parse(da_rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[0].Columns[15].Value);

                    string partno = "";
                    int    qty    = 0;
                    string sql    = "SELECT PART_NO,QUANTITY FROM FGA_LOADDETAIL_T WHERE LOADID = '" + loadid + "' AND POSITION = " + cpos + "";

                    DataSet ds_seq = new DataSet();
                    ds_seq = FGA_DAL.Base.SQLServerHelper.Query(sql);
                    if (ds_seq != null && ds_seq.Tables.Count > 0 && ds_seq.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        partno = ds_seq.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString();
                        qty    = Convert.ToInt32(ds_seq.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString());

                    if (partno.Equals(PC.PartNO))
                        if (PC.Quantity >= qty)
                            if (PC.Quantity == qty)
                                JavaScriptSerializer jssl = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                                res = jssl.Serialize(luw);
                                FGA_NUtility.POL.ExecuteDataSourceResult result = PlexHelper.PlexGetResult_3("9920", "Container_Split_RF", "@Serial_No", "@Quantity", "@ModUser",
                                                                                                             serialno, qty.ToString(), "2786442");
                                FGA_NUtility.POL.ExecuteDataSourceResult rst = PlexHelper.PlexGetResult_2("33468", "Containers_By_Last_Action_Today_Get",
                                                                                                          "@Last_Action", "@From_Container", "Split Container", serialno);

                                int a = 0;
                                int b = 0;
                                int c = 0;

                                for (int i = 0; i < rst.ResultSets[0].RowCount; i++)
                                    a = Int32.Parse(rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[i].Columns[0].Value.Substring(1, 7));

                                    if (a > b)
                                        b = a;
                                        c = i;

                                PC.SerialNO = rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[c].Columns[0].Value;
                                PC.PartNO   = rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[c].Columns[2].Value;
                                PC.Quantity = decimal.Parse(rst.ResultSets[0].Rows[c].Columns[6].Value);

                                JavaScriptSerializer jssl = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                                res = jssl.Serialize(luw);
                            res = "qty_error";
                    res = "loc_error";
            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #11
        public static string SearchData(string batchno, string status, string floc, string tloc, string fdate, string tdate)
            UsersModel model = (UsersModel)HttpContext.Current.Session[SysConst.S_LOGIN_USER];

            if (status == "Both")
                status = "'In Progress','Finish','Reject'";
            if (status == "In Progress")
                status = "'In Progress'";
            if (status == "Reject")
                status = "'Reject'";
            if (status == "Finish")
                status = "'Finish'";

            string sql = "";
            string res = string.Empty;

                if (model.USERNAME != "administrator")
                    sql = " SELECT a.[Organization],a.[OperationNo],a.[TransactionType],a.[SerialNO],a.[PartNO],a.[From_LOC],a.[To_LOC],a.[Quantity],a.[Creater],a.[Createdate],a.[BatchNO],a.[ContainerStatus]" +
                          " FROM [ProcessHOAudit_T]  a join userctrl b on a.operationno = b.operation " +
                          " and a.transactiontype = substring(b.[TRANSACTIONTYPE],0,7) and len(b.[TRANSACTIONTYPE]) >6 and b.[USERNAME] = '" + model.USERNAME + "'" +
                          " where a.[ContainerStatus] in (" + status + ") ";
                if (model.USERNAME == "administrator")
                    sql = " SELECT [Organization],[OperationNo],[TransactionType],[SerialNO],[PartNO],[From_LOC],[To_LOC],[Quantity],[Creater],[Createdate],[BatchNO],[ContainerStatus] " +
                          " FROM [ProcessHOAudit_T] a where a.[ContainerStatus] in (" + status + ") ";
                if (fdate != "")
                    sql = sql + " and a.Createdate between cast('" + fdate + "' as datetime) and cast('" + tdate + "' as datetime)";
                if (batchno != "")
                    sql = sql + " and a.BatchNO = '" + batchno + "'";
                if (floc != "")
                    sql = sql + " and a.From_LOC like  '" + floc + "'";
                if (tloc != "")
                    sql = sql + " and a.To_LOC like  '" + tloc + "'";

                sql = sql + " order by a.Createdate desc";
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                ds = FGA_DAL.Base.SQLServerHelper.Query(sql);
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    List <PlexContainer> luw = new List <PlexContainer>();
                    foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        PlexContainer ERM = new PlexContainer(row);

                    JavaScriptSerializer jssl = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    res = jssl.Serialize(luw);
                    res = res.Replace("\\/Date(", "").Replace(")\\/", "");
            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #12
        public static string SearchData(string serialno, string status, string factory, string partno, string keycenter,
                                        string fdate, string tdate)
            UsersModel model = (UsersModel)HttpContext.Current.Session[SysConst.S_LOGIN_USER];

            string sql = "";
            string res = string.Empty;

                sql = "select CASE WHEN IR.ORGANIZATION = 'OT' or IR.ORGANIZATION = 'F2'  THEN 'F2' " +
                      " WHEN IR.ORGANIZATION = 'OL' or IR.ORGANIZATION = 'F1' THEN 'F1' " +
                      " WHEN IR.ORGANIZATION = 'OE' or IR.ORGANIZATION = 'F3' THEN 'F3' " +
                      " WHEN IR.ORGANIZATION = 'F4' THEN 'F4' " +
                      " END ORGANIZATION," +
                      " IR.SerialNO,IR.PartNO,IR.KEYCENTER,IR.From_LOC,IR.Quantity,IR.To_LOC,IR.Creater,IR.Createdate,IR.IRType from " +
                      " (select OIR.[SerialNO],OIR.[Part] as PartNO,PM.KEYCENTER,substring(OIR.[F_Location],0,3) as Organization,OIR.[F_Location] as From_LOC,OIR.[Quanity] as Quantity,OIR.[T_Location] as To_LOC,OIR.[Creater] , " +
                      " OIR.[Createdate],'InBound' AS IRType from OEM_IR OIR left join PartKeyCenterMapping pm on OIR.Part = PM.PARTNO WHERE FT_LOCATION LIKE 'F%I' and createdate >= cast('2017-04-24' as datetime) " +
                      " union all " +
                      " select OIR.[SerialNO],OIR.[Part] as PartNO,PM.KEYCENTER,substring(OIR.[F_Location],0,3) as Organization,OIR.[F_Location] as From_LOC,OIR.[Quanity]*-1 as Quantity,OIR.[T_Location] as To_LOC,OIR.[Creater] , " +
                      " OIR.[Createdate],'Return' AS IRType from OEM_IR OIR left join PartKeyCenterMapping pm on OIR.Part = PM.PARTNO WHERE  FT_LOCATION LIKE 'O%R'  and createdate >= cast('2017-04-24' as datetime)" +
                      " union all " +
                      " SELECT [SerialNO],[Part],'','F4' as Organization,[F_Location],[Quanity],[T_Location],UI.UserName,[Createdate],'InBound' AS IRType " +
                      " FROM[WMS_BarCode_V10].[dbo].[ARG_IR_PLEX] AI left join [Security_V10].[dbo].[UserInfo]  UI ON AI.Creater = UI.Phone where TYPE = 'InBound' " +
                      " union all " +
                      " SELECT [SerialNO],[Part],'','F4' as Organization,[F_Location],[Quanity],[T_Location],UI.UserName,[Createdate],'Return' AS IRType " +
                      " FROM[WMS_BarCode_V10].[dbo].[ARG_IR_PLEX] AI left join [Security_V10].[dbo].[UserInfo] UI ON " +
                      " AI.Creater = UI.Phone where TYPE = 'Return') IR WHERE 1=1";

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(serialno))
                    sql = sql + " and IR.SerialNO = '" + serialno + "'";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(partno))
                    sql = sql + " and IR.PartNO like  '" + partno + "'";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(factory))
                    if (factory == "All")
                        sql = sql + " and IR.Organization in ('F1','F2','F3','F4')";
                        sql = sql + " and IR.Organization = '" + factory + "'";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(keycenter))
                    if (keycenter != "All")
                        sql = sql + " and IR.keycenter = '" + keycenter + "'";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fdate))
                    sql = sql + " and IR.Createdate >= cast('" + fdate + "' as datetime)";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tdate))
                    sql = sql + " and IR.Createdate <= DATEADD(day,1,cast('" + tdate + "' as datetime)) ";

                sql = sql + " order by IR.createDate";

                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                ds = FGA_DAL.Base.SQLServerHelper_WMS.Query(sql);
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    List <PlexContainer> luw = new List <PlexContainer>();
                    foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        PlexContainer ERM = new PlexContainer(row);

                    JavaScriptSerializer jssl = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    jssl.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue;
                    res = jssl.Serialize(luw);
                    res = res.Replace("\\/Date(", "").Replace(")\\/", "");
            catch (Exception e)