コード例 #1
    IEnumerator Shoot()
        // We need to wait before the particle system is fully ready before we start to call for our emission
        while (!particles.Initialized())
            yield return(null);

        // Set variables
        float rotationSpeed = 360f / numberOfParticles;
        float timeDone;

        // Set particle count to match the amount needed
        particles.particleCount = numberOfParticles * cycles;

        // Wait before emission starts (if applicable)
        if (yieldBeforeEmission > 0)
            timeDone = PlaygroundC.globalTime + yieldBeforeEmission;
            while (PlaygroundC.globalTime < timeDone)
                yield return(null);

        // Loop through every cycle (c) and particle (p)
        for (int c = 0; c < cycles; c++)
            for (int p = 0; p < numberOfParticles; p++)
                // Emit a particle in rotated direction
                particles.Emit(thisTransform.position, thisTransform.right * force, isSameLifetime? maximumLifetime : Random.Range(minimumLifetime, maximumLifetime), color);

                // Rotate towards direction
                thisTransform.Rotate(rotationNormal * rotationSpeed);

                // Wait for next emission (if applicable)
                if (yieldBetweenShots > 0)
                    timeDone = PlaygroundC.globalTime + yieldBetweenShots;
                    while (PlaygroundC.globalTime < timeDone)
                        yield return(null);

            // Wait for next cycle (if applicable)
            if (yieldBetweenCycles > 0)
                timeDone = PlaygroundC.globalTime + yieldBetweenCycles;
                while (PlaygroundC.globalTime < timeDone)
                    yield return(null);

        // Return if not in Play Mode in Editor
                #if UNITY_EDITOR
        if (!UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying)
            yield break;

        // Wait for action when last particle's lifetime is over
        switch (whenDone)
        case WhenDoneCircleShot.Inactivate:
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(maximumLifetime));


        case WhenDoneCircleShot.Destroy:
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(maximumLifetime));
