//updates the status of the quest public void updateQuestCompleteStatus(Player_Log player_Log) { currentDefeatedCount = player_Log.getTotalDefeatedViaEnemyType(targetName) - countAtAddedTime; if (currentDefeatedCount == requiredDefeatCount) { questComplete = true; //fire a notification of quest completion DialogueSystem.Main.displayNotification("You Have Completed " + questName + ", go to " + questGiver + " to finish and get your reward"); Debug.Log(questComplete); } List <GameObject> temp = new List <GameObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; i++) { if (targets[i] != null) { temp.Add(targets[i]); } } targets = temp; }
//Saving the attackLog public void savePlayerLog(Player_Log player_Log) { this.attackLog = player_Log.getAttackLog().ToArray(); totalSpirits = player_Log.getTotalDefeatedViaEnemyType(Player_Log.SpiritEnemy); }