コード例 #1
        private void Awake()
            string type = typeof(T).ToString();

            // Allows data to be kept over multiple sessions.
            m_ResultSize = new Vector2Int(PlayerPrefs.GetInt(type + "_RESULTSIZE_X", 512), PlayerPrefs.GetInt(type + "_RESULTSIZE_Y", 512));

            string[] boxes = PlayerPrefsUtil.GetStringArray(type + "_BOXKEYS", string.Empty);

            foreach (string box in boxes)
                string    texturePath = PlayerPrefs.GetString(type + "_TEXPATH_" + box, string.Empty);
                Texture2D texture     = null;

                if (texturePath != string.Empty)
                    Texture2D pathResult = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>(texturePath);

                    if (pathResult != null)
                        texture = pathResult;

                TextureColorContainer container = new TextureColorContainer(
                    PlayerPrefsUtil.GetBool(type + "_ISCOLOR_" + box, false),
                    PlayerPrefsUtil.GetColor(type + "_COLOR_" + box, Color.black));

                m_ComponentBoxes.Add(box, container);

            SetSaveableValues(PlayerPrefsUtil.GetFloatArray(type + "_SAVEABLES"));