コード例 #1
        public WinningPlayerData(IntPtr baseAddr, ProcessMemory MemInstance, GameOffsets CurrentOffsets)
            unsafe {
                var    baseAddrCopy = baseAddr;
                int    last         = MemInstance.OffsetAddress(ref baseAddrCopy, 0, 0);
                int    size         = ((int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)((8 + CurrentOffsets.WinningPlayerDataStructOffsets.IsDeadOffset) / 8))) * 8; //Find the nearest multiple of 8
                byte[] buffer       = MemInstance.Read(baseAddrCopy + last, size);
                PlayerOutfitStructOffsets      oOf = CurrentOffsets.PlayerOutfitStructOffsets;
                WinningPlayerDataStructOffsets pOf = CurrentOffsets.WinningPlayerDataStructOffsets;
                fixed(byte *ptr = buffer)
                    var buffptr = (IntPtr)ptr;

                    Name    = MemInstance.ReadString(MemInstance.Read <IntPtr>(baseAddrCopy, oOf.PlayerNameOffset), CurrentOffsets.StringOffsets[0], CurrentOffsets.StringOffsets[1]);
                    ColorId = (int)Marshal.ReadInt32(buffptr, oOf.ColorIDOffset);
                    // TODO: Since IDs are changed from enum to string like "hat_police", renaming or mapping existing svgs to string is required
                    // TODO: As a workaround just fill with 0 as IDs
                    HatId      = 0;
                    PetId      = 0;
                    SkinId     = 0;
                    IsImpostor = Marshal.ReadByte(buffptr, pOf.IsImposterOffset) == 1;
                    IsDead     = Marshal.ReadByte(buffptr, pOf.IsDeadOffset) > 0;
                    IsYou      = Marshal.ReadByte(buffptr, pOf.IsYouOffset) == 1;
コード例 #2
        public IntPtr _object; //Assume this always has largest offset

        public PlayerInfo(IntPtr baseAddr, ProcessMemory MemInstance, GameOffsets CurrentOffsets)
            unsafe {
                var    baseAddrCopy           = baseAddr;
                int    last                   = MemInstance.OffsetAddress(ref baseAddrCopy, 0, 0);
                var    intPtrSize             = MemInstance.is64Bit ? 8 : 4;
                int    size                   = ((int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)((intPtrSize + CurrentOffsets.PlayerInfoStructOffsets.ObjectOffset) / 8))) * 8; //Find the nearest multiple of 8
                byte[] buffer                 = MemInstance.Read(baseAddrCopy + last, size);
                PlayerInfoStructOffsets   pOf = CurrentOffsets.PlayerInfoStructOffsets;
                PlayerOutfitStructOffsets oOf = CurrentOffsets.PlayerOutfitStructOffsets;
                var outfit = MemInstance.Read <IntPtr>(baseAddrCopy, pOf.OutfitsOffset);
                fixed(byte *ptr = buffer)
                    var buffptr = (IntPtr)ptr;

                    PlayerId     = Marshal.ReadByte(buffptr, pOf.PlayerIDOffset);
                    Disconnected = Marshal.ReadByte(buffptr, pOf.DisconnectedOffset) > 0;
                    Tasks        = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(buffptr, pOf.TasksOffset);
                    IsDead       = Marshal.ReadByte(buffptr, pOf.IsDeadOffset) > 0;
                    _object      = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(buffptr, pOf.ObjectOffset);

                    // Read from Role
                    RoleType     = (uint)MemInstance.Read <int>(baseAddrCopy, pOf.RoleTypeOffset);
                    RoleTeamType = (uint)MemInstance.Read <int>(baseAddrCopy, pOf.RoleTeamTypeOffset);
                    IsImpostor   = RoleTeamType == 1;

                    // Read from PlayerOutfit
                    PlayerName = MemInstance.ReadString(MemInstance.Read <IntPtr>(outfit, oOf.PlayerNameOffset), CurrentOffsets.StringOffsets[0], CurrentOffsets.StringOffsets[1]);
                    ColorId    = (PlayerColor)(uint)MemInstance.Read <int>(outfit, oOf.ColorIDOffset);
                    // TODO: Since IDs are changed from enum to string like "hat_police", renaming or mapping existing svgs to string is required
                    // TODO: As a workaround just fill with 0 as IDs
                    //HatId = MemInstance.ReadString(MemInstance.Read<IntPtr>(outfit, oOf.HatIDOffset), CurrentOffsets.StringOffsets[0], CurrentOffsets.StringOffsets[1]);
                    //PetId = MemInstance.ReadString(MemInstance.Read<IntPtr>(outfit, oOf.PetIDOffset), CurrentOffsets.StringOffsets[0], CurrentOffsets.StringOffsets[1]);
                    //SkinId = MemInstance.ReadString(MemInstance.Read<IntPtr>(outfit, oOf.SkinIDOffset), CurrentOffsets.StringOffsets[0], CurrentOffsets.StringOffsets[1]);
                    HatId  = 0;
                    PetId  = 0;
                    SkinId = 0;