KeepPlayingIfYouHaveToOrTheNextPlayerCouldNotPlay_HasToPlayAndNextPlayerCouldPlay_DecisionUndecided() { // has to play 60 or 3 var cards = new ReadOnlyCollection <int>(new List <int> { 60, 3 }); var rows = TestHelper.GetPreparedRows(1, 2, 70, 75); var comm = new List <(int, PlayerCommunication)>(); var info = new PlayerInformation(1, 2, rows, comm); var result = PlayerMoveRules.KeepPlayingIfYouHaveToOrTheNextPlayerCouldNotPlay(cards, info); Assert.That(result.Decision, Is.EqualTo(PlayerMoveDecision.Undecided)); }
KeepPlayingIfYouHaveToOrTheNextPlayerCouldNotPlay_DoesNotHaveToPlayButNextPlayerCouldNotPlay_DecisionUndecided() { // could play 60 or 3, but does not have to, but should var cards = new ReadOnlyCollection <int>(new List <int> { 60, 3 }); var rows = TestHelper.GetPreparedRows(1, 2, 70, 75); var comm = new List <(int, PlayerCommunication)> { (1, new PlayerCommunication(RowOfCardsIdentifier.FirstRowUp, PlayerCommunicationType.CanNotPlay)) }; var info = new PlayerInformation(3, 2, rows, comm); var result = PlayerMoveRules.KeepPlayingIfYouHaveToOrTheNextPlayerCouldNotPlay(cards, info); Assert.That(result.Decision, Is.EqualTo(PlayerMoveDecision.Undecided)); }